Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #35

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

only lost a few dafs to the heat my tulips had not opened yet so now with the cooler weather they will last longer but my clematis with the heat and rain are now about six inches tall from nothing last week

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

It is so crazy what a couple days of heat does! I noticed things that I hadn't even seen a sign of flowers a couple days ago starting to bloom! Plants are growing like mad. I really hope we don't get a hard frost - our gardens will be very sorry this season.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

perennials always recover but the foliage will not be great I am lucky that with so many large trees I am not worried about frost at this point but my sisters place which is all open she has not planted anything yet and wont till the may long weekend

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEA!! Hope you had a beautiful day! :-)

Lol! Tonya. No problem! I'll round them up this week and d-mail you.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Just catching up.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it was a good one.

MyGypsyRose. If ya have an extra foxglove wuld love one. I would lvoe to see at least oen bloom here. Maybe a new guy would make my coupel get jealous and do something.

I serious, ( I sayign that now) that if mine don' bloom this year they gonan go the way of compost 5 or six years waitign for a bloom is gettign a little bit rediculous. LOL It like a pregnacy that never ends. LOL

Last year I did a trad e with somebody and they sent be something sounding like bergera??? Anybody might happen to know what I talking about. I need to find out where to put it sun shade or what.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Star, Bergenia cordifolia .
Common Name: pigsqueak
Zone: 3 to 8
Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Saxifragaceae
Missouri Native: No
Native Range: Russia
Height: 1 to 1.5 feet
Spread: 1 to 1.5 feet
Bloom Time: April - May Bloom Data
Bloom Color: Deep pink
Sun: Part shade to full shade
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Bergenia (also called heart-leaved bergenia) is a clump-forming perennial which is primarily grown as a ground cover. Features large rosettes of leathery, glossy, toothed, rounded, dark green leaves (to 10" long by 8" wide) which are heart-shaped at the base. Leaves typically form a thick, slowly-spreading clump of foliage to 12" tall. Foliage turns purplish-bronze in winter. Small dark pink flowers in dense panicles appear within or above the foliage on stout stalks to 16" tall in April. Leaves are often used in floral arrangements. Also commonly called pig squeak because of the noise produced by rubbing a leaf between thumb and finger
Hope that helps, lol.
Was it the right one?

LeBug, I hope you get lots of blooms from the Lavender.

Lea, Happy Belated Birthday!

Critter, I have blooms on my torena(spelling?), thanks to those 80 degree days. I'm loving it!

Only thing I have planted out in the garden are the radishes and they are going gangbusters now. I'm happy to say the rabbits must be finding other things to eat.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I am in awe over the magic of rain. There is no other word that comes close. It's magic! When the forecast called for rain Monday I dragged all the seedlings out of the GH, and toted out all the houseplants. I swear in 2 days time the seedlings have grown 3" and they're all twice as green, lush and perky as they were last week. I don't know all the scientific ins and outs, but whatever is in that rain water that can't be gotten from the tap is worth it's weight in gardener's gold.

I'm excited to say that my annual phlox is blooming and many of the pets now have buds. It's here...spring is really here! And all the seed-sowing hard work is about to pay off. Yippeeeee!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Twofew.. Yep that is it. Thank you very much. What a common name for it pig squeek. Seems fittign somehow that i have a plant named that LOL

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Lala, I hear you on that rain thing! We have had about 5 inches of rain in the last week after a sever drought and it is amazing how quickly things grow. It makes you wonder if you could stare at something for 10 minutes if you could see it move! I, too, am very excited to see the impact his has had on my garden.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Woops, I remember responding about the pigsqueak yesterday I wonder where it went lol I grow mine in the sun and it does good. I have it growing in two places. In Seeds to Bloom it says:

Full sun where summers are mild, part to full shade elsewhere. Must have moist soil in full sun.

One bed is moist the other is dry but they both grow good where they are.

Now I need to go see which thread that comment went on :)

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, I said that yesterday too lol It's so nice to have friends on DG's!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Doies anybody happen to know is there a very deep dark royal purple Origami Serie s Columbine, doe s anybody happen to know?

it has to be this serie s specifically.

Looks like I probably gona have to find a mroe shadier spot for my pip squeek. I thought I had killed it last fall when I got it, it was so sick looking and leave s wa s rottign and fallign off of it , but I ha dcut everythign back and surprise it came back and looks all nic eand green

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

that is columbines for you they are hardy but not long lived so make sure to allow the last few blooms on each plant to go to seed dry them and add them at he bottom of the mother plant each year so they will each year add a few of each, dead head till the end so they will bloom for three times longer mine bloom from may to some of them august but most to mid july just pinch the spent blooms on a regular basis

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, all, just stopped in to say hi and see what's up!? I have missed you all! You seem so organized and with a plan! Very impressive.

I've been off line for a several months and was so surprised to see that you are on Thread #35 upon my return. But saw no sign of Illoquin posting and I missed her. So, thoughtfully a couple of DGers put me in touch with her and she is busy with geneology research but promises to get back to gardening soon in case you wanted an update, too! She says Hi! to all.

I have been stalking my garden looking for every little sign of new growth. Surprisingly I had a few odd things come back like Batchelor buttons, and my fennel too, Neal. Sadly (but I should really be happy) so many of my perennials are getting big and I have no more room to put in interesting little experimental flowers and fun annuals from seed. I miss that this spring.

Our weather has been most hospitable to my bulb bloom and perennials so far. And I set out my tomato seedlings and zinnia flats today to get a good dose of the gentle drizzle and i think I saw them sprouting before my eyes!

Good luck to everyone for their spring garden projects. Seems like there will be lots of good posts and photos in a few weeks! t.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yes for me it feels like spring is finally here and the trees are starting to leaf out yes privacy again I so miss my green curtains hahahhahaha

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

tabasco, Bachelor buttons reseeded all over the place for me too. I kept finding them in the lawn and sticking them in the garden. I'm also seeing several Cosmo seedlings the last few days. Are your Foxtail Lilies returning well? I guess they really like it here- I have 1 with a dozen bloom spikes arising!

Mona, the "green curtains" are just about back here too, I love it!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yes from spring to late fall I dont see a single house so it feels like we are the only ones around so peacefull I love it after living in the city for 23 years now I can sit on the deck and have a conversation with DH and no ears to listen yes this is the life

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

What?? A dozen spikes on your Foxtails? Oh, my, I'm jealous! I do have 5 foxtails returning and I'm thrilled about that. (The neighbors love 'em). And some giant allium coming back too. I always consider a returner a big bonus since we have such wet soggy winters here.

Gem, you are a good source for me since we grow so many of the same things and you jog my memory. Yes, now I recall that those tiny No-ID seedlings I have are cosmos. Also some no-ID zinnia babies coming in, I think. And dill and fennel. A little parsley.

But I need some of my 'tropical milkweed' to reseed/come back. I didn't start seeds and don't have any in my box (how stupid is that?) If anyone has a few Asclepias curassavica seeds to share, I would love it, and of course cover cost of sending and send off some other seeds you might like.

Do you all have any seeds you just throw out into a garden space and get pretty flowers later in the summer there? I never do that, but maybe I should try.

Every morning I go out and stalk the garden looking for evidence of new arrivals. So fun!

Happy gardening! t.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh t -- i have plenty of of Scarlet. I can get some out in the mail today.

these [most milkweeds] i am finding i can't have enough of. gotta feed those "cats".

I have other MW's too, if you want any. Purple and Pink and a lot of "Common". I think i'm out of silky gold though.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH i wanted to add... but his send instead...

I find the MW's that come back from fallen seed, just have not been growing long enough to produce seed for me. I have to start them early.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I have them growing wild in the back of the property and in july and august the monarch are just amazing hundreds of them I always take the girls for walks out back when they bloom to see the butterflies

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, a dozen spikes from one plant (Eremerus-Foxtail Lily), and 9 from another! I squealed out loud yesterday when I saw it! Great you're seeing reseeding! I have to be so careful weeding at this time of year.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning. I was out tryign to clean leave s off some pots yesterday and had this tray of whatevr was dead in it and started pullign th eleave s off and was gona dump the soil in compost bin and to my delight foudn all kind s of teeny tiny baby hosta seedlings had sproute d up in it. Didn't even notice that last year any of my hosta had made pod s or would have snatche d them off.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Dont ya just love those lil surprises?

i was out this morning... surveying the soggy lawn, and i found teeny tiny lil sprouts. guess all this rain was good for something... but i think they are either Amaranthus or Celosia, as they are red.... and it was the area they were in last year. The Amaranthus get quite BIG, so if it is them, i'm gonna have to move a lot ...errrrrr, ,most of them.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

only weeds growing on my lawn hahahahah oh well life goes on right will cut my weeds next week before they flower since I mow everyweek lost of the weeds I had are now gone since they are reseeding annuals so one day maybe I will have only grass in that there lawn I hate weed killer and pestisides

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Gem, you must use some darn good ferilizer on your Eremurus! Take photos, please (of the Eremurus, not the manure!).

Am going down to look at my pots and see if I have any survivors. If not, I shall plant some Elephant Ear bulbs in them (procured from Costco). I suppose they take full sun, don't they?!

I wish I had a stand of MW like yours, scicciarella, you must be in a Monarch flyway and your yard must be one of those Monarch gathering spots that occurs in Canada and elsewhere (not especially in Ohio though Illinois has them).

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

t -- i thought Elephant Ears are for shade... though i guess i could google it.

says they love heat and humidity, sun or shade.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I think they get bigger in sun for some reason.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yup the do, sunshine and lots of rich soil and they go nuts

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Those crazy amaranthus. I have them growing in almost every container in the GH. Even in the pots with brand-new-never-been-used potting soil ... they still found their way. I swear that when the end of the world comes the last 2 living things on earth will be mealy bugs and amaranthus.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL. I hope i dont regret sprinkling the seeds from the huge "head" on that thing. I just thought it was so cool looking.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

do any of you know what this plant is it belongs to a friend and I dont recognize it she said its a columbine lol not foliage looks like delphinium but the flowers are strange

Thumbnail by scicciarella
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Mona, I think that may be some kind of Corydalis.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

tcs, thanks for the link on the elephant ears, I bought a huge bulb from Lowes this year. I have it planted in my greenhouse, it hasn't come up yet.

I had a bag of grass seed in my garden shed on a shelf above my open bags/pots of potting soil. The mice got into the grass seed and now I have grass growing in most of my pots. sigh


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Ugh! That stinks!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Can I ask my friends here a question? I posted this same question on the rose forum and haven't had many responses. The two nice people that did respond were in warm zones so weren't really sure. How deep does a bud union on a grafted rose go? I planted two yesterday and my first instinct was to bury it. However when I saw the branches partly in the soil, I thought that wasn't a good thing so I brought them up so the bud unions are at soil level. Come on someone has to know about roses in cold zones here. This is the cottage garden forum and I am partly planting roses due to all the wonderful photos I see here! : )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Meredith, I always cover the bud union of grafted roses, with an inch or two of soil and then some mulch. Sometimes I've had grafted roses grow roots from the canes after a year or so, which is really helpful in keeping it winter hardy. I do that because I'm not very good in fall about adding protection. If you routinely add mulch in fall, you can leave the roses the way you've planted them and pile lots of mulch on in fall (and remove in spring).

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Meredith... sorry -- i dont have grafted roses.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks gemini! So it is okay if some od the canes are under the soil? To be honest I would rather have them as winter hardy as they can be on their own. I just wasn't sure if that was okay or not.
tcs - the only reason I got grafted was because they were a great deal. I have a couple own root roses ordered from heirloom roses. I heard they send small plants so at least these grafted ones will hopefully give me a good display this year.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh yeah, I finally got my worm poop a couple of days ago!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

its not my plant it belongs to a friend lol I grow dragon arum and that is worse

my foxtail is not coming up lol not happy about that maybe its slow

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