CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap # 8

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

We came from here:

There are still a couple of regular spots open in the swap, so please post if you're interested in joining us at the "trough."

A special welcome to any whose gardens fell victim to storm, flood, or fire... please join us by posting in this thread and by posting a "wish list" over on the lists thread. We have lots of seeds we would share with our storm victim gardens. All you need to do is ask for anything you see.

Seed Swap Lists can be found here:

Swap guidelines can be found here:

With holding this swap between two major holidays, alot of folks be will be traveling and doing things to get ready for the holidays and sending their seeds in early.

To save from havign to go all the way back to the first post, when you get ready to send your seeds in, here is what to do. If you have questions, please ask or dmail me.

1. Your seeds. added: Since I need to send back as many packs as people send in, I need some help counting. LOL! On the baggies that are tagged for certain people, I would like the number of packs you've enclosed for that person written on the slip of paper with their name so that I don't have to go rooting through to count them.

2. Return address label (or piece of paper I can tape) to use on bubble mailer you send to me. I have plenty of labels, just make sure I have your mailing address.

3. Postage to return your mailer to you. If you have 100 packs, use postage for 13 oz. and consider sending me a little box instead of an envie.) added: If you want extra packs back, really, really consider that box! And pay attention to the postage amount you send me as it will cost more than what you sent in. Do not be stingy on this postage. I have plenty of small boxes, for those that will need their seeds going back in one

4. A sheet of paper with your:
1. name,
2. address,
3. email,
4. DG name,
5. Number of seed packs sent, and number of seed packs wanted back
6. Description of your garden, and yourself as a gardener and grower from seed (new, middle, experienced.)

7. 10 things you want (no limit for IKE / GUSTAV folks, though can't guarantee how many will be sent back),

8. 10 things you don't want, and

9. a list of the seeds you are sending of all the loose packs that are not earmarked for another player.

5. Addendum: Due to the sheer volume, these envelopes or boxes will need to be sent back to you with delivery confirmations. Also, since postage & confirmation costs have gone up, and since I may also need a few extra bucks for more postage either for storm survivors or for other participants who may unwittingly not have sent in enough; or for larger envies or boxes than folks send, let's each send in $1.50 in addition to return postage. I will return any extra postage that isn't needed in each person's box or envie.

SPECIAL NOTE: Any of those participants listed on the Storm Victims List.. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY POSTAGE. No postage is needed from you. We hope you enjoy our gift to you and may you once again have a nice garden.


If you have any questions about the above, or not sure what to do, feel free to ask.

Ya all know what a lousey typer I am and some days my dyslexic typing gets really really bad. So...

At this time, I would like to take time out to throw a special THANK YOU out to BLUE SPIRAL, for going through and typing all the rules and regs and puttign them together and sending it to me to get us started. Without help, I wouldn't have been able to do this swap for us.

Thanks also to Critter and tcs for stepping in and helping when I had to be gone, and Meridth for this years Piggy Swap mascot. : )

And while not at the end, A big Thanks to everybody for yoru participation and your sharign yoru seeds this year, not only with each other, but all with all the strom victims and others who have needs that will benefit from your generosity.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Thumbnail by starlight1153
(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I was just going to send you a mailing label for me to make it easier on you-just stick it on:)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Cindy, just read about your health issues. You're in my prayers for a quick recovery!

I also wanted to let everyone know how much I have enjoyed reading all of your posts. Educational and funny sometimes, too!


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I should be adding a few new seeds... as i clean out my seed basket, i see i have a few items from last year that i have no room for... for some of the seeds, i have just directly DMailed a person i thought could use them.... I have been reading the "Wants" lists and seeing if i have what others want.

I just want to get my 'stuff' to a manageable level ... i had all my 'stuff' out in my bed, while watching TV the other night, and one of my boys walked and and said, "Is that all your seeds??" [i mean... they were everywhere] small piles, little boxes, and bags.... and whom ever mentioned using the Velveeta boxes.... what a great hit... they are the perfect size... but only to get them, you have to eat a lot of Velveeta ... luckily they make great grilled cheese sandwiches.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>I was just going to send you a mailing label for me to make it easier on you-just stick it on:)

me too. I was even thinking of putting it on a Padded envie to mail my stuff back.
I'll be sending in a box, most likely -- and really do not have as much coming back as i have going to you.... Unless i've gone mad again. I'm hoping i've only got about 20 or so seed packs coming to me... i'll have to go thru and track that.

but i've got almost 120, plus extras being sent.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

After what happened to me last year, I made sure I had gotten mailing labels and boxes and tape and everything and bunches of bubblers and all the confirmation stickers too.

I already got three tables set up in the kitchen for everything. Even got some new batteries for pics for everybody. Now if I just don't misplace the camera. LOL

If ya got a label that fine. Just didn't want anybody to have to go out and try and get any if they don't have any.

I think last year I only asked for enough stuff to be put in a tiny bubbler. Suzie laughed at my pathetic bubbler, cuz somehow I ended up with a small box.

For whoever it was, don't have Suzie's memory recall. I checked into tryign to get the Apricot and Raspberry and Mango smoothie Thunbergia. It doesn't come in seed. Won't come true with seed either. It by proagation only. Sorry I tried. if I get some plants in the spring will send ya cutting or rooted plant or something.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Been offline for several days and trying to catch up with everybody. Cindy sorry to hear you are having medical problems. I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery. Please keep up posted on how you are doing.....

Gardengus, could I please have just a few of the white pumpkins please. I am not even LOOKING at any more flower seeds because I know I am going to be totally overwhemed when they get here!!! But, I would love to have just a few of those white pumpkins to use for decorating in the fall. If anyone else, has any other type of pumpkin seeds, I would love to try just a few of several types.

Thanks so much. Hoping everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star -- Suzy laughed at my 'envie' too.... and postage. I ended up sending a second package [box] .. but an even bigger box came back to me.

I'll be sending you a box, but with bubble envie with label on it, in side the box. ... that is the plan anyways.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, I'm waving my hand lol I was the one that mentioned the cheese boxes, aren't they just perrrfect! I do eat a lot of cheese probably go thru three boxes a month lol The great part is you can use the lid too, that's what I have my seeds set up in and it makes the mess so much neater lol I put dividers in some of them for when I'm WS too or label the end of the boxes.

Welcome hughconnie, be sure to check our lists out and see if we can fill your piggy trough for you :)

MamawK, you get that ticker fixed so you can get all your lovlies planted this winter, I'll be saying prayers for your speedy recovery :)

I have some Allium seeds that I found if anyone wants to try them the pack hasn't been opened and don't remember when I got them but they are a pretty little dainty flower, don't you just love when you send for seeds then don't plant them for some reason (they were kept in the fridge) and your seed order was a fortune LOL They look sound like you could WS them. Here it is:

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Last year I sent a box of seeds and received and envelope back. I still had many more seeds than I could ever use so I'm asking for very few seeds this year.

Cindy, you're in my thoughts and I wish you the best in health.


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

How do we know what size package we should send? I am just sending in a few seeds since I don't have very many currently - but I have been a greedy little piggy and asked for somewhere around 55 -60 things. I guess I need to go back to the very first thread and read the rules about postage etc again because I have forgotten - and had NO IDEA what I was getting myself in for when this started!! ^_^


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm gong to send mine in in a box so Star can use the box for someone else and I'm sending a self addressed envelope to send my seeds back, I've asked for a few more seeds than I intended to but most of them are annuals lol They will all fit in an envelope on their way here though :) I'm just using the box I used last year lol

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


you can probably just use a Bubble envie to send to Star, [since you dont have much to send in ] and she can send a box back to you.

just don't stick a label on an envie until you've packed it... i did that once ... the stuff i was sending to Lorraine, and the envie was too small... had to peel off the label, which ruined it... the larger sized envie was almost too small too.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)


Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Mamawk..... Take care of yourself. We'll be here when you get yourself in better health:)Have a good Thanksgiving.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Mamawk, take care and get well soon!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm kind of in the same quandry regarding envie sizes. I am sending in a ton of seeds but should only have a small fraction coming back my way. I guess I'll use whatever size I need to get them to Star and she can juggle accordingly.

This has sure been a blast Star, thanks so much for taking it on this year. Last year I got in at the very tail end and didn't actually tag any of my seeds. I just didn't have the time, so I listed what I was sending and Suzy took it from there. God bless that woman! The book keeping I've done to keep everyone straight this time around was pretty challanging...I can't begin to imagine keeping track of 40 people!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

My skills as no where as perfect as Suzies was. I sure somewhere along the way I gonan miss somethign for somebody, but got my lists and gonan be checkign and rechecking and rechecking.

Sill sittign here tryign to pull chaff out of seeds to throw in folks boxes. Found some more things.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!!!!!!!!!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Happy Thanksgiving Starlight & Everyone!! Just put the turkey on.............working on my seeds as I have time as well. :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Happy Thanksgiving All............

last night, after doing all the ironing for today .... i was looking at my ironing board, then over at my seed bucket... and thought to myself... that would make a nice sorting table....

so i parked the board in front of the boot-tube, lowered it to a good height, pulled up a chair, spread out my wax paper [that i sort on] and went to work on my zinnias [as i watched TV] that i have been dreading to do. Took me a few hours but i got thru all the zinnias with the exception of Z.Profusion ... those seeds were much smaller and my vision was blurred due to eye strain...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs lol Those profusion seeds give me trouble too! I have to touch every one to see if it's bumpy and not just flat lol That's a lot of touching just cause I can't see them lol

happy thanksgiving all

mamawk keeping you in my thoughts

pam sue

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Sending wishes of full meals, pleasant family and friends and a great nap :-)

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I give thanks for DG and all the wonderful people who share their love of gardening through word, time and seed sharing. Happy Thanksgiving!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Happy Thanksgiving all I said it in the other thread but guess I should have said it here too :)


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great one!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Went through my seeds and updated my list. For everyone who missed out on the Nicotiana "Perfume Lime" - I believe it was oinked up the first day of the trade. Anyway, after filling everyone's baggies and realizing that 1/8 of a teaspoon is hundreds of seeds....hee hee.....I have enough for 12 more shares and everyone will still get 50-60 seeds. DISCLAIMER....I did not count them though. :-)

Starlight - thank you for the information on the raspberry smoothie Suzie Vine - I woke up one night thinking that of course I can't find seeds for it because hybrids don't come true. Duh! Snort!

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

There are some pretty seeds grown Thunbergias like 'Spanish Eyes', 'Blushing Susie' and 'African Sunset.' I didn't know the 'Smoothies' were cutting grown either because they're on my wish list too!

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I finally found time to package up all my seeds thus far. I think a box will be better here for me too.

Chele, If I didn't get on the first list for the Nicotiana "Perfume Lime" I would like to get on it now please!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK -- I"ve updated ... here's my list

I did find 3 more Red Flax and 1 Blue
Plains Coreopsis
Dianthus Sweet William from Carol Eads
Chives, Garlic Chives

some other things i can divide are .. probably 1 each of these, if anyone wants them.
Alma Potschke New England Aster
Professor Kippenburg NE Aster
Purple Done, Aster
Platycodon grandiflorus, Blue Balloon Flower

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

May I join in? I am from SC, which is sorta in the Midlands South, and while we were not hit really hard with the rains I was the Distaster Relief volunteers Coordinator "head Shepherd" for the evacuees that were kidnapped from NOLA and brought to Columbia SC.

I would love to help out with some seeds for the storm SURVIVORS (not victims) even if it is too late to join.

Please consider me. Or let me know if I can just send seeds for the survivors of the storms. I have a lot of seeds (mostly flowers)

Many thanks in advance


(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

MEMEMEMEME-I have that Nicotania on my want list-pretty please?????

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

I've got all the Lime Nicotiana requests updated - dmails returned and Fairy I've got you down too. I still have some left so don't be shy.

I also added a some of the Tassel Flower - I know there were a couple of you looking for it. Next year I'll know to save more of these.


Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Welcome's not too late to join. All you need to do is provide your list of seeds and then we'll, I mean...we'll politely ask you to set aside some of your seeds for us. Likewise, you can check through our lists and ask for some in return. Or, if you don't have time to play, you may designate all your seeds go to the survivors. It's up to you....oh, come lady, oink, just give 'em up and let us (snort) root through 'em! Have fun!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Cheles,
in reading your list, I think you asked if anyone knew what blu bonnets were. They are probably the Texas bluebonnet, state flower of Texas


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Welcome Pryomomma. We abotu at the end here in a couple of weeks but always room to sueeze more piggies in. : )

Ok, I gonna be weak. Can I have some of the green nictonia ? Is it fragrant? I'd oink, but stil to full from pigging out ona foot long subway yesterday. fariad all I can do is grunt. LOL

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the info Tonya - a blue bonnet search returned so many options of "bonnet" plants I had no way of knowing what they are. The seed looks like a small stone.

Starlight - I'll put you down for the lime nicotiana.

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, all, Will set my list up later today and then let you guys know that it is posted. The vultures , err, piggies and come a running then.

If I understand it correctly, I ask for individuals for seeds if they have an open space, right? Then they fill it in (edit) their slots And I do the same.
If I am wrong let me know.

I will start getting them together and reread the rules, or perhaps the other way around.


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