CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap # 8

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I too have a few folks who only want 1 or 2 seeds ... so far, i have them paper clipped to an index card [where i'm keeping track of the 'asked' for seeds] and i was just planning on stapling them to the card.

it has their user name, the seed, and my user name on it... so i thought that was enough info.

I got a few last year, where on the lil seed baggie, the 'sender' just put my name on it with a small piece of paper taped on.

Ya figure... you'll be sending in a list of where all your seeds are going ... so if there is one stray pack floating around, she should know where it's going.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a) are keeping us all straight....piggies and first time ws's... LOL! I think I am seeing you on everything I lookat tonight. :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

ah... i'm bored ... plus helping someone in Dmail. so i keep bouncing around from thread to thread.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

OMG - who has time to be BORED? LOL! My hats off to you! Kidding!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

oh heavens... i get bored all the time. I could be doing something... like folding teh laundry i did today... but, nope, rather be here... i can do that tomorrow.

oh, that reminds me... **peering over at my seed basket**

i have to tweak my haves list.

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Fairy, you got it, and yes, please on th Autumn Colors. The Cherokee Sunset was fabulous and not very very tall.

Tcs if you have Black Adder I would love it.

All, I have updated the list, still have many left, please look and shop - I always look in Dmail first.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Gosh you all have been real busy oinking while my family was visiting.
Cindy you are in my thoughts and prayers. Do as you should and keep healthy! You've got a lot of DG'ers praying for you!
Welcome to pyromomma. You're going to like the folks here. Also wanted to thank you for the reminder that these folks are Survivors, not victims. They are picking up the mess and moving on with their lives. Creator bless you for your work on behalf of others. If there is anything on my list please let me know, and I'll send you some if I still have any.
Walk In Beauty!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perennialme. If you have enough baggies, I would appreciate it, that way, I won't mistaken miss maybe seeign somebody names just on a seed pacet when there gonnd be hundreds of em all around. If ya cna fine, If not could wrap a piec eof paper or somethign aroudn it, just to be on the safe side.

Thanks for lettign me know though, so wil look extra careful through your box for folks.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I think there a still a couple of people signed up that haven't posted lists. I've got so much coming already, not really concerned with finding more seeds. But I don't want anyone to miss out on stuff they want and time is swiftly passing.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've thought about that too Neal ... a thread or two back, i posted the names of those who have not "listed"

the ones i'm more 'concerned' about - are the Storm Survivors. I think there are 3 of them we have not heard from yet.

I know i saw one post by Ansonfan, i think he said something about herb or basil,
and BLueSpiral... i know she's been busy and has not been able to get in here... some times life just gets in the way of our internet time.



Tcs if you have Black Adder I would love it.

We has a discussion about various Agastches, and it's been posted that Black Adder is sterile. The data in my spreadsheet is obviously "off" and what i have is just more along the lines of a lavender/light purple flower ...

I have the "Honey Bee's" too, both Blue and White. and this one, Mexicana Purple.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We've got a couple more weeks... I'm anticipating one more flurry before the end... I've been down with "creeping crud," so it may be another day or two before I get an additional list posted.

I like the way everybody has been posting on this thread when they make additions to their lists! :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I was just riffling thru my backet, and came across and envelope that said "Mexican Sunflower Tree" - so i googled it and found Tithonia diversifolia

Does anyone have this? any information? and mostly, would it grow in my climate [colder zone]

errrr, anyone want any??

Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

Howdy, Howdy,

I'll bite! The pictures make it look like it should just belong in the yard. I would like to give it a try.


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


Tried it this year, but didn't survive this cool winter.......

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Tuink -- did they bloom at all?

if they dont -- even where you are... it would be pointless for me to attempt it.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

All the Plantfiles pics came from warm zoners, so I'm kinda doubting that they'll do much in zones like ours. A hardy plant with a similar look is Jerusalem Artichoke:

There's a wild stand of them behind my potting shed, and I tried to gather seed from them, but either birds beat me to them or the dry weather prevented them from developing- I found 2 or 3 seeds. Should have tubers I could dig in spring if you'd like some.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Neal.... I did get "takers" for those seeds.

Tab -- you and Star get to split them.

This message was edited Dec 2, 2008 10:26 AM

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone - I'm trying to get everything packaged up and I want to let Starlight, gemini sage, Danita, and chelesgarden that I've been working on the Mimulus cardinalis seeds for hours now lol. I've decided to put the seeds in foil and I folded it up, so I want to warn you that when you open them to do it very carefully over a paper plate or something to catch any escape-ees. I made homemade seed packs for them because the seeds stick to the plastic ones I usually use and when I put the seeds inside the homemade ones some of the seeds stuck to the sides. So I'm now folding them up in tin foil and putting that inside the paper homemade one and then possibly a plastic one too! lol I'm trying it this way so hopefully you won't have so many stuck in the crevices or to a plastic baggy. I have some I stored in the fridge from last year in one of those special ones - they kinda remind me of wax paper, and the seeds managed to get out a little bit and stuck to the tape around the edges, so that is why I am so concerned about packaging them right : )

P.S. Any one that's getting Lobelia seed from me will probably get them the same way as the seeds are very similar : )
Unless of course someone shares a better way from their experience and I copy it lol : O)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Meredith, I use the wax paper just so people can see the seeds, I take a square and fold it in half then fold the edges over on each side then take the top and fold it down, the seeds don't get out that way, after I have it all folded I put tape on it to keep it all shut then I go ahead and put it in one of the seed baggies :) Hope this helps, I have gone thru more wax paper this year lol

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

LeBug - that is a great point on the wax paper....being able to see the seeds. Well, I used aluminum foil for the nicotiana seeds and then put them in a plastic baggie. Next time I'll try the waxed paper.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks lebug, : ) I think I was worried I would fumble the wax paper all up, I can be a bit clutzy. I am going to try that with the lobelia seeds though. : ) I have enough of those that if I spill a few in the process it won't really matter ; ) - I got some seeds folded in wax paper last year and that's what gave me the idea, I wonder if they were seeds from you lol.

I got the original seeds I started from thompson and morgan and they came in a sealed foil package inside a regular paper one so that kinda gave me the idea the foil shouldn't hurt them at least. : )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Meredith, that sounds like it will work just fine. When I see an inner package, I assume tiny seeds within, so I usually open them over the pot I'm sowing in. I'd sure like to get a bunch of the little waxed envelopes. I've been lucky with the little seal-able plastic bags though; my friend who lived here before me was into beading and jewelry making, so there are tons of those that beads came in.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm glad it sounds okay, I will try to remember to inlude a note with them too, I was just worried it would get overlooked and someone would end up with seeds in their rug. Hate when that happens!

Added - I meant to say I usually use those same type of sealable baggies - I like them a- lot : )
but with these dust like seeds you lose a few and I want to make sure everyone gets as much as I can give lol. I think I harvested too late so I didn't get as many as I probably could have.. Plus they are the type of plants that flower all season so the seeds are constantly ripening at different times intead of the easy type that are ready to harvest all at once.

This message was edited Dec 2, 2008 1:21 PM

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I finally got the list to open.....(told you I shouldn't go there!) and Pyromomma could I please have these items from your list:

Rudbeckia hirta Toto Rustic
Rudbeckia hirta Cherokee Sunset
Gomphrena haageana Red Globe
Asclepias curassavica yellow "silky gold"
Echinacea tennesseensis Tennessee Coneflower
Gaillardia pulchella Indian Blanket Red Perennial
Silene regia- Royal Catchfly Red perennial
Ipomopsis rubra standing red cypress

Oink, Oink, Oink..... (many thanks!)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK -- I'm gonna give it a last shot at Pimping marigolds. **All open pollinated**

I have 10) Mars -- nice single petal deep red with yellow
7) French Double petal - Orange with Burgundy
6) tall marigolds, roughly 24", small 2" red and yellow double petal blooms.

What ever is left over, goes to Star and she can do with them what she wishes... donate, whatever.


Thumbnail by tcs1366
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

You are very good at pimping. I would love to try a few of each of your Marigolds, if you have any left. I am already getting some of your citrus cocktail marigolds. Also, after looking at the link, I would like to try a couple of seeds of the Mexican Sunflower, if there are any left. Here's to pushing the Zones! Tuink, did they grow and bloom before the cold weather got to them?
thank you

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lynn -- that Sunflower Tree? I can grab a few seeds for you.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

sorry, yes, the Sunflower Tree. Do you think it might grow in a big pot and overwinter it or take cuttings? Anything that grows big rather quickly is interesting to me. I am trying to plant an interesting "fence" between us and the neighbors, and also to screen an area that is not pretty to look at (ok, an eyesore). We planted a ton of bamboo last year, and I have visions of it taking over!

I have a really dumb question, are the morning glories invasive? I always thought they were a weed, never knew they came in colors.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>are the morning glories invasive?

now that is the 10 million dollar question...

in the south, i'd say in areas yes, as i have heard folks complain about them.

I have where I get a lot of volunteers ... tons in the grass, but DH just mows over them.

I just love the blooms. I dont think you would have an invasive problem in your neck of the woods.

there is a gal, Beth ... can't think of her user name... but she hangs in the MG forum.... she's in OR i think and had TONS of MGs. she may be a good person to ask. She's a very nice lady.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs or Lynn, that girl's DG name is ByndeweedBeth, she is real sweet, I've had a few trades with her :)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the advice. I will check out that forum when I get the time. I think MG are so pretty, and I love the way they twine around other plants. But that brings up my biggest concern. I always heard they twine around other plants and then choke the host plant to death. Terrible visions!!!! IS that true?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Meredith, I've messed with those tiny Mimulis seeds before, so thanks for the foil!
When I pack tiny seeds, I make a small sealed, tape-free envelope out of wax paper and then slip that into my little plastic baggie. Here's how I make the little wax paper envelope. It works great for making larger paper envelopes for seed snatching too!

Lynn, if you are worried about the MG's being invasive then grow the Japanese Morning Glories - Ipomoea nil - which aren't invasive and really pretty.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Sunflower Tree is now GONE.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

About the mexican sunflower tree, it didn't flower. It died when knee high.....

This message was edited Dec 2, 2008 9:37 PM

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Packaging is in full force now, the seeds go out by the end of the week (a little behind schedule but should just about make it).

Thumbnail by Tuinkabouter
Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

OH MY!!!!
How did you make those seed packets? WOW!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - I have been just trying to figure out how to print a SIMPLE label..... (I hang my head in shame..........).....

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

genna -- i use a lot of these
the "gangprint" ones are from Paul, and they are great. in pdf format - so it takes a bit to load, but he did a great job.

The other ones i use are a Daves Garden one -- where i've downloaded the file and edit it [add text] in photoshop then print them.

Or - lil zip-locks when lil data sheets in there with seed into.

Tuink -- those are awesome!!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I've been wondering about the postage Tuink is going to have to pay to get her seeds here. I know her list got hit pretty hard and I have to imagine that postage to the US isn't cheap. Maybe some of the over-pays (that Star will hopefully get) should go toward offsetting Tuink's expenditures?

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Tuink - thanks for not showing my piggy stack. LOL! I'm probably the double decker in the back. :-) Your packets are beautiful though.

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