How are you keeping warm?

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)
There are a total of 425 votes:

I hate being cold, so I crank up the thermostat (what do you set it at?)
(80 votes, 18%)
Red dot

I endure a cool house to save money (how low are you willing to go?)
(198 votes, 46%)
Red dot

I use a space heater and let the rest of the house stay cool.
(41 votes, 9%)
Red dot

I use a wood or pellet stove to heat my house
(59 votes, 13%)
Red dot

I use solar or geo-thermal energy sources to warm my house
(8 votes, 1%)
Red dot

I don't need any heat; it's plenty warm here!
(39 votes, 9%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Dallas, TX

Grownut ... where did you get an electric sleeping pad?

Clarkson, KY

Vermont Country Store. They are wonderful. The bed is always warm, the blankets never too heavy or stiff which bugs me with electric blankets.

Dallas, TX

... so true ... and I have cords going everywhere ... sigh.

Is this store in Vermont?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

74 day and 73 night...hate the cold!

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

I LOVE MY ELECTRIC MATTRESS PAD!!!!!! It is so much more comfortable and warm. I find it keeps me warmer than any electric blanket and it is wonderful getting into a bed that is preheated.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b) has the electric matress pads on sale right now. I'm thinking about getting one but we have a king and it gets pricey to buy anything at that size.

Clarkson, KY

We got ours for Christmas a couple years back. Belated valentine's?

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

63 during the day and 60 at night. I would die if it were any warmer!!!! We wear socks and slippers (have all hardwood floors) and either a sweater or sweatshirt.

I almost always have a hoodie and shorts on when I'm home, my Mom thinks I'm a nut. :) My kids are warmblooded creatures and just about die when we go visit my MIL who keeps her house at 72.

I have an elderly beagle mix that sleeps at the foot of the bed, on top of my feet...sometimes I have to push her over on DH's side because she's a little heater.

When we drop into the single digits or lower, our living room is quite chilly, but we have a fireplace in there and we will cover up with blankets if watching TV or reading.

I couldn't imagine an electric mattress pad!! Oh, the horrors! :) We have a comforter, fleece sheets and a down blanket on our bed and that's it. The kids have the same with the addition of two wool blankets each. My daughter also shares her double bed with a 200 lb mastiff some nights...when he's particulary cold. Our other mastiff is NEVER cold and sprawls out on the wood floor every night, no matter how cold it is outside...and it's gets pretty darn cold!

Clarkson, KY

Now, now...the bedroom here is more like 57-60º -cooler than anywhere else in the house. The electric mattress pad is set low so it feels a bit like the covers haven't cooled yet. It's not hot unless I have a cold or fever. It merely prevents that sensation of Wake-Up! because you moved your feet to a new spot which your body hasn't warmed yet...And you never have to warm your chosen spot before relaxing into sleep -the spot is ready for you...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I picked “I use a space heater and let the rest of the house stay cool” but I use a small electric heater.

I have LP gas and last year I paid almost $800 every other month for gas! Three times! This year I closed some rooms off and I’m using one of those small electric Holmes heaters to heat the living room, kitchen, bathroom and let some water simmer on the stove when I get up in the mornings, I’ve had my heat shut off for at least three weeks now only to turn it on when I get up to get the chill out of the air, so far I’ve only filled the tank once, I may have to fill it in about another month but that means I’ve done good not doing that third tank! I just use fleece covers at night and it’s not so bad, I love those fleece covers! LOL My electric bill hasn’t been that bad either really worth it!

Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Just found this interesting quiz!
I am actually a human-thremostat , in that at 66 degrees I am fine; at 65 and below my fingers and nose always get cold. We keep our downstairs at 66 in the daytime, and turn our upstairs heat off at night because we both like a cold bedroom. (We also keep our bedroom window open a few inches, but we cheat with an electric blanket!)
I would rather be cold than hot!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I keep mine at 67 degress during the day and 64 at night...we are very hot natured..I think we are both human furnaces when we are covered up at I keep the ceiling fan on at night too....I have to say NONE of this is to save money it is because we like it cooler than most....we keep it at 67 during the Summer

Dallas, TX

Nice Grownut ... really nice...I would love microfiber one that has no coils in it. Thanks
MsKatt, you all the way up there in Michigan ...and no covers. lol Whats so horrible about the mattress pad?

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

I would just roast with it is all.. .:)

Dallas, TX

lol ... you must be very young! ;)

Charlevoix, MI(Zone 4b)

Not very...37. :)

Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

I keep my central heat/air conditioner at 67 degrees throughout the evenings. Heat is off during the day and bedtime. I can't sleep when the room is too warm, although I do manage summers by shedding layers. I am more often too warm than too cold, even with a chemotherapy-induced relatively severe case of peripheral neuropathy.

I live in a Land's End Polartek Snugglesack during the winter. It is warmer than my silk leggings or long johns because it traps body heat throughout. I am often unzipping it to cool off. The only problem with a snugglesack is that if you gotta pee you'd better get a head start dropping your "drawers," 'cause it's like dropping your drawers from your shoulders rather than your waist. It takes longer. The only time I don't wear it is when I'm wandering in and out to work in the garden; don't want to get it that dirty.

Also, I keep the doors two of my three bedrooms closed, with the heat vents closed as well. This seems to drop my gas power consumption.

I have two Standard Poodles. One is always trying to find the warm spots and I often throw a sweatshirt on top of her when she's sleeping. She is almost 14 years old. My 70 pound boy loves to leave the house and lay around in their outside kennel, brrrrrr. But then, he's Canadian and maybe it's in his genes. I have doggie doors for them to go through 24X7.


Dallas, TX

MsKatt if I was 37 again ... no 40 ... thats when I began to mature ... I would start all over again. Anyway that explains it. LOL

(The only problem with a snugglesack is that if you gotta pee you'd better get a head start dropping your "drawers)
Omg Linda I hope you dont suffer with incontnence ... thanks for the warning! LOL You a hoot!

This message was edited Feb 24, 2009 8:21 PM

Tilaran, Costa Rica

Two ways.
I moved to 9 degrees north of the equator and a girl named Xenia.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Very Good!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Welcome to DG ToucanOasis. Good choices ^_^

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Its in the mid-80's outside. Not too difficult to keep warm at the moment. Now, keeping cool is another matter. . .

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I open the door and walk outside into the blistering heat and humidity :P

Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

I just turned the air conditioning on upon return home from work, 5:30. It's 107 outside, 87 inside.

The poodles just asked to be sprayed down with the mister bottle. Not sure if the moisture makes it worse for them or better. My boy just turns into a soggy 70-pound-dead-weight-sweater with water on-board.

How do we keep warm? We just wait a few months around here. LOL!



Isn't that the truth! You made me laugh with:

"We just wait a few months around here."

Wow; sounds like Oklahoma. Stupid 100 degrees with 80% humidity. Glad it isn't 107!

Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, Aunt A!

I lived in San Antonio for more than a year. Hmmm, let's see, I moved there in the Spring, I think I recall. The sudden change from our dry climate to the South's humidity was daunting. It nearly took my breath away, literally. I remember being stunned at the dampness of my shoes in the morning when I put them back on. UGH! i'd never lived in such humidity. But, as humid as it was, I don't think it ever got to be 107. I don't even remember that it got to 100, but, hey, my memory is fried, LOL.

Aaaaa, it's August. Fall is coming. YAAAAAAAY!


Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Twincol - nothing like feeling you were slapped in the face by a hot wet wash rag when you step outside is there? LOL!

Hi, Linda.

I visited San Antonio and had a lot of fun but I remember thinking how totally humid the air was. I had thought that Oklahoma was humid but the dampness and sweat never seemed to stop in San Antonio.

Yuck...wet shoes in the morning. Double yuck.

I moved from Upstate NY to Oklahoma and thought we were going to die from the heat that first summer. Couldn't afford air conditioning and we were still NYers through and through.


Fresno, CA(Zone 9b)

MySharona, Aunt_A, I'm shocked that either or both of you would find SA more humid than your climes! If you look at the Macrobian Zonal Map me-thinks you'll find that you moved from the Northern Temperate Zone to the Equitorial Zone, if I recall correctly, Aunt_A. That would be a huge adjustment. Of course, it helps that you're travelling into a Gulf coastal state, LOL.

But I will NEVER EVER EVER forget travelling from Central California in July to the New Orleans Old Town District for a conference too many years ago to contemplate. I stayed in an old historical hotel. There was no air conditioning, but did have swamp-type cooling. It was worse than visiting Hawaii in July. Unbelievable!!! But what a wonderful place to visit, tho. Hmmm, what was that gr8 little pastry? YUM! And that restaurant? YUM! I wasn't in New Orleans long enuf to adjust, but San Antonio became more tolerable over time, LOL LOL.

BTW, I'm from Maine, originally, moving from Bangor to Detroit to California by the time I was 5-6. I've been here since then, except during the BabyBoomer War while in San Antonio. So I've lead a relatively "sheltered" life. Even my visit to England in August was a blessed temperature and dry three weeks. Must've been made to order, < chuckling >. But, Wales, now Wales was a different matter. Had to buy an enormous plastic/rubber-like umbrella to keep me'n me'Mum dry while wandering about Portmeirion. What an experience.

Oh my. Sorry. I love travelling to different parts of the country. Wish I'd been able to do more of it.

OK, gonna go grab a cool washcloth for the remainder of my waking hours. It's going to be in the 90's tomorrow. Hallelujah! Been waitin' for that!

Stay cool,


Wow; what a world traveler! Sounds like fun; does Canada count? I've been there. LOL

The close as I've come to some of the other places...well, I've got friends from some of those places...

No A/C in New O in July???? Eeeewwwww. I think I like creature comforts very well, thanks.

Have a great week.


No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Now wonder they stay drunk in the French Quarter if many place have no AC!! I have lived in places where it is seldom, if ever needed, like Santa Barbara, CA and San Pedro, CA. God sends His own AC daily about 2 PM, so there are only maybe 3 days a year you wish you had it - during the hot dry winds from the east. Not enough to worry about. But Louisiana, whoooheee


Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

We've had a ducted forced air wood furnace for 30 years, which is finally giving up the ghost (has a smoke leak we cannot locate). Wood has come from our alder stand which has proven to be a great renewable resource (it looks much the same now as when we first moved here). We are having a difficult time finding a replacement wood furnace, so are considering a heat pump (ouch $$).

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