Am I the only one...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

...looking like a fool at my local Walmart....letting out happy war cries cuz the spring stuff starting to come out?!? Seriously....count em...FOUR pallets in the parking lot....and the fertilizers and soil and starting to make their way on to the shelves....I can't stand it I'm so excited.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Nope... your not the only one!
The good ol' Seasonal Affective Disorder is gettin' to me, and I have begun to look for any place that is bright, warm, and humid to linger in for a few minutes... like Lowe's, etc!

Come on Spring!!! We're ready for ya! (As it is currently 20 degrees outside!)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I share the feelings on that but technically my last audible Whoop came a few weeks ago at the gas pump when I filled up for less than 20 bucks. Yes I did whoop. Cuz I didn't know how long that would last. But don't let me digress.

Yes Spring is coming to the stores. Target had the most gorgeous 'spa bathroom' decor aisle set up, and then they had all the garden gear in new stylish colors. The watering cans were all lined up facing the same way, but the colors alternating. Gosh, it is more pleasant to shop when it looks nice.!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Most amusing thing was I had just picked up a few clearanced items (oscomote and the plastic "drip pans" for under the pots) when what do I see back out on the regular shelves last night? Oscomote - full THAT'S funny.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Funny how I complain when stores put up Christmas stuff before Halloween... but I have nothing but *happy dances* when spring flowers come to January shelves!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Amen, sister...amen!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hallelujah too!
Thats is so funny about the osmocote etc- Way to stick it to the non gardening Man who runs stores.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

If they're putting out the Osmocote, it's just a matter of a few weeks before they're putting big pots of tropical hibiscus and mandevillea out in the parking lot here. Because some idiot at Walmart thinks Virginia must have the same climate as Florida.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG, I know sad is that?!? It's like "here's your sign!" Poor guy back in lawn and garden at night probably thinks I'm stalking him. I mean come on dang it...I NEED pots...MY pots the ones I like so much. I literally walk around in the enclosed outside area (it's heated, I'm not completely nuts) - eyeballing the boxes b/c I know what the boxes look like that they come in. It's a sickness...every year I'm doing this...except instead of being ISO the 4" pots...I need the larger sizes. This is a good thing...right? It means I'm killing less and more of the plants are putting size on....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chantell, if they're right for you, you're welcome to some of the 1 gallon pots from last winter's swap, and I think I've got a few extra 2 gallon ones also.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Don't you hate it when your poor plants need more toe room and you can't find a pot?! Does Lowes have any?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok...I know this is going to come across sounding like an utter pot snob BUT...I've been in love with the plastic Misco pots that Wally World carries for years now. They're as great for C & S as they are tropicals. The bottom is elevated for drainage - more so then any other pots I've come across AND they're the 3rd cheapest pot they carry. IMHO you simply can't go wrong with these. Some of you are probably weary of hearing me sing their praises over the last few years...LOL! I had hit up our Big Lots when they were closing their doors (our location) late summer and picked up a few bigger pots at insanely cheap prices BUT I don't like the pressure that IF (not likely since I more times then not forget) I over water the chances of root rot on those pots is substantially increased. I love the elevated bottom that allows a decent reservoir for me to fill since (as I stated above) I sometimes "forget" that the tropicals are in the dry heat of the house and NEED a drink at least once a week. Does any of that make sense or am I ranting as usual.
BTW - thank you for the kind offer though, is definitely my short comings as a plant mommy that require my having these pots.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry, I was reading too quickly and thought you were looking for discarded nursery pots from dead plants...

Now I need to find some of these pots...

I've been liking the hanging baskets and other pots/planters with the self-watering saucers that WalMart has carried for a couple of seasons now. I fill the lower portion of the pot (that extends down into the saucer) with perlite for better drainage and wicking action.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

No need to apologize I just didn't want you to think I was being ungrateful for your kind offer. Yes, Misco has the "hanging" basket type of pot too. "I fill the lower portion of the pot (that extends down into the saucer) with perlite for better drainage and wicking action." Ohhhh good idea, hadn't thought of that!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

crittero- I could use a dozen or so cheap nursery pots 4 inch, if you have them to spare. I'll be wanting to up pot meyer lemon babies.--Now that I've put it in writing they'll die tho.

Have to go see what Misco pots are- Chantell, you shared some smallish 4-5 inch? green ones with me a couple years ago, those?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Nah...those are the cheapest ones Walmart carries (I had WAY too many of those - that was the year of "oh lets buy a bunch of mints" etc. to over winter - not having a clue about spider mites or the control of)...nothing wrong with them...I just prefer my Misco ones..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sally, I'll check, but I have more an abundance of gallon pots than 4 inch ones... ooh, I know, I think I've got quart deli containers that would work for you (I pop holes in them for drainage).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Awww, don't let me clean you out. I thought you had said you were overflowing with them.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've got loads of the gallon pots (thanks to Debbie & Rick), but I have to check my supply of 4 inch ones. I know I picked up 50 or 100 of those quart deli pots last summer (they're great for winter sowing, too).

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, Yep me too. First it was prowling around the covered outside area looking for just one little pallet of pots mixed in with the holiday goods. Then it was watching them carry out the holiday goods and hoping I would see what they were going to bring in.
Oh No, The seed catalogues have taken over. I have decided that I would limit the amount of seeds I started this year as I have ordered hundreds of little starter plants. As the seed catalogues came in I would pile them in a corner and not open them. Then this morning I sat down and opened the Park Seed Cat with all their beautiful pics. No, No, No!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah...then you have Select Seeds...and hmmm, then Sally (buddy ole pal) shared this link w/me The madness never ends...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Not to mention Critters Seed Swap. LOL
I should be looking into winter sowing then space might not be such an issue.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I actually have the "supplies" to do it this year...just need to reread what I'd looked at last year...ugh

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ugh? LOL Take a look at my Groundhog's Day article last year for a quick intro to Winter Sowing:

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

God bless you, Jill!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I went to the Southern States store today, lurking in the organic aisle. Holy heck- the price on small Espoma bag of kelp meal, like 4 pounds= 17 $ !!!!!! The only bigger bag of dry kelp product they had was actually a calcium product with 2.5% of kelp meal. Thier price on neem products was high too. I'm glad I forked over the 10-11$ and got concentrate. Maybe I need a new store!

I went because I could NOT find my other suet holder anywhere, searched all you know what happened next. Brought the new one home and found the missing a tree, empty. Duh.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I guess I shouldn't snicker at that, Sally... Hope you found something good at Southern States, anyway!

I think I need to head out today and see what's new at WalMart, etc. I really need to find a couple of nice strawberry jars or shallow planters (future small strawberry beds) to give a friend as a wedding gift. Appetizers, salad, and cake at their reception all featured strawberries, so I'm sure they're a favorite of both the groom (a long time friend) and the bride (a future friend!).

Has anybody seen attractive strawberry jars around, preferably ones that aren't terra cotta (eg, resin or polypro or foam) so they don't have to worry about them breaking?

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

We were at Lowe's yesterday looking for birdseed and wandered into the plants area. Don't you know it! They had big healthy looking patio tomato plants abt. 12-15" high and with flowers already. Hibiscus, star jasmine. throwing out the pansies for 25¢ for big robust ones but it's past time to grow them here and soon they will be coming out of the gardens in favor of ? whatever the spring/summer flowers are. They had hanging baskets of bouganvilla just covered w/blooms and beautiful 1, 5 and 7 gallon size Encore Azaleas ready to burst into bloom. I could have stayed there the whole day!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Southern States is expensive. I know prices have gone up on anything that's heavy because of the cost of shipping, although I haven't seen them going back down again now that gas is down. But SS has always been considerably more expensive than Lowes, Walmart, Tractor Supply, etc.

Sally, if you can make your way out here (Winchester at any rate) for the big half price sale at Weber Nursery in June, you can stock up on Espoma stuff for half price. And their regular price on the small bags is under $10.

I was looking for fly traps last summer. At Walmart, Lowes and Tractor Supply, they were around $5. Same exact fly trap at SS was $10.

LOL on the suet holder. Been there and done that.

Ann, you're so mean to talk to us about those plants in your nice, warm zone 8 when they're calling for it to go down to 3 degrees here tonight. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooooh, Sally! Road trip! :-)

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

We aren't getting down to freezing here tonight but we're feeling really cold and ready for spring and summer. My point was that here it is so darned cold and they have all this tropical stuff out. These places are really weird.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, You don't have to buy a strawberry pot. You can easily make one if you find a plastic pot you like. Just get a hole saw for your drill.
This is really old and I don't know how may more years it will last. It was a solid plastic pot when I bought it. Also don't forget when you plant this type pot you can put a pipe with holes drilled in it in the center to more evenly distribute the water.
Ann, I picked up a couple of those Encore Azaleas last summer and can't wait to see how they do for me this summer.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Holly, that's clever! I'll keep my eye out for a potbellied pot. Been looking for an excuse to buy a hole saw for my drill...

I'm definitely planning on installing a length of holed PVC pipe for them... I thought that was a great tip when I read about it!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking about putting some full-sized strawberry plants in the top of the pot and alpines along the sides... :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Whew....overload here...feeling ADD at the moment....

Holly - what a great idea!!! No one lets me play with drills though...LOL Teasin'...I used mine on my patio planters last year when they became swap land and everything died...THAT and filled the bottom with plastic bottles as someone suggested (love you guys)!!!

Jill - I'd avoided the "strawberry pots" till last year when ya'll posted about the drilled pvc piping...gonna dry them again this year. You probably already know this, but Walmart's gonna probably be the best place for what you're looking for. Funny thing was when I was reading Sally and Diane's chat I was thinkin' the same thing ROAD TRIP...Bec you lurking?????

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, yes please, road trip -- as long as you bring ME! LOL, I should be able to get down to Becky's, or maybe somebody will drive through Frederick... And there's that concrete place Hart is always talking about... even if they're not having a sale that same weekend, we have to try to get there too!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Whewww-weeee....I'm excited...I love plant road trips!! Poor Becky had to do all the driving but now I've got a reliable vehicle so she won't have to do all the work!!!

Ann - meant to tell YOU how jealous I was...I'd be buying them babies and bringing them in where it's cozy...poor things!! Don't suppose those bouganvillas had a scent,did they? Or am I confusing them with another plant?????

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Did someone say ROAD TRIP???

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes! I go to your place, Happy, pick you up, and then we continue down to grab Becky and Chantell... Heck, I think we should make a WEEKEND of it, giving us enough time to hit local nurseries and the concrete place also. Bet we could find a good deal on a Saturday night hotel room or B&B!

Who has the biggest vehicle? I've got my Honda CR-V... and I'll bet Happy would do some of the driving for me...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wooooooo-Whooooooo!!! Now THAT sounds like fun!!

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