Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #35

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Here are some more pics, not all are blooming yet, but in due time! If the caption doesn't come through, I'll post again to tell what they all are...


Thumbnail by nbgard
New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Oops, no caption, still learning Picasa...

clockwise from top left: Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina', malva muschata, 'Wild Cherry' tomato ramblin in front of single pink hollyhocks and a white datura, more single pink hh's & shasta daisies, noid rose, lemon balm and borage!


Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hello all!

Alright, who was it on here that wanted some foxgloves? I'd look through all the posts but we've gone through A LOT of threads. lol! I had babies from last year that overwintered and someone requested them.


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

LaLa, what do you do with 80 4 O'C's? That is incredible! I think some of mine were from you. Actually, I have a lot of your garden growing here! It is exciting to see sprouts and be able to associate them with each of you. I still cannot thank you enough.
I have some 4 O'C's that I soaked and then started them in moist paper towels. That worked really well, too. I started my Datura seeds that way, also. I swear every Petunia seed I sowed sprouted. I'm glad to hear my "purple ruffled Petunias" are doing well for everyone. I will never live that one down!!!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Happy Belated Earth Day. I went and played in the mud. LOL!
The worst thing for me about seed planting is the short period of time I have to get things started before the heat comes in. The wildflowers have started drying up and getting crunchy underfoot. Sigh.
I haven't had a chance to get as much planted as I'd hoped and the weeds are horrible this year, but one step at a time, one corner at a time my seeds are getting planted and starting to grow.
I will start my scabiosa in the gh. Sounds like they will like it there.
~wind~, in the previous thread you said the bower vine I had sent you had started blooming? (Slow to catch up), mine never really stopped and I have green seed pods on it right now along with the blooms. Need to encourage it to grow in the direction I want it to.
Miss you all. Hope your gardens are more successful than you think they'll be!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Just caught your question to LaLa, Lynn. I like planting mine in masses where they get morning sun and some afternoon shade. In the early evening they exude a lovely fragrance. I am currently transplanting volunteers between the trees and in front of the chainlink fence. The more they are watered the leggier they get. I hope that helps some. Will take a photo of them to share.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

lebug... Not sure. Do you remmebr which cultivar it was. I had so many dianthus seed.

Lala glad yours are makign it. I haven't had a chance ot replant mine yet. I behind myself in seed sowign and have to get down to here next week. The weather just been to unstable and too bad and just got behidn and too afrai to start some thigns and now that frost is over and temps in 80's they cna sprout out side .

Andrea.. Not sure if it was me or not on the floxglove. I had a coupel and belive it or not stil got a oupel that have just coem back. this year like I think 5 or 6 and stil not the first bloom ever from them. Every year I say I gonan pitch em , but then i see a bit of green and they grow and then i hope and hoep for a whoel seaosn to still never see a bloom. ; (

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Lynn I'll only use about a dozen of the 4'oclocks and the rest will either grow in some one else's yard or make their way into the compost pile. I planted heavily not knowing how many would germinate....who knew it would be every one of them? I'm tickled to hear that many of the seeds I sent you are up and running. I always enjoy looking at my garden and remembering what plants came from whom and it never fails to fill me with wonder. I get quite a kick out of knowing that my monarda originated in FL and my daisies came from VA....and so forth down the line.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Star, I'm sorry it was the Dianthus Select Red, I just pinched them and made more plants :) I'm hoping they are perennial. I need more reds in my gardens. Those coral bells are a lot prettier than the ones I started from Caramel too lol The have more color to them, I just put them out to harden off today :) I like'em!

La, I like that too looking at my plants and thinking of someone on here, I can walk around in my garden and tell friends where they came from and they are just in awe :) I've got a little bit from about every state and then some!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Can someone refresh my memory for me :) I bought some nice coleus and I want to take some starts off of them, after I pot them up I can put them in a plastic bag and put them under a cool white bulb so it's not too hot? Am I right? Do you put rooting hormone on them? I'm not very good at taking cuttings! Should I not put them under the light or not?

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Lea these are about the best instructions for taking coleus cuttings that you'll ever find:

Edited to add that they are fairly easy to do. I've been taking cuttings all winter in anticipation of my plant sale (and may peddle the left-overs in the classifieds here on DG.)

This message was edited Apr 26, 2009 11:30 AM

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks La, I'll go check it out :)

Ok :) read it and now I'm getting started lol Thanks La!

This message was edited Apr 26, 2009 11:50 AM

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I planted four o'clocks last year didnt find them that great not sure if I will put them in this year did asters and nolanas, zinnia, and gazania, and ensigns I hope these will do better found that I didnt get enough blooms out of the 4oc

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Mona -- did you have them full sun? the only times my 4-O'c's did not do well is in part shade.
mine bloom til frost.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yes in full sun had lots of flowers but the foliage over powered the blooms I guess I like bigger more showy blooms I have some coming back in the area I planted last year will leave them but I just didnt get the impact I wanted or thought I would get maybe if I planted just the red ones which are more showy but had a mixed color package

I really liked the lavatera silver cup and the month bland they gave such beautifull large blooms from the end of june till frost and they bloom from the time they are six inches tall and as they grow and branch just keep blooming

have any of you tried growing them before

This message was edited Apr 26, 2009 8:28 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>lavatera silver cup

i've got 5 good sized babies right now.. i'm tempted to plant them out already

how is their growth habit? -- would they do well in a hanging basket?

and i also have some Desert 4 O"Clocks... they are more of a lower/wider growing plant -- i'm very interested in how they do.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Re the 4'Oclocks I loved the yellow and the broken colors but didn't care for the pink/magenta that I had last year. The pink got very tall and the blooms seemed insignificant where the yellow and broken colors were more bloom than foliage. I'm anxious to see what the limelight rose does.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LaLa.. i had the reverse on mine... the yellows were pale and hardly bloomed at all for me, where the magentas are heavy bloomers... as for limelight... i can't ever get germination.

as for broken colors... I think i only had 1 plant and it got swallowed up by a Morning Glory ... though it was Heavenly Blue, so i didnt complain to much as that is one of my faves.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Star... believe it or not. I keep mine in part shade/ shade and they do real well there. I always thought they were a sun lover. They get dappled sun until the leaves come out on the trees and then they are in the shade the rest of the summer. If you want some more babies, I can send you some. :-) I know there was someone else that wanted some also. I thought I had a couple of requests because I have to dig them out of an area.


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

they grow as a small bush then get taller so at maturity they can get 3 feet tall and each plant is about a foot wide I usually space them about a foot apart in a zig zag and do two rows one silver pink and do oposite in white so pretty that way they bloom like I said from about six inches tall and since they bloom on new growth will keep blooming all summer into the late fall they are from the hibiscus family

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

scicciarella, I have some seeds to the red and yellow marble 4 o clocks if you want some still enough time to plant them in your area, I'm just getting to mine I got in the swap. They only get a bout two foot tall. I remember when mine quit blooming last year it was a frost night and they didn't like that frost one bit! lol It was so sad , I liked mine, didn't seem to be that much foliage more flowers. I hope my limelight germinates I'm taking it out of the soak and doing the paper towel thing with them. I'd just plant them in the ground but I don't trust the critters in my middle bed with seeds, the ground is almost allow it has so many vole tunnels under it! I threw moth balls down their holes last year and found some on top of the soil when I started working out there lol The chipmunks throw rocks and dirt out of their holes I guess the voles do too lol

I've grown the lavatera, don't remember which one it was but it was about three years ago they had big white blooms on them but they pooped out on me when it got hot probably didn't water it enough pretty blooms though.

Toofew, my lavender is coming up, I think every seed germinated :)

This message was edited Apr 27, 2009 12:35 AM

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

mine reseeded so I do have some and if I remember right they are the marble type found like 8 of them about three inches tall

thanks anyway but I figure there will be more since I moved the soil around in that bed

the white ones are called mont blanc and yes they are beautifull just love them

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

HI everyone, I'm popping in to say hi! I have been busy, we have had unusually warm weather here. So I've been outside doing a lot and hardening off seedlings. Yesterday I moved a huge patch of Obedient Plant that was threatening to take over a bunch of plants in my butterfly garden. I got a big order of compost to start making my new garden. So still a lot to do and I keep getting new sprouts everyday from all the wonderful seeds everyone sent me! Hope everyone is doing well! : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meredith, hope you get a lot done out there! You need to send me your addy so I can send these dahlias out to you either this week or next, sounds like it's getting about time? :)

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

OMGosh, LaLaJane - 80 4 o'clocks! I am just as bad - I have probably potted up 100 or more amaranthus (some "intense purple" others "autumn palette')

What I will do with them all . . . .????

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Good question Seander LOL I can't imagine that many! LOL You'll have to show pictures of the autumn palette, I got seeds two years ago for those and still haven't planted them!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Gang! 'Tis the season we're all busy as bees! I've been planting out lots of seedlings, both wintersown and started indoors. Today I got Calendulas, yellow Scabiosa (I think every seed sprouted!), mixed Rudbeckia hirta, Lion's Tail, Lupines, and Lunaria planted. A couple of days ago I got Snapdragons, Salvia viridis, Vincas, and Salvia argentea planted- sure feels good to be getting these babies in the ground! Most of that stuff I listed came from y'all :-)

The weather here has been like summer the last few days. I'm in taking a break because my back is killing me, but the sun is calling- I think I'll go get a few more things in the ground!

Happy planting everybody!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

been doing the same cleaning up and planting, it got so hot today it gave me a head ache and had to take a rest lol 88F with the humidity and thunder storms tonight we need the rain bad right now everything is so dry

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ahh.. It was you Nbgard. :-) phew!
I went back and looked through the threads. I knew I would forget who wanted some. Did you still want some foxgloves too before I rip them all out?

I got some for you Star if you want them too. :-)


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

love foxglove started some from seed but they wont bloom till next year to small yet

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

How funny Andrea. I saw your posts and thought, boy I'd sure like some of those, but someone has already asked her for them. I didn't remember that the someone was me! I'd love some. I had a bunch come up on a ws container, but let them sit in the hot spring sun and lost most of them. I have since moved them, but have less than I would like. I think I'm in the addy list, but if not, I can give it to you. Thanks so much for having a better memory than me and sorry my lack of memory cost you so much time looking for the post.


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

What a perfect beautiful rain we had last night. Slow, soft, and steady. I can just hear all the plants sighing in contentment...and me too since I don't have to water today. LOL.

happy birthday lea
have a wonderful day!

pam sue

yes i am still reading these threads but not posting much on here.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh yes, happy birthday!

p.s. I just left you a message on Stacey's co-op thread.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Happy Birthday Lea!! and i see you share it with Gram [Jan] who has really been missing from these threads this year.

Hope you have a warm, rainless, windless day to get some gardening done.

**grumbles... I'm so tired of the wind and the rain.....

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Lea!!! Go play in the dirt.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Happy B-day Lea! Hope it's a wonderful spring gardening day for you!

Therese, we are so glad to be getting some rain in our drought area, but I'm with you on the wind. This is one of the windiest springs that I remember. My brugs are sure not liking it. Their leaves are so tattered.


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Happy B-day Lea!

We're having gorgeous weather, a little hot but not too bad. Unfortunately I've come down with a bad fever and can't do anything! What a spring... I may get what doesn't die planted by Memorial Day... Driving me nuts. I'd just go out there with a fever, but trying to get rid of it so it doesn't mess up my anniversary trip this weekend (the first one in 15 years...).

I'll have to get some pictures soon. I'd gotten quite a few pots planted at least before everything went haywire. Beautiful Malva Mystic Merlin, Zinnia Profusion, Petunias, Torenia, Agastache, and so much more! Thanks to all of you!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

It looks like I popped on in the nick of time to wish you a


I just transplanted a bunch of your baby Artemis, that are doing fine.

I see some great photos of seedlings have been posted, very nice. Ours are coming along too. We've had extremely warm weather and now it's going to dip down and get chilly. I've had all the seedlings outside; I just moved them to a line up on our front porch in case tomorrow is too cold, I may have to bring some in.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday Lea!! Hope you are out doing something wonderful. : )
KL - I'm sorry you have a fever. I know how you feel, I have had a cold since friday. The day before my week off to get stuff done! I have no energy and have been forcing myself to slowly get some stuff done. It was 93 degrees here today! IT was absolutely ridiculous. My tulips that opened 2 days ago fried up out there. Everything is so confused here, some dafs are opening up practically on the ground still. It has been very warm for this area sice Sat. It was 91 that day and high 80's Sun & Mon.
We aren't used to this kind of weather for such a stretch up here! The heat and this cold I have are really putting a damper on my plans for the week!

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