Flowering in March 09

Jean's glasshouse angel noid ...Brugmansia

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Chloe Brugmansia

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desert roses at last

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Mini canna "peaches"

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My Old Sydney Apricot noid brugmansia

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my large pink mandevillia

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my pretty ground covers under one angel ...thanks sue ^_^

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Bananas in pyjamas

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se qld, Australia

A fantastic collection there Chrissy.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Your new camera is taking lovely clear shots Chrissy.This is whats flowering today,my very favourite white frangi..it has the sweetest intoxicating scent quite unlike my other whites.This is the first time it has ever produced a slight pink blush to some of the petals!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Nother frangi...a lovely blush pink....nice scent

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

yellow canna today

Thumbnail by brical1
barmera, Australia

Brical. I can smell them from here. Colleen

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Apricot/salmon versicolor brug

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

full moon hibiscus

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Peach blow Hibiscus

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

mixed foliage ...hanging baskets

Thumbnail by brical1
barmera, Australia

Brical. Your garden must look a dream with all those flowers. The versicolour is just perfect. Colleen

Inland S.E QLD , Australia


Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

It is really starting to show the effects of this blasted drying wind we have had here for days....I am happy to send you cuttings of the versicolor if you would like.

Thumbnail by brical1
barmera, Australia

Thank you Brical. That would be great. Chrissy sent me some cuttings but versicolour isn't there. In for a penny in for a pound. Will D-mail you

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Your welcome!

Sydney, Australia

As you may well be aware - I like climbers. Especially those that can behave themselves.
This is one of the first plantings I undertook on this block. It was going to hide the 'school yard' front fence but after 20+ years it's still sitting on the corner. If you don't know it, seek it out if only for the glorious perfume!
Gelsemium sempervirens - Carolina Jasmine

Thumbnail by Budgieman
Barmera, Australia

Not much flowering here so I thought I'd show this. In fact we'll make it a little puzzle. What is it?

Thumbnail by Stake
Sydney, Australia

It's a flower!

Sydney, Australia


Barmera, Australia

Budgieman is not right it's two flowers and not a Bauhinia. I'm not sure if it works like maths where two minuses make a plus. I will have to wait for a higher authority to rule on that.

se qld, Australia

It's a snail vine

se qld, Australia

No it's not, it's a pea flower of some kind

Sydney, Australia

Dang! Lost on a technicality!
So i'm one third right anyway!

Sydney, Australia

Gardengal on the money with pea flower (my thoughts)

noonamah, Australia

Definitely Fabaceae, but there are so many that look just about the same. The flowers are dead ringers for Winged Bean, but the leaves definitely aren't. I'd say more likely Lablab Bean.

Barmera, Australia

That caused some fun for awhile and I'm glad that it did. The flowers are on my "Yard Long Bean" plants. Rather pretty I think especially for a veg. In about a week I'll be able to show you yards & yards of Yard Long Beans (I hope).

noonamah, Australia

Yard Long Beans are what we call Snake Beans, Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis. The "sesquipedalis" means foot and a half, which is pretty well the biggest they grow to. And then you'd only have them as dried beans. I prefer them much smaller. I didn't think you'd grow them that far south.

noonamah, Australia

Here's a mature Snake Bean from my garden.

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
Merino, Australia

Not much around to compare with all your lovelies but I do have a flower on my Stapelia.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barmera, Australia

The Stapelias and relatives have some very pretty flowers and I bet that their aroma can be detected at a greater distance than those Brugmansias.

Steve that yellow jasmine strikes very easily from cuttings ...I think it smells like johnson's baby powder.
Mya here is old stripey noid ,a lovely angel's trumpet (just opened) love it's sweet simple shape and lemony fragrance ...mmmm
(sorry no rotten fish fragrances for me)

oooops ...This widescreen is very distracting ...I wish some one would do a part 2 so we can get out of panorama LOL.

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