Info and sources for GIANT maidenhair fern?

Danville, IN

Does anyone have experience with growing giant maidenhead fern indoors in northern climates? I saw some at the Lincoln Park Conservatory in Chicago, and they were striking. There's no info in the Plant Files. Any help would be appreciated. Meanwhile, I'll do a Google search for sources.

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

They need high humidity to become large, that is about all I know about Adiantum. has some information.

Adiantum peruvianum, we grow this one in the ground here in Tampa>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Danville, IN

Thanks. I found two sources on the internet. I've had good luck with regular maidenhair ferns in my sunroom. I hope the giant variety will do as well.

Thanks, Dale!

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