What are you growing in your outdoor containers?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)
There are a total of 377 votes:

I'm growing colorful annuals.
(53 votes, 14%)
Red dot

I am growing vegetables and fruit plants in mine.
(35 votes, 9%)
Red dot

I have my tropical collection in containers.
(33 votes, 8%)
Red dot

I have roses and other shrubs in mine!
(9 votes, 2%)
Red dot

My containers have perennial plants and vines.
(26 votes, 6%)
Red dot

I have a mixed collection of container plants. (tell us !)
(199 votes, 52%)
Red dot

I am not growing anything in cointainers this year. (why?)
(22 votes, 5%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Yonkers, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks, all!
I have no in-ground planting. The area is totally bricked. Everything is in containers.

roybird- I took the picture from my bedroom window. Every Saturday morning I take a picture so I can watch my garden grow.
Here's the 2008 series-

staceysmom- I used to grow tomatoes (Sun Gold-the only kind I like) & peppers but I got tired of fighting (and losing to) the raccoons.
The blueberries I share with the birds.
My cousin's wife is from Appleton! In fact they were there last week for her dad's funeral.

podster- I wish the weather would warm up! I'm itching to sit at my table with a cup of coffee and my morning paper.

This shot was the 1st taken in May 2008. You can get a better idea of the space before it gets filled with growth.
This shot is all perennials. I don't get any annuals until about the 3rd week of May.
The blueberry is just before and to the left of the bench (to the right of the 4 pots of daylillies surrounding the birdbath)

Thumbnail by gabagoo
Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Very inspirational! ;-)

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

Annuals for me.

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

no gardening today

Thumbnail by ge1836
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Look at that! You're growing snow in that container.

So sorry... spring really is on the way.

Thumbnail by podster
Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

My son built a couple of wooden "window box" type containers last year. They sit on a pony wall that perimeters my front porch. I grow herbs and strawberries in them.

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I grow lots of stuff in pots. Some because I want to overwinter them in the greenhouse and its easier to move a pot than dig up a big plant. Veggies because of the (ugh) grophers. Some because of too much shade or sun where I have room in the garden. Tropicals, veggies, trees, annuals, vines. its all fun.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I've started using the "fake" (lite foam) half whiskey barrels to grow vegetables and other stuff around our pool area, and they look great. I use one as a water garden too, and another hosts a Sago palm.

I also have several small citrus trees (Meyers lemon, Variegated Lemon and Satsuma orange) in large containers (on wheels, since they have to make frequent trips in and out of the garage as the weather changes.)

Most of my small herbs are in various ceramic pots. A couple of potted cactus are hanging around on the patio too.

Around the front of the house I have two of those lovely, spikey purple Cordylines in urns flanking either side of our sidewalk, with tri-colored sweet potato vine dangling over the side of each. Very nice color combo.

Mooresville, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm growing a mixture of annuals, perennials, vegetables, etc. Because we just built a new house I couldn't get my plants in the ground for the last couple of years. So I just potted up things. Eventually I hope to get everything planted, but it won't be this spring, I'm nursing a fractured ankle. Sure does slow progress down when you can't walk around well. Bummer!


oooooooooh Cajun - I almost forgot to mention that I also grow portulaca in my boxes that hang on my chainlink fence! How could I forget such lovely little "rock roses"???? They are startling, in their beauty, aren't they!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Portulaca is one of my favorites:) They look like crepe paper flowers and are very forgiving plants too and great for full sun locations.

My containers have pretty much everything annuals from seed, bedding annuals, herbs, daffodils, lilies, brugs, glads, hosta, heuchera, daylilies, TB iris, clematis and I attempt a couple of tomatoes and peppers each year.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant, herbs, tropicals & a wide variety of annuals/perennials.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Broms and succulents

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Weed_Woman, simply beautiful, just beautiful!!!

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

I tend to stick to annuals in my containers--that way I can change them up every year.

But I'll also grow some tomatoes and peppers in containers. I'm just going to have to hunt for the sunniest spot in my new yard with access to water, which might not be such an easy task!

Brunswick , GA(Zone 9a)

I usually grow alot of annuals and herbs in containers. Also, love to make hanging baskets. Will not be growing anything this year because we are getting ready to move. I am packing all my containers (ones worth saving) and waiting until we have our new home built before I unpack them again. I already miss going to the nursery and starting stuff but not going to mess with it while we are held up in an apt. since it will be temporary. I am telling everyone I am about to be homeless LOL

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It's very exciting to have a whole new garden to plan FlipFlops.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi All,
I'm a primarily container grower because I live in rental housing and I have had to move house a fair bit so pretty much ANY kind of plant is fair game, although the cacti and succulents are my favourites. My smallest pots are 1 inch wide grow tubes and my largest ones are the permanent housing for my biggest succulents and palm trees. My last house move included 6 moving van loads of potted plants!

This Agave was photographed 2 years ago at my previous house, shortly after I potted it on - the pot is about 3 foot wide at the rim and is about the biggest size I use. Scarily, it has grown A LOT since then and the central leaves now exceed 4 foot each!

Ciao, KK.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That is an amazing plant! I'm still stunned at 6 van loads of plants being moved!

Clay Center, KS(Zone 5b)

Herbs, annuals (wave petunias, other annuals for color), a few perennials, cannas, elephant ears. RIght now pots of pansies that will withstand our "Spring-Winter" weather. Oh yes, a couple of grape tomatoes for munching without going to the garden. Much of the geraniums, cannas, herbs get over-wintered in the heated garage.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I have potatoes in my tall container - AKA a trash can, also a Meyer lemon and Mexican lime in other containers. So I chose veggies and fruit.

But, thinking about it more, I also have tropicals that I have to move inside each winter in pots, so I guess I goofed!

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I have hanging baskets with both annuals and perennials, depending on where I put them and the need for sun/ shade. I love to fill large containers with mixtures of plants with the "thrill, spill, fill" method. All of my tropicals are in containers and are brought into the greenhouse in winter. They are brought out and placed around the waterfall/ pond in the spring. This year we are doing a lot of veggies in large plastic tubs with draiinage holes drilled in the bottom. DH makes his own containers for "upside down tomatoes. I also will have herbs in containers this year. They were wintersown, and are just now ready to plant.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I have many.....over 45 now.....large pots with all types of plants and plant mixtures. From a Mandarin Orange Tree to some Supertunias I just purchased. Lots of Tropicals that go in a greenhouse over the winter. Then some we leave out all year round.

I believe it is official......we are plant freaks. :-)

Thumbnail by morganc
Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

I usually force 40 pots of bulbs over winter each year in addition to 40 or 50 pots mostly filled with bulbs for the summer. My favorites are the dozen large pots of Gloriosas (pictured, Pineapple lilies to left).

Thumbnail by jmorth
Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Some forced this year.

Thumbnail by jmorth
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

morganc - When the path to the doorway is obscured with plants, I would agree that you qualify as plant freaks. LOL!! Very pretty, BTW.

Camdenton, MO(Zone 6a)

Like KaylyRed, I prefer annuals so I can change the look every year. It's fun to come up with new combinations as the mood strikes me when I'm flower shopping, or as I get inspired looking at gardening magazines, etc. I always have a few pots of herbs, too - some perennial, and some annual - because I love to cook with fresh herbs.

gabagoo - Wow! That is amazing!

Thumbnail by ImaMes
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

ceejaytown--The door is not totally blocked....the pot on the left is on a roller and can be moved when necessary. :-)

ImaMes--Love your Coleus Combo

gabagoo--Wow, indeed........how ever do you keep it so neat and tidy? Want to come do my patio? And we have an Aunt in Yonkers....small world.

Camdenton, MO(Zone 6a)

morganc - Thanks! I just happened upon these at one of the nurseries I visit every year. They had not had these varieties before and I just loved how they looked together.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Ima - great color combination there!

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

I never grow anything in pots.

My entire garden is tropicals.


canna Patens

Thumbnail by skaz421
Littleton, CO(Zone 5a)

Herbs in my containers mostly as well with a few annuals.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Im not growing much in containers as i have trouble keeping container grown plants alive. However, plants in the ground seem to thrive.

Woodbury, MN(Zone 4a)

Ouch, Skaz, rub it in! : }
I can't grow anything in containers for displays, though I've tried. I forget to water them. I do grow all my tropicals in containers though, then sink them in the ground in the garden, pot and all. So far I haven't killed my coleus, mandevilla, cordyline, bulbine, gardenia, liriope, Japanese maple, sweet potato vines, or fountain grass...

This is my Spring Container photo taken today.
In about a month out with the spring bulbs in clay pots and in with
the coleus.

Thumbnail by
Sarasota, FL

I have various containers including 16 earth boxes.

Growing: tomatoes roses brocholi strawberries gardenias

mint peppers orchids petunias blood lilies

silver falls cotton cosmos marigolds magnolia

stargazer lily tomatoes

and more

Eunice, MO(Zone 5b)

I use containers for everything that must come inside during winter. I do many vegetables in containers, including tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, and herbs. I like to plant tender bulbs in containers. I have a tendency to procrastinate too long when it is time to dig them out of the ground and end up losing them. They are easily retreived from pots. I love containers of colorful annuals scattered about the yard.

Camdenton, MO(Zone 6a)

pirl - Thanks!

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

GardenGuy - nice picture.

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