NE FLA Gardening Brigade part 3

Elmira, NY

I am planning on relocating to central florida Deltona area, in the spring so I am excited about joining this forum. I am retiring. Major interest it daylilies and hybridizing them. I currently live in a very cold zone 5 garden in upstate ny.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

You will find it a totally different growing experiences
We have a breeder of daylilies near here in Green cove springs.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome, Ed! I'm sure you will find lots of new friends and helpful folks here.

I'm talking with Yolie now on the phone and she seems to be somewhat back to her animated self. It is great that she has done as well as she has with all that she has been through and with all the current prescriptions and oxygen treatments she still faces. We had a nice long chat about our mutual medical travails.


Jacksonville, FL

I'm glad she is doing better.

Totaly off topic question: Does anyone know anyone who wants a 4 1/2 mth old grey tabby half maine coon mix female kitten? She is so sweet but if she stays here any longer she will be a permanent fixture and well I have enough

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

This message was edited Dec 12, 2008 3:27 AM

Thumbnail by BocaBob
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Goog to hear Yolie is doing better.. and Jeremy take it slow.! Good that you are finally getting what is right from the county.
Bob that sounds very interesting. Will check it out.
I'll need Andre' and those kitties tomorrow night up here. It will be a 'three dog night' along with some kitties,, I have 2 of the dogs. lol


Lake City, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning all, haven't been on in ages, but have been catching up reading the posts the past few days.

Jeremy - so glad to hear you are doing better !!!!

Trying to get motivated to get past the holidays and also to get into my yard and do some physical work instead of walking around making lists of what I need to do.... :-) At least there won't be another freeze this weekend and it should be a good couple of days to get started- this weather sure has been crazy this year and we have had so many cold fronts coming thru.

Well all, need to grab another cup of coffee and get my butt moving this morning, hit the shower and get into work ....

Everyone have a great day!!!!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning y'all. Andre is on guard duty down here. My mom is in the hospital-nothing serous. Though she gave me a good scare.

Hope to have my green/shade house finished this weekend.


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Sandy - I think we have all had way too many medical issues this year. Hopefully 2009 will turn everything around. Hope your DM can get home soon.

We got buckets of rain yesterday but it stayed warm enough over nite that we did not get the snow they threatened us with!!!!! I'd like to get some outdoor decorations up today.

All my African Violets are in bloom. Guess they are making up for my CC that bloomed in early Nov. I also have 1 orchid and a yellow COT blooming.

All have a great day.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am up to 30 CC already and looking for more unusual colors.

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL

BARGIN ALERT!!! on craiglist there is someone selling trash bags full of horse manure for $5, on the northside of Jax

My bathroom is still a work in progress...I will fill everyone in later...back to work.

hey are we going to have a holiday gathering?

Jacksonville, FL

Monica--check your d-mail!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Many thanks to those planning to come by my place tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM to help with some garden winterizing tasks. I greatly appreciate the help. Just when I was beginning to feel like I could move around a bit more, the surgeon now wants me to wear a wound-vac machine 24/7. Looks like I will be confined to indoors for several weeks. I will rest easier knowing my plants are snuggled in for the freezes.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sorry I can't help out. Mom is in the hospital. She will be find but they plan on keeping her there a few days. I told her if she scares me like that again I am going to spank her. LOL

I found a lovely Epi at Trad's. And it has buds.

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Here is a close up of the buds

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL

Jeremy, I am glad you got some help. I would have volunteered myself but tomarow is the girls birthday party. Today they turned 9 years old. WOW where did the time go!! This year was a blur.
So the hubby and dad, got the floor joist in the bathroom replaced yesterday and the floor down today. It's actauly looking like a room now..not a hole.

Linda check your d-mail.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

chubbyd - you've got more than enough projects at home! We have a mysterious leak that comes hours after we use the shower in the second floor bathroom, that drips down to the kitchen counter top. I need to tear out the kitchen ceiling and redo the bathroom plumbing, but I can live with the occasional leak until I'm more capable of getting at the problem.


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Just had the under the sink plumbing re-done yesterday. Been a intermittent drip since we bought the house last year. Since the plumber was there to fix the toilet, we decided to get the sink drip stopped. Seems there were small cracks in every piece of pipe.

I really dispise "water". All we have had is problems with it this year - at both houses. Here is MD is was the leak through the siding every time a NEster came through then the disconnected upstairs drain pipe caused by the inept plumber.
In Fl it started with needing a new water purifier, then the Fay "flood", now these 2 problems and the BIGGEST dilema, the septic system not draining properly.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

It is amazing how water can find a way to leak out through the tiniest pin hole or crack, and even a tiny leak can be a major problem. I do my own plumbing now and am generally successful with it, but it involves having to shimmy under the crawl space beneath the house, carrying necessary tools and supplies and a flashlight with me. One of my least favorite jobs. I had a pipe that kept blowing apart at a pvc elbow this past year. I finally got it glued sufficiently so that it has held tight for several months, but the water bill I got as a result of the water flooding out onto the ground was enormous!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I've got plumbers here doing a whole house re-plumb. On the good side I'm getting a new bathroom. Actually 2 of them. DH decided to have them put in a shower in the laundry area since it has a sink and toilet. We have an attached former 2 car garage that the former owner made into a family room. We made it into a bedroom by adding a closet.

Jacksonville, FL

well here is my bathroom update...we now have a subfloor and mybe (fingers crossed) we will have walls today!!! All of the wiring and plumbing are done.

This message was edited Dec 14, 2008 9:11 AM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Congratulations on the remodeling and repairs getting done! I have about a dozen half-finished projects of that sort waiting for my attention. I started remodeling the downstairs bathroom about a year ago to make it wheelchair accessible so friends in wheelchairs could visit (I did get the front porch and handicap ramp finished with my carpenter brother's help - but it is still waiting for me to slap on a coat of paint and do some other finishing work). I am always torn between so many things to do that I end up just vegetating from the overwhelming amount of work to be done.

Thanks greatly to Linda, Sidney, Donna and her DH for coming by yesterday to get the non-hardy cacti/succulents/plumeria an other plants enclosed in their plastic cover for the winter! That is a great relief to have that done. I will be able to do the minor tasks that remain of moving a few more plants to the greenhouse, spreading twinkle lights around on some plants, and putting out some frost blankets.

I had a really rough night last night with no sleep. I thought I was just sunburned from being outside for a prolonged amount of time for the first time in about a month. But as the night wore on, I became covered in small reddish welts which are probably due to an allergic reaction to the antibiotics, other medicine, or a combination of both. I'm just going to tough it out and take Benadryl because I am just not up for an emergency room visit. I'll check with the home health care nurse to see what he thinks.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

This add just went up on Craig's List for free rocks and stones from a dismantled fireplace. It looks like a good load of attractive rocks. Only requirement is that you load it and take it all.

I picked up the phone and started to call and say, "I want it," but then I remembered I'm tethered to an antibiotic pump and have a hole in my foot. LOL

Edited to add: If you want to use my old van to load and haul the rocks, it is available.


This message was edited Dec 14, 2008 1:30 PM

Jacksonville, FL

Hey Everyone!! New here!! Monica (chubbydoll) sent me a link to the group and I have been reading along the past week or so....

I can relate to all the plumbing issues... I have standing water in my dishwasher right now and a broken chain in the commode... and my septic needs pumped (anyone know how much that costs??).... Yay! for being a homeowner.

Enough about that.... Im fairly new to gardening/plants as I just realized this year that I CAN keep a plant alive (a pretty hibiscus).... I love plants, love living in FL where everything is so green... but I havent had much luck with a green thumb until recently... I have a huge yard and want to do some pretty landscaping... but need plants that are easy to take care of and hardy.... I also have to find plants that do well in shade as alot of my yard is shaded....

So thats me... I hope to meet yall soon!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome to our nutty group.

I am Wren also known as Sandy the epiphyllum nut. Can help you on the yard plants to much. but the other can.

Jacksonville, FL

Welcome to our group Wendy! You will love it here! I may have some plants in the spring to help you get started with planting (if I can keep them all alive this winter!!) Many of the gardeners in this group will have plenty to share so you should get a great headstart!!


Jacksonville, FL

Hi Sandy! Did you get the greenhouse finished??

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi, I'm fairly new here too. I haven't gardened in years and my yard is a mess. But I'm slowly getting it cleaned up. I've been making up a plant wish list. Come spring I hope I'll be ready to get started. Where abouts in Jacksonville are you located. I'm in the Arlington area at the end of St Johns Bluff and Ft Caroline

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Not yet. He says he will be back to finish it today. I am not holding my breath. Could not sleep this morning the plans on how the new benches should be kept running through my head. LOL

Jacksonville, FL

It should be wonderful when it is done! I have to build one next year. I have 2 "makeshift" GHs right now that loon funky but at least they serve their purpose!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

It will be another day. DB fall of the latter (?) when I was gone to the doctors. I have almost finished the first section of the benches. I have enough materials, to finish up that side . I have decided to make them only two shelves high with a hanging rack . I am pooped.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I hope your DB wasn't hurt!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome Wendy I have only been gardening with complete focus for about 7 years since I bought my current house with a big empty yard (which is becoming filled with plants in flowerbeds with walkways between, no lawn grass). The gardening bug can bite quickly and deep and totally consume your life! A bit of warning from one that is in the throes of plant addiction.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

He says he bruised his elbow. Our family is know form our stupid accidents. LOL

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome Wendy!!!! I'm dreaming of retiring to FL in 2 years. @$200 to pump the septic!!!! I'm not far south right off of Rt17. I love the area and wish I got down more often. We're thinking we might head down in late Jan. SW is offering fares under $70 - and we both NEED a break from work.
I haven't collected too many plants yet so can't help much with filling your gardens.

Jacksonville, FL

Well Wendylady...about time you finally posted, I only got you your membership last month!! Don't worry, all the nuts here are about as harmless as I am. You'll be ok.

Good I expect you to keep all my plants alive while I am gone LOL!!!!! Seriously I will have taken care of everything before I go.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Harm less unless you sit on a couple of my Dragon fruit. Ouch!!!!

Jacksonville, FL

Monica and Wendy--hope your plumbing issues have been resolved!

Sandy--have you finished the Greenhouse for your epis??

Qwilter--we will have to have an impromtu get-together when you get down in January. It will give us a chance to meet our newer members as well.

Shirley--I hope your test have been done and that all is well. You are in my prayers

Jeremy--I am sure you are confined with the wound vac this week and hope you can keep busy with some painting and writing. Let us know if you need anything.

Rhonda--you must be staying busy! Have not seen you post much lately

Molly-I bet you are loving the warmer temps (as we all are) so you don't have to run the heater in the GH now

Everyone have a great day!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Linda Not yet-DB's arm was stiff from falling of the latter.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Couldn't find this thread.....
DH and I have decided on dates to be in FL - 18-24 Jan. I'd really like to meet some of you, and see others again. So far there is nothing definate on my schedule. I know we have to meet with the septic company - yippee!!!! I'd love to see some of the gardens I only get to read about.

Yes, where is Jeremy???

I talked to Yolie yesterday. She is still tethered to her oxygen tank but is able to get up & down the stairs and is bcak to cooking meals. She's also thrilled that she has dropped @50 lbs - all water weight from what she was retaining before & after her heart eppisode. She is sounding very feisty and wants to get out and garden. Right now she is only allowed to sit and look.

I have to get going and finish 2 gifts so they can get mailed today.

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