Mid-Atlantic Snowstorm

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

And don't say "Stawn-ton", say "Stan ton", right? Love that watering can.
And the snowsorm is a distant memory already-
I've been outside all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

That's right Sally! We were with friends from Annapolis that weekend, (originally from CA) and they were fascinated by the pronunciation. ;-)

I'm heading back out - and yippee - it's daylight savings time tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, 70 degrees today. Didn't get much done outside, to much running around but oh how nice it was.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Yeah! And I had to work all day--sitting by the phone.....
I appreciate the hours and the pay--but i could have done so much outside-----

I bet we are back to near freezing within the next week! Don't anybody do some foolish thing--like starting to plant things outside.....We ALL know better--don't we?

Magnana!!!! Gita

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, we might KNOW better, but do we always follow what we know - no :-)

Thursday's low is 30 - the entire weeks night temps are low 30's

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

The "Lion" does not cede willingly to the "Lamb"......
Always a struggle..........

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I picked up my annual plant plugs from my Greenhouse Assoc. Co-op. I know better than to plant most of them outside......but? Thinking about the Pansies, they are pretty nice size bigger than the rest of the plugs and they tolerate cold. Instead of bringing them inside I put them in the unheated garage. It won't get too cold tonight. I'm thinking of leaving them there until I plant them. Any opinions? How cold is too cold for Pansies?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Pansies can live through 2' of snow and it does not faze them.....

I would plant them outside now--but, maybe, ask if they were hardened off by the Grower???
If you cannot--I would wait until the weather stops bouncing around between 30* and 75*.....like it is now.

I believe that it is important to buy any flowering Pansies--from a reputable Nursery that takes the time to harden them off by exposing them to the normal, cold temps of the early Spring/late Winter.....Otherwise--people that don't know any better, just buy them and plant them outside at this time of year and then watch them get all frost-bitten.

Knowledge IS power!!!!!


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, the snow is history!!! I was outside all day today, also, cleaning out my front beds which were full of leaves and debris and spring weeds. Tomorrow, I will finish moving the leaves to the compost pile and dig out some onion grass from the backyard beds.

Missingrosie--here are two more Old Town hot spots that I have been to and love---Old Town Alexandria, VA, which is on the Potomac River's edge. It has many historic buildings, including an old fire house, the Gatsby Tavern which still serves Old World style dishes, and the Torpedo Factory, which is now an art center but was a real torpedo factory during the World Wars. There are also many fine restaurants and artsy shops and atique shops!! Old Town Alexandria has the greatest ghost tours!!

Next is Occaquan, VA, which is also on a river and has lovely shops and some restaurants, though I haven't sampled any dining there. Every May and September, they have an arts and craft festival in the streets. You can find some good stuff at times and have a blast shopping. .

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, No these aren't hardened off. They came from a grower that would supply the nurseries. I thought if I put them in the garage they should be OK and I could put them outside during the day (when warm enough) and then put them in the garage at night. Thought that might be better than bringing them in the house. But I didn't think they should just go outside without the hardening process. They are very nice plugs only an inch or two tall but nice and bushy with a few flowers already.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

LOL Barb, I love those sculptures and they're much prettier with the flowers in summer! Got me thinking, what IS the story behind them? Found it!

"The Staunton Giant Flower Pots and Watering Can were created in the 1990s by local artist Willie Ferguson. His other large sculptures in Staunton include a giant open book in front of the library and a large plow near the Valley Feed Company.
The Staunton Watering Can is approximately 18' tall and 20' wide. The can and pots were created in honor of Barbara Hunter Grant who is a prominent local citizen who serves on various boards and donates to many causes."

Sally, I remember when I first moved here and had to call Directory Assistance to get a telephone number for someone in Staunton. The operator came back and said we don't have anyone in "Stan-ton" but we do have one in "Stawn-ton"! Several others in the area make me smile - Buena Vista, is pronounced "Bewna" Vista and Buchanan is "Buckhanon" - always get a weird look from strangers to the area :)

High of 78 here yesterday!!! Enjoyable day fussing with plants but I would have much rather spent it in the gardens. Took a quick walk when I got home to inspect things and it looks like the rough winter has taken its toll on quite a few things :( I'm always 'testing' the hardiness of plants here. Our record -13 temps in January weren't kind to some of those Zone 7 plants. Someone needs to slap me the next time I get the brilliant idea that they're tough enough to make it - NOT!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This winter was definitely not kind to those who push the zone envelope.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all the tips on where to visit. I have saved each and every one and am looking forward to the exploration!!! I can't wait. I am sooo tired of everything looking the same...same shops/stores...same foods.... same same same... When I come across an old family business or even a new start with local wares....I am in heaven!! I just love to see the creativity of the local artists ---I wish they weren't having such a hard time in this economy.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

reminds me of the telephone customer service person who asked about our purchase of a vehicle at Toyota in Bow-ie (bending from the waist), but around here its "Bew-ie", and not like David Bowie (Boh-ie)
Like Ricky Ricardo's Bough-cough,tough...

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey, Debby - Thanks for tracking down the story behind those sculptures. I noticed the "in honor of" tag on the last visit, but that was all. Now I'll have to look for the book and the plow!

I too am going to be interested to see what did and did not survive the bitter cold we had here for a few days during the winter.

Pronunciations are so fascinating - the friends I mentioned earlier lived in NC for a USMC tour, so they knew about the Beaufort in NC as well as the Beaufort in SC - in NC, it's pronounced "Bow-fort", and in SC, "Bew-fort". I'm sure the list of similar such differences is endless!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well I, for one, did plant something...only b/c the vendor instructed me to get it in the ground ASAP - the Rock Daphne. Probably won't have blooms with that this year but hoping for next year since ya'll raved about the scent.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

If it is like the others --pick a good spot --won't tolerate a move and don't let it get wet ! it likes dry feet

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thankfully I did remember that and the spot I'd picked for it which is on a slight slope right above what was the C & S garden...drainage it will have for sure!!! Not to mention I dumped bird grit beneath it's soil like I use to do with the cactus...finger's crossed.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I bet it will do fine! I hope your spot is near a window or a deck or porch...wow that fragrance....

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hmm, I didn't know that Bowie, MD was "Byew-ie". I've always said it like David Bowie 'cuz in Arkansas, we knew and loved a James Bowie who made a famous knife. I've gotten away with mispronounciation for that one, but I didn't get far when I moved out here and said the Potomac River as "Poe-toe-mack." People jumped my head!! It's Pah-TOE-mick" you idiot!!"

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I've always said it like David Bowie's last name...LOL
missingrosie - it's beside the steps where I sit with my Chloe...can't wait to do the sniffer test...

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

You won't be able to avoid the 'sniffer test' - the fragrance will be everywhere just as soon as those flowers open.

Crozet, VA

What fun to spend the past half hour or so re-living last weeks snow. Thank you to everyone who took and shared their pictures. Some really fantastic shots.

When speaking of Staunton and Fishersville area, you are talking about some of my stomping grounds. Actually, Charlottesville, which is on the opposite side of the mountain, is where I spend more time than I do on the Valley side of mountain.

Yes, this month of March has shown some real extremes in terms of the weather experienced so far. Will be interesting to see what else the month will bring.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Ruby *waving* Big hugs!!!

Ahhhh a WAFTING scent...my favorite kind....mmmm-hmmm!!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Ruby!

Actually, on our Staunton/Fishersville weekend, we also stopped in Crozet - King Family Vineyards. We spent a couple of days at their log cabin for our 30th Anniversary (yikes - 6 years ago...) and the family was so very nice, and their wines so very good, it remains a special place for us to visit. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend it - it's nice in the winter, but the tasting room is quite small. In the nicer weather, you can sit outside on the patio, enjoying the absolutely spectacular scenery while sipping wine.

Lucky you getting to live in such a beautiful area!


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