Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #35

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

What a wonderful Mother's day! I just have to share. I got up early, the singing birds were rather loud :) Went outside and was greated by a hummingbird, only the second we've seen this year so far. It was beautiful, green body and red throat.

Started weeding, and found a tiny turtle (what it was doing in my dry yard I have no idea). My husband came out and helped me weed (a once yearly occasion, but he's so helpful it almost makes up for the infrequency of it... got so much done!). Was given a new support system (fancy shepherds hook set up) for my bird feeders so that they will be up higher and can be seen better from the deck. Went to an art festival, where we found a great woodcut print of goldfinches that is perfect for our bedroom we're finally painting....nice :)

Hope you all had wonderful days too! I'm SO enjoying all my flowers from everyone! Another couple of weeks and it should be really picture-worthy!

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Happy Mothers Day everyone!

Star.... Your welcome! They were babies that overwintered from last year.... So they "should" bloom for you this year. It's their 2nd season. I never fed mine at all. Maybe a little in the springtime but after that.... nothing. So give them some neglect besides some water to get them established and when it gets real hot. Hopefully you'll see some blooms this year! :-)


Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Lea, I feel for you. Both my parents are gone now. Mom went fast, at the time, I didn't know it but it was a blessing. Dad had cancer and that was much harder. We will all have different stories about our parents deaths, they are all hard to live through, but we make it through, hopefully with our heads held high. You certainly can hold your head up high. I hope you can feel the long tight hug I'm giving you.

I had to work Mothers Day weekend (all the men at work had the day off????, I guess they have to make their wives and mothers happy too). Besides all the annual flowers I went out and bought for myself (Lala, wish I could have bought them from you), my family took me to see 'Star Trek' at the IMAX theater. What a treat!

I just got done planting my 2 flats of Alyssum last week. We had a threat of frost last night, so I'm glad I hadn't planted anything less hardy.

klstuart, your mothers day sounded picture perfect. I had to smile when you mentioned finding the turtle, what a treat!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Mona!!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday Mona!! Hope you have a great day!!

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday Scicciarella!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Whew! been out of touch while out of town and am catching up with all my threads!

Happy B-day Mona! Hope it is a wonderful, spring gardening day for you (or whatever kind of wonderful spring day you want!)

Lala - congrats on your venture! Sounds like a lot of fun and great for the psyche as well. I hope it continues to goes well and even better than you expect, yet again.

Lea - My prayers are with you and your Dad. I have not been through that slow process with my parents (Dad died suddenly of a heart attack 2 1/2 years ago), but I am seeing it with my dear grandmother who's alzheimer's is so far advanced that she is not communicating in any way. It is so hard to watch. I take some solace in the fact that the doctor's say she is not in pain as far as he can tell (no grimaces, etc.) It is sad to see someone who once was so vibrant and full of life, just laying there staring. I do hope something will "awaken" in your Dad so you have some more joyful times with him and he with you.

I'm enjoying watching the new blooms around here. I've recently had these start to bloom: asters (two kinds), crimson flax, Geranium 'Bill Wallis', giant rain lilies, tidy tips, last years coneflowers, last years shasta daisies (first year to bloom), lavendar salvia coccinea, society garlic, plus I have lot's of tomatoes putting on fruit. Ate my first one right off the vine yesterday, a sweet little baby 'wild cherry' from Jill. Yum!!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow! You've already had tomatoes from the garden! That's awesome! Do be sure to save seed from that lavender Salvia coccinea- I gotta try those next year. Can't wait to see your next pics :-)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Neal. I sure will try to save some seeds from the coccinea and perhaps Danita will have some more, too. I got the seeds from her in the last swap. Maybe I'll have a chance to get some more pics soon, although it might be after the 23rd. My oldest daughter just graduated from college this past weekend and is getting married in 2 weeks. It's a busy and emotional month! Good thing I have gardening to keep me sane!


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

thanks for all the birthday wishes this is great makes me feel ten years younger yes

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Sad lesson learned and a reminder for all. Don't take the pleasant weather for granted and forget to check the forecast. I ate, slept, and lived with the Weather Channel for the last 2 months, often checking it as often as a dozen times a day. But not last night. :-(

I can't believe I did it. Six entire flats of coleus, all of the zins, and a few other odds and ends are nothing but piles of black mush today. Fortunately all of the assembled baskets and the big coleus were up on the deck, but I'm still having a hard time getting rid of the rock that's been sitting in the pit of my stomach all day. Oye.

But not to dwell perpetually on the negative I had another good day of sales. So hip-hip-hurray!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

La, so sorry about your plants :(

Tonya, my mom had alzheimer's and was in the NH for two years and a half years before she got cancer of the throat and that took her, had to thank God for letting her rest in peace finally, it is such a hard thing to deal with. Mom and I were really close.

They gave dad 3 days to a week today, he got pneumonia. I won't be on for a while.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

LeBug, My prayers are with you and your family.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

(((((Lea)))) sorry to hear this news. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

La, I'm so sorry about your plant losses. Glad to hear you're keeping a positive attitude and sales are still good.

Here's a cool shot of Lunaria I wintersowed last year:

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Lea, God bless you for being such a loving caring daughter to your dad~~my heart goes out to you for all that you do for him. (And please don't forget to do something kind for yourself, too, as you go through these trying days.)

Lala, that's a terrible thing to happen to your seedlings! Can we do anything to help your flower business along while you put together Plan B?

Did I mention here (I know I've posted on a couple of threads because I was so excited to see an Ohio garden so complex and beautiful) that I went on a tour of a 2 acre garden here in my neighborhood that was absolutely full of azaleas/rhodies, roses, clematis, every kind of perennial that Bluestone stocks, plus many more, shrubs galore, a water garden, and more and more, and it's all created and cared for by a 76 years old woman alone (no handy man, no DH, no day labor). She said she goes to the gym from October through March, lifting weights, etc., to get in shape for gardening in April! Now that's a role model for me!

My best to all of you . t.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Lea, sorry to hear your Dad has taken such a turn for the worse. I pray for strength and comfort for you right now.

Lala, sorry to hear about your loss of plants! I love how yu look on the bright side, too. Glad you had another good day of sales.


Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

You go LaLa_Jane! I'm very proud of you. ^_^
Don't let a relatively minor (in the long term) set back get you down. Look at how much you've already accomplished! It all started with a dream, and you've made it a reality. I really am proud of you!
LeBug, still praying for your and your family. Going through something similar with my Mother.
I've missed you all.
I hope everyone had a lovely time on Mother's Day.
I wish I had to more to show from the piggy swap seeds, but every time I try to get something accomplished, something else intervenes. That's just how life is. Things will be easier, and I'll have more time to devote to gardening. So you'll be hearing from me more often.
Loved seeing all the photos.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you all. I consider myself quite blessed to have you.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

My Siberian WallFlower and Blue Flax are in bloom!! It's good to have a bit of color, even though -- not much.
The WallFlower has been in bloom about a week now... the Flax just today.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

tcs, the blooms sound pretty. Ours are blooming too. I didn't get the flax from the swap though.

SW, your ginseng seeds are germinating :) I'll have to take a baby pic and post it. Best wishes to your mom too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Diana -- if you want... i can save you seeds for next year. I do believe "Blue" is a second year bloomer, but also reseeds pretty heavily. Red is an annual, so it will bloom first year. if you want some... i'll make note of it in my "Tracker"


ps -- looks like i should start a new thread too.... this one got long.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New Thread..... # 36

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