Any New 2009 Iris Catalogs Yet? Part 4

Hebron, KY

We came from here (Any New 2009 Iris Catalogs yet? Part 3)

Please join us here, as Part 3 was getting very long.


Raleigh, NC

my oh my

was just out reviewing the iris beds. good growth showing most everywhere. going to have to figure out where to put a new bed for new plants. there's no room left anywhere.

how many do folks get each year? I've seen some very long long lists on here. I've increased my order size each year, but just don't see how to do that this year, between $$ and space issues.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I have been getting over 100 each year, but much of that comes from trades and from the local AIS rhizome sales which are inexpensive ways to acquire iris. And then I have also spent way to much money. I lack tilled soil so I put them in flower pots and hack out space for more iris each weekend. I planted one day before the snow. Will probably do another today. It is slow, but I get more planted each year. I also filled my veggie beds which had gorgeous organic soil with iris. They love that, but I am trying to move them to the landscape so we can have veggies again. I have also started new iris beds in my vacant lot.. Not very fancy ones, but iris are very tolerant. They do well there and help stop runoff and erosion.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes, it is/or can be an expensive hobby

Lebanon, OR

Between the bearded, beardless and daylilies I average 100-200 different varieties per year.

This year think I will order about 80+ dollars worth of different bulbous iris...just because and not for sale.


Raleigh, NC

want to try crested iris this year

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm with Dee, about 200 different cultivars each year. Sometimes a few of each cultivar, but not the most expensive ones.

It's good to get some bulbous irises just because Dee. My favorite is histrioides George. In fact they are blooming now.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Some year I go without ordering anything then there is this year
Man I hope I have enough pots.

Cherryvale, KS

Happy Tuesday BIF's!!! Received Sutton catalog yesterday!! pic Alabaster Unicorn I don't think this AU: sent with wrong name

This message was edited Mar 31, 2009 9:19 AM

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I see that your AU is slightly bluish and see in the AIS registration that it is supposed to be white -- but note that it has Honky Tonk Blues in it. Wonder if that explains the bluish cast:

(George Sutton, R. 1995). Sdlg. G-16ARSA. TB, 36-38" (91-97 cm), ML.
Ruffled white self (whiter than RHS 155B); beards yellow (12B), white horns. A-92-ASA: (Dauber's Delight x Sky Hooks) X Honky Tonk Blues. Sutton 1996.

Cherryvale, KS

I actually entered this in competition before I realized it wasn't correct. I need to dig it up and get rid of it. The judge didn't know either and it received a BLUE! LOL (Afternoon Delight)

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Oh oh. Your club is supposed to check the identity of each iris before admitting it to the show. I actually got to help with that my first year at the show -- it really is supposed to be an experienced judge, but our experienced judge was freaking out that his wife wasn't there to help him, and at least I can read the books. I really enjoyed the experience. Now I am trying to gain enough respect in the club that I can do it again.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Nicky, that looks a lot like Afternoon Delight except your seems to have a bit more amber in it's standards, whereas this one has more pink in it's standards. But, it could be lighting.

Afternoon Delight (Cooley's photo)

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Winterberry arrived today, YEAHHHHHH

Lebanon, OR

Nickys's is more the true color of AD


Lakes of the Four Se, IN(Zone 5a)

I've ordered a catalog from Superstition. Haven't received it yet. I fear the post office is sitting on it -- or worse yet -- delivered it to the wrong address.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Dee, I agree with you that Nicky's looks more like Afternoon Delight than the Cooley's photo. I have seen photos of that iris elsewhere and it looks exactly like Nicky's. It is a beautiful flower. I thought that I had ordered it before, but can find the invoice on it.

Raleigh, NC

actually, Nicky's photo looks a heck of a lot more like competitive edge than Afternoon Delight!

Raleigh, NC

both were used a great deal as bonuses from Cooleys

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

What about Brown Lasso? How tall is it?

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Bonjon, I think you are right, it could be Competitive Edge, I had forgotten all about that one. Of course there is probably lots more out there with the same color combination. I continue to be amazed at the number of Iris out there in no man's land.

Raleigh, NC

i didn't know anything except Cooleys irises for probably 15 years! then we got the internet ~ voila, a world of irises! I think I memorized all of theirs.

Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

It could be several different cultivars, the only way to know for sure is purchase the ones you might think it is then compare.

Lebanon, OR

competative edge in OR

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Raleigh, NC

that's a very different color on my screen than what grows here.

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Competitive Edge in Michigan. Looks different here too. I think soil makes a difference.

Thumbnail by Mshadow
Raleigh, NC

hmmm, well, looking at both the CE photos, I'd say Nicky's has more color variation going on in the midrib area than CE does. Both the CE photos make the standards look fairly even in coloring, whereas Nicky's has some gold and maroon shading.

South Hamilton, MA

Brown Lasso is a BB so around 27". It would not be much taller & the iris in the picture is a bit more frilly than BL.

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Afternoon everyone,

speaking of Competitive Edge and Afternoon Delight. Could this one be one of those, don't think I have had AD, I orded it last year to compare and ordered CE this year. I have several in my orphan beds that said they were one variety but were not.

Please give me some ideas of what this can be


Thumbnail by Gabriel25
Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Looking again comparing don't think it is either one!

Lebanon, OR

Rose looking at everything I have do not recognize that one at all.'


Robertsville, MO(Zone 5b)

Could possibly be Changling

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

I just looked at the photos of Changeling, you sure may be right. Don't remember ever having that one. I got it at a club sale. Have to look up what it was supposed to be and who it came from.


Raleigh, NC

well, I've seen this one and two like it before somewheres, just can't put my finger on it

Lebanon, OR

I have never seen Changling so no help here. I do not ID any iris as the soil, ph, screen, camera, fertilizer can cause the iris to look different in two gardens. IE a friend three doors down got Intrepid several years ago and last year I was there, and I would not have known that is was Intrepid except the color was the same but not as indense as here, but she does not fertilize often or add compost or much of anything and I do...

I can guess but that is all it is a guess

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

It was supposed to be Mesmerizer...

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

think, bonjon, think!

Raleigh, NC

I tHINK that's not Mesmerizer!

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

if if is, my colors are way off...

Sutton's arrived today

Hebron, KY

I just looked at the Sutton's website.

Looks like they're not setup for 2009 yet.

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