Hybridizers on the Lily Auction

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Joy, Can I please ask for another update on your plants from Smokeysgardens? I noticed you said you had scapes earlier this season. I am thinking about bidding on some of their plants on the L.A.. With the mixed opinions and the fact someone said they aren't using their own pictures I am a little weary. I am always worried about getting plants not true to name. Did yours end up blooming true?
Thank You Meredith

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I can tell you Meredith79 that I bought a daylily from Smokeysgardens this spring and it did not bloom true to the picture. Now sometimes plants take time to settle in, so I am not sure it is for that reason or if it is the wrong plant. I contacted them and they immediately refunded my money.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

How do you find the plants that a specific seller is offering? It sounds pretty complicated to me.

Gallatin, TN(Zone 7b)

Caitlin - go into the Lily Auction website. AT the top, where you can type in a name to search for, there is a drop down menu on the lefthand side. You can search by seller's name-click on seller then type the seller's name in the bar and hit Enter. It will bring up any auction listings they have.

If you are logged in, you can also search closed listings by seller's name if you're looking for a particular seller who has a particular daylily.

Cartersville, GA

babybluesntn - Thanks! I did not know about the drop down menu. Now I can quickly keep track of all that I am bidding on.

Poland, ME

You can also go to the bottom of the home page and there are links to a number of features. You can use "My Lily Page" and it will show you all the ones you have bid on, or are watching.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

It seems like a waste of postage to just order one DL. I can usually find several that I want for the same postage at a website like Marietta's.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

When you go to the link marked....your closed items then items you won....you will see a little S in the row.. click on that s and you can also keep track of whether you have paid or not. Sounds like something easy to keep track of...NOT...especially if you are buying seeds.

This message was edited Aug 7, 2009 8:06 AM

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Gardenglory that last one is for me. I bought several this last couple weeks and had trouble getting logged into Paypal and then lost track of what was paid for. I will look for the S now. Thanks.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

o believe me, I would be kicked off by now if I didnt find that lol..some want payment right away...some want it once a month...its a long time till sprig and things can get a MESS...trust me on that! lol...it also lets you go back and get the description and a quick link to paypal

Gallatin, TN(Zone 7b)

Casshigh - you are welcome...I think...you keep bidding on all the ones I WANT! I hate to bid against you, but hmmm, just might have to start doing that since we have the same tastes in daylilies!! LOL

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

baby..is the name you bid under...I run into cass myself. My take on it is...go ahead and bid against me... you do the work and I get to see the picture...not to mention, there are not to many crosses that dont come around many may times before the season is over. What gets me, because I do put in pretty high bids at times, (ones I really wouldnt want to pay)....there are some people that like just know what it is by esp...they will keep raising the bid right up to the max...then walk. That doesnt amuze me. My own fault. lol

Gallatin, TN(Zone 7b)

Gardenglory - no, my bid name on the LA is JubileeGardens. I am not bidding very much on seeds, just fans. Yes, its frustrating to me when I have the high bid for days and then someone sneaks in at the last minute and gets it when I haven't been able to check my computer for several hours. I guess that is God's way of telling me "You have enough!" LOL

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I just had that done to me last week Pam. I had a high max bid in and someone run it up to the max and quit bidding. I won the flower but it is frustrating when they do that.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I have had that happen and it crosses my mind that is someone connected to the seller doing it.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Ive actually thought about about that

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

In my case I know the person who run it up. She actually visited my garden one week prior to doing this. Maybe I didn't make a good impression?????

Cartersville, GA

babyblues - You're doing me a favor by bidding againt me! Go for it if you want it. I usually try not to bid against anyone I recognize from here. I don't need anymore daylilies and am beginning to wonder where in the world am I going to plant all of these. There are some good buys out there. I have a hard time passing up a "good buy", especially if it is a pretty daylily and they are all pretty to me. I figure if I don't get something that I really want, it will come around again and may be even cheaper. I don't get upset at anyone who bids against me. The person with the highest bid wins. If I want it bad enough, then I have to be the highest bidder. So far, I've managed to exercise enough self control to know when to stop bidding. I just need to find the self control to stay away from the Lily Auction, but I'm not ready yet. We know another daylily couple that we joke with saying, "We can quit any time we get ready. We're just not ready YET." I understand why daylilies are addictive.

hemlady - That has happened to us all if you've been on the LA for very long. Their maximum bid was almost your maximum bid. It is frustrating, but in this case you were the winner.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Most of the time you do recognize the name...its the new names with a zero that make me wonder. I cant say ive ever had any evidence of that tho. I used to sell on ebay alot..and buy. Thats whre I would more expect shill bidding.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

hemlady thank you for telling me about you experience with smokeysgardens. How long did it take for you to see a bloom? I am always worried about that aspect, if it takes a year to see a bloom will the seller still guarantee? I did see them on ebay but I also found their own site http://www.smokeysgardens.com/

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I purchased the plant this spring and it bloomed about 3 weeks later.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I had mixed results with their plants. I ordered the following from Smoky's Gardens.

American Revolution, Bloomed true.
BALI HAI, hasn't bloomed yet
Ben Arthur Davis, Bloomed something else
Boagie, Bloomed something else
Lake Norman Sunset, Bloomed true.
LOUISE MERCER, Bloomed true.
Mormon, Bloomed true
Royal Elk, hasn't bloomed
Spring Charm, bloomed true

I contacted them about Boagie and they offered to either refund my money or give 150% credit towards some other daylilies. I choose the credit and ordered a couple other plants, though I know I'm taking a chance on them being the wrong plants too. I don't have a car during the day so it's hard to get to a bank to cash checks. They sent the plants out right away and even included a bonus plant. Now I need to contact them about Ben Arthur Davis too. It bloomed the other day and it's not right either.

When I contacted Lisa about Boagie I was hoping to get the right plant. She said that all of their's bloomed the same as my picture. She said she was hoping that at least some of the lot that they bought would be Boagie but it wasn't. This may be why they don't have their own photos for some of their plants. Sounds like they're buying plants then selling them without making sure they're the correct plant first.
Though I'm happy with their offer of 150% credit, I probably won't order from them again. Mostly because they're selling plants without making sure they're what they're suppose to be. And I really wanted the plants I chose. Now I have to try to find Boagie and Ben Arthur Davis somewhere else and hope the others that haven't bloomed yet will be what they're suppose to be.
I did a lot of ordering this year and had some from other places bloom wrong too. Some weren't able to send replacements so had to refund my money. Other's sent the right plant and let me keep the wrong one. Some, were able to give me a name for the wrong plant. Some weren't. My number of noid's are growing. :-(


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks hemlady, there's no chance I'll see them bloom if I order in fall. I am really taking a chance ordering from them.
Joy thanks so much for the update, It looks like their odds aren't the best so far. Hopefully those ones that haven't bloomed yet are right. What a pain if they aren't! I wonder if they'd be so quick to offer a refund after a winter. One of my biggest problems with wrong plants is if it isn't what I think it is, it could be something less hardy than I can grow well here in zone 5. I have to admit I really wanted one they had -so I am taking a chance. We'll see if the good deals pay off -or cost me when I have to re order the ones that aren't what they supposed to be. : (

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

They told me the same thing that they told Joy. They said they purchased some daylilies at an out of business sale and were hopeful that they got what they were supposed to get. Evidently they did not and many are not labeled right. They actually thanked me for letting them know that the plant I got was not the right one.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Well I guess the only thing I can do is hope they've straightened out their stock by now. Wishfully thinking : )

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I didn't see BOAGIE listed on their site any more. So it looks like they may have stopped selling it sense they found out it was mislabled. Ben Arthur Davis is still on their site, so maybe the one they sent me was just a mix up? It'd be nice if they could send me the correct one this time when I contact them..


Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

i do remember a big estate sale of daylilies on the LA that Smokeys gardens was the only bidder on. there were TONS of different daylilies. maybe those are the ones that they are selling that they havent seen bloom. at the time i figured they were buying them to resale.


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

You got my curiosity up about Smokey's Gardens, so I went to their website. They do have pictures and information about each cultivar.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Joy I hope they end up right for you.
I searched them too, they have an ebay store as well. They had good ratings on ebay. Problem with ebay as you get good ratings for just sending stuff out on time and in good condition, So no way of knowing if it is what it's supposed to be. I went and looked at their catalog a little better and I'm wondering why they have a sold out section? Must be to tempt you for next year?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

BTW - I just found Boagie on the 'sold out' list. I hope those aren't all the ones they messed up! There's 56 pages! : O

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Meredith,

I guess I must have missed their sold out page. I'm going to go and look it over.


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

I don't think the LA is for me. Too much like a game. I like to see what is on offer, and what the price is and think about it for a little while without the fear that it is going to be snatched away if I don't compulsively monitor it. It seems that it would be way too easy to overpay for something you were bidding for, just because you get carried away with possessiveness. I looked around there the other day, and it didn't seem like the prices were all that great. But, to each his own!

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thats why you just put your high bid in and walk away. Dont look till the auction is over. Check the closed auctions before you bid...you will know what others are paying for the same thing on the LA

I have seen some insane prices on some of the newer flowers. Mostly on the cheap end.
Thats the great thing about daylilies...they multiply. We are not talking a one of a kind antique here. They will always be back if you miss them. If your wanting a flower immediatly, its easy enough to go to a web site and purchase it outright. Of course, its alot of them who are on the LA.

Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

I'm on there too as Sherryj, but since we moved and I'm kind of re-organizing myself, I haven't been selling or buying much.

County Roscommon, Ireland(Zone 8a)

Hi folks

Can anyone tell me anything about a seller on LA called De?



This message was edited Aug 15, 2009 8:05 PM

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I was wondering if anyone has bought seeds from this year, or knows who Gardenfantasies is?

Cartersville, GA

Gardenfantasies is Chris Lane. We won a daylily from her a few weeks ago. She sent an extra fan. Actually, we received a 4 fan clump with very large fans and a large, healthy root system. I would not hesitate to buy again. I do not know anything about the seeds offered except that the crosses are some of the newest introductions and high price daylilies. I've been tempted to bid on seeds but haven't. She is good with communication.

Florence, SC(Zone 8a)

I have purchased from Gardenfantasies too......wonderful plants!

Cartersville, GA

prudence--Do you mean De? If so, it is John DeMory. We won a medium size SF from him for fall delivery last year. It did not bloom this summer, but several others we received in the fall did not bloom either. He did send a bonus. Maybe there are other DGs who will have more input.

County Roscommon, Ireland(Zone 8a)

Casshigh, thanks for your reply. He seems to have a lot of very recent plants and seeds.

You'd think, with only two letters to the name, I would get it right!!!! doh!

Will edit post.



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