Weird Weather of '09 #10

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Sally, please extend birthday wishes to your mom from NJ. Love the idea of celebrating a birthday month.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Happy birthday to mom from me. How long have you thought that your last day with your mom was iminate? My mom is 87 and every time I leave I think it will be the last time I tell her I love her. She lives in Michigan and I in Montana so we only see each other about 5 or 6 times a year. She still drives me crazy with constant talking and I never get a word in but I do love her?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Sally - birthday wishes to your mom from me, too!! 95 and still headed to the casino. She is surely something to emulate.

I know what you mean, Shelly, about the weather. I hope for some rain today, but tonight I'd like to get some more work done before it gets dark. My gardening companions aren't so keen on hanging out in the rain with me. They don't mind getting muddy and filthy, but they don't like the water . . . goofballs.

I live near a wetland and have come in with 20 or 30 bug bites each night. Tonight I'll slather up with some off. They itching is driving me crazy.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

definitely raining today. I'm going to give it maybe one more hour and then head out rain gear and all. We need the rain. But, darn it.... rain at night and sun during the day!!! I agree about those companions.... such fair weather gardeners! lol

Good luck with the bugs. I've noticed them out quite a bit already too. I've already turned to off a few times this year. I'm so glad that product exists!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I suppose it's Mother Nature's way of telling me to vacuum and clean the bathroom, do laundry and unload the dishwasher.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Nice day today here and went for a long motorcycle ride in the mountains. Lots of alpine flowers and best of all I found a place where there are 5 to10 truckloads of landscaping rock! That was before I launched my bike off a pile of rocks and fell with it over 10' down. My helmet was trashed thank God I had it on.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Please take care of yourself! It was a good thing you had your helmet on! geeze..boys and their toys!
Truckloads of rocks sound cool!

Eugene, OR

Sofer...glad you found the rocks, but like Bea said, careful. Buy a really good helmet!

Yep Katie, that's how I spent the day. And I watered my orchids.

Thanks for the bday wishes, I will tell mom. She lives next door to me, so I see her several times a day. She fixes her breakfast and lunch, but she doesn't cook anymore, still putters around the house. But I take care of the big jobs. Found out how to take the shower faucet off yesterday, it was binding up on her. Lubed it up and working fine now. LOL

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Kathy, Now you make me feel guilty. Maybe I am the cause of all of the rotten weather we have been having this winter/spring. Mother nature was snooping in my house, and I never got the hint! So she has kept trying...

Sally, I agree with the b-day wishes for your Mom. She is so lucky to have you around (and so close) so she can still have her independence! My grandma just turned 94, and she still lives in her own house right below us. Sounds like they are in the same boat...puttering around but need help with meals and with the big stuff. Something to strive for to be that with it at that age!

Sofer, Hopefully it was a dirtbike you were riding and not a full blown bike! They are much easier to get back up that 10' drop! Also glad you had a helmet on...much easier to replace a battered helmet than a battered skull! Are your rocks truck accessible? Good for you if they are!

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh yeah..and my nuisance post for the evening:

Anyone who is interested in the first annual PNW Roundup, please see my new thread and give us some help if you can!



Eugene, OR

Sounds like it's going to be fun, wish I could go.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Sally, Wish you could too! Understand your obligations though. Just keep it in mind if you feel like you can get away, even for a little while...we would love to meet you in person!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

It looks like we've lost this thread.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Well today got up to 79 and kinda humid. Tomorrow's high is only supposed to be mid 60's.

Guess what came in the mail today? Go ahead, guess!! Okay, I'll tell you - AHS's A-Z encyclopedia. So excited - already started reading it. Got a good deal on It's used, but the pages are pristine. Do any of you write in your own copies?

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

It was up in the 70s here today and sunny, a nice change from what we had been having.

Eugene, OR

I have a hard time writing in any books. One of those things drummed in when I was a kid. Feel guilty if I do, isn't that crazy?

Wonderful weather here today, I worked outside all day. DH is still gone, so I didn't have to stop for dinner. Even sat on the swing and read for an hour, didn't want to go in. Got up to 79 supposed to be hotter tomorrow. Funny you posted tonight, I was thinking about it this afternoon. Kind of miss our chats.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi pretty warm here fact is still on the warm side here. I wanted to get outside today but not much luck.

Granddaughter stayed over last night and wasn't feeling well so I spent the early part of the day doing laundry and cleaning carpets:( She seems to be doing fine today.

Then we had a memorial service for one of our ladies at church, she will be missed and athe service ran much longer than expected......didn't leave much time to do anything before it was time for Church tonight.

Bike ride tomorrow.....then DH is having his shops Employee meeting at our house tomorrow night......hoping I can squeeze a little time in the yard in between the two. Wish this weather would stay around....

Eugene, OR

Sad about losing a friend. Hope GD is over whatever it was. Birds got to listen my favorite jazz cd and Celtic Woman today, I tend to play it loud since I'm not really close to anyone, that way I can hear it all over the yard.
Have a good ride tomorrow, now we have to be careful of the heat. LOL

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

...Sage seems to be over whatever it was (too much popcorn and ice cream is my guess)

Yes I am notorious for sunburn, DH says I am never's too cold, or too wet....or too dry, or too hot.....told him at least as long as I'm complaining he' ll know I 'm okay! The ride should be great as long as he keeps it knees are not liking the hills these days....heck my knees don't like much these

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Trisha, Funny...I just said almost exactly the same thing about the hot, cold, wet thing on another thread. Guess that is part of being a true PNW'er! Hope you have a great ride tomorrow!

Sally, Sounds like you had the perfect day! Glad your sabbatical lets you play outside too rather than just cleaning inside! Enjoy your day tomorrow!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Julie.....I do have to tell him though that today would have been perfect if I had more time to just get out and enjoy least Larry came and got the grass mowed...

I am hoping to get up to Bark and Garden and The Barn and see what they have to add to the Herb garden....and other Have to Haves;0)

Eugene, OR

Thanks Julie...haven't got as much cleaning done as I wanted. Having trouble with our med. ins. co. that is driving me nuts and meaning hours on the phone. Arghhhhh. And the car decided to need work, still needs a tail light changed, but do you think it go out while I had it at the shop!!! Our friend in the nursing home needed shopping done, took Mom out for her bday (again) this time with friends here in the park, potluck at our clubhouse last night. One night I came home and it was not a really good day, came in the door, turned around to lock the knob and it came off in my hand. After saying a few choice words, I threw it (luckily I didn't break anything) and sat down and had a good cry. Felt better after that. So of course I had to go buy and new knob and put it on. I've been too busy to get anything done. LOL Spent today digging in the dirt, all better now.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

soil- so good for the soul.

Re: PNW weather - no, no, no these are NOT complaints. Rather, we articulate the conditions of the moment, because we are ultra-observant meteorological participants.
I would add that we are the true sun-worshippers in this country. No other area runs a sun-deficit like here.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

LOL LOL LOL! And yes, sun worshipers....should have gotten out of the sun yesterday, but just couldn't make myself. Kinda pink today, but happy!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

"...kinda pink..."
well, thank you!
So glad I have quick reflexes - the coffee got spat back into the cup.
Off to brew #3.........................................=:0)

Eugene, OR a wonderful way with words! You've made our complaints comments sound like professional reports. LOL

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

just to let you all know that its raining here in sitka. I left your beautiful weather to get to alaska for a break. lots of clouds here.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Katye, you have so many appropriate phrases for our world! I had to copy your latest and probably flaunt it to friends in other parts of the country.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Jan 23 I always write in my books. I think books should be used and serve a purpose other that sitting on a shelf. If it is helpful to write it a book, then do so! my gardening books have notes in the margins, a few sketches, and yellow stickies poking out.

Trisha you sound so busy! I am becoming quite lazy as the weather gets warmer. I did manage to get some weeding done and finally planted the snapdragons I bought last week. I am loving columbines and want more more more!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Judi a columbine for you! I love the long tails on this one!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Judi)Portland, OR

Ooooohhh Beahive that is a beautiful photo. Thank you! I think they are just the most interesting plants.

I am so behind in reading the threads since being sick. So if my posts seems disjointed, please forgive me!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Sorry you are still not feeling well. What a time to be sick with all this wonderful weather. Cooling down a bit. 82 high today and 77 degs now. Have all the windows open but there is no breeze to cool down the house. Do no want to start with running A/C yet.Energy bills were high this winter trying to stay warm.
PGE and NW Natural got enough of my money for awhile.

I was on a Columbine kick last year and planted many kinds. Some from seed and others purchased.
They are great plants. I love the ones with these long tails the best.
Here is a nice yellow one growing by my shed.

Feel better soon.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Judi)Portland, OR

I also like the ones with long tails. Mother Nature sure got that one right!

I am actually feeling much better - just get tired easily. But now I have enough energy to walk the dog. Yeeeaaa!

It was hot here today. My house gets a very nice cross breeze both upstairs and down. I went in the basement to do laundry and it was about 60 degrees down there. There is a den with a TV and a bedroom down there so I know where to hang out on hot days & nights!

Eugene, OR

Hot here too, but I was out working in the shed. Stays cool in there if I open the windows. Saw on the news just now that DH got treated to an earthquake tonight. Just a little one, surprised they put one that small on the news. We lived in CA for a long time, so he's used to them.

edited to say....the report I looked at was wrong. It said 1.8 when it was actually 4.7. That would have definitely woke him up!!

This message was edited May 18, 2009 1:22 AM

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I just started humming to myself when I read your post.... 'I feel the earth move under my feet' LOL Now, I'll be humming it all day long.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Jan23, you're too funny!^_^

Eugene, OR

LOL We used to sing that all the time!!! DD said they got shook up pretty good, but no damage. She lives alone with her puppy and was glad her Daddy was there.

Wind is picking up something awful here. Wonder what's blowing in? We're due for rain (again) but not til late. Hope it's a soft one, I just planted things yesterday.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Glad the quake wasn't too huge. I hadn't heard anything about it until you mentioned it here. Ahem, have we seen puppy pictures? I don't recall . . .

We're supposed to have rain tonight and then start another string of sunny and warm weather. Probaby because I planted and watered yesterday . . .

Eugene, OR

That's what they saying......light rain please. Sun's still shining, still very windy.

Never pass up a chance to share pictures. Here's Sophie looking cute.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Eugene, OR

And Sophie looking naughty!!! LOL

Thumbnail by Sally_OR

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