How do you dress for the garden?

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

... I love that Michelle Obama is starting a garden, for the first family and a nearby soup kitchen. Plus a beehive! But I had to laugh when I saw how stylish she looks : D - my garden fashion is not EVEN close to this!

I'm mostly in dirt-stained levis and an old t-shirt/sweatshirt, depending on the weather.

How about everyone else?

Thumbnail by Redtootsiepop
Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Overheard at my house "why are you wearing those new shoes to dig?" "didn't you tell me that you HAD to buy a new pair because you ruined the old pair in the garden and now were going to use them exclusively for yardwork?" So.... maybe I am more the Michelle Obama type --but not by design -- I am just too lazy to change when I get in from work.

This message was edited Mar 21, 2009 2:06 PM

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

ha ha ha ! Oh, too often I have wandered out in my "nicer" shoes and gotten distracted, before I know it theres dirt down my shirt and my shoes are muddy.

.... but when I know I've got a project to attack, I usually start off dressed down.

Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

I am notorious for wandering out to the yard just for a look around, and end up working in the beds. Every year, I buy shoes that are supposed to be my "good" shoes (i.e. not for working in the garden). Every year, by early summer, my new shoes have now become my "garden shoes". I never look as stylish as Mrs. Obama when attire tends towards old tee shirts (or sweat shirts) and old jeans or gardening pants. It would never win me a fashion award!

Michelle was wearing the cutest shoes too. I think I must look awfully happy in the garden (stress awfully).

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Does she have any choice when people are watching her all the time? I am so happy to have a 6 foot privacy fence. I am dirty in an old T and shorts. Never would I be seen in public dressed in these cloths. Except my front yard too. :)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Definitely NOT like Michelle Obama!! LOL I'm usually in an oversized t-shirt and shorts or sweats/jeans depending on the season.

Oakwood (Butler,TX), TX(Zone 8b)

Im a jeans & T-Shirt kind of gal ... just wear the old ones to work out in the yard/garden...Old tennies too.

You really don't think she is doing the gardening or the beekeeping do you

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Of course not! That's what the kids are for! LOL I actually think that the garden will probably be maintained by some kind of yard person or the students from the schools.

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

Maybe her secret service guards have green thumbs?
Maybe we need to take up an offering to get her an old pair of bibb overalls and an old straw hat.
As for me I don't own anything I could ruin in the garden only thing I got is my Sunday go to meeting clothes and they definetly are NOT comfortable enough to work in.
I'm thinking if this photo op gets good reviews we may see more of these.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

oh I love everyone's responses, we mostly dirty gals then !

But big kudos to the white house garden, the first since Eleanor Roosevelt's Victory Garden !

*** Her flat boots were so cute, Angele! And your right star, altho my DH does take an odd pic of me in my grungies, it doesn't wind up in the paper.

Have any of you ever looked up your house on google earth? If you check out the street view you never know what you'll find - my DH looked ours up and started laughing.... there I was planting in the parking strip. Google had caught a picture.

Oakwood (Butler,TX), TX(Zone 8b)

OH NO !!! Im so glad you cant Google our place ..... you can only get about within 5 miles ....

Palestine, TX(Zone 8b)

I wear old scrubs so as not to ruin any more jeans or t-shirts. I have two sets and wash each set the day I use them. They are loose and cool and have nice big pockets.

Google couldn't find us. I've tried. Texas has so many little farm to Market roads, county roads and private roads that they can't drive every one of them. That is how they get the pics. That's what I heard on the news today. Texas is just too big. The satellite view can't penetrate the trees. Ahhhh, the privacy.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Now scrubs, that is a fantastic idea !

Our house now isn't on google, so the pic is from OR - probably a year and half old.

Reno, NV

Great topic! I think my fav garden outfit is a tank top and a cotton gauze skirt. I know it sounds odd but its comfey and I enjoy the romanticism of it=). Need to find some new skirts tho. And looking for a big straw hat that doesn't look too silly.

Palestine, TX(Zone 8b)

I wear a bandana and cowboy hat with my garden garb. But then, I'm a Texan who loves horses, the smell of leather, hay and believe it or not, manure. Picture it....scrubs, bandana and cowboy hat. Oh and my Ariat ropers to cushion, support my feet and ankles. I'm a sight for sure. Nothing romantic about my gardening. I just get too plain dirty. :)

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Brookstone has great hats for the garden... lightweight with sweatband built in. No big wide brim but it does flare out all around from the top of the head. Light and allows air to penetrate. It is stiff not floppy. Inexpensive too. This was ...maybe three years ago that I got it. Never have found a better one.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I think I'm on my knees too much to garden in a skirt - but you go duchess!

That sounds like a perfect hat, my head always gets so darn hot.

TX - this morning I had chicken manure in my car and was thinking how it smelled like a strong cup of coffee : )

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I like the SCRUBS idea!

I'm a jeans & sweatshirt or shorts and tee shirt kinda girl. And found these wonderful rubber garden shoes at Sam's. They slip on like a loafer and are waterproof with a ridged sole for traction.

And this summer I'm gonna be an INDOOR kinda girl, since I haven't taken my allergy shots this whole year. The mosquitoes will eat me alive!

Palestine, TX(Zone 8b)

lol redtootsie. In the real heat of the summer I will wear old shorts with the scrub tops. Can't bear the heat in long pants. If I'm doing any weed pulling or digging, where I will be on my knees, I wear knee pads. Now add that to the rest of my ensemble and.......well you get the idea. But I'm all about comfort.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't you get bit?
I cover myself in bug spray --I keep thinking it will kill me eventually but if I don't..... a simple mosquito bite will swell and leak and run down my leg for days... and any bite will leave a bruise (my scratching no doubt) and scar for a year!

Houston, TX

When I'm not actively trying to get some sun, some sweats and a sports bra. I like to get a little sun on me no matter what, which is surprising because I don't tan and I am so white you could use me to determine the proper color of copy paper. I'm usually barefoot too, because I just hate wearing shoes.

The dumbest one though is when I really want to get some sun. I'll go out in a swimsuit, lay down for all of three minutes, decide that I need to do something, realize that it's in an area that I need to put something on the feet, and slip on the wellies. Yes, a fat fourty year old woman running around in a swimsuit and wellies, carrying bundles of hay and bags of stuff, digging and generally making a mess. I have a feeling that no one will ever want to see what really happens in my back yard. It's too silly to imagine. Even my husband, who claims that he loves me in anything and would think I was beautiful in a burlap sack was laughing when he saw me in the swimsuit and wellies, covered with hay and dirt, grinning like an idiot while I pointed out some new growth to him.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

HA HA HA HA HA - oh my that is fabulous Hastur !!!! Love it, I get distracted too.

rosie - the mosquitos don't bother me, but LOVE my husband. He reacts the same way you do. I think I've only had one or two bites my whole life (I must stink to them?) .

TX - I think I should get some knee pads.

Palestine, TX(Zone 8b)

Nope don't get bit. I try to be done with my gardening by 4pm so I can get cleaned up and relax for the evening. I'm not out when the biters are. If I do get bit and that's usually when we are camping, the bites don't bother me. It's the fire ants that get me and make nasty sores.

Hastur, I think you beat me hands down. LOL. But doesn't playing in the dirt feel good?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

When I come home from work I sometimes go right to gardening before even going in the house. Purse, briefcase and whatever left sitting on the sidewalk. It's a good thing we live in the country and not in a city.

And, since we don't live with other people living too close, on my days off I wear lots of strange outfits for gardening. Anything from a bathrobe to a holey tee-shirt and shorts with paint on them. I'll usually be sporting the newest 'bedhead' hairdoo too. ^_^

Oakwood (Butler,TX), TX(Zone 8b)

I have on your outfit today
"holey tee-shirt and shorts with paint on them."
But running in the rain today .....

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

But running in the rain today ...

That's better than what we are running in. We got 2 feet of wet snow last night and we already have flood conditions going on. Right now we're still dressed in winter gear and/or waders.

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

So it sounds like I'm in keeping with the fashion trends of my peers:

oversized stained tshirt with holes and baggy shorts

If my husband is home, or if I start off by mowing, I will START off in socks & sneakers.
But if left to my own devices, I tend to step out in the first things I can get on my feet QUICKLY!!

I keep several pair of slipons by the front door, and some just outside the door.

This year I must vow to keep the Off closer to the door too though. It's only been a few weeks out and I'm scratching to beat the band! the mosquitos!!!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

So lucky to not get bit.
Here, If I go out early in morn...I have ten bites in 10 seconds... mid afternoon, late afternoon, middle of the night --it doesn't matter. if there were a mosquito blight and ONE mosquito left in this entire would find me.

Oakwood (Butler,TX), TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Joan.. I Feel your pain . I have been in 3 floods before moving up to higher ground. Moved out of the cold snow years ago too.
Stay warm & Dry

Fairview Park, OH(Zone 5b)

My outfit is jeans or capris (something heavy over the knees) and whatever ratty t-shirt I've got lying around. I found at TJ Maxx last year a great hat - looks like it's woven from ribbons of varying shades of green, it's lightweight, breathes well, and has a wide, wired rim.

Complete the look with a pair of Crocs - no socks. (BEST gardening shoes ever - just hose my ankles and hands off before going back in the house.)

The hat makes me look goofy, but it was a) cheap and b) effective. People should look at my petunias instead, anyway. :)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

That IS right Tomi, look at the petunias !!!

I need to try crocs, my kids have them I need to get them for myself now that it's warmer.

LOL i m so glad i m not the only one who saw that outfit . Yeah i think she should have worn pink coveralls ? ! with lime green crocs ? i mean it works for me ? i see nothing wrong with it. ? LOL oh i wear a tie die t shirt under my coveralls .

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

ha! funny thread!

I have a pair of capris-length cargo pants - pockets! on women's clothing! - made of a light, comfortable fabric that I love to wear in the garden. Gotta find another pair. Usually I'll wear a cheap tank top or free t-shirt with the capris.

Mosquitoes bite me like craaaazy! I wish they didn't like me. There's definitely something in human chemistry that makes mosquitoes favor one person over another.

My skin isn't getting any younger, and the creams and gels and peels and whatnot to correct the dark spots are quite pricy. So I'm definitely in the market for a sun hat. missingrosie's hat sounds perfect, but I couldn't find it on Brookstone's site. Does anyone have recommendations for a similar sunhat and know where I could get one? Aeration and built-in sweat bands sound perfect, as I tend to roast in the hot summer sun. I don't care if it looks crazy; actually, I think it's time I start wearing an eccentric hat.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

and this hat actually sort of rides on the head instead of gripping it. I will look for one and email the link if I find one like it. The closest I can come to describing it is the hat that Miss Jane used to wear on the Beverly Hillbillies. Sort of a bird watching hat..

Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

I know I will get yelled at but. . . . I wear an old pair of shorts, and old shirt, and NO shoes or gloves.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

and then go to straw safari hat.

Hard Shell
Safari Hat Straw
Safari Hat

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

What do you do when you've been gardening all day and decide to go plant shopping? Do you keep what you have on or do you change your clothes? I usually keep what I have on,get to the store, and wish I had changed.....

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I keep what I have on. Nobody's looking. I do feel a little guilty about grabbing something fast to eat on the way home...with grungy hands. But, I figure --- it's natural to eat a little dirt.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

......and a little sterilized manure....

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