CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap # 8

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Cindy -- i always say... no question is a stupid question... the only ones that are, are the unasked questions.
we all have to learn.

and just make note of the nasties... and don't do trade with them again.

out of the hundreds i've met on Daves, there are less than a handful that are 'on my list'
the swap peeps are the best, because we all have the same interests.

I'll keep sending good vibes for you...


Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi, all

All lil piggys get over to the list, just posted mine as Pyromomma! - now I will go Shopping - er- rooting!

Oink oink oink!!!

Lorie in SC

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Cindy, I'm glad you decided to come on in anyway! The wonderful interactions and friendships here outweigh the occasional sourpuss any day... and sometimes too, people just have a hard time getting the right tone across in posts.

Lorie, could I please have some of your pink Penstemon? And if you'd like, I can put you down for 'Honey Bee Blue' agastache (foeniculum, I think). Since you like coneflower type blooms, I think you'd probably like my yellow ox-eye too (Helianthus helianthoides var. scabra)... as a bonus, it will bloom the first year from winter sown seed (and get a lot bigger the next year or two).

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Is "Black Adder" Agastache the same as Mexican Purple?? if so, Pyro... i have that too.

**edited.... Grrrrrrrrr, can't find the seeds that say Anise Hyssop.

but i know i have one out there called Anise Hyssop
In my spreadsheet is said, Agastache, Black Adder, Mexican Purple

if this is the case... i do have Mex Purple seeds. I may have put the 2 seeds in the same baggie.

This message was edited Nov 30, 2008 11:05 PM

GA, GA(Zone 7b)


I'd love to try your Agastache Purple Haze Hummingbird Mint please. I'll be adding more stuff to my have list sometime this week.


Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ahh, gosh pyromomma! Your making me look again;-) My lack of self control....oink..
I just shot you a d-mail on your Black-eyed Susan "Moreno" please...
thanks:-) Andrea

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Me too. Just seen the list and tryign very hard not to oink. Not sure if I will make it or not though. LOL

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Critter I agree wholeheartedly - it can be VERY hard to show the correct emotion through typing.

With that being said I LOVE being a Piggy in this swap!! Snort!

Mamawk - thanks for the update, you ARE in our thoughts and prayers.

Pyromomma - Welcome to the frenzy.....we had a big lull over the holiday weekend because we were pigging out on real food. You'll find these piggies very socialable and polite. Sharing, caring and giving - tis the season!

TCS - again, words do NOT express how much your spreadsheet and notes on WS are going to help me this year. Can you tell I'm excited? Hee hee

Thanks and hugs!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

PYRO-can I get the cherokee sunset, and I have Autumn Colors if you still want it...

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Tcs, In my mind anise hyssop is Agastache foeniculum. However we all know the common names can be the same for different species : ) I have never heard of Mexican Purple so I don't know about that one. I know Black Adder is a cultivar of Agastache foeniculum and a cross with - I believe the chinese species - I think Agastache rugosa? It is supposed to be sterile though, I wanted to try it because of that. The straight species A. foeniculum is a prolific seeder, which to me is good in a natural or wild garden, but not so good for a small or a more tidy border, so I thought the Black Adder would be good in spots that you don't want volunteers. : ) Of course you can always deadhead..... but then I wouldn't have seeds to share! : )

I found a description of Black Adder at Bluestones
I think it looks very similar to the A. foeniculum but I think it's supposed to be smaller and the flowers look a little different - as far as color - to me.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2008 10:01 AM

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Poor Cindy, I hope you get all of the test and whatever else you have to go thru out of the way so you will be relieved and a healthier person by Christmas that way it will be a very special Christmas for you, you are in my thoughts and prayers girl, hang in there :)

I'm hoping you all Oink and get all of Lorie's seeds so I won't be able to Oink for any, I've seen way too many that I like and trying so hard to hold back lol Welcome Lorie :)

I've had a few requests and need to update my list, I was kind of busy yesterday so didn't get around to it like I should have I have to work on it today, I hate turning people down when the seed is already gone!

It's snowing here, not a lot it's real fine and 20 degrees burrrrrrr!!!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Wow that sure is cold! We had our first snow yesterday! It turned over to rain so it got slushy out, now it's supposed to be in the 50's! We'll see if it really happens though : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

It was 30 when I got up at 8, hard to crawl out of bed when it's so cold in here in the mornings lol, I couldn't believe it when I looked out again and it was 20 lol

I sure hope you see that 50 Meredith lol I need a few days like that to get the rest of my leaf beds made before it's too late lol

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Yes, I hope it gets 50 too - but it's rainy and soggy from yesterday so I probably won't brave any gardening tasks today. I think I am done for the year, I do still need to take in some garden stuff to the shed so it doesn't rust or paint ship off through winter, but that's my only to-do's left. I mean there's stuff i never did that I should have lol, but it's has been very cold here for a while now, so I'm in hibernate mode. I bet I'll be seeing that cold you have in a day or two, it seems like your weather pattern always finds it's way here! : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It was dismal when I got up this morning.. but it looks like it's turning into a blue-sky day!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I need to get my list updated too, but gotta get all this stuff done. It finals time and have research papers all due, so won't be aroudn too much tommorrow and wed. til evening.

Snowign in the northern part of the state here and sure hope it stays up there too.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh that's good : ) - I get so depressed from lack of sunlight!

I was checking out pyromammas list and I see she wishes for Black Adder, I am thinking if it truelly is sterile she should try A. rugosum next to A. foeniculum and see if she gets any volunteers next to it - maybe they will look just like Black Adder! - right!? That would be cool if it worked : )


could i have your
agastache purple haze
penstemon pink
phlox pink annual
rudbeckia submentosa and rudbeckia triloba
monarda pink
ipomopsis rubra


hi all
it is 46 here this am at about 7:30. we have been having cloudy weather in the 50s and 60s we have not been seeing much of the sun ..rain is forecasted at the end of the week.
so far it has been mild this fall.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Meredith ... thanks for that info on the Hyssop. I did do a bit of 'looking around' yesterday, but did not see the part about it being sterile.

I was only going by what was in the notes of my spreadsheet.

I know i got Anise Hyssop from Ansonfan, but the seeds are all gone... so i must have used them all. I got the Mexicana Purple from BlueSprial, but she probably got them from someone else.... ah, yes,.... someone named "wrightie"

to me, all the varieties look the same... luckily i used plant tags so i can tell them apart, even though they are all quite similar. I have the Anise Hyssop, the Mexicana, then Honey Bee Blue and Honey Bee White. And the Blue and White are at opposite ends of the yard. OH yes... and with Sunset smack dab in the middle of them all.

re-= the weather..... we got our first snow fall last night too. not sure how much, few inches... heavy crap. DH and I just finished shoveling.... good workout to get the day rolling.

Oh and ~chelle .... yes, i can tell you are excited!! isn't this FUN?!!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>I was checking out pyromammas list and I see she wishes for Black Adder,

Meredith... that is why i brought up the topic last night.

>>try A. rugosum next to A. foeniculum and see if she gets any volunteers next to it

now that is interesting....

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, I know 'wrightie' on here I have gotten a few nice seeds in trades from her :) She has been here for a while now.

I thought I would give you an update on the dmail I sent for the Hot Lips, haven't heard anything, think I will just let it slide for a while just to see if I get an answer lol I won't need them anymore anyway cause Lynn is so nice, thank you again Lynn :)

Back to the seeds lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I have a question guys and gals :)

I saw ' confederate rose' seeds on the want list of PullTab and ilovejesus99, I have some took me all weekend to find them lol But they are dated 2006, would they still be good, they have been in the fridge I hate to send them if they aren't any good I know if they were regular hibiscus they would be fine but these I'm not sure about? Does anyone know?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- I got some confederate rose seeds in a trade, and i have no use for them, so i contacted both of them and split the seeds among the 2 of them. You could just ask them if they'd want them, even though they are 2006 seeds.

i did a google and came up with this [on Daves]
and this, on another site.... that is.. if you want to see if the seeds are still viable.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Lynn, I would love to try that snowball bush if you end up with any rooted babies come Spring.....

I can't get the list to open for some reason this morning - have tried several times over the past hour and can't get into it.... (think that is a hint that I DON'T need to look!!??)
Anyone else having any difficulties with it?

Terese, did I miss a link to the spreadsheet so that we could copy it? or do you have to email it to us? Thanks!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks tcs, I'l check it out and I think I'll book mark those :) Might come in handy in the future :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm not having any problems Genna, I just went in it, maybe you just need to reboot :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Genna -- the link is posted WAAAAAAY up there a few days ago, here is the post

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I got something in the swap last year that ended up looking alot like Anise Hyssop, now I am wondering if it was the rugosum. It didn't smell like the Anise Hyssop but the leaves were very similar and the flowers were very similar too. I can't seem to figure out what it was supposed to be. That's what I get for using wooden popsicle sticks for markers to save money lol. I saved some seed from it and now if I could just figure out what it was - I could offer them here. : )

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I've been searching around trying to figure out what I had and I really think it was either the rugosa or perhaps from a cultivar like 'Blue Fortune'. I think that because it didn't really smell like anything until later in the season and the smell was definitely minty but not so much a licorice smell like the Anise Hyssop. I am pretty sure I had it labeled as 'mystery' Blue Sage. I remember thinking it would be something like Blue Bedder and listed it as that in my seed starting journal. So I think I would have to label it 'Mystery' Agastache : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

gotta love those "mystery" seeds.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Yes they make the garden a bit more interesting. I am just remembering myself one day thinking " that looks so much like the agastache and nothing like a blue bedder sage" (which I had decided in my mind a mystery blue sage should be- lol) then I went and picked some leaves from the agastache I was already growing and brought them over for comparison by eye and then by crushing them to get the scent. I remember thinking they are almost the same but just not quite lol. : ) Funny how you forget those things until someone brings up a similar topic. : ) After looking up the Blue Fortune I see it too is supposed to be sterile, but it is also a cross of A. foeniculum and A. rugosum so I'm thinking if anyone wants the cultivars just grow both of those and you might end up having to name your own new cultivar! : ) My mystery one looked so much like the Blue Fortune I am wondering if it was a cross from someone elses yard now! : )

* I found some references call it A. rugosa and others rugosum but either way the common name says - Korean Mint : )

Now I just need to go see how many seeds I actually got from the spent flowers.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2008 1:25 PM

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Genna, The baby snowball is yours. Just let me know when you want me to mail it to you.
LeBug, you are too kind. You are most welcome.
tcs, I was really impressed with your spreadsheet. I do not have Excel on my new laptop. There is a free trial that I activated, now it looks like I should get it. I never thought about taking such good notes. Thanks for sharing.

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Well, I don't have any of the seeds on your wish list, but if there's anything I can set aside for you from my have list, I will be happy to do so. From your have list, I would be thankful to have your:

Rudbeckia hirta Black-Eyed Susan, Gloriosa Daisy 'Toto Rustic' short (10 seeds each)
Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan "Moreno" (10 seeds)
Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan, Gloriosa Daisy, 'Cherokee Sunset'


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lynn -- there is an "open source" program... and for the life of me i can't recall the name of it... .but it is supposed to be able to open [and hopefully save] all Office documents.

i know Office has really come down in price... i think you can get the 'suite' for $149 or so.
I always have the kids get the student discount thru the college.

but -- certainly glad everyone is enjoying it. hope it helps with 'note' taking for your first winter sowing adventure.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely free of charge for any purpose.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've only used "Writer" (which is just like the older version of Word), but I'm pretty sure there's a spreadsheet program also in the Open Office suite.

For more info and a free download, see

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thank you Lynn. Well, I rebooted my computer, etc and I can open just about any thread but the list thread..... I think it is trying to tell me something!! ^_^ I will try again when I get home.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Try this link again Genna.

sometimes when i try to open a Dg link or any link from off of Dg it wont' open it immediately. Soemtimes i have to click twice to get it to open.

Also, sometimes I have thought I couldn't get a link open and have then looked down across the bottom bar on the puter and there the thread is opene dup down there but not on the screen and I have to click on the tabs acros s the botton, not sure what they called. To bring up to show.

That probably don't make alot of sense, but maybe somebody with puter skills can desifer what I saying.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I came back to oink and grunt a few times after days away.

Pyromamma, do you have any icelandic poppies left or any gaillardia "arizona sun"? If so, I'm oinking for some please.

If anyone knows where I can get some delphinium grandiflorum "summer skies" (it's a dwarf variety) I'll grunt and oink and roll in the mud with happiness!

Just harvested a few more pods of tricyrtis miyazaki (possibly crossed), so have enough for 2 more small packs if anyone wants. Also still have lots of crocosmia lucifer, some nigella, some unknown lilium and a few other bits and pieces.

A question for Starlight - Several people want only one kind of seeds from me. Do these packs have to go in baggies as well? I have names on them.

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