Am I the only one...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I know they sell Espoma products--AND the small bags of Kelp Meal here at Meyer Seed INternational. I think the Kelp is/was around, or just undr $10. Of course, the last time I bought it was at least 2 years ago.
I tried going to their website, but there are no links for products--just a lot of flashing junk sites....

You could call--410-665-5511 and ask. They DO ship--UPS, I think....


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oh, what fun! If you all do a road trip and want to stay overnight, I'd strongly suggest a B&B vs a hotel. There are some wonderful ones here in the valley. I'd also suggest maybe staying in the roughly Woodstock, Strasburg area because 1. it's a good central location and 2. both have lots of antique shops and other quaint little shops.

If you want to hit the sale and the "concrete place" - Harpers - staying overnight would make sense because you're going to want to spend hours and hours at the sale and then hours and hours at the concrete place. Also, you're seriously going to want to stop at Kim's Greenhouse, the place Debbie told us all about, on the way. They'll most likely have some good sales then too and they have the nicest plants you've ever seen. Oh, and then there's Mac's in Woodstock, which has lots of herbs and perennial plants for a couple of bucks.

Oh, and I'll check and see if the Green Valley Book Fair is going on that weekend. They have lots and lots and lots of garden books (and every other kind of book) at dirt cheap prices. It would be about a 5 minute drive from Harpers.

I think y'all should definitely rent a tractor trailer to take home your hauls too. LOL

Anyway, some B&Bs to check out would be the Strasburg Inn (walking distance from the big antique emporium not to mention the Jeanne Dixon Museum. Yes, the Jeanne Dixon Museum); River'd Inn, Hockman House and Inn at Narrow Passage in Woodstock. I'll bet you could talk them into a special rate for a group.

If you stay at the Strasburg Inn, those of you who are brave could ask to stay in one of the haunted rooms. :>)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ya know, when we got the CR-V, Jim promised I could install a trailer hitch if I needed one... LOL... we may end up at a U-Haul rental place in Strasburg if the car starts looking too full. Overnight bags will have to be limited to 1 daypack that you can sit with... Happy & I can put our fertilizer and other non-plant items in the storage well. (Or Happy can find out what it would cost to rent that van she gets sometimes for the weekend.)

Hart, thanks, I was hoping you could suggest a B&B for us! Now you just have to keep us posted on which weekend the sale will be... :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It's always around the 20-somethingth of June and always starts on a Thursday at the farm only, which is just plants, lots and lots of plants, running for a week and then the next Thursday it starts at the store only, which is lots and lots of plants and everything else - fertilizers, pots, pond supplies, tools, decorative stuff, etc.

There are so many nice B&Bs out here and many of them are in old, historic buildings. If it were me, I'd go for the Strasburg Inn. It's in a couple of really neat old buildings, the rooms are very nice and decorated nicely, they have one of the best restaurants in the area as well as a cosy little bar, the people who run it are nice as all get out and it's right in town so you can walk to other restaurants, the biggest antique emporium around, museums and some other cute shops. Oh, and they really do have a ghost or two.

There's a new place right next to the antique emporium that specializes in garden decor and they have some really cute things. I've been lusting after the metal art goats they have. Yes, goats. LOL

But if you'd rather stay in another town, just let me know.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


(I love these tangential discussions!)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a wonderful idea. Critter I was thinking the same thing. We have a trailer. Wouldn't want to take a trip like that and not have room for everything. Next thing you know there will be a regular caravan of DG vehicles headed down/up the road. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ohhhh...THIS is just what we need during these cold gray days....planning a road exciting....just sent Bec a dmail with this thread's link....WHAAAA - WHOOOOO

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

You mean we have to wait until JUNE? I'm already packed!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh, Holly, a trailer!! :-) how many people will fit in your vehicle? ;-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

One. The rest of the space is needed for plants.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yepper...backpack is ready...all I need is that, camera, and $$...I'm good to go

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, well. If we have to wait until we have $$, then I don't know when I'll be ready.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

ROFLMBO!!! You guys are to funny! Wished I lived closer. But I'll be there in spirit.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We need at least 2 people to fit in Holly's vehicle with the plants... I don't think we should leave Ric out! Or is this a "hen" expedition?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We will have to check the date as we are traveling in June this year. JR is now school age. But I would take the explorer which would hold 5 people and the back cargo area. Or two people and a larger back cargo area. Plus the trailer which is 4ft X 8ft with 2Ft high sides. It's a heavy duty trailer great for the concrete stuff or plants. Ric would be fine with either a hen party or not. It's nice to get away from time to time.
A little OT but take a look at your calendars for Spring Swap dates, too.
I looked thru the old thread, last years was May 24th and Harts was beginning of June. Don't post on this thread I'll start a thread for it is a couple of weeks, but just wanted you to give it a little thought.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm happy to ride on the roof.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Let's see... you, me, Happy, Chantell, Becky... if Ric comes, I guess we're putting Happy on the roof! LOL

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I just read this and yes, I am with ya - since I have an SUV there is room for 3, and plants/stuff/etc - I CAN possibly get both a king -cab truck and a trailer ^-^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wohooo! Dibs on riding shotgun with Becky in the truck, if we don't take my (puny) CR-V!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

You guys are too funny....

Was in Target today they have the CUTEST whole aisle of kiddie gardening stuff so cute....wasn't on sale yet so I'll wait to buy but pretty much all their other outdoor stuff was...they have some really nice decorative stuff but not what I needed oh well.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

MY POTS ARE STARTING TO APPEAR ON THE SHELVES AS OF TONIGHT...WHAAA WHOOOO!!! See if I buy a few at a time it isn't as bad as filling the cart...not to mention the "looks." I think the lawn and garden guy was relieve to see my expression when I was scanning the shelves and spotted them!!! My name is Chantell and I am a plantaholic

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

She NEVER txt's me just to say Hi - noooooooo, she txt'd me pictures of pots ^_^ from the store, while AT the store ^_^

Actually - being a plantaholic has helped me tremendously these last 3 weeks - I have been able to concentrate on something else than cravings & jonesing - I guess I can officially call myself a "non-smoker" now - first week I was psycho - then we started talking about spring & plants - I immediately wrapped my head around that instead of my non-smoking misery (and it possibly saved the lives of my husband and my critters ^_^)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hooray! You GO, Becky. We will be happy to help distract you with plant talk while you chomp carrots.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

oh jen, yes, its precious! and beautiful. Someday.....
CHantell- I'm going today, for something else but gotta check them out to see what all the fuss is!
Bec---congratulations! I applaud you!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec, Good luck, I have a friend that was a "Very" heavy smoker for 45 years and is now smoke free for over 6 mo's. You go girl!
Talking about smoking and pot shopping. I hauled Josh to a Hypnosis Center yesterday for a smoking cessation session. While I waited for 3 hours for him to finish I did several errands one of which was heading to WM for bird seed and a few other supplies, it was so very disappointing no pots or anything yet.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Was going to mention that to you Becky...but thought nah, if it's helping no need to point it out! Very glad to assist in keeping you around to harass for a much longer time!!! Love you!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Ya better watch these references to smoking and pot shopping LOL

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, I did think that came out a "bit" funny. Well pots or no pots I really need to move my house plants back down stairs. I still haven't moved them down. Wanted to do a little furniture moving and cleaning before I brought them back downstairs and now that's done I have no more excuses. Think I might hit them with some Neem Oil before I move them.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Congratulations Bec! Not an easy thing to do.....Been there done that--back in the 70's. I quit a total of 14 times--until I did it for good in 1972.
It really is not all that horrendous--if you are self-motivated to do it.
It is much harden (or impossible) if you try doing it because someone else wants you to.

I am starting to think about seeds and sterilizing the few cell-packs I will be using. Also--need to pick up some seed starting mix.
I just hope I can keep all this seed-growing to a minimum! Five of this---six of that--a couple 6-packs of Tomatoes, and some of Daturas--so I can give a few away, etc....
Have some new flower seeds I want to try--like Pink Cleomes (from a neighbor) and a few others. BUT--You all know my dilemma with space.....

Sally--How are your Brug Cuttings doing? Mine are doing great! Roots have filled the 4" pots on all of them....have to water them often now. They are under the grow lights I will need for seeds....Got a way to go yet....


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Way to Go Bec ! Hang in there, you can do it!

Gita, I am another 1972 quitter. Mine was easy, I was pregnant and had morning sickness so bad it lasted all day, then the thought of dropping a hot ash on the baby was an additional turn off.
I did try a puff or 2 later when I was out social drinking but that gave me a headache. So I am smoke free now.


Ya better watch these references to smoking and pot shopping LOL
I was thinking the same thing. LOL
I'm always get teased about the light/heat sensing helicopters flying over the house when I am in full seed starting mode in my basement. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Great a discussion about smoking, pot shopping...and Sally and I were discussing the distribution of rice hulls from the trunk of her car in a parking lot...just gets better and better!!!
Sally - now please don't think these of pots of gold or anything - they are very simplistic - which is my pref as I like the plant to be noticed at first glance not the pot. I just really like the design of these - very functional...keeping soil from getting/remaining too the same reservoir to water them well from beneath.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Rambling off topic, as is our wont or usual habit... I caught a documentary about a grower of special herb for medicinal use. It was amazing the setup! Huge bushes overhead inside a facility wtih enough light to look like outside. I believe we had a rash of thefts of street lamps about a year ago, for the bright lights.
Gita (sad face) on my Brug cuttings-Barely surviving, spider mites and maybe haven't given water freely enouugh for fear of rot. Stems are still hard and green though. with tiny new leaves.
I must love my son to take him to Walmart today to buy more arrows for his archery set. I avoid WM on Saturday like the plague, unlike ten thousand of my neighbors.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--interesting....I have almost NEVER had any bug problems on any of my plants. Maybe because I pre-treat them all with Systemic Granules a couple of weeks before I bring them in.
Mine are yellowing some leavess here and there, but I think it is that they are now so rooted that I may need to pay more attention with watering them. gave them some MG last time I watered. Maybe they are getting "hungry"....

I tell you! Use short (4" or so) stem cuttings from Brugs--not the growing ends. And put them right into soil--dipped in Rooting Hormone. I have had more success this way.
Will gladly give you a couple....

Archery was my Sport in High School--all 3 years! We were undefeated! And, yes! I once split an arrow in half in the bulls-eye with my arrow. NOT on purpose....but I did it.
I still have the bow in the basement--a plain wooden bow with a sights, no double bends...nothing.

Here's my cuttingss. Just took these pictures.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Another shot---
I have to say that where they are is quite warm. Besides the 3' lights above them, there is a heat vent right underneath the shelving too.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is the tray of cuttings right next to the other one. These are "lesser" cuttings. By that I mean they are more of the tip cuttings and the smaller cuttings. As you can see--they are not doing all that great. I believe these were the ones I had in water first????

Notice the all-green leaved cuttings? Those must be from my Rose Souvelons. as the Maya is variegated.
Seems they all are at a "standstill" of sorts lately....don't know why? Also--why the leaves yellowing and dropping????

Any ideas?

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

99% OT:

Chantell has been raving about Misco pots. I've never seen one. So I hunted down their website:

They have quantity pricing that looks appealing? Any interest in exploring a mini-co-op? Minimum order is $500.

Look at the page for their planters,

6 pots, dimensions15"x15"x21" pots are $43.56 plus s/h. So that's about $7+ each.

16 pots, dimensions 8" D x 7.50" H are $26.56 plus s/h. That's about 1.50+ each.

Chantell, are these good prices? Are they really worth it?" Can they be left outside overwinter?

They also have "caddies", whatever those are, and some plant stands. I don't know that we could get to $500 though.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Congratulations, Bec!

Gita, you're amazing. The Robin Hood of MAG. I'd like to have seen that arrow.

Happy, are caddies the little wheeled holders that you can put on the bottom of big pots so you can roll them around?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, That is what I call them and I don't buy a pot without one. I have several different ones some wooden, metal and plastic. With the plastic ones I don't need trays under my plants. So many of my house plants sit on the floor and it makes it much easier to move them around to clean (not that I do that very often).

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmm. I need some caddies.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita- mine look about like your lesser ones. Maybe its the heat they love/

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