Clematis blooms, Everyday

Delaware, OH

would love to see your bourbon, shirley. i have one in from last fall, but no show yet.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

have something to post today. Here is Dr Ruppel, want to grow as a groundcover instead of up the trellis. As recommended on this forum, I will let it grow longer and then try to guide up the trellis.

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I think this is Ville de Lyon, and this good girl is growing up the trellis like she's supposed to.

Thumbnail by vossner
Delaware, OH

vossner, sure looks like a ville de lyon with some of the blooms. the photo of the bloom in the center with the darker margin and lighter center is unusual looking for ville de lyon. of course it may be the photo. if the bloom really looks like it does in the photo, then next question is how old is the plant, did the bloom look like that last year?

really nice plant from the looks of it. her is a close up of my main ville de lyon flowers from last year that i have never posted.

this is one of my favorite cultivars,and i think prettiest. the blooms have a old world coloring i think, just timeless.

also, love you using a clem as ground cover. in the victorian period clems were used like tht a lot, much as a wave petunia might be today.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I can see why Dr. Ruppel is recommended for groundcover, the blooms are prolifically right down to the base! Where as Nelly most of hers, well Nelly if just full of blooms from the base to the top growth anyway (both new and oldwoodsy growths?), I was just wondering out loud.

Delaware, OH

in victorian times, they used to train the vines out in a fan on the ground, lightly pinning them so all types could be groundcover!
this is before the great wilt infestation in the early 1900's. prior to that clematis were all the rage and there were as many cultivars as now, many of them lost or just now rediscovered as when the great wilt hit, they went out of vogue and many businesses closed up etc.

collecting them was a passion for some people. they reacted like most of us would if suddenly they were almost all sick and even not coming back. many have now built in a decent to good resistance, or it has been bred into our popular cultivars.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

voss, I love your trellis too, what is the trellis?? This year with so much rain, I'm needing trellises for, oh, so many plants, and trellises are no place to be found - oh, yeah, they have heavy, $$$, ugly ones, but I want something light & inexpensive because it's going to be covered and might have to be moved. Oh, yeah, my striped Clem, similar to yours, voss, wants to be a ground cover too, hmmm, I didn't know they did that...

Delaware, OH

when a clem wants to sprawl, better to let it sprawl, and take it's time on a straight up direction.consider the inexpensive small evergreen or boxwood and plant them in front of the clem and let them lay on there as they get strong enough to grow upward.

my durandi is up and already has a flower bud. i am disappointed it has a flower bud so early and will probably cut it off, too early. funny thing is , the stem with the bud is sprawling, i was trying to use a lever loop and coax it upward today and i realized it just couldn't support the growth so fast. i do have the small boxwood there for it as well as a 3 ft support it has choices. so do i.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

clematis guru, i'll recheck my labels. I know I have Ville de Lyon but I might have gotten the names mixed up. I'm gonna do just like you say, let it crawl and then try to attach to tower thing.

Sherry, this tower thing was purchased locally at an annual garden club sale. I bought 3 at about $25 ea. It looks delicate but it is a really good one. It is not going to rust/break down on me for a long time. I thought that was a very good price considering the prices I've seen at lowes. Ridiculous! I also got some from Lillian Vernon one year, cheap but those dang things didn't last 6 mo. ugh!

Tuesday Morning, for those who have that store in their town, has tower things which are sale priced on Mem, labor Day 4th of July, Mother's day. Go on the holiday weekend and you are bound to find most gardening stuff for 50%. It is the only time during gardening season that you can get these bargains. And then, of course, in late fall, but it is slim pickings at that time.

Delaware, OH

vossner, i think it is ville de lyon ....just a photo thing. i looked at all my shots and some do pop out the center as lighter. it is such a great clem. it is my first clem in a spot of high visibility and has never let me down. most things i know about pruning i learned from that clem. mistakes, rages, watching and learning. worship it and enjoy it.
mine is incredible and i can't imagine it ever dying out. it is here for me, year after year , better each year. mine is in good, virtually full sun.
oops posted another shot that i have never posted of this beautiful friend.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

vossner, you can see the darker margin popping in the one i just posted, more like yours. what a great clem. raised by morel of lyon france so long long ago. ( i thnk) not taking time to check my data. just tend to remember things about the ones you love.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

i do see what you're talking about.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

I'm a total novice, but I too, voss/Guru, thought it was the real thing, just a photo differentiation of sorts...I have one that I think is 'somebody' even tho bought, I think, off the rack...who knows, lol??!!

Delaware, OH

we were down to 30 last night. guernsey cream budded for action here, and sunny days hopefully make up for the night time temps.
you southerners are having all the fun!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous blooms everyone! I'm totally envious!

Thanks for your suggestion on checking out "Tuesday Morning", Vossner! I totally forgot about that store. I think they should re-name it to "Hit or Miss". It's a matter of total luck if you can find what you're looking for. At least, that has been my experience.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I should have added that these "holiday" weekend sales are usually not advertised.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

I'm a zonie, ClemGu, what's your zone???

Delaware, OH

don't know why my zone doesn't show there, i am zone 5, but a nice ohio river valley stuff or lake effect stuff. and property protected by high fencing , huge hedges and slope. that said, knock wood as all climates have their little disruptions.
we had hurricane force winds last july taking out many huge trees and covering my 2 acres with little sticks and leaves. but no clem was damaged. knock wood!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

We've our fair share of bad weather too here, but right now, we have fair share of lovely clematis. Nite nite, everyone. Catch up tomorrow.

(The flower in front belongs to that pitcher plant). ^_^

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

that is an amazing flower, tell us more....

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

The pitcher plants are native our SE U.S. they're bog plants that catch/trap bugs for its nutrient. They occurs natural in boggy wet land. But in cultivation, I've killed many because I pampered them too much. (such as brought them indoor -- they don't like that). Tomorrow, I'll take more pix to share, the flower comes in that orange and bright yellow. I just bought it from our local Botanical Spring Plant Sale, lol.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Good grief, it looks like it's vitamins, vaccinations, took, and some combine of a droopy, psychedelic iris, of sorts - now, if you tell me it's fragrant, I'd say it was heaven!!!

Of course, zone 5 is the IT zone, zone from heaven, often the best of the bestest are from zone 5a, which is the reason I always request zone info. As I said, I'm a zonie and have learned that if 'IT' is not reported by growers in my zone, to do well, that it is a waste of my time to attempt to grow it, ya know??? I bet you don't, because you are from that perfecto zone, lol...

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Kim, your gardens are Divine. Still Wiating for blooms here. The Cold has set things back but it won't be long. Here's Princess Di from last year.

Thumbnail by gldandrews
Delaware, OH 5 perfect? my 2 acre microclimate here i do consider heaven on earth....but never heard that before. but i do like a hard winter and true spring and fall, so i will not be moving south as so many do. and i need to be in nyc frequently so i am close by, 1 hour flight. so many reasons to be here, but perfect that! thanks!

GL andrews (NC,) love your DIana. I put one last year, hope it does as well as my etiole rose.....i put it on the side of the rubromarginata, the etoile rose is on the other side of same. when i put her in last fall, she promptly took a rest, and just reappeared this spring. about 3 inches high now. texensis can be hard for me to establish here, but i am hoping for good things.

(Zone 4a)

Does Princess Di get really big? Beautiful photo btw.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks Garry, oooh now I just love that of Princess Dianne! Okay, folks. I'm going to have to stop looking. lol.

Delaware, OH

dawn, between the years to establish and pruning , you can keep any clem in bounds except maybe montanas or evergreeen clems that are not hardy for us. i keep most of my clems smaller thru pruning than they would be if unchecked and "au natural"!
texensis can be a little gappy with more inches beween leaf axils, so for me they look best in combos, but the ones i have seen posted here on the site in warmer zones are breathtaking.

do you have any texensis family clems? you can judge a lot by how that one or those have done for you if so.

glad you got rid of all the snow. guess our firens out west are inundated again....

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Well guys and dudettes. I went on a local botanical plant sales Thursday, I've added a Texenesis clem named 'Jeanne Brannon' the 'vine' looks very delicate. I tried to search for her on the web but wasn't able to find 'her'. Any has grown Jeanne clem. before? Oh, JeanneTx, that isn't by any chances your hibrid?

Delaware, OH

jeanne brannon not on COTW. sounds like you lucked out. lets see those blooms when it flowers!

(Zone 4a)

Guru no I have no clematis from the texensis family.....yes that is right - you did say you could keep any clematis in check with pruning. For some reason that has a hard time sticking in my thick skull LOL.....I will not forget that this time.

Yes I am so happy to see the snow finally gone. We had over a week of beautiful sunshine and now it is raining which is good...hopefully more things will start growing!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

CG, what's COWT? Clematis Official Wish something...something? LOL.

Baton Rouge, LA

I'm guessing it's transposed letters for Clematis on the Web...

Delaware, OH

you got it. it is the "bible" as some say here on the site. very nice site , major info avaialblity.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Hahaha: Or demented, or devil, or darling, yada, yada, goes on and on...

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

LOL, demented? No way, he remembers everything. It's I that forget. lol.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Well, yeah, ya know??!! Lol, depends, hahahaha....

Delaware, OH

demented, devilish, dastardly. darling, divine, dear, dratted,

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Ah, I almost forgot to share Multi-blue with 'Cecile Brunner' climbing roses:

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gary: "Princess Di" is one of my favorite texensis!

Lily_love: Beautiful Multi-blue with "Cecile Brunner Rose. Talk about a magnificent stone wall too! Did you create it or was it on your property went you bought your house?

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Gosh, Lily_love, your photo is a showstopper, just beautiful!!!

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