Variegated foliage MGs

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

I would like to host a new thread to summarize the names of those exotic, and gorgeous foliage varieties of MGs, that are beautiful for the foliage, even if the blooms are average or less. This thread is for Variegated foliage, or for the flowers and blooms. We know now that even in the northern states that some of the gorgeous MGs don't bloom till just before frost. None the less, we still enjoy their foliage all summer. Some of the foliage pix posted in the last several months have been inspiring. This forum is now the place, to place the names of those wonderful variegated forms, so that those who choose to can seek the foliage forms, soly on the base of the foliage. Some of you on this forum have old photos of wonderful forms, that are currently only recognized for their blooms. Please dig them out and post them here, with their names, for the good of all. After all, we still don't have an organization to do the classifying for us. This year, I grew seeds of Cameo Elegance on my front porch. What beautiful foliage. I would recommend it to all that don't have any yet, but there are others and better ones. Please share your pix.......When I have decided that the thread has run it's course, I will list the Variegated Forms on a list,
so every one can copy it. In advance, thank you for your cooperation and help and assistance. Frank

This message was edited Dec 28, 2008 8:57 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

My favorite variegated foliage on an MG vine is Kohkan. Unfortunately, as the vine grew, the amount of variegation wasn't as prononced. But it was still very attractive and the huge, gorgeous blooms were an added plus to a cultivar that I consider an all around winner! Of course, it is believed that the seeds I got for Kohkan might have been crossed with something else...

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

..Well..I had a few in this catagory last year.. about my favorite of all time was my
Akatsuki no Umi
pictured below with a suntan... I miss it.. seems a bit early for me to start them up again.. they would be 20 ' tall before icould get them back out... although I could have planted them out 60*F they will be lucky if it's that warm when Iask them to start up outside in the spring

Thumbnail by GordonHawk

I agree with Frank, Cameo Elegance is a winner when it comes to variegated leaves.


Thumbnail by
DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Frank, Thank you for posting this thread. Just getting into MG growing, and plan on adding the above MG's to my garden this spring.

Becky, That foliage is beautiful!

Gorden & Joseph your MG's are just gorgeous!

Here is Akatsuki no Mai, in all its hot striped pink glory!


Thumbnail by
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful photo, Joseph! Love your idea of growing Baby's Breath (is that the filler plant?) with your MG to shade and compliment the base of the vine! :-) Very pretty!

It is Alyssum, the plant I used to attract beneficial predator and parasitic insects to feed on the mites. It did have a nice secondary effect to complement the colors of the JMGs, agreed. Thanks, Becky!

szarvas, Hungary

From you Becky , a very interesting foliage ,but NOID!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Looks like "Sunsmiles Pink" to me, Dany! It does have nice variegated foliage! Beautiful!

Added: Here's a DG PlantFile Link:

This message was edited Jan 2, 2009 9:30 AM

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Joseph, you have shown some beautiful variegated shots in the past 2 years. Are you selecting for good and strong variegation??? I am curious about that Janet's Choice you sold. Are you still doing that???

I lost mine in a fungus festival. But I switched over to Mosser Lee's "No Damp Off
" ground sphagnum moss, and have not lost a single one since.

As a matter of fact, I still have one stictocardia, in the original cup in the bathroom wiindow. It must be 8 feet long now, all coiled around in a ball. lol Frank

Frank, I haven't been conciously selecting for the variegation trait. Janet's Choice came from a seed trade over in Garden Web. I ought to grow it again to see its wonderful I recall it had so much variegation that some of the leaves were almost without any green. Did you see this too in your plants?

szarvas, Hungary

Joseph can you post a pic of Janet's Choice cultivar !


"Janet's Choice" was a name I stuck onto the other common name for Cameo Elegance, I think, is that right, Frank? Here's another photo of it. BTW Janet is my wife and she selected that packet to grow out that year, hence the name.


Thumbnail by
Netcong, NJ(Zone 5b)

The type of variegation that has areas of very dark chlorophyll concentrations adjacent to the very light areas provides higher visual contrast and the areas having a very high concentration of chlorophyll help to compensate metabolically for the solar panel areas that have little to no chlorophyll to help manufacture and store life supporting compounds...



This message was edited Jan 3, 2009 6:57 AM

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Joseph, thanks for the story on Janets choice. lol In the absence of real facts, I fantasized that Janet culled the lesser plants for a few generations, resulting in a new and improved Cameo Elegance.

I think I will be growing a lot of it this year and doing some pH experiments, to see how that affects the foliage.


Thanks, Frank, I'll pass along your story to her, she may enjoy it. LOL

I am looking forward to your results of the pH experiment. How interesting...will you publish the results in a hort journal?


Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

No Joseph, lol. During my life, I have finally figured out that if you want to find somebody that never gotten anything done, just find yourself a perfectionist, getting something ready to publish in a journal. I know that your comment was in jest, but I believe I can come to the same conclusion, without a University lab at my disposal on some things. Getting my hands on a pH meter I can trust is turning out to be a trick.

At any rate, I just wanted to add a few more names to the variegated list, due to pictures I have seen.

Fujinobeni Frank

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Home Depot sells some cheapie meters for PH for about $15.00. I saw them this past Fall there. I haven't been in that area to see if they still have them recently. But usually when Spring arrives, the stores carry all kinds of garden stuff, so that may be when you find one. :-)

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

I know what you mean. Ive been there, and they are not ready for spring yet.
The interesting thing about most of them is that the don't take bateries. I will keep looking. Frank

One of my indoors-grown JMGs, 'Heian no Izumi', is making nice variegated leaves. Here's a photo for this thread, and will post more as others develop.


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Here's one more, cotyledonsf 'Kurenai' the mottling way cool? I am looking forward to the leaves that develop!

This message was edited Jan 25, 2009 7:37 AM

Thumbnail by
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Joseph, that cotyledon looks like this one of mine from you..

Thumbnail by joeswife

That's a nice one, Debra...this the first time I am growing Kurenai. It should be interesting to see what the flowers look like.

This message was edited Jan 25, 2009 7:37 AM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Yes... I am very excited to see what ANY of the flowers look like on these varigated vines that I have started and are growing..thank you so much for helping is RAIKO this am..

Thumbnail by joeswife
szarvas, Hungary

On the Japanese DG : variegated cotyledons too :

and this cotyledons is a real promise ! purple folliage

Dany, the cotyledons were a treat to see. I wonder what the flowers looked like and the true leaves?


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Indeed very cool! thanks, Dany!

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

I just wanted to add a few names to the variegated list.

Sun smiles, all colors, pink, purple, blue.

I think, at the end of the month, I am going to sum up those named on this thread as variegated so there will be a list available. If you can mention some, not already mentioned, before then, well we can put this thread to bed. Frank

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I posted these on the other thread but love them so much.. here is Raiko today

Thumbnail by joeswife
Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Two more, Akatsuki no Beni, and Akatsuki no Hikari.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Here's my 'Sun Smiles' seedlings; the foliage is gorgeous.


Thumbnail by Grow_Jo

Really nice photo, Joanne! What did you use for the grey backdrop?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks Joseph. It's actually a black poster board that I use to photograph my orchids against.


Thanks, Joanne, y'learn something new every day!


Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Gro-Jo, which Sunsmile is it? I am dying to know, because I don't have the pink one. I do have 3 of the violet sprouting in my little, hydroponic thing I got for xmas, but not showing yet. Frank

szarvas, Hungary

One rare is the Kikysaki variegated leaf.
Here is a Dragonfly leaf.

Thumbnail by dany12
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Frank, I got the seeds from Erynne ( a former DG member); the packet says "Hot Rose color".

I have two more seeds - do you want them?


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Joanne thanks for the idea of a back drop.. much better than my red plastic! I think I have a piece of black belvet around, might try that!

szarvas, Hungary

you say variegated foliage ! ( from Japan )

Thumbnail by dany12

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