Let's set a Swap Date at Holly and Ric's

Crozet, VA

Just hearing of the seed swap today has me in the mood to meet some of you good people soon. If at all possible we will attend both seed swap and plant swap too.

I had out my seeds a bit ago as I packaged up some for a person on our Freecycle group who is looking for seed. Got me in the mood to play with them some more. I was thinking of the folks that I can offer some to. Last spring I mailed out about 20 packages of several types of seed to one of the chat forums that I used to be a part of. It is always fun to hear back form people that you have given either seeds or plants and hear how everything is doing.

I just now pulled out two packages that I have been saving in order to start this year. I have some Petunia's from Ladygardener and four different sorts of seeds from Gita. A Hibiscus is all that I was expecting when she mailed it last year. I am aiming at the next two weeks to get my inside seeds started. I ordered a heating mat last year and haven't used it yet. I am interested in seeing how well it helps.

Oh fun, fun. Yep Sally, won't be long now until spring. Will now check out other threads regarding this.


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly, I'm glad to see that you will be hosting a swap! I will be waiting to see what date you settle on and then check my schedule to see if I can swing it. Most of my weekends are booked through April, but I'm not so sure about May yet.

I need to go look at a map to see where you're located ...


Holly and Rick............set the date that pleases you. The rest of us will so much enjoy your date and make changes to be there if need be. If there are more than three you have a committee. We all know that a committee designed the camel first and later the gatters. LOGLMAO

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

what's a gatter?


A gatter is just a short less ugly than a crock. They both eat any live thing that moves small enough to get in their mouth and tear apart. You better know and stand clear of these critters because you are in their food chain. LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Great, I think Ric and I will go with the date we like best which will be Saturday May 16th. We hope everyone can come and would love to have you all, you are welcome to bring friends and family. I'll get a couple of Swap threads started for you early planners. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Holly

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

YEA! Holly, It's blocked off on my wall calendar.


Yea..me too! Will have dandy give-a-ways for the swap thread. Now if I'm real lucky my wife will be able to make this one too.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, Doc------

I still owe you a Red Epi and a white NBC! The ones I was going to bring to Jill's.

AND--You still owe me a beautiful AV! It is a deal carved in stone!!!! NO?

Would you like anything else?????????



Yea I say unto thee..............carved in stone and sealed with a bloody thumb print. Someday is good enough for me.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OH, doc! You wax so Medieval!!!!!

Bloody thumb-print it is! On your forehead......until Holly's Swap????
After that--I shall send the warriors to have Thee head!


Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

I would love to come. I hope to know for sure in the near future. Sounds like a great time! How nice for you to host it! As you know, I have been wanting to meet you in person for some time!
Thanks, Holly!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LuAnne, Oh I am so glad you saw this, I was going to send you a D-mail once I got the actual Swap Threads up and running. I would love to meet you in person.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ladyg- re the other thread- I would be able to use a dozen or so each 3 inch and especially 4 inch pots. Thank you!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, I am looking for pots, if we get a lot I'll share with you. Just hate to see them tossed in the trash, and I am always using them. I have the girls at work return them once they have my rooted cuttings and baby plants in the ground.
Just thought of this, there is a nursery by me that makes combo pots I bet they would have some, I can't think they would reuse them knowing how expensive it is to clean them and they charge a lot for their plants but they always have a few new plants that I just have to have. (note to self... Go there before the swap)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

OOPS! MY BAD--- LOL. I'll keep looking

Sterling, VA(Zone 7a)

Critter . . . thanks for sharing the violetgallery website--it's not that far away from where I'm located - never knew it existed! Thanks, Snug

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Talking about pots......

I used to work for a wholesale grower (Clifford Egerton Greenhouses) for a year and a half. He dealt with a lot of tropicals (houseplants) and all the "starts" came potted in 3" and 4" pots from FL. He (we) would then have to transplant everything in HIS standardized/uniform-sized pots (that he sold for a certain price) and all the pots that the plants came in were trashed. I took piles of them home! Unfortunately--long gone!
Sally--this is the place I have talked to you about....We could go shop there too!

Also--if you want to make a trip to my neck of the woods--we can go to "Meyer Seed International" ( 410-665-5511---and they ship UPS!---15 min. from my house) and they sell NEW cell packs, seed trays and pots of all sizes. Crop seeds by the pound--to the Farmers! Also all kinds of not-so-common fertilizers and garden products. Like--everything Espoma makes....Kelp meal--Liquid sea-weed/fish emulsion by the gallon....Mushroom compost.....etc...Chemicals and insect,Fungus, weed, etc controls....

Whatch think???? Huhhh? Huhhh? Mid-late April would be good! Pick a day! Then we can also go to the MD Flower and Foliage place to get your bedding plants....$2 per market pack. Full tray--$10. 10" HB's of flowering annuals--$11.50.
2.5" "fancy annuals"--or 6" regular annuals--perennials---$2.50. This is about 10 min. from my house....

For the "trash pots"--think about a grower near you--if you can find one--(...let your fingers do the walking....) and I bet they would be happy to give away these starter pots to you.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes Gita- I'm sold. I will be calling you for an excursion. Your enthusiasm is contagious!!!

Crozet, VA

It will be so much fun to see everyone again. I miss you all.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yay rubyw!! and john I presume!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita, where is this MD flower and foliage place? Sounds like they have great prices. It was good to meet you yesterday at the seed swap, too.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm eyeing that gal size Liquid sea-weed/fish emulsion - I put that stuff on just about EVERYTHING (to my kid's dismay)! LOL
As for trash pots, Gita is right - most places are happy to give them away. I know my Meadows Farm did a couple of summers ago when I needed 1 and 3 gal nursery pots for the Plumerias.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


It is off of Rt. #40 (Pulaski Hwy) here in NE Baltimore Co. I would say---about 5 mi. north of #695 (our Beltway) and a smidge away from Exit 67B off of I-95.--
From Rt. 40--you would take a right on Ebenezer Rd. Go about 3/4 mile, and there is Richardson Farms on the left (a small store--but they grow their own chickens and sell fresh ch. meat and eggs and their own produce) . Across the street from them is Vincent Farms Rd. Turn right--and about 1/4mi. down, on your left side is this place.

They have 2 HUGE greenhouses--open to the public. The first one is loaded with Market packs and some larger potted annuals (all on the floor) and HB hanging all above them.

A bit further down is the 2nd, Greenhouse. This one has those HUGE movable tables in the right half of it. On these are things like 4" pots of NG Imps., Begonias, and other "fancy" annuals.

On the left half of this cavernous G-House are all kinds of 6" pots of plants....all $2.50.

Because they are wholesalers--they sell out early as shops and vendors go shopping before the average home gardener would. I would say go earlier--maybe mid-April if you want some popular plants like violas....I wanted some so bad last year--but they were sold out!

Of course--Richardson Farms also buys from them and just ads 50cents to the price of the MP's.....It is worth a stop anyway--for farm fresh eggs, chicken, butter, veggies, jams and "butters", etc.....Huge bags of Spinach for a pittance.....
In the Fall--they also sell fresh Turkeys for Th-Giving. and small bags filled with all kinds of apples for $4.
I buy my herbs there too.....they have pretty annuals in MP!

If any of you really want to go to these places--I am right along the way....contact me and I will lead you there.....5 minutes off of I-95!


Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

It definitely sounds worth the trip. I'll have to figure out a date in April and bring the truck!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Maybe we all could make it a day!
I have been in touch with Sally to go plant shopping around that time as well. She was interested....

Please keep in mind that I work on Saturdays--so Sunday would be better--in the afternoon....
We could all meet at the Park and Ride next to Ikea (another place to shop!) and then proceed to this Nursery.
I work PT at HD, and my days are Tue. Wed. and Sat.
During gardening season--IF my Manager asks me--I will, once again, set up a table in the garden and be there to help people out with any questions. Hold some PK's, etc....
That would be 9-12noon on Sundays.

I hear there is another Nursery a bit further down Ebenezer Rd. on Earl's Rd. that sells mostly landscape plants--but also flowers--cheap! Before we plan this, I will go and check it out.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ladies, there is another thread for trips & get togethers not pertaining to Holly's. Let's keep this one strictly for Holly's get together. Thanks so much. Buttoneer
Here it is: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/948957/

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Judy, But I will be putting up another Swap Thread very soon so go ahead and chat on this one. LOL

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Ok, thanks Holly. Everybody: Forget what I said. ;-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It's still good to start a new thread for things for interest & organizational details if there's a possible gathering or road trip in the works... that ensures that everybody will see it. Then I'll have an information link to add to the top post on the "Party Time" thread, along with "April Sunday trip to Baltimore nurseries." :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

You are right Critter, These threads do seem to have a life of their own and sometimes people miss out on good discussions because the topics end up being different than the Thread heading.
I have finally gotten up a Swap thread
and a Plant Trade thread

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