Seeds, Plugs and Winter Sowing

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

What are you starting for your summer garden?
I decided to try plugs this year as my Hobby Greenhouse Assoc has a Co-op. Only problem is I don't have a GH yet. Might have overdone it a bit. Here is a list of my plugs.
Alyssum 150ea, Bacopa 25ea, Coleus 87ea, Helichrysum 32ea, Impatiens 70ea, Lobelia 87ea, Marigolds(Sweet Cream) 150ea, Mexican Heather 32ea, Verbena 100ea, Wave Petunia 12ea, Pansy 50ea. Sure hope I can keep them alive and looking good. The Marigolds, Alyssum and Verbena came in slabs which I carefully break apart and separate each plant and pot it. Here are the Marigolds.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

The Pansies are so large and nice that I have put them outside in the unheated garage at night and on the porch during the day to harden them off. I expect to plant them in the next week or two.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm having a lot of fun with my first attempts at seed starting. During the last weekend of Feb, I planted lamb's ears, cyclamen, and columbine. The lamb's ears germinated within a week, and I was hooked. I now have 31 small healthy lamb's ears plants from a seed packet of 50. I'm not doing so well with the columbine - germination just started about a week ago, but only have about 10 sprouts from about 120 seeds. Still haven't seen any germination of the cyclamen.

After the seed swap, I planted the tomato seeds that I got from critter. Almost 100% germination within 4 days - they are looking good and ready for transplant to 2" pots. I am starting the pepper and basil seeds from the swap now.

About a week ago, I did more flower seeds - foxglove, cleome, and sweet rocket. Foxglove and sweet rocket have started germinating already, but as with the columbine, sprouts are minimal compared to the number of seeds that were sown. Still, all in all, very exciting.

I still have hollyhock, datura, corkscrew vine, cup and saucer vine, moon flower, and morning glory seeds to plant. Ended up getting another 6 shelf unit and lights because I've run out of room!!! Terri

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Terri-- soon your entire house will be one big light setup! It sounds like you're doing great and I'm glad that this first seed starting attempt is so successful!

I'm just starting to see sprouts over here but my camera's battery is dead, so no photos just yet. I have some mystery WS seedlings-- the label faded even though it was on the bottom of the container with plastic taped over it :-( -- some papaya seedlings and a few wintersweet shrub seedlings from the seeds that I got from Gita at the swap.

I've started on broccoli, lettuce, ground cherries, tomatoes (Flame, Amish Paste), peppers (Red Cheese, Purple Cayenne), and eggplant (Louisiana Long Green) but I still have tons and tons more to start in the next couple of weeks. My husband needs to get his act together and build me a greenhouse! ;-)

I also started a bunch of tropical and non-tropical shrubs and trees-- Tamarind, Star Apple, Persimmon, Carolina Silverbells... some others that I can't recall right now. In a few weeks the whole house will be taken over and I will be wondering yet again what I have gotten myself into.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

HollyAnn, ....what are plugs? Are they already growing seedlings?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Wind, Yes they are just small seedlings, some of them are in individual tiny cell packs but some of them come in a slab of dirt. I'm potting up the slab plants first, need to get them separated before they grow together too much. I did the Marigolds yesterday and the Verbena today. Here is the Verbena.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is what I ordered & got. A half flat (208 plantlets) of Bronze Leaf Red Flowered Begonia. You can see the comparison of their size with my arthritic hand. I paid $ 16.00 for the flat, bringing it to approx 8 cents apiece per plant. The reason I am keeping them in a kitty litter box sitting in a diluted mix of 20-20-20 is for them to get really good size before I pot them up 5 to a 5 inch pot. A couple years ago, the plugs were about half this size, I tried to pot them up & they were too small so last year, I kept them like this until they were large enough to survive the transplant. I put them in window boxes around our pond and the entire plant turns firey red in the sun, quite a show. Closeup in next post

This message was edited Mar 11, 2009 7:41 PM

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

And here is a closeup of one plug. I, too belong to the local Hobby Greenhouse Chapter that meets in the Harrisburg area. It's like being in a local DG. LOL

This message was edited Mar 11, 2009 7:41 PM

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Nice Begonias, What else did you order? I thought I was getting a few Begonias but they weren't on my list. Ric was down in the barn digging out extra lights. I'm going to need them ;-}
Yes, Buttoneer is who originally invited me to the HGHA. It is a wonderful group, even for those without Greehouses yet.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Begonias were all I ordered, Holly. Trying to save money & they were all I really needed. They are such sturdy plants, I rarely lose any.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I LOVE the re3d-leaved, red-bloom Begonias!!!! They are my favorites.

I always plant them in the ound bed around my Wintersweet bush and they make a nice border,,,
Thjis will be the second year, though, that I will have the "Tahiti Daffodils" also circling this bed. I bought about 8 bulbs 2 years ago from Rawlings Conservatory after I saw them in their Spring Bulb Show. Last year, they all camr up and had one stem and---maybe--a couple of blooms. This Spring--there atr already 3-4 pips showing for each plant.

I can't wait!!!!!! They are so pretty!!!!

This picture is from the Rawlings Spring Show in 2007. That is when I fell in love with these. Well--at least you gt to see what they look like!

Edited to say---sorry about all the mis-spellings.....My fingers are big--and I hit too many double keys!

This message was edited Mar 11, 2009 11:04 PM

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I am the worst Coleus mommy ever. I had a packet of seed from Pinetree, took them three weeks to show and I watered too much and am down to one good looking thing with just the seed leaves. Several other pots other seeds have not come up. I'm thinking the basement has been cooler than I thought so I took them upstairs for warmth today.
But I have about seven jugs of odd and ends wintersowed and high hopes for them!

HollyAnn and Buttoner- that sounds like so many plants!! But they will look good!

Kubileya- yes there is that crucial period when everything is getting bigger but still can't go outside. I haven't tried to get my Caladiums going yet.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gitagal, Do you have dates for the Rawlings Spring show? I believe Longwood's is set for April Fools day. Ric

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


"The Spring Bulb Show" at Rawlings will be from April 4th through April 19th."

They are begging for volunteers to come in and be greeters (front desk).
Gosh! I LOVE being there----but i have such a hard time committing my time to go there.....I have a hard time committing to anything nowadays!!!! I just want MY time----in MY space--on MY terms......

My heart is always willing--but that is, about where it all ends.....Besides---it is a LONG way from my house to where they are. IF they were, say, 15 minutes from where I live--I would spend a lot of time there...(I think....) but they are almost a 40 minute drive from here-----times two---many miles....

I KNOW I am only using this as an excuse. IF I really had it in my heart to volunteer my time there----I would take the time.....Sorry!!!!
Whenever I have gone there--I feel like I am in a Fairy-Land.....I am such a "People Person"--such a Garden Person!----this would be an ideal job for me----BUT--it is NOT a paying job. So--I do not feel obligated.....

All I can say is that---as one gets to be OLD--many things one would LIKE to do, just fall by the roadside.....a trade-off for comfort and same old--same old----

Even if I find my singular life "boring"---it has become my "comfort zone"....My way of life....
I still work 3 days a week and I still have my home and Garden to deal with. And all the paperwork.......EVERYTHING just seems to overwhelm me!

Maybe when you get to be in the 70's--you will understand......


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I very much understand, When I was volunteering at the Aquarium it was a real dream. Hand feeding the rays, talking to the kids, and the shark tank, so peaceful and exciting. To do what I did for those couple of years is an experience of a lifetime. Not many people get to do something like that and I loved it. But after being off for those 6 months after my shoulder surgery I just didn't want to go back to that commitment. 2 1/2 to 3 hr dive each way 2 twice a month, I'd leave the house at 6am and get home at 8pm. Not just that but anything that I had to consistently attend on a certain day at a certain time. I didn't mind saying that I would do something this Sat or next Friday but to say that every Thursday at 7pm I'd be there was just something I really didn't want to do.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


But I have this "genetic" feeling of GUILT that bugs me.
I signed up to do something--and yet I have not done it to any extent.....That sits "wrong" with me!

Thanks for your understanding.......


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly do you have a picture of your Coleus plugs? In the Swap thread you mentioned that you ordered mixed and you said they are all looking the same. Coleus usually start showing there colors early.

This message was edited Mar 15, 2009 7:54 AM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, I have about 80 of these They were bought as Coleus-Mixed Colors 350 plugs to a flat and I got 1/4 of those. I guess time will tell as far as what they are and whether or not I will have any surviving come swap time. LOL
I'm really running behind, today I'm doing the Alyssum which I should have gotten done several days ago.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly , I think you will be ok, I see some variation there. I also see some mass plantings in your future LOL
If you ever seen some of Dale-the-Gardener's pictures, they are worth a look.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, I did see some of his planting very inspiring. I'm (Ric) is going to dig up more of the yard this year. I know we won't work on the pond this year so I thought I could put annuals and things like the cannas that need to be dug up in the fall. in an area that will be dug up for the pond later.
I got thru half my alyssum seedlings this morning saving the rest till later after my helper goes home. I think my success rate on the Alyssum seedlings I potted this morning may have gone down but the fun factor went way up. JR was as gentle as a 5yr old boy could be and as we were planting he told me " This is fun Grams". He spread the dirt, made holes with the stick I gave him, separated and planted the seedlings, watered it all and helped carry "his" tray up stairs to put under the lights. We put markers in his tray so he would know which one is his. I'll make sure the marker gets moved to the best looking tray. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, sorry you can't get to the pond this year, but digging up more of the yard for flowers is good too.
Glad you have help, those plugs look like a lot of work, I am a one to 2 seeds in a cell type of gardener, hate separating seedlings! I try to avoid it.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We decided to concentrate on the Greenhouse this summer and let the pond wait a bit more. So I will be digging up an area between an existing bed and the future pond area.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I learned with the plugs that if I put them in a kitty litter box and put water with fertilizer in the water in the bottom and put the plugs in that, they absorb the fertilizer/water from the bottom & I allow them to grow larger for a couple weeks before I repot them, I get a much better survival rate. The very first year I ordered begonia plugs, they were very tiny & when I repotted them, lost about 75% of them. Then last year, I put the tiny flat in a kitty litter box with water in it, put it in the sun in the greenhouse & didn't lose any. This year, I have done the same thing, but put fertilizer in the water. This year, the plants are much larger and after a week or two, I will repot them & probably have extremely minimal losses.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

It has been pretty quiet here, time to wake the baby plants up and show them off.

Baby Basil

top right to left: Lemon & Lime mixed, Purple, Siam Queen
Bottom Right to left : Lime, Sicilain, Italian

Jill if you read this, most of those seeds are yours, thanks to Sallyg from the 2007 seed swap.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

These are a Geranium just labled "Red Hardy Geranium" that I got from a seed round robin 2007.

They are looking good, but have no idea how they will grow up.

This message was edited Apr 2, 2009 7:52 AM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Coleus, Coral Sunset

This message was edited Mar 25, 2009 1:30 PM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Coleus,Giant Exibition, I can't garden without these, they got me hooked on coleus.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Purple Datura, ok here is the story, last year I tried to grow these and they germinated very late, so this year I started them early. Now I'll have to pot them up since they will not go out till late May. Question, how deep should I set the seedlings into the soil in the pots? Holly there are seeds that you collected. Do you have pictures of the flowers?
Thanks, Chris

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Chris--I don't think Datura is like tomatoes that you can bury the stems and they will grow roots...I just say that--not having anything to substantiate it...
Your seedlings look a bit leggy. Did you have them under lights? Anyway............

As I always have suggested---plant them up in 4" pots and then wait until they are about 4"-5" tall before you transfer them to their permanent location in a bed. Be gentle! Don't mess with the roots.....Just lift....and set in the prepared hole.....
They will sit there for about a week or so saying..."Whacha do that for???".....and then take off!

You are smart to start them inside early, as if you just planted them outside when the weather turns warm, they would not have enough time to grow the seed pods to maturity (where they start splitting) to collect seeds.

You are further North than I--so you need to really start them early.....

You cannot collect seeds from a seed pods if it has not started to split. The seeds will not be mature.....I learned that the hard way the first year I grew these beauties....

Here's what "split" seed pods looks like.....For me, here in Baltimore, they start, seriously, ripening in mid October or so.....Then you have to watch them like a hawk every other day....
CUT them free from the stems--do not pull!--the seed pods will fall apart in your hands. BIG mess....

Here's one days harvest from last Fall-----Lots and lots of seeds to be had!!!!
That's why I have so many seeds to share!


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, I was thinking the same thing just didn't get around to posting pictures. But I did take a few.
First, I planted my Pansies today. Not sure if these count as babies. LOL They came as large plugs and I only had to keep them going for a few weeks. I ordered 50 set 12 aside for my Mom. I could have used another 30 of them easily.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here they are in the walkway bed. There are a lot of plants coming up in this bed. If you see color in the pic it's either crocus or pansies.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I am having mixed results with my plugs. The Marigolds are doing just great. Here are a few flats of them. These are in my garage. I didn't have enough room for all the plugs so Ric rigged me up another set of lights. I call it a garage but really it is more like an attached storage shed, a bit bigger than a 1 car garage. Several years ago we removed the garage door and put in a glass slider. It's not heated but I have been tracking the temps and it never goes below 40 even when it was in the 20's a couple of nights ago. So far the plants are doing OK out there and I have room under the lights for 8 flats.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Verbenia This was taken upstairs most of the Verbenia has done very well too. I had these upstairs but moved some of them down to the garage too. Leaving room on the upstairs stand for newly transplanted plugs and seeds.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, The Datura seedlings are under lights that are on chains and I keep the lights just above the tops of the seedlings. I had the humidity dome on them till they sprouted, the light was just clearing the dome. Maybe I didn't plant the seeds deep enough? I had good luck with the yellow ones last year, but not the purples. If I remember right they were a bit leggy at the start also but grew out of it once they were outside and the "trunk" started to grow thicker.
Every year is a learning experience.

Last years Yellow Datura

This message was edited Mar 25, 2009 7:57 PM

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


How envious I am that you have this man, Rick, doing all these things for you!!!!
How wonderful!!! How precious and priceless.....
I know it is but for the LOVE you have for each other and share this amazing bond about gardening.....that he and you exist in this true harmony when it comes to gardening.....and everything else in your lives....

OK! So I "wax" sentimental tonight....I am beyond tired today! Too much for my old bones!

Can't wait to see your garden in May!

Gita--AHHH...Soon I shall see these again! My "Sweet Surrender" which I surrender all my senses every year!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Chris--We cross-posted.....

Sounds like all will be OK! Do you always grow your Daturas in a pot? I would like to have mine a bit more compact and not so "wild"....
A pot would be the answer--but, once again, I have no more room for pots--so they will go in the same bed-spaces they have always grown in.....

Last Summer--I did not have any yellow ones. I think I just mis-labeled my seedlings---they were all purples....
This year--I hope to have plenty of both! I can only plant--maybe, three or four????
The rest will be given away to friends, coleagues--and also taken to Holly's Swap.....

Luckily--I still had plenty of seeds from the yellow one from 2007.
Will you be there?????


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Last year was the first I have grown the yellow ones, I have had the white ones a long time ago. (My taste in plants change every so often).
I did not have a spot to plant them in the ground so I figured in pots I could move them where I wanted them. I also have a little dog that when she gets POed at me she will bite off leaves that get in her way and I didn't want her nibbling on these.
The only thing is you have to keep an eye on the watering, they get dry sooner even with the Moisture Control Potting mix in the pots.
I do plan on being at Holly's for the swap.
I'm also waiting for my Burgs from the co-op to be shipped, thank you for the information packet. lots of good info. I hope to get to Lowe's soon (sorry, easier to get to for me then HD ) to get the recommended fertilizer.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, LOL We are not always so intune. But I am very lucky to have found him and our relationship is a very good one. After all these years the love and passion are all still there.
Lady, Almost forgot you asked about seeds you got from me. Not sure but you may have these. I got several Datura Pods from a neighbor who said they were purple, but I never saw the flowers. This is what I got from my seeds. It's white with a purple inside, you get a lavender look from the outside and they were a bit smaller than my other Dats. I wouldn't say it wasn't pretty but a bit disappointing as it wasn't what I expected.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'll have about fifty yellow dbl Dats. if they all live from this point! Germination happened over a span of weeks, after weeks of waiting. I was afraid I harvested the seed too early and didn't dry it properly. LOL myself.

My WS parsley just came up!! waiting on the rest of my WS.
Wintersweet is sprouting! Also took a few weeks, but to day the soil in the pot looked disturbed, but I knew here was no mole in my basement! It was baby wintersweets starting to push up from below. Give me till Monday for pics. I have to go thru old pics and pull out 15 or 20 for my DS graduation. Took me two hours today already to sort from a box into approx years.

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