CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap # 8

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)


Just on the seed list page, list your haves and wants. If somebody has what you want they will oink fo rit on here and send ya dmail too, generally.

When ya run out of something, just go back and edit that seed as out or delte it.

As you go down evrybody elses seed list just come here and oink away for it. if they have some they will tell ya and it also good to send em an dmail too about it.

Some folls are keepign tracks of trades on their seed list , some aren't, just a case of personal preference.

Once ya get the first couple of oinks under your belt, sure ya wil do fine, and everybody here will help too.

Don't forget to include yoru wish list too when ya put up your haves list

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

May I please add some of the red flax and some of the Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed to my list. I really MUST quit looking at those lists!

Thank you

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

The lime nicotiana looks interesting, but I am a little concerned my dogs might get into it so I will wait on that until I have a bed further from the house ready.

This message was edited Nov 29, 2008 11:24 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

gotcha down - Geena.

and i know what you mean... i have quit looking.
I've gone thru and have been buildign my spreadsheet for this winter... i've got over 170 varieties!!
most will be WS'ed, some will be direct sown ... and i'm thinking of new projects within the subdivision and at our park in Wisc that could use some flowers / color. Hopefully that will take care of a lot of these seeds.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

What all do you track in your spread sheet? I need to start some type of record as well..... I am almost afraid to count....^_^ I know I don't have that many, but I bet I have close to 70 or more..... scary considering I have NEVER dealt with seeds before!!

I just hope I can come up with a method so that I know what I have when (and if) it grows.....


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Genna -- i too started with about 70 ... last year was close to 200, and now i'm at around 178, but still have more to add... so i bet i'll end up around 200 again.

but that is also like, 10 varieties of Holly Hocks, 10+ morning glories, a bunch of Zinnias...

what i did was download tom clothiers data base and tweak mine to fit my needs.

I do try to use most of the "columns" but soem i dont.

If you'd like to see it [have a copy] i can email you my spreadsheet... it's in Excel.
that way you can just delete what you dont have, and already have most the data from the seeds you do have.

but here are some of the things i keep track of....

Botanical Name
Common Name
Variety/Color Type
Method of Sowing
Date Sown
Germinated [date]
Sow Dpth
Hardy [zones]
Space "
Life [annual or perennial]
Sun Req
Comments 2
Source of seed [who i got them from]
year of seed
Reference on Daves Garden

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh thank you TCS!!!! I was just wondering if there was a program for seed tracking/growing, etc. I finally decided that I'd just use excel because I love it and it's what I know.....learning as I go. Can you email it to me as well? I'd love to see it. Thanks!

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Is there a place on DG that you could post that blank Exel file? I am sure that many would love to have it.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

lemme see what i can do... i do not think i can put it on daves anywhere....

i have a host site though.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

if you click this link... it should bring up that "download file" window

the file is WS_seed_database

there are about 5 pages
2 pages from 2007, 2 from 2008, and my 2009 seeds list
1 page is the list of seeds -- though some info is not complete... i'm still trying to work on being more proficient
and 1 page is the list of containers that were sown and whatever notes i had for them.

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, that is super!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

cannagirl you have D-mail. I would like these please.

Hardy Burgundy Hibiscus
Canna Banana
Double Purple Datura Metal...5 trades
Triple White Datura Metal
Spiral Ginger
Luffa Gourd Seed
Salvia coccinea.

LynnWeidman may I have

Purple Candles Speedwell VeronicaIrish Eyes Gloriosa
Hot Lips Salvia
Black & Blue Salvia
Purple Candles Speedwell Veronica
Yellow Yarrow Achillea milleforium
Stonecrop Sedum
Autumn Joy Sedum
Red Velvet Yarrow

Thank you,

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

You betcha. I sent you a D-mail also. I might have to send the salvia's directly to you if those darn elusive seeds don't mature in time.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Lynn, That would be awesome to. I love salvias


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I would like some of the black and blue salvia if they get ready..... I had a cutting to that one, but lost it.

Terese, I will try to access that excel spread sheet........... I can send my email by dmail to you if don't mind sharing the file.


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

If anyone gets seeds to the Hot Lips salvia I would love some, I've been wanting this plant for a few years now and can't find anyone that sells either, I've traded for it twice and still don't have any plants :( I would owe someone that gets me seeds or plants an arm and a leg, I dont need those but I do NEED the Hot Lips LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- do you ever use "Haves/Wants" in the tradelist

there are are few who are offering cutting.

If it's something you NEED why not contact one of them?

i use this all the time when i'm looking for a particular seed.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I think I have Hot Lips on my 'want' page I'll go check :) Thanks, I've contacted people a couple of times from those listed on different plants and they haven't been very nice or they just don't answer so I'm a little gun shy asking the names that show up there for trades :) Sometimes they aren't looking for trades they just added it to their 'have ' list and it's just automatic that their name shows up in the plantfiles as having them.

It was on my 'want' list I disabled it cause I thought I was getting it this summer again :) I'll check the situation out :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>and they haven't been very nice or they just don't answer so I'm a little gun shy asking

yanno - I've asked a few times for things... many do not even reply... but I have been lucky and gotten a few seeds that i've wanted.

and being "not very nice", well, if they dont want to be contacted, why in the world put it in your HAVES list... that is just plain rude to be rude.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

It seems that some people don't keep up their 'have' list as an actual tradelist, but many do! I've met some great people while dmailing about particular things. The rest, I just make a note not to contact them again :)

I've started using my Journal to keep track of items I have, but don't have trades of. I've also made a category for 'seeds' and am keeping track of my seeds there...hopefully it will work to keep track of planted status there too. Probably not as flexible as a spreadsheet, but I have an ancient version of excel :) Also, you can transfer easily to your 'have' list if you decide to trade.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

KL.... I've been trying to use the Journal.... now when i click on a plant [of seeds ] that i will be getting, i also click the "add to journal" link. I just have to take the time to get in there and actually USE it.... errrr, learn it.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I use my have list for most of my plants that I have some I can't find in the plantfiles I keep them all disabled until I want to trade them and it helps when I want to show someone what I'm growing too, I love the disable button :) And where you can put notes at. I don't think a lot of people know that disable button is there.

I contacted someone for hot lips seeds we'll see what happens :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeeBug they probably not gonan come true. Another one that is propagated. Territorial seeds will have small plants available in the spring for I think it around 5 bucks. If I come across any before that will let ya know.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Most salvia seeds come true don't they Star? I've never had any trouble with them. Thanks for keeping a look out for me the only thing is that just sending for one or two plants doesn't pay for the postage they charge anymore and I very seldom order plants thru the mail because of this but I would order hot lips cause I think if I planted it by the house I think it would come back I planted some balck and blue there this fall I finally found at a nursery I can't wait till spring to see if they come back :) Thanks :)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I will send you my Hot Lips seeds, have some in bags (not many), have the Mama all bagged up for more. I collected some pods yesterday and they are on the DR drying out. So we'll see if I had any luck. Also, I have a few cuttings in the GH, they might be rooted by now. I can send cuttings or little baby plants to anyone who wants them. I absolutely LOVE this plant and am more than happy to share with you guys. In fact, I have 3 of them! The seeds are a *&#@ for me to see, plus I had never collected seeds until this fall (thanks to DG)
Everyone that has asked for Hot Lips so far is on my list. Please D Mail me if your name is not there yet, and I will make sure you get seeds or a cutting.

Her is one of the Hot Lips Mama's

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lynn -- i see you have 4-O'Clocks on your wants list... have you gotten any/enough?

I have some, mostly magenta/fuchsia but i also got some seed that are called Colorado 4-O'Clocks which im very excited about trying... they seem to grow more low and wide, than high. not sure about the color of the blooms though.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey girl :) I would love to have a cutting of the hot lips, I'll dmail you and see how my luck is running today lol

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Me too!!!!! Me too!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz I was gonan buy a couple and send one to Lebug cuz postage for one is rediculous.

Oinkng, snorting, pushign and shoving and rolling over and showing my fat belly for some seed. LOL

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I would love to have more 4 0'clocks. Thank you! If you have a few seeds of the Colorado, I would love to try those! I saw 4 o'clocks for the first time 2 summers ago in Colorado. They were at a winery, and the owner said they were from seed from her grandmother's garden. I loved the idea of sharing my favorite seeds with my granddaughter when she plants them. She is only 7, but she likes to help me with the flowers.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lynn what is velvet yarrow, never heard of it?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Aw, just googled it the red isn't suppose to fade I may need some of that if you have any left :)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Starlight, Le Bug, I will send you the cuttings whenever you want them. Is it best to send them all rooted and planted in a little pot? I spent a small fortune on nursery plants this past year, and I would love to share them with you. Look at my journal and see if there are any other cuttings you would like. I can send you a nice little shoebox filled with goodies. Everything is growing really well here, and some of my starts are even rooted now. (I haven't updated my journal yet with results). This has been so much fun. It is 70 in the greenhouse today, warmer than in the house!

The Red Velvet Yarrow is a Monrovia plant, and it is so beautiful and healthy. I don't know how true it's seeds will be, but what the heck, I am going to try it. I have the yellow that came from a cutting that I originally took from the landscaping where I worked 8 years ago. I also have Paprika and the Red Velvet. I hope the Red Velvet will perform well for you!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lynn, I have the 'carnation gold' yarrow growing out there now well, maybe they aren't growing now, I'm still in denial about winter lol They are suppose to be 5', I think I planted them just to see if they got that tall :) Would you like some seeds from them next year I'll send you some when I get them, they didn't bloom for me this year, I hope the seeds are good on these :)

I really appreciate the offer on the hot lips cutting, thank you so much I'll have to check your journal out :) That is so nice of you! Temptations temptations! I'm trying not to have a lot of plants to get in the ground for next year, you aren't helping lol You're so sweet!

I'm sorry I forgot to add on cuttings you can just wrap the roots up in a wet paper towel put a little baggie over just the rooted part and the paper towel with some tape to hold it on and you are good to go, just so it doesn't dry out in shipping, I'm not very good rooting things but this spring I'll send you a list of plants and you can choose :)

This message was edited Nov 30, 2008 6:12 PM

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Lynn, what type of snowball bush do you have rooted? Do you happen to have pics of the momma plant? I would LOVE to have some of your rooted ones if they are the big round snowballs....I found out the hard way there are several verbenum ? all called snowball bushes.....

I should have yellow, pink, fushia, and white 4:00s come Spring..... we will see how well they survive the winter. If I have them, I would love to share.

I have written several people on DG about a particular plant - some as it turned out where very rude, but others were very nice, and still others didn't respond at all. Some were more than willing to share some of what they had, and in most cases I was able to come up with something that I could trade, or send postage ..... some of those "new friends" are even participating in this piggy swap. I can't wait until I have lots of goodies in my yard so that I can share with as many people as possible.

I know thanks to the kindness of DG people - my yard is going to look much better, much faster than would have ever been possible without the willingness of people to share their plants, seeds and knowledge. Those few that have been rude are a distant memory compared to all the wonderful new friends I have made on here.


This message was edited Nov 30, 2008 5:37 PM

This message was edited Nov 30, 2008 5:40 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I too, make note of the rude ones, in my mind, and just know that i won't trade, or even communicate with them... life is too short for that nonsense. I just hang out with the good people. ;-)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

BTW, I "found" a Walter Funcke red yarrow that I planted last year, I am trying to dry it to see if there are any seeds. I guess I must like the yarrows and didn't even realize it.
LeBug, I would love to try the Carnation Gold Yarrow if it seeds next year.

Genna, your 4 o'clocks are going to be so pretty, thank you in advance.
The Snowball is Vibernum opulus 'Sterile'. I just purchased it in October, so Mama isn't very big. I took a cutting anyway. I think the cutting is still alive - I will have to check it tomorrow.
I am just learning about some of the features on DG, so my journal is very basic and incomplete.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I just joined in the fall, so hopes are high that they journal will be the ticket ;) I just keep putting all these seeds from swaps in there, and dug around for all the packing slips and tags I've got from like 8 years ago :) We'll see if this sticks.

I've been meaning to keep a paper journal, but that never happens. Certainly it is still incomplete... not sure if I'll ever get everything in there! Can barely keep up with seeds from swaps now, let alone when I'm busy with planting in spring and fall! There is so much to do here!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

what i've been doing for ease in 'keeping track' of seeds...

when i google it [their by common name or scientific] it usually brings me back to Daves PlantFiles ... then i click on the link for the plant info .... i'll click the link for HAVES, that way it's in my list for next year, and i've just started clicking that link to add it to my Journal, which i've stated i still need to learn.

then when i have that PF info page open for said seed/plant, i will copy the info i need, including the link to PF, into my spread sheet.

IT's a bit of copy/pasting ... but i get all the info i need, and after dozens of new seeds, the process has become fluid.

SO -- for the few of you who have a copy of my spreadsheet, I did not have to do ALL that typing... just a lot of copy/paste of info that was already on Daves.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Did someone say snowball bush?? It has been a favorite of mine for years - a neighbor of mine had one in an old neighborhood and I always drooled come spring. I have not found what I thought to be her "snowball" bush since then. :-( So, come spring...please share pictures so we can all oooohhh and ahhhhhh! :-)

tcs - again, thanks on the advice of copy/paste for the spreadsheet. I did notice that we can copy the DG link into the spreadsheet - which is a big bonus and a lot of help for me! LOVING it!! Plus I will be able to remember who to thank for the seeds next year when I am able to share pictures of the beautiful flowers I'll have. Thanks!!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Hey fellow "oinkers"....
Just checking in with you. Been thry more tests than I care to think about. Go again in the morning for more and Thurs and Fri to specialists in another city. I am doing ok right now. Very tired. All your prayers are helping me thru this...Thank-you.
I almost didn't join Daves Garden after my first correspondances. I sent a sase for seeds (sent a small bubble which was not required) and got a lecture on that I am wasting money sending the wrong envelope and because they had trouble opening it and resealing it. My first expierence. My second was getting blessed out for asking a question which I was told should have been obvious!
So....I did join and I'm very glad. There are just some sour and rude people that we all have to overlook. Sure have enjoyed all of you! Thanks TCS for the spreadsheet tips. I needed them!!! LOL
Take care, Cindy

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