Clematis blooms, Everyday

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh my those pics are stunning..what magical areas in your gardens..they must bring you such delight and pleasure...Jeanne

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thank you, Jeanne that comes from you -- it's truly a compliment! I've been your fan for the past couple of years.

I've these lovely vines just about spread out all around. Even in large containers. ^_^

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I am thrilled to see you are growing potted Clematis as well..I really went bonkers three years ago and put potted clematis just everywhere in my gardens..just fab!!...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

very nice photos, the difference in zones is painful right now. when i left my garden for a 10 day business trip almost all clems had shoots up and looking good.....but the water reports since i left (basically just a good handful of nights down to 28 degrees, but no snow).....anyway i am returning the 15th. first thing i will do is inspect all of the clems, even if it is dark when i return with a flashlight!
kind of glad i missed the weather, would have been crazed and frustrated not being about to work outside i guess....
lilly love, you look positively tropical down there! drooling!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

CG, I've a little 'man's made' tropical garden in the back yard. What that means is that it's all movable. I move the tropicals/tender perennials in and out of our makeshift green house according to season. lol. Admittedly, spring does arrive here earlier than up North.

We've luckily sustained yet another storm last evening, but the Clems. obviously didn't fade one bit.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

oh...well it still looks tropical compared to my zone, but once we are underway it will be like POW. i do not have a greenhouse for one reason...i need that off season to rest from the clem obsession!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Multi-blue still is a little bit shy about fully opening up. I just now notice 'Crystal Fountain' clem does look very much like Multi-blue?

Thumbnail by Lily_love
SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

I see Shirley1md here, and since she is responsible for my Clematis addiction (lol), I'll ask my questions here - 1st, who is this poor blue/celery baby that was beaten badly by two days of storms?? And, will it bloom from spring to fall?? Last year I had one Clematis, and planted 6, that I recall, and my word, the youngsters are going to be as big, or bigger, this year than my original, about 20 years old, which only blooms in the spring. I'd like to know of others that will like it here in southeast Arky and bloom all season, and if there are fast going plants that fill that bill and where should I buy them?????? Are there fragrant clematis? Thanks, I'm loving your photos!!!!

Thumbnail by SherryLike
SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Oh, my gosh, they are rather similar in color, mine was more colorful prior to the storm. What are those precious little pink/white hearts hanging in the middle of the left side of your photo, Lily???? Adorable!

Delaware, OH

the clem is a semi double clem such as blue light or crystal fountain or or or....
aren't the little red petals dicentra(bleeding heart) ?

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, CG is correct again. Ding, ding, ding! LOL. Sherry, those bleedinghearts -- is just that -- adorable but that is all to it in my zone. They don't tolerate the heat & humidity down here. But every spring I couldn't resist but pick up at least one to enjoy from my friendly local nursery.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Okay, I've seen Bleeding Hearts and they don't do here, maybe 15 mins in the spring, I'm trying to get away from all the 15 min wonders; however, I've never seen them in pink, oh, so precious!!!

Here is another Clem that has no tag - I'm not crazy about it, not quite my color - ya think it will bloom all season?? If so, I'll put something near it to improve it's appearance...I will admit it's color was more appealing prior to the storm...

Thumbnail by SherryLike
SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Last photo - who are they - it's a Twofer...the striped one looks similar to the first one on this thread - cross your fingers they bloom all season!!!

Thumbnail by SherryLike
Delaware, OH

re the pink one, it is a "kakio", usually sold in US under name pink champagne. doubt if it will bloom all season, but you warm zone folks may have some magic in that area compared to my zone.
kakio is very hardy for me in zone 5, but not an all season thriver.... she loves to rest too, but wakes up after a few months and may or many not bloom again. could just be the clone i bought locally or trait of the cultivar. that i do not know. i have it in two places and both behave the same.
i would never place her on a "do not buy" list but would say if you can only get a few, and have other choices..think about them. her color is so pretty tho.

dicentra (bleeding heart) blooms nicely in my zone, then dies back completely. will come back if too much mulch has not been placed over her spot after she dies back. which can never be guaranteed in my garden unless you are a clem.

(Zone 4a)

Very pretty Sherry....which one is the blue one?

Delaware, OH

sherry, the blue one is a HF young perhaps. and i would guess carnaby peeking behind? altho nelly, carnaby, dr r, all seem to blur to me. have been in bed fighting a flu so your d mail postings are a nice distraction.....
carnaby to me, if in partial shade has the most light striking outer margin.....
were you looking for ID or just quizzing the sick and weak?

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Thanks, to all of you, gosh, you are sooooo nice!!! I have no idea who any of them are, tags destroyed, when we moved. Will post more 2moro, returned late and will not be able to reply 2nite. You guys are sooooooooooooooooooo nice, thanks!!!!!

(Zone 4a)

Oh Guru sorry to hear you are ill with the flu....that really sucks. Did you go to work today? Rest up my friend.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Where would I look or buy clems that will bloom all season in my zone 8a???? I'm going to start in plant files. And, is there a place to buy Clems where they might further along than the ones generally sold at the box stores?? Thanks!!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Sherry, unless someone that has more experiences with certain hybrids clematis that bloom an extended time besides 'Jackmanii' Most of mine peak blooms are in early spring, and sporadically there after. That's the reason why, I interplant them with my roses and other shrubs -- interplanting our perennial garden (different shrubs and herbacious plants combo, ect.) to get color year round is the keys.

For me, Clematis is queens of spring time blossoms.

Baton Rouge, LA

Sherry, I found lots of great places to order, but I also found that most of the interesting cultivars are already "sold out" by this time in the season. People place their orders months ago to receive them now. Soooo.... next year I will probably be pre-ordering like a fiend! I was able to find some this late, though. I posted a list of what I ordered this past weekend here:

Scroll to the far right of the chart to see where I found each clem. I'm zone 8b, so I think all of these would work for you as well. HTH! Ev

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

'Multi-blue' finally opened today:

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Niobe in a half whiskey barrel planter:

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

Lily, did you cut the bottom out of the planter? If not, about how deep is the planter? I keep reading material that says to have a container at least 18" deep, preferably deeper if you plant clems in a container. I put a few in a large pot today just to experiment and see how they do. We just can't keep digging those large holes in this clay.
How long has the Jackmannii in the photo you posted April 12 been planted? All of your photos are beautiful.

Athens, PA

Typically I do my ordering during the winter. It is something I save for those winter months when all the gardening activities outside have stopped and it is something to do that is still garden related. (Decemberish or so if memory serves me correctly, I didn't order anything this past year) - most of the gardenhouses still have everything in stock, so I get to choose what I want and have things delivered when I want. It is also something to look forward to each year and works well.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Delaware, OH

one think i like about multiblue is that the blooms can be lasting for weeks after they open. even after outer sepals fall off, the central boss of stamens looks like a flower. this photo of multiblue shows blooms that are at least a month old, with one of the bare ones too. again 08 photo.
the 09's will be coming soon!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Lily!..Love your "Multi-Blue"..Ev...great site you have created and wonderful idea for you to reference later on..well done...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

ev, love the sheets you have made. well done.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, Carolyn that's a good plan to plan Clems in the late Fall. Clematis takes time to beautify our garden, can't rush them, they need time to get established. The Jackmanii and Polish Spirit I prune them severely down to roughly 2 feet from the ground every early spring, am I doing this right Jeanne? CG? Both of the mentioned clems. are so vigorous, I don't miss what I chopped off for they seem to swing right back, and bloom, and bloom on and on all season.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Lily..yes hon..your pruning group 3's are pruned above a leaf axil I usually prune above the 3rd one..but anywhere 12 inches and up...Well done...Jeanne

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks Jeanne, someone asked how big is my container that I planted my vine in? a half whiskey barrel is sizable. Roughly a foot deep? I'll take more pix to share when the sun comes up today. :-)
Also see the post I made on April 12th? That ceramic pot is at least 20 gals. There I've a main hardy passion vine to probe my Nelly Moser (or Dr. Ruppel). The two intermingle nicely for the last 2-3 years.
Yes, remember the principle; "keep the clematis' root zone in cool shade" I keep them well mulched in container planting.

Delaware, OH

is the passion vine passiflora maypops? i grew it , but it came back year two but did not flouish, and did not come back year 3. I just have to try to remember zone 5 is zone 5! h well, the lure of a hardy passionflower was like bait to me!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

CG; I've a couple of passy that's hardy here in zone 7b. The rest of the hybrids passy is but attractive annuals here for me. Sniffs, sniffs. 'cause I love them -- vines -- any flowering vines. lol. The Maypops are native here, and birds do generously spread them around, and they do self propagate by tunnelling underground (here in our zone), the mentioned container planting is my Passy Carulea (sp?) here is a pix of them 2 vines blooming in previous years....

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

nice.i live the "passys"s with clems. i ussualy do not put them in due to the one season effort. but love them in a combo in your zone. very nice.
very tropical there compared to zone 5!

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Finally, a Niobe

Thumbnail by lrwells50
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I think this is 'Niobe' too. :-)

Thumbnail by Lily_love
SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Ha, they look identical...congrats! Maybe the zone?!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

That's to confirm, we're in similiar zone. :-)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Both Niobe's are beautiful! What a joy to see these colorful blooms in your gardens!

I need to take a picture of Clematis, Bourbon, which started to bloom in my garage!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

'The President' is blooming today, it's a bit windy, will get pix later this eve.

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