Trading eggs? er plants, seed etc for hatcher eggs?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

My Chickens are not laying.. to cold, got snow again....who knows if I wil be able to trade if this keeps up!

Also right now, my DH is ill so I am dealing with that and have my hands full so ya'll are gonna have to bare with me until things get better.

To my traders.. please check my new thread WHEN BLOSSOMBUDDY IS LATE...! I am starting that today.Thanks

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, Blossom is late!! Late in starting her new same name!! LOL! OK, cancel that order.. er thread!! I am back.

I got busy just after that post. The hubby re-coperated and we are in a holding pattern here for his return to work as they schedule his trip plans. OY!

One of my Easter eggers laid a pretty green egg today, so does that mean Spring is right around the corner?? Hope so! This tromping in the snow to the hutches, shelter and the coop are getting old!

Humansville, MO

my chickern slow down
but we had too many roo in with them
they are picking up now 3 to 5 egg a day
only 6 hen

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey elle, what kind of chickens do you have?

Humansville, MO

they are
barred plymuoth rock

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have about 16 standard size birds, the rooster is an easter egger, there are some buff orp hens, leghorn hens, some blue hens that are easter eggers too and one blue giant orp girl. All my eggs willbe easter eggs! Either brown, tan, blue, white or green.

What kind of rooster do you have?

I used to have bantams and a large variety but I trimmed the flock back and woudl love to get matching roosters for my pure hens.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

gee blossombuddy i wish that was all the snow we had..about a foot on the ground and more to come tonight..
i have 16 golden comets and i am getting 12-15 a day..the girls love the cold..i dont..i want spring!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! We have had more, but it has been a constant white for such a long time, I am truly tired of the snow and cold. This has been a horrible year for my arthritis as December I spend a few days so bad had to use my cane! Then the carpal tunnels got irritated and used crutchs off and on for weeks that I though woudl never end. This getting old stuff is a-hem for the birds! It is hovering near 5 above or zero with wind chills today. Least today is not a great pain day. Just tired of being inside and too dang cold to venture out.

So golden comets eh? .....those are gorgeous! We used to have some bantam polish. They had white heads and black bodys.. they were really cute! Had several varieties going on a couple years ago adn got up to 200 birds hatchign our own, but was not wantign to do them in the house anymore. I had the bators in my livignroom which was ok, but then had chickes in the livingroom for a few weeks and well, that was not ok.. so if I do any more hatching.. they have to be able to be moved to the coop and can be under lights out there when the snow is gone.

I am also thinking with the ecomony so bad I am going to shift back to more meat type birds and keep only a handful of my colored egg layers. Those 200 birds we had were a huge mix of easter eggers and and to me, there is no chicken worse for eatign than a string legged EE or Leghorn.. but least as the leghorn is not stringy! So thought I would go for the jumbo white cornish x's that finish out in 6-8 weeks. Be more economical for meat.

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