Trading eggs? er plants, seed etc for hatcher eggs?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Anyone interested in trading eggs? Im not ready yet, but just was wondering what kind of eggs anyone had.

I have buff orpington hens, leghorn hens and some blue EE hens along with a beautiful gold and black roo. Sooo.....all my eggs technically would be EE's. I am getting white, green, blue and tan eggs.

I need to get a new leghorn roo and a new buff orp roo one day, so that is my last two roos, the heat got them so well anyways, just curious if anyone was interested in swapping hatching eggs! Well or at least putting up what eggs they got for swap so we all can consider this!

Or maybe you would consider trading plants, seed, or what nots for eggs in the future...?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I have nothing but barnyard specials so far. In the future I hope to have some pure breed chickens! There are many on here with beautiful poultry though!
Is that your Buf?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'd be interested in swapping eggs but not until spring. Wayyyyy too cold for shipping eggs now! I have barred rocks and EEs and some bantam breeds too and a lot of barnyard mixes. I have welsummers and cuckoo marans in the brooder now. Silkies too, and some other breeds that escape my feeble memory at the moment.

Kenosha, WI

I'm a biodynamic gardener and urban homesteader. I've started to keep birds last year and have one buff, one blk austro, one dominique and a dozen ameraucanas (10 hens and two roosters). I hope not to purchase one-day chicks ever again and rear my own as pure amerauc. and mutt buff/austro/dom. - eventually I will need new genes and should introduce a different ameraucana or aurocana rooster (not earlier than 2011). I would be glad to keep in touch and trade eggs. I'm a new member of DG - my main interest is the potato crop ... you can find a lot of info on my activities on my web pages + select Kenosha Potato Project. I live in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Welcome Curzio! Great to meet you! Love potatos, will have to check out your site!
Hope to see more of you!

Clarkson, KY

What I wouldn't trade for seed potatoes...

Ferndale, WA

Hi Blossom: I would entertain trading eggs, spring time of course. I have Gold Campines, Cochins, Lakenvelders, Cuckoo marans, Americaunas, Hamburg, Crevecouer, and black polish crested. I just finished building a 16 x 16 two story barn for housing another forty chicks, and will be building three mating pens inside on two walls along with with a fold down roost. Think about what you would like to have and I know CMox also has several breeds, as well as others. Come spring contact the persons and let them know about a month in advance, and I'm sure you'll find what you want. Stay warm. Haystack

(Zone 7b)

Haystack you have Golden Campines OH i love those i ordered some from ideal and had them sexed.
They were the prettiest chickens i have ever had and i've had a lot.

Ferndale, WA

Your right Harm they are beautiful birds and boy can they fly. When I look at their bodies (not color) but how they are built, they remind me a lot of pigeons. How many do you have? I hope you enjoy yours as much as I have mine. Haystack.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Guys, yes that was my Buff boy before the heat got him, but i have some nice girls that I would love to get another buff roo for!

A friend of mine lives in the city and so she cannot keep roos. I usually take in her overruns. She gets a multitude of different kinds. Between her and my birds last year we got up to close to 200 birds. We had Ameracuanas, white orps, Black australorps, cuckoo marans, blue orps, leghorns, silver spangled hams, delawares, a multitude of EE's and some of the smaller breeds....she gets some pretty rare stock and most of hers are show quality. I usually have her incubate for me.

I am down to around 14 birds now and that is more than plenty for the winter. Watering is such a pain in the keester.

I never could figure that city ordinace thing out about the roos....heck, if you hear my hens when they were laying, they would put the call of a rooster to shame!

Well any ta who....When I toss my hat into the egg swap ring here later it will be me offering EE eggs since the roo we have is a black and gold easter egger.


Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

EE? Que es EE?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Easter Egger. Ameraucana cross breeds.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Que es este EE....??
EE es el pollo de easter egger!! LOL! Nuther words my eggs are gonna be mutts that will produce eggs of color.. um, blue, green, tan, white etc!
Hey Haystack, I had cochins and the white crested black polish bantams. My friend has Lakenvelders...The crested polish were adorable...

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

OMG, you mean easter eggs are made all year? LOL Ack! I'll never eat another one... =0)

Next silly chicken question... I had auracanas... what's an ameraucana?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Araucanas are rare. Most people who think they have one don't actually have one. Not to say that yours wasn't one. Araucanas are tailless. They are originally from Chile. In addition to the tailless feature, they only lay blue eggs (not green), and have feather tufts near their ears.

Ameraucanas should also lay blue eggs, but unlike the Araucana they have a tail, as well as muffs and a beard. The muffs are not the same as the Araucana tufts. Muffs and beards are fluffy poofs that grow on the cheeks and chin of the bird, whereas tufts are actual feathers that grow from fleshy lobes called peduncles on either side of the birds' face. Tufts are associated with a lethal gene, which makes them difficult to attain (another reason why true Araucanas are rare).

The Easter Egger is not an actual breed - it is any bird that lays colored eggs. The vast majority of birds sold as "Araucanas" or "Ameraucanas" are actually neither. Instead, they are mixed breeds with no APA (American Poultry Association) Standard that lay colored eggs, ranging from bluish and greenish to pinkish-brown, and sometimes even tan, gray or white.

Clarkson, KY

Araucanas are a mix of two very old S. American breeds - a tailless blue egger. Ameraucanas have been bred by a wide variety of people to get the tail back without losing the blue egg. They have recently been standardized as to breed but are new enough to still be in flux. Easter Eggers are someone's attempt to breed from one of these, the results being totally unreliable or at least non-conforming. Few birds sold as Araucana or Ameraucana meet the standard (I believe, hard to tell, but that's the poop!!)

Easter Eggers only lay pink, blue, green, yellow, and polka dot eggs under special contract to the EB during the 6 wks prior to Easter, the last week and a half being dedicated to chocolate, and then only birds of certain lineages are allowed to participate.

Clarkson, KY

Gak! Hefty cross post!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Tee hee, I love the second part of yours! Giggle...

Clarkson, KY

Glad THAT wasn't redundant!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

A past AMERACUANA hen of ours...she was lovely. We had several and they ranged in colors to pure white, mottled etc. I have a blue Ameracuana hen remaining.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

She was gorgeous - what a color - she looks like she's glowing!

Clarkson, KY

Lovely!! Think she has the 'come hither' in her eye!!

Gah! Did we cover tufts, muffs, and combs!?!

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

welcome blossom,
i do egg trades, plants and seed trades and swaps. won't have any till spring now but my hatching eggs r all bantams in spring i'll have- silkies, showgirls, frizzled cochins, seramas. i have many different colors i keep seperated and i have a few other breeds but will not have any of them till fall most likely i got to add more breeders on them but those would be welsummers, bantam barred rock and polish. used to have many other breeds but i downsized greatly this year.

Sapello, NM(Zone 5b)

Aha, I'm greatly relieved about news of EE special time contract with EB. phew!

And it looks like I too had americaunas... even had one that laid turquoise eggs. Beeeyoooteeful. Though I could never figure out which one, they all shared the nest boxes. They were pretty bird, tails and all. =0)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

hi silkie....i had wellies! one of my EE gals was a welsummer cross...i had favorelles and some pescendendas (sp)! The pescendendas (sp) were cool, big wattles and rare. They laid dark chocolate colored eggs.

I really dont want any cochins. Im not big on the feather feet and actually what I want to do is get a leghorn roo for my leggie girls and a buff roo for the buffs and then put the EE mutts in their own pen so I can run 3 pens of purebreds again.

I had some EE roos that had pink legs.. they were so mixed up, but they were putting the pink gene for pink eggs in my mutts too!
About the only colore egg I was missing last summer was a good yellow! I had blue, green, tan, dark brown, white, olive and shades of each Just needed the pink which was just starting to show and the yellow and I was having easter baskets full of color! I disbanded the herd because it got to be too much.

I just dont want to run 200 chickens again. So I am scaling back to my buffs and the leghorns and just a few EE's but want fertile eggs for pure breds! Those I have a market for, not that I did not have a market for the colored eggs, just no energy to run that many birds!

I don't like EE meat. Waaay to stringy. We got spoiled when we raised a pack of white cornish jumbos... so I am sticking to the buffs for a meatier bird, the leghorns for their super egg production and a few colored egg producers just for grins. Hoping to sell the hens before needing to butcher then do a run of jumbos for the meat and start the layers all over. But that will depend on how things go.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Well at least one of my 4 EE pullets is a roo! He crowed yesterday! I had a feeling he was a roo just from how much bigger he is from the rest of them. So now I have at least 3 roos from the Ideal order (supposed to be 1 roo and 13 pullets!) But that's to be expected! Two are attempting to crow so far. Can't help but giggle at them! Hope they think I'm laughing with them! heehee!
Here's the EE roo taking a dirt bath:

Thumbnail by saanansandy
Clarkson, KY

probably a more responsible, in depth definition than either Moxy or I have given...for the record

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

*snickers*! glad the hen is a boy!!! *g*!!! congrats!!

well, here is my black EE roo with the gold. So that is the 'poppa" of my mutt eggs that I will offer to trade! There ought to be some interesting colored birds come from my eggs in the future and it is anything goes in the color of the eggs they will lay later on.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

He looks like he's going out on the town! Very stately!

When my chicks are older, I'd like to separate the EE's from everyone else(shhhh, don't tell my DH yet!). Then maybe I can get in on the trading!

Fenton, MI

Merry Christmas, I am new here too. We raise grapes, blackberries, raspberries, mulberries - white and black, pears, peaches, cherries, potatoes, and several other garden vegetables. Our apples were hit by a hard frost so I had to buy them this year. Part of our extra is fed as treats for our 10 call ducks and 4 quail, and for our silkie chickens. We save our own seed potatoes each year. This year we gave away feed sacks full of perfect sweet, tender large red potatoes to all our friends and neighbors, and still had extra to store for winter. Cath

Thumbnail by rainbowsilkies
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello all!
I just saw this thread and would like to add I will have pure BLRW and Turken/naked neck eggs in the spring for trade. My others would be barnyard specials. I should also have some nice Guinea eggs(I have about 6-7 colors, but they are all mixed together) If I can find the nests. I also should have some peafowl eggs, again assuming I can find her nest. She is black shoulders and the cock is India blue. I hope to add a new peahen or 2 in the spring, but doubt I will get any eggs the first year.

I would be looking for any type of bantum. They can be barnyard special also. The smaller the better. I just love the small breeds.
also I am always up for plant trading and of course Daylily are high on the list!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

WOW, you have quite a variety Daylilydaddy! I do love the Guinea hens. A friend of mine had two but the mate passed away. It was very sad. The crying went on for weeks. They are really load also.
Boy, I cant wait for spring.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, I did want to say. I only have 6 colors of the guineas. I forgot the owl got my white one. She glowed in the night. Mine all moved to the tree right by the hen house after the owl incident. The trees are very thick there and much better cover. the silly things refuse to use the hen house.
I about had a heart attack last night. I was shutting up the hen house and saw a black movement on the ground in the house. It was one of my hounds. 2 have moved into the hen house and 3 chickens moved into the doghouse. I raised the dogs from puppies right beside the hen house. I think I have species confusion! LOL

Fenton, MI

I'd like to trade silkie or pharoah quail eggs if anyone is interested. We also have trumpet vine and purple wisteria seed pods I can gather now and dry in the mud room. Spray millet, (raised for my own for my house birds), mixed color hibiscus seeds from my mom's flower beds, and black walnuts I could trade if anyone is interested. I gather seeds and black walnut and plant them up north MI in my woods. Cath

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

would love to see more pics of ur silkies to possibly trade in spring rainbow and welcome to the forum!!

george, i need to get guinea eggs in spring for a friend so i may hit u up to buy/trade eggs for him when he wants me to hatch for him again.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Welcome rainbow!!!
Daylily, your dogs got evicted by chickens? hehehe funny stuff.

Clarkson, KY

My dog only gets to use her house at night...the hens go in during the day. One day we found the dog setting on 17 eggs (no empty shells) -didn't last, but...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

That is funny. A broody pup! hehehe

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! Talk about species confusion, I once had a blueheeler mix that nursed 17 mind you the dog never had a pup in her life, but was able to milk up and took on the kittens to her box. She did that every spring at the old farm then when we moved she lived with her sheep. Never did catch her nursing any of them though! Never did get any pups from her either.

Well, we got through winter so far this year without losing any birds. We had minus 20 degrees for a few days and my hydrant froze. Was so cold for a spell, even with food and drink infront of them, the birds gave up eating and drinking for a few days but the henhouse here is doing fine. No one is laying yet though. And it looks like my cocky black and gold rooster is getting his pretty tail feathers back. He lost a few long ones in the fall.

Newton, AL

would have loved to see a picture of that.
I have a question. I have lived all over the US, from Alaska to NJ to Calif to Va. I hate the cold. so I move to LA ( that's lower alabama) and I love it here. the only cold we get is in the 20's for a week or so every year. It's already warming up, in the 70's during the day now and 50's at night.
Why don't you folks move away from all of that cold nonsense?

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