Flowering in March 09

My first "stuffed" cross ...Brugmansia (for brian and steve) ...I am tickled pink because I have read so many times that people grow hundreds looking for a double and here is a potential one on my second opening plant. It is a cross by Brenda Delphe

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looking up the skirt ...

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My shredded Elfin Pink Angel ...this chopped top is throwing lots of "shredded" type flowers. What's up with that? not a disease it is some kind of mutation I think.

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Ummm hibicus is huge! peaches and cream ...you never know what it will throw up sometimes pink sometimes cream, orange or yellow or all of this mixed up. This is a bread and butter plate size

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for sammut ...my vincas were like yours

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grrr sorry ...I will be back when part 2 is open (Sue?)
here they are sammut ...throwing seeds about like crazy.

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Barmera, Australia

Aw Chrissy100 don't be so nasty, they don't smell like rotting fish. Perhaps more like a dead cow or roadkill Roo.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Flowering at Ellerslie...
so many pics to choose from!
I See Red.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
se qld, Australia

Dalfyre it's gorgeous. I hope we'll see many more pics?

barmera, Australia

Dalfyre can't wait to see the pics. Beautiful reds. Colleen

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Ritzy Hibiscus

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Frosty pink Brug

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Jean I think your Stapelia is an eyecatcher!!Does it only last one day?
Chrissy your Brugs are beautiful as usual!
dalfyre...lovely pics please show more

Merino, Australia

Hello Judy. The Stapelia has been on the plant for over a week and does not look like fading as yet. It was hiding behind another pot so may have been on even longer. I have some others courtesy of lovely friends and am awaiting their time to flower. Strangely enough , even though they are all in the greenhouse, there is no awful smell unless one gets right up to the flower. The flower is about 3" across, so not large.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Chrissy vincas are sweet little things Sammut .

Christchurch, New Zealand

made a start on the Ellerslie pics...

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Today whilst I was out, my purple frangi revealed himself....here's Jacks Purple...not as dark as I expected but it is purple....this is his first inflo and he's only just a metre high so maybe as he gets bigger he'll get more definite colour......I have noticed that he has started to fork which means next summer I'll be able to take cuttings .I'm going to leave this flower and the next flowers, I'll self pollinate,to get some seeds.........well that's the plan anyways.......

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Todays flower is a much darker purple.......

Thumbnail by MyaC
se qld, Australia

OH MY!!!!!! It really is purple, isn't it?!

Christchurch, New Zealand

I am in love!
Jack's Purple is divine!
Beautiful regal purple...
my favourite colour ...
after seeing the all red garden at Ellerslie - why not one with a purple haze?
Oh to have the discipline to create a themed garden.
Mine is a random collection of colours.
Only in the last year have I tried to colour co-ordinate anywhere at all...

se qld, Australia

A little Queensland native, a member of the iris family. Can't remember its name, though. I will have to dig out the book again.

The flowers are no bigger than the fingernail on my pinkie.

This message was edited Mar 16, 2009 11:17 PM

Thumbnail by gardengal
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Mya,Your purple Frangi is to die for...please show us the whole inflo when it is all out...I bet you treasure that one,keep a watchful eye on it...wouldn't want it to grow legs lol!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thankyou so much for sharing the purple farngi with us , Mya! It was well worth the wait. Any fragrance?
This is Tillandsia ionantha, flowering today. I'm off to look at Dalfyres Elerslie thread.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi Sue, the fragance is like a soft delicate perfume,nothing like a frangi smell of coconut oil..........

Here it is today,with 3 flowers.....I'm going to wait unit these flowers drop of before self pollinating a new flower.....

Thumbnail by MyaC
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Its quite a Lilac colour isn't it? Does the photo do it justice? If anyone hasn't looked at Dalfyres Elerslie show thread, I highly recommend that you do! excellent photos of excellent displays!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Christchurch, New Zealand

thank you for those kind words.
It was an excellent show & I wish I had a better camera but was happy with most pics.
I love the colouring of that brom...
do they enjoy being misted with water?
I am still keen to try & nurture the one at work.
It looks just the same in the centre with the strange white stuff.I have been filling the centre with water & not seeing any change.

se qld, Australia

Dalfyre, I'd be inclined to take it outside, turn it upside down and flush it. They don't really need to be misted if they have water in the centre.

Christchurch, New Zealand

the one at work looks slightly different - it looks like it is forming a flower bud in there & the white stuff seems to be part of that?
looks weird to me but I will keep topping it up with water & see what happens.
It has been very dried out - we didn't know to water it there & were just watering the potting mix.
Do they need that to be moist?

Barmera, Australia

Trying to identify this one on the C & S forum. It had one flower yesterday and the others opened over night.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

Pretty warm here today after a coolish week must have stirred all the cacti up a bit. This photo is "ET" with another lot of flowers, the spell in the Tea Room and all the attention has him performing especially for all his friends.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

He's asked his Rellies to join in.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

"ET" and Rellies are Gymnocalycium mihanavichii just different forms, only about 3" across and small spines making them easy to handle. I think they are going to ask can they stay in the Tea Room for awhile before going home.

This message was edited Mar 21, 2009 1:04 AM

Thumbnail by Stake
Merino, Australia

The little darlings are very welcome to stay in the Tea Room. They don't make a mess or eat everything at once.
I may put a little friend in there with them. A little Tillandsia I found among the epis quite a while ago.
Very hot here but a quick squall just flew past and some lightning started a fire in the bush about 10 miles away. Not serious I think but our fireys are on the spot. better go and finish watering as nothing will fall from the sky for me.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Jean. It has been overcast for quite awhile now and we just had 5 drops of rain. I wish the heavens would just open up . It is quite hot here too. I'm sure ET wouldn't mind the company.

Merino, Australia

Colleen, we just had the other5 drops as the squall flew past way over from us. I hate it when I can stand here on the hill and watch the rain elsewhere.
Very humid here .
I just had to show my gorgeous tuberous begonia. I started with 8 bought about 6 years ago, but they have gradually died from the heat here. I put these last 3 in a basket down in the fern house and they are thriving. This one is more yellow than the photo shows but the light is dull at the moment. The red one will soon be out and I'm not sure what the other is now. They are rare because they are perfumed. Mmmmmmm... I bought them from a man who has since died. so can get no more. . I may try and take cuttings next year from the new growth.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

This is the bud of the red one. It is also perfumed.
As they are doing so well, I may take a trip to the Ballarat Begonia Festival next year and see what I can buy.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Don't you just love Vallotta Lilies ?

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Jean. Are they Amiranthus [Hippy]? They're lovely. Jean will you tell me how to take cuttings from the Begonias? I was going to take cuttings from mine for a neighbour but it all died down so do I have to wait now ?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Beautiful flowers Jean, that tuberous begonia is picture perfect what is the scent like?..I've never had luck growing vallottas maybe they don't like summer watering?

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