Ric and Holly’s Spring Plant Swap May 16th

Crozet, VA

Wow, such graciousness is to be found among members of Dave's. Kubi, a couple of years ago I attended my first swap and went away feeling as though I had just spent the day with some of the very most giving people that I had ever had the chance to meet and spend time with. I came to Dave's during a low time in my life and this place became a shelter from the storm. So many people were so kind to me. It was nothing for me to go to mailbox and have a card, a plant, a packet of seeds or some other little goodie there. I felt very loved.

I had to laugh when I got to Sally's post. Sally, you read wrong. I said, DON'T ask John about goats. hahaha Actually, I haven't heard as much about goats the past couple of weeks because he went out a while back all ready to purchase two of them and found out that it is actually the wrong time of year to buy them. They are all too young at the moment. He thinks that about June he will be able to purchase a couple of them. So, he is now spending most of his time preparing the soil for our first veggie garden.

Diana, I am really glad that you and Harry will be attending the swap. It will be good to see you again. We will probably be staying in Mt. Laurel that weekend, so our driving directions will be pretty much the same.

Critter, even though I have never given goats much thought, I am like your mother and find them very interesting creatures.

Holly, please tell Ric to rest his ears between now and the swap. I am sure that John will be burning Ric's ears off with goat questions.

All in all, we are looking forward to seeing everyone at Holly's.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Food thread has been started.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I posted info on area hotels for those that are staying over. Fifth post down from the top.

Crozet, VA

First off, is this the correct thread to type wanted and offers? I want to make sure that my requests will be seen. haha Don't want to miss a thing.

I finally have my list of offers ready and also have a list of wanted items too.

I will check back here later in order to hopefully find that someone has answered about this being correct place.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, there's a more "chatty" thread for swapping and also a part 2 continuation where people have been posting more orderly have/want lists.

chatty thread for swapping: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/956531/

lists thread for swapping: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/973418/

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Critter, Looking forward to seeing you Ruby, if I can get it in gear I might have a surprise for you Ruby. Not promising but hopeful.

Crozet, VA

Oh my gosh....... now you have me wondering what I might have mentioned to you along the way. Okay, it won't be too hard to not get too excited, because I have no idea what it is. I suppose if you told me, it would ruin the surprise element. I can wait. Thank you for thinking of me though.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Ruby, What is life without a few surprises.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Ok, Folks, I'm in. DSO Larry will be schlepping things behind me! Now, if I can just get all of this stuff dug in time....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Stormyla, so glad you will make it. Looks like we will have a great crowd. Looking forward to having everyone.
Oh Ruby, I did get it together. I will have a surprise for you.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

This is going to be a really good size ru.

Crozet, VA

Howdy All - Yes, it sounds as though a lot of folks are going to be with us that day. I just know that I have enjoyed the get togethers that I have attended, and it looks like this will become a annual event for John and I. If we get our front yard in some sort of safe shape, maybe before too very long, we will host one here.

Now, I am excited Holly!!!! No fair keeping me in suspense. Nah, just kidding. Whatever the surprise is, I am sure that I will love it, just for the fact that it came from you.

So glad that you will be joining us Stormy.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, Holly--perhaps each of us should bring a lawn chair????
The crowd is a-growing! Will you have enough places to sit on?

I have plenty--except i will be riding with sally, as usual, and we may not have enough room in the car for a pile of chairs.....


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Gita, I have folding chairs listed in the things to bring up in the top post. I have some extra chairs that will be sitting around the yard but everyone that can should bring a chair for their own swap area. I have tables for setting up food and a picnic table or two to sit and eat but a small folding table for your own swap area is also suggested for those that would like a table in your swap area.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll be sending out address, phone # and directions info in the next day or two. So keep and eye out for a D-mail. Not sure if I will get it done today but tomorrow for sure.
I'll be sending out a Group Blast to everyone on the list at the top of the thread so if I do not have your name listed and you are planing or even thinking of attending please let me know so I can make sure that you get all the info you need. Thanks Holly

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Can't believe it's only 2 weeks away.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gotta tune up the CR-V and make sure there's plenty of room in the back for plants! ;-)

(Miata, Aspen & I are all driving up together, as we did for Becky's swap last spring.)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I have made reservations at the Comfort Inn, will be there Friday till Sunday a.m. Anyone else staying there?
Or close by.


Crozet, VA

Oh, what fun traveling together would be. You ladies stay safe and we will see you at the swap.

Nope, on the Comfort Inn Chris. We are once again taking advantage of my sweet niece's hospitality. It will still be a couple hour drive for us, but that is better than four or five hours.

Yippie, it won't be long now yous' guys.


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

We have not decided where to stay yet, but it could be the Comfort Inn.

I will let you know soon Chris.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

All of the hotels I listed are right in the same area. So if anyone is staying at any of them it will be very easy to get together.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Folks, what's the best way to have your plants organized and displayed at the swap? Should they be grouped by variety, or is it better to make groups by who they are promised to?

I'm making a little note book to try to keep this organized and would like to try to pack and set them out by what's in my notebook.

Will there be a central location for unclaimed plants?

Do people provide photos for new gardeners?

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Glad you asked that Stormy. I was wondering the same thing.

I printed out my list, by "copy and paste' from my spot on the thread. Have it hanging on the fridge. I was hoping to group things together by requestor. But should have things with me that no one has spoken for.

This is my 1st swap so I need some idea of what to do.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I just kept those plants for certain people separate and labelled. Then the extras just label the plant with what it is and your name. You don't need to be super orgnaized, this is supposed to be fun not work. Relax and enjoy!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Jen, If you are bringing a lot of plants that are already promised, a little bit of organization will go a long way. I want to be able to enjoy myself at the Swap!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I think everyone has their own system. It is good to mark your plants with the name of the plant and your own DG name so when everyone gets home if they have any questions or want the info for their records they will know who the plant came from. Markings don't have to be fancy just clear enough to be read. I think it is best to set your arranged swaps aside and marked in some way so that they don't get mixed up with unpromised trades. Wouldn't want someone walking off with an already promised plant. When you get here just drive around back to unload and then take your car back out front. We have a good bit of space so you can spread out around the yard. Find a space you like and set up your table or spot anyway you like. If you have a folding table and the space to bring one you can sit your smaller plants up on that and larger ones on the ground in front. But a blanket on the ground works just as well.
Jen you are right about not worrying, Plants arrive nicely potted and marked or tossed in boxes and plastic bags with slips of paper. Pretty much what ever works for you. It is very casual. I have potted up some of my yard plants but will dig on the day if anyone wants more than I have potted. I remember walking around with both Hart and then Critter, shovels and bags in hand digging a bit of this and that. Such good fun.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh ya, I just meant make it easy on yourself and don't go crazy, as Holly said it's very casual.
Well maybe that can be one of the prizes the most organized person. ^_^

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I won't win that contest


Crozet, VA

Oh boy, it won't be too long now. This is certainly an exciting thing for us gardeners. My niece has heard us talk about going to the swaps and is very interested in seeing how it is all done too. As someone just said, some of the plants come all potted up looking like prize specimans and other come with wet paper towels wrapped around freshly dug roots. Proper labeling is always very nice to see. Yep, I have a few things that I have received in the past and have no idea what they are exactly.

Anyway, looking forward to see all of you good folks soon.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Sounds like everyone is going to have a great time! Sorry I can't be there :( ONE of these years, I promise!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

rcn, that was always my line too and this year finally the timing works for me. Had it been before the 12th, we would not have been able to go. You'll be missed, we're going to hold you to your promise :)

Ruby, nice to hear your niece is going too.

Crozet, VA

Hi Debbie and Diana - You will be missed Debbie. I am thinking that both of us should be scolded a bit about the fact that we live as close to one another as we do, and we haven't yet met in person. Please let me know when you are traveling in this direction. I will do the same if we have a chance to drive your direction too.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I just got back after a 2 week trip with Jim, a "tour" of rocks and canyons and wildflowers in the Southwest, with a couple of days in Las Vegas at either end. We had a great time! But this is why my response on the swap threads has been patchy... and I haven't yet sorted out the seedlings to see what extras survived... but I'll bring what I've got, and I'll spend some time the next couple of days digging & dividing some extra goodies that are still "out there." Hopefully I can get it sorted out.

I apologize for any confusion. Some of you knew we'd be away, but I didn't want to publicly post that the house would be empty (except for the guard cat, who is a wuss LOL) for a couple weeks.

I can't wait to see everybody at the swap! I see it's shaping up to be a major event, both in terms of number of people and in terms of plants... Holly & Ric's beautiful yard is going to look like a nursery! LOL

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

hope you had a great trip.... I am jealous!.... sounded nice

can't wait to meet you!

Crozet, VA

So glad that you were able to take this trip Jill. I have thought about visiting the west at some point, but haven't ever given any serious thought to it. I mainly tour the east coast. Maybe one of these days, I will have reason to venture in that direction. Oh yeah, did actually spend a few days in San Antonio TX a few years back to attend the wedding of my niece who will be coming to the swap with me, Angela.

I am also looking forward to seeing you again soon.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Looking forward to seeing you again, Ruby. John is coming with you, right? I know Dan enjoyed talking with him last year at Jody's. Maybe the two of them can discuss goats-- Dan's already scoping out good places in the yard to build a goat pen. ;-)

I'm also looking forward to seeing some familiar faces from the seed swap and meeting some great new people! I have to finish digging and potting up today so we can get on the road tomorrow. I ended up having to borrow my dad's SUV to make the trip. Everything just wouldn't fit in my Corolla. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, I'm glad you got to San Antonio -- it's a beautiful city! I can't wait to see you & John at the swap.

It looks like most of my seedlings should be good to go... there were some wilted and crispy leaves, especially among the tomatoes, but hopefully the majority will rebound. I've got a nasty migraine this morning, so we'll see how it goes. I'll try to sort our the requests and edit my "lists" post today, and I'll do my best to bring the plants I've mentioned, hopefully a few more besides, but I figure the main thing is for me to just get up there and visit with everybody! :-)

For anybody who has requested specific plants, please understand that I'll try, but wish lists aren't the same as catalog orders. If I can't come through with something from my list and you've earmarked a return trade for me, feel free to trade it elsewhere for something you want. There are always plenty of plants to go around, but if I didn't bring back a single leaf, I know I'd still have a fabulous time at the swap. :-)

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Harry and I may be picking up 'Midrashist' in Philadelphia on our way :)

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