I'm bored....How about a variegated plant thread?

Gainesville, FL

I really like variegated plants and I know a lot of you do to. So show some off. Pick your jewels and post 'em! I'll start with three:
Variegated vanilla orchid

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

Variegated Arachnis "Maggie Oe" orchid

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

Variegated costus ginger

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Arailia balfouriana sport. (on the right) normal color is just the opposite.

Thumbnail by Eclipse
Dallas, TX

Like GrandPa Jones used to say " Would'nt that take th rag off of th bush" OK kids here we go! Jerry

Dallas, TX

My, AE-AE Variegated Banana.

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

My vari. Stuttgart cannas.

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

Varieegated Philodendron.

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

my " lime aide " Colocasia.

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

My Variegated Alocasia Macrorhiza.

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

My Variegated Heliconias.

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

OK Kids anyone can jump right on in " THE WATER IS FINE" Jerry

Dallas, TX

My Varig. " SEA Hibiscus "

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

Placenciarita, ??? I know you have about a hundred variegateds!

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Louisville, KY

Musa Siam Ruby variegata

Thumbnail by bwilliams
Gainesville, FL

OKay, now we're going!
Here's my Ae Ae banana

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

Variegated Coral Tree--Erythina indica aka Sunshine tree

Thumbnail by gothqueen

My Varig. Tapioca Tree

Thumbnail by
Gainesville, FL

Philodendron "Florida Beauty" variegated

Love the Manihot escuelenta variegata Larry, I have that too!

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

Variegated monstera

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Red Oak, TX

How exciting!!
What a great idea. I will have to look up their proper names and post a few more later.
Variegated Alocasia Wentii
sorry about the big picture

This message was edited Dec 11, 2008 7:34 AM

Thumbnail by prita
Gainesville, FL

This is a variegated syngonium I got at a Tampa plant sale. It's not the usual variegated one. I don't know its name. The green is really DEEP green, not the light "limey" green on White Butterfly
If anyone knows its name please tell me

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

Philodendron imbe, she's a big, big girl, LOL

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

This photo shows a close up of the variegation better

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Red Oak, TX

Sansevieria Bantel's Sensation

Thumbnail by prita
Gainesville, FL

Ohhh! Ahhh! I have that one, I love it!
Here's a few plants I keep in the house:
Bantel's Sensation, variegated Mason Congo Sans, and Variegated Pony Tail Palm

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Stuttgart cannas
Philodendron "Florida Beauty" variegated
Variegated monstera are always on my want list but biwwiliams your Musa Siam Ruby variegata is really killing beauty, our weather is excellent for the Musas and I have six different species but none of them is beautiful as yours.

Thumbnail by gumlla
Dallas, TX

Gothqueen, What is the name of the aloc. in your last post? Do you keep it in the house year round? Do you allso keep your EA-EA in green house year round? Pic. of variegated plumeria " MAYA " Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

Colocasia "Tiger Stripe "

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

Varieg. Brug.

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Dallas, TX

Varieg. " Madagascar Jasmine "

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

E.E dont know the name....

Thumbnail by gumlla
Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Your plants are always fabulus, another E.E

Thumbnail by gumlla
Gainesville, FL

Jerry, its A. loweii
I used to keep it as a houseplant but I planted it out. It stays by the back door now, its warm enough there that it makes it through winter. The plant in the photo (houseplants) was actually the 'stripped down' version of the original, which was over 12 years old when I divided it and planted the pieces outside.

Dallas, TX

Gothqueen, I have tried several kinds of thoese aloc. but they always rot. one of my varieg. bougainvilleas. Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves
Gainesville, FL

Yeah, that's the problem with those African Mask and 'jewel' types. I run mine pretty dry, I only watered that thing once a week when it was a houseplant. In the greenhouse, the ones I have like cuprea, guttata etc I keep pretty dry.

I love bouganvillas, when we lived in So Cal they were gorgeous. But I don't seem to have the same luck with them here. If we get a rainy season, they get too much water and they don't bloom well. Yours is gorgeous!

Here's a variegated Spath Domino:

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Red Oak, TX

Alocasia Okinawa silver

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

Zingibar Collinsii

Thumbnail by prita
Gainesville, FL

Rita, is your Collinsii still up? Almost all of my Zingibers have already gone dormant for this season.

This is a new plant I received in a trade about 2-3 months ago. It's the variegated heliconia H. bihai lemai albo-variegata-striata. It seems to be very slow growing. Actually it has 2 additional new leaves now, but I forgot to take a new photo when I was in the GH today. It's a lot different from my variegated psitticorum "El Tigre". The leaves are bigger and broader, and overall I expect it to be a much larger plant.

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Dallas, TX

My H. Bihai Lemaii. This leaf has the most varieg. in it. Only one in five has varieg. It grew to six feet tall this summer. My El Tigre is only two feet fall and not worth taking a picture of! I got them two years ago and paid B-I- G bucks for them! If i could get my money back on all of the over priced and plants that have died, i would have a WHEELBARROW full of money. But would't we all ! Jerry

Thumbnail by texasbigleaves

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