Let's set a Swap Date at Holly and Ric's

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric and I would very much enjoy hosting a Spring Plant Swap
We think the month of May will be best for us and would like some input on which of these days would work for the most people. I know it's a bit early but we are all starting to "Think Spring"

We can do either a Sat or Sun which ever suits the most people.There are + & - to both days.
We think the 16th/17th may be the best weekend but are open to any of these dates.
May 9th (Day before Mothers Day)
May 16th or 17th (The 16TH is Armed Forces Day)
May 30th/31st
This thread is just for the purposes of date setting. We will get into the details of the swap later.
We live in South Central Pa. so just do a map quest on Dover, Pa. to get an idea of your travel time. Looking forward to see you all.. Holly & Ric

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya! I think May is a great time for a swap... Maybe I can start some extra tomatoes this year and share them around before they turn into leggy, rootbound things! I don't think we've got anything definite on our schedule yet for May... I'd do my best to make any of those dates, with somewhat of a preference for a Saturday.

Big Thank You to Holly & Ric for offering to host! I'm really looking forward to seeing your place, especially after all the great photos you've posted!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I am so looking forward to visiting you and Rick and your lovely garden.
Hope you make it "Pot Luck"--that will give you a break. We always do that--don't we?

Just my 2 cents worth--I think the earlier dates in May might work better, as we all will have nursed all kinds of seedling plants from the beginning of May (here) they will be plenty big to transplant outside--or to share. Having to keep them in pots another 2-3 weeks would be difficult.

I vote for May 16/17 as the best time. I would prefer Sunday--as I have to work on Saturdays but am off on Sundays and Mondays. That is just MY preferrence.....I know many of those traveling a bit further will prefer Saturday.....

Mother's Day weekend will be difficult for those of us working in retail--a MOST busy weekend!!!!

How far would you say you are from N/E Baltimore?


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I plant out tomatoes mid-May, but most other stuff doesn't go out until Memorial Day... so an earlier swap date would be fine, but most of my seedlings probably wouldn't be all the way hardened off (I'll try!).

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita we are a straight shot up Interstate 83 for you. Very easy, it takes us about an hour and a half to get to the Rawlings Conservatory. I know that's not far for you.
Critter, Mothers Day is usually my plant safe date. In fact Mothers Day is quite often when you will see Ric and I out planting the window and deck boxes.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

For me, Mother's Day is safe in terms of frost, but a lot of things like peppers and tomatoes just seem to sulk in my garden if I plant them out before Memorial Day... they need the soil to warm up.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

My FIL is in town most of May, but I can probably sneak away any day. Except his 96th birthday -- I need to check when that is.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Holly, I have been waiting for you to open this up, thank you! I would prefer a Saturday, we will be traveling most of Friday and staying over night at a motel. Mid May is wonderful, will give me time to get things together, so I guess my vote is the 16th.
My husband and I both work Mondays.
Could you post some suggestions for Motels that will be easy to find and then get to your place with out getting too lost. Thanks
Looking forward to this.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I planted out my Tomatoes out a bit early last year--3rd week in April--holding my fingers crossed.....They made it! The Tomato plants were huge already!
Lucked out-- We had no near-frost temps after mid-April...only one night I put 5gal. buckets over them--and most of them barely fit underneath.

I know i started my seeds a few weeks too early last year and many of the plants were quite large by beginning of May already. It was--in and out......in and out.......to harden them off....

Will delay seed sowing a couple of weeks this year. Not on everything.,......

Here are my Tomato seedlings out for some fresh air on April 9th of last year.....BIG, HUH!!!!


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady there are several nice hotels not too far away and I will post info on those, there is a small B&B not to far either I will check that out, too. Anyone interested in camping, there is a State Park close by. Also anyone that would be interested in turning it into a small trip we are not very far from Hershey Park, Lancaster Co. and Gettysburg plenty of sightseeing in the area. I will also be asking a few ??? over at the golf course and post that info. There are several nice nurseries in the area but not exactly real close. Asiatica Nursery is just up the road a mile. I know some of you do buy plants from them. They have IMHO rather expensive but unusual plants. They do not have an open Nursery and the last time I checked their web site sounded as though drop ins were not welcome,but they do have an occasional Open House. I will check with them and see if they would be available and willing to have guests once we set a date. If anyone thinks they would be interested.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly, I am the expert on Lancaster County, having been to quite a few Mennonite nurseries over there. You know, the Green Dragon Farmers Market is open Fridays and that is one great all day trip. It is in Ephrata. I have maps & directions for a lot of nurseries and Green Dragon Market. Also, google the Landis Valley Herb & Garden Faire in May. One of the absolute greatest plant sales in Lancaster County. The customers bring wagons to carry the inexpensive plants home.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmmm, I'm thinking that The Violet Gallery might also be up your way... will have to see if they'd be willing to have customers that morning, once we've picked a date. http://www.violetgallery.com/

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, Not sure where that is but you would pass York Springs on your way up Rt 15 to our place. My Daughters house has a York Spring address and that is about 1/2 an hour or a little more.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Only thing I see on the books for May is: Green Spring Gardens - May 16th http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/gsgp/events.htm Ahhh love that sale but it's not a MUST...LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

of course I'm interested and 16/17th sound good to me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, you'll just have to hit that sale *early* in the day and then share your loot with us! ;-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Great idea Critter. Just bring plants, lots of plants. LOL

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh -- I do love Green Springs and I missed it last year -- that'd be tough to pass up, and I know RCN has a booth there. . . . .

Crozet, VA

Greetings to all stangers - Ha ha, it isn't you all, it is me who is the stranger here.

Thank you so very much for offering to host the Plant Swap Holly. A lot of us are wanting to see your place. The entranceway to your front door is just gorgeous. Pretty, pretty.

Devon, wowzers on the age of your father in law. That is really getting on up there. I wonder if he has a secret for living that long?

Have marked to watch this thread. I hope that everyone will have a wonderful weekend.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi, Ruby! I'm glad you chimed in. I hope winter isn't too tough on you guys. Five weeks (or so) till spring!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Just wanted to bump this thread up. I know everyone is concentrating on the seed swap right now. Wish I lived closer so I could join you all for the Feb swap but I guess I can't have everything. ; (

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the bump,

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Your welcome Holly. Hubby was asking about the date the other day, he was thinking March, Heavens NO! I won't have my extra seedlings ready to travel in March or plants dug up and separated. You have to forgive him he is a non-gardener.

I want to try starting some new plants of this begonia, have to get on the ball!

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gorgeous- you sure you want to cut that? My one begonia has been camping out for the last couple nights, although I cut it close to frost one night by accident. Just feel like they are fighting to make it thru winter. Actually the begonia is quite happy, it s other things that are fighting.
This begonia came from critterologist in 2006
I made cuttings from this begonia last year and gave the new little plant to hubby's office. The mother plant kept blooming till December and I think I just pinched off buds because I was tired of flowers falling, now it has new buds already. Badly in need of good repotting, roots all clumped and soil is one pot shaped ball.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OMG! LadyG, that's the most gorgeous begonia I've ever seen -- like 'Escargot' (which has long been on my wish list), but more colorful.

Sally, the parent of that angelwing begonia has been blooming nonstop in my bathroom this winter. It does drop blooms into the tub, LOL.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

The begonia's name is Capricorn, I want to try rooting a leaf by cutting slits in the leaf vains and pressing the leaf tight to the soil, I have a few leaves that can be removed since they have a slight bit of damage.
If sucessful I'll have baby begonias to share at the swap.

Sally, we can make a trade. I like yours ; )

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady that is a beautiful Begonia. I've had very good luck by just putting a broken leaf in damp potting soil and sticking it in a plastic bag. Then I forget that I did that and when I find it a month later, I have a new plant. LOL
Sally is that the Begonia I picked up at Critters last fall? There were some rooting in a glass jar, can't remember if I got it off the goodie table or where but it came from the fall swap.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, we're all going to have that angelwing begonia of mine eventually... nice how easily the cuttings root in water!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ladyg- super!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got a pink-blooming dragonwing begonia (deep green leaf) and a trailing begonia (I think it blooms pink also, but mostly it just shows off its pretty, dainty, red-backed leaves)...

I also have a begonia that's a lookalike for 'Chivalry' I think... that one is a rex variety, and I might be able to pry a division out of the pot, or maybe I'll try propagating a leaf. I need to get a new photo of it, because it is blooming its head off at the moment, with huge arching sprays of flowers.

(I want to trade for one of LadyG's begonia babies, too! LOL)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ok, guys today is the day I start my begonia cuttings. Wish me luck!
Here is a great link if anyone is interested. http://www.bradsbegoniaworld.com/prop.htm
Jill and Sally a trade is in the works. ; ^ )

Edit to add link, sorry CRS set in.

This message was edited Feb 12, 2009 10:43 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hope I am not too late with this suggestion......

IF you do the slit veins method--use one of the larger salad bar containers. They work so well! Soil in the bottom--big lid closed over the leaves--with a few air-holes melted in the lid with a hot nail.

Good luck! Gita

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, I don't have access to that type of container, but I do have one that a coffee cake came in, it will be just deep enough to get the plants started and then pot up to a 3 inch plastic pot. Thanks for reminding me about the hot nail vent holes.

Nut's I forgot to add the link to my above post, will have to edit.

This message was edited Feb 12, 2009 10:44 AM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow, Ladyg!

That is a very instructive Web-site!
Bookmarked it for sure!

I have had a huge Beef Steak Begonia for years. it is always shedding leaves and old sections.
I did the leaf-slit propagation once.. It worked well!

Usually, I just stick the stem of the leaf in some water--and when roots have grown, I pot it on.

Here it is from a couple years ago...it is in a 14" heavy ceramic pot.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Since I only have 2 begonias any trades will be welcome.

Here is the new nursery, keep your fingers crossed. They are in the basement on a heat mat under lights.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Holly, any day you have it will be fine with me. Judy Looking for that place in York Springs, I emailed them for directions. We go through York Springs on our way home to Carlisle from Gettysburg when we visit DH's Dad.

Ok, from York Springs, turn West on Cranberry road. Go two miles. They are there & should be finished with all their plant shows.

This message was edited Feb 18, 2009 7:17 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chris- you're a dear! Oughta get a couple out of all those! I know I can make a nice plant from mine for you by Swap time.--Jill--do another one? PLS? , all I have is the spotty leaf one you gave me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll root whatever plants look like they need a trim, begonias included! The little trailing one is sweet, but slow growing for me.

There were a couple of pretty Rexies at DPF the other day, but none as cute as LadyG's!


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

You guys are putting the pressure on me, LOL. I'll be guarding these soon-to-be babies 24-7

Looks like Holly needs to start a Trade/Want list thread while she is still deciding a date. I might have some extra plants I start from seed also beside the ones I dig up in the garden, so I want to include the plants people are interested in don't want to haul most of them back home.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Can do. I think I like May 16th or 17th but there are a couple of Plant sales going on that weekend that people like to go to and I want to find out from Happy when her FIL birthday party is going to be. Then I'll set the date. I can start a Swap thread soon.

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