Midwest Funny Farm Hatch Commencing...

Clarkson, KY

Y'know our Pethud trees were really messed up by the ice --post pics when I can...

MissJ -I don't have it yet myself, post if I figger it out...

Trying to stay positive -betcha can't tell!!! Pessimists get all the pleasant surprises you know....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh no! Not damage to the pethud trees!!!


Clarkson, KY

Dang. Can't out-fox the Mox!!lol. Is there no way around it?!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

O no Grownot. That is horrible news about the Pethud trees :(

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

(Moxon crying in the corner and gnashing teeth while contemplating damage to pethud trees)

(Zone 7b)

PeThud tree's are very easy to break and lose small and large limbs all the time and are a pain to have in your yard.
My aunt had a huge one in her front yard and she was constantly picking up limbs.

Wouldn't recommend one for the yard if you get one put it out in your pature or at least a good ways from anything it could damage with falling limbs, gooey sap and falling pethuds.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I can't have a pethud tree in zone 5. :-(

(more crying and gnashing of teeth)

If I had one, the goats would eat all the bits that fall. Except the pethuds. I would eat those.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No the goats would not eat the leaves. Nasty

Clarkson, KY

The herd is standing in front of (left to right) one chestnut and two pethuds. There was a significant height difference before the ice...

Thumbnail by grownut
(Zone 7b)

I hope they recover pecan trees are unpredictable about trauma and i hope you don't lose them.

Do you get worms in your chestnuts?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Cute herd!

Very sad tree damage. I presume they will still be alive though.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

They look like they still have lots of healthy branches Counsin Nut. Whew! Nice horsey BTW.

Clarkson, KY

This is the 1st wormless year for the chestnuts. 17 year locusts hatched though....hmmm.

I think the pethuds will recover, but they are significantly shorter than they were.

Only 3 chickens in the pic, but there were about 15 back beyond Moothilde...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

grow sometime the wind pruning is a good thing for them, as it will rejuvenate them.

Clarkson, KY

I sure hope so. We've been watching and feeding them and they were much improved from when we got this place so...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

My neighbor has a 35 year old pethud tree. The blue Jays bury the pethuds in my flower pots and wait for them to crack.. then they come and dig them out.. most of the time.. I do end up with seedlings quite often.. :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Grumble grumble zone envy grumble....

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I feel the envy as well. :( Grumble grimble with Moxon...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Don't be envoy. At least you do not have to deal with the falling limbs, one very large one missed our house last year and you should have seen the mess we had to clean up after the hurrican, all the leaves, tent caterpillars, all the squirrels and the problem of getting very few nuts. LOL

Ferndale, WA

Hi Mox! After all the craziness, no a serious question. Now that you have all those babies. What do you do with them. Do you raise them to sell eggs? Do you sell some of the babies. And what do you do with all those Roo's. I'd go crazy with that many babies at one time. They are so cute to see, I love the pic's you show. Just some questions out of curiosity. Hope you don't mind. Haystack

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi Haystack! Questions welcome! Yes, we will sell the eggs, mostly as regular eating eggs, at the local farmers market. If I have some interesting looking roosters, I might try to sell some, but they are hard to sell. I will probably end up having Kelly send them to "freezer camp" for stewing birds. That way we have chicken to eat and eggs to eat and eggs to sell. If I find that I have too many laying hens, I can sell some of those too. I overcompensated on numbers for ordering eggs because I thought with the cold weather, my hatch rates would be awful on mailed eggs. I was wrong on that. So I do have too many now, but while they are still so young, they are easy to care for.

If I have some really nice looking birds, like perhaps silkies and frizzles, or some of the rarer breeds, I might sell some hatching eggs.


Ferndale, WA

Thanks Mox! You are so kind to answer questions, especially for curiousity seekers like me. I really enjoy the adventures of what others are doing with their chicks, and other animals they have. I have been around chicks a lot but don't always know a lot, especially about some of the rarer birds. A customer who buy's eggs from us brought me over a free americauna rooster and eight banty hens. The banties are so small and cute. The rooster is the largest roo I have ever seen. He is very friendly but HUGE I'm guessing at least fifteen -eighteen lbs. Thanks again. Haystack

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow, eight banty hens is a handful! I am sure they must be really cute! The rooster sounds enormous! Are you going to keep him? It's nice that he's friendly - sometimes they can be aggressive. Are the hens laying yet?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey Claire,
I know how busy you are and how sometimes you just stick to the threads you're already involved in so I thought I'd direct your attention to a thread of mine...

Its titled, "Claire - this is what you need next..."

Hope all is well!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh! I best hurry on over there. You are right, I hadn't looked at new threads in ages!

Let me go see...

Ferndale, WA

Yes Claire the Banties are laying, and I am going to keep the roo I have several americauna hens I intend to place with him. Two customers wanted to buy him but for meat. No thanks he is a real keeper.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A couple of updates on the babies I had from the big hatch! Here they are yesterday! My goodness they are big! I think there are 92 in there now.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

So, I know some of them are RIR, but some are also a more rusty red color. Does anybody know what those are?

For example, in this pic, there are a bunch of RIR around the feeder, but the reddish one in the middle...what is that? Not the buff orp - the one above it. Or are the darker ones not the RIR? Argh!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

When my own barnyard mix chicks began to hatch, I didn't know what I'd get. Two of my more active roosters are the creme brabanter and the appenzeller spitzhaben. These are CLEARLY their offspring! They didn't start out with the head bumps like the silkies or Polish, but they have developed crest feathers over time. Too cute!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Note - the one above looks like it has club foot or something but it doesn't. It was just curling its toes for unknown reasons...

Here is another.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Proof positive there is no such thing as too many chickens, Claire.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

OHHH I want to come play...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh my!!!! What big feathers they have... Are they flying yet? Trying to I mean? WOW! I see what you mean about the differant colored reds. They are beautiful. Are the others comets or stars? hmmm they are beautiful.

Lodi, United States

Could the lighter one be a New Hampshire?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Wouldn't that be fun to sit in the middle? :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I went back and consulted my egg purchase listing on eggbid.com. It appears that I bought RIR, Orpington, Red sex link, and Yard Bird Special eggs. I had been under the impression that none of the RSL hatched, but I suppose I *could* be wrong. (shocking as it is to admit it!) ;-)

I don't think I've bought any New Hampshires, unless I bought them on eBay and forgot.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

ZZ - yes, it is fun to sit in the middle!

Sewincircle - they are flying! They fly to the top edge of the "tank" and sit there, especially around feeding time (morning and evening). They don't seem to venture out further though, for which I am very thankful. I guess they know where the food is.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

It's gonna be a blast to watch them on their first few outtings.. LOL Think they are flying now.. Just wait till they do the chicken 500 crashing into everything and everybody.. What a crack up that will be! Hope you get a video Claire..

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

THAT would be fun to watch!!! I just brought the oldest three out the other day and had a ball. Seeing ALL of them out would be a riot!!!!!

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