NE FLA Gardening Brigade part 3

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I second Linda's thoughts.
My turkey is defrosted, I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee, the sun is coming up, and I don't have to go back to the office till "next Month". All the makings of a good day.
I was looking through the Black Friday adds while having the 1st cup of coffee. Couldn't see a single thing I really needed - no plants or gardening items listed. What is up with that????

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

All - If you didn't see the Yolie thread, she is back in the hospital. She developed a couple blood clots Tues nite.

Sure is quiet in here. Is everyone still full of turkey? We have a lovely sunny morning up here. I'm about to go toss the turkey caracss in a pot and make some soup.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I will be right up there to share that soup.

Thumbnail by wren107
Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

No problem. There will be plenty. And it's rather warm today!!!!

Jacksonville, FL

very pretty flower Sandy. What variety?
I have been outside to tend to the compost heap.Now I have to get started on moving all the plants back outside. I had to work yesterday and by the time I got home it was dark. Looks like I will be bringing everything back in on Monday but this afternoon and tomarrow it is supposed to rain, so I want the plant to get a good watering.
Then it will be time to drag all the X-mas stuff out and go buy a tree.

Busy day.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

That is a Christmas Cactus one of the new colors that I found including a yellow tinted pink one today

This message was edited Nov 29, 2008 8:04 PM

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good night

Thumbnail by wren107
Jacksonville, FL

So I got a wild hair this afternoon and attacked my overgrown privet tree and lantana bush with a hack saw. It took about 2 hours, but the yard looks so different now. I will post pictures tomarrow.

I'm sore now, good night all

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Where has everyone been?

Happy December. Where has the year gone????

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Morning everyone,

I was wondering the same thing. I guess it is just that time of year. I can't believe December is already upon us, this year has really flown by. Of course it seems the older I get the faster time goes by. LOL

I am still behind as usual, some of my friends already have their Christmas dec. up, and mine is still in the box. I had such plans this year, I was going to have my cards out by the end of November and everything decorated by today. Ha-ha, not happening. Life seems to get in the way of my plans. I am going to work on getting Thanksgiving things put away today and getting the lights hung outside. Maybe I will even get a few things put out on the inside. DH has been sick since Thanksgiving, so it really depends on his needs.

Supposed to be cold again, so I will need to go out and cover plants. At least we had a great rain yesterday. Thank you Lord.

Let's get this thread going, what is everyone up to? Have you all put up Christmas dec. yet? What are your plans for the holidays? Let us hear from you.

Have a great December 1,


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good morning.
We are not putting up Christmas dec. 1 because not enough room 2 the demon child would love to play with it. 3 we will be away Christmas 4 to much strain on our missed up bodies


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Ha-ha, poor Wren. You have had a rough year. Hang in there girl.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Last 3 years we have slowly cut back. Just no time or room. have not had a Christmas tree in may years just not enough room.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

I understand. Sometimes I don't feel like decorating either, but when I see the looks on my precious grands faces, it makes it all worthwhile. I would have to say Christmas is my favorite holiday. I just love sitting in my den when all is quiet and just looking at the tree. Memories flood my thoughts of days gone by, and holidays past. Looking at ornaments my children made when they were young, and ornaments I have collected through the year bring a beautiful nostalgia. Memories, where would we be without them.

Have a truly wonderful day,


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

My nephews are grown and moved away, sister is up in Ga. Just DM, DB, and me this year.
We always went to DS or DB houses for Christmas their houses where lot bigger.

Jacksonville, FL

Question: The low tonight is supposed to be 39 degrees but with the rain and wind chill it supposed to feel like 31 degrees. Should I cover the plants? My concern is the water sitting on the leaves and the temps being low that i will experience leaf damage. And I do not have enought tarps or plastic.. I have been using twinkle lights and blankets/sheets and it's going to be raining. I already brought back in all the container plants just to be sure. I am a paranoid mom.

On another note, has anyone traveled a long way by car with a dog? I am seriously considering taking my special needs EB to Atlanta with me in 2 weeks. But we will be driving a 95 saturn station wagon with 5 people and my dog would have to ride in my lap. She is the one that has spina bifida and wears diapers. She is a really well be haved dog and is very needy emotionally and I do not want her to be depressed or traumatized for 5 days while we are gone. My friend will be watching the other pets for us and has no problem talking care of Georgia too, but I worry about her needines while we are away.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have. Have you talked with your vet? Has she traveled in a car before? Does she get car sick?

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thought some of you might find this interesting.

Hi --

Jacksonville's Huguenot Park is home to the largest colony of seabirds on Florida's Atlantic coast and fosters some of the rarest birds in the world. But reckless beach driving is threatening this special place.

Join me in helping to save one of Florida's most valuable treasures by taking action at:

I just took action to urge the Army Corps of Engineers to protect Huguenot Park (which holds the lease to the park) by enforcing the city's obligation to conserve the park's wildlife and natural resources.

We don't have much time to make a difference -- the Army Corps of Engineers is only accepting public comment until Wednesday, December 3rd. These birds need all the help they can get!

So please take action now at:

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am going to call it a nite. Have another chore to take care of tomorrow.

Back to traveling with a dog. Dramamine is good for a dog if they have a problem with car travel, as long as it is not a exstrem problem like my boy. But if she has problems with traveling it is best she stays home. I have to board my boy at a kennel-travel is traumatizing for him

Jacksonville, FL

nope..she travels well. I'm just wondering if I will travel well having a dog in my lap for 8 hours.

Fleur.. I have already signed that petition.. you should look for the petetion to stop cruel experimants on bats at Texas A&M...that one is very sad and made me very angry.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

There is that problem for you. But it is always wise to stop often with a dog or even with out one.
Remember to take water form home for her because water from different areas can upset their systems. Or get bottles of spring water from the store, just do not let her drink water on the way.

Do you have a kit? The pink stuff for the stomach, Dramamine, a extra leash, her blankets(do not wash right before leaving smells of home will relax her) her bowls, and id tag on collar, and her shot records. More than enough of the food that she eats, someplaces may not have the kind of food that you use. That's all I can remember for now.

I will be leaving for Dallas, Ga in a couple of weeks to but I am going to Board my brat, he does not travel well.

Jacksonville, FL

I had a lovely visit with with mistressgardener today!! We got some stuff moved over to her new place and got the tenders in protection for tonight. I really got to get a greenhouse.

I love spending time with my DG friends!!!

Jacksonville, FL

A very HUGE! thank you to Monica! Not only did she help dig and move alot of plants and help put plants to bed in the makeshift GH's and barn, but also had a very enjoyable day chatting and "unloading" some of my issues with her that I am dealing with and sharing alot of stories . I have not laughed as much in months as I did today. She even left here without major scars from "Psycho-kitty!" Kitty was on a roll today--especially trying to put holes in the plastic when we were working on the ends of the GH to enclose it and getting underfoot at all times! I still have lots of plants to dig up and move but we got the major tender plants moved and protected for tonite.
Monica -- I brought your jacket in and whenever you get a chance to get those columns and water lettuce, they will be here for you. Thank you for a wonderful day!!! DG friends are the best!!!

Going to fix some dinner and crash on the couch!! I have taken a shower and in my jammies!!


Jacksonville, FL

I was wondering where my jacket was! I spoke to the hubby and we can come by either thursday or friday afternoon to pick them up. Thank you for the wonderful visit!
Now I'm off to finish making dinner (home made cornbread- in an iron skillet, pinto beans, green beans, ham and my grandmothers best recipe.. "country potatoes"- YUMMY)

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Monica, that sounds yummy!

Jacksonville, FL

YIKES! The temp outside is only 30 degrees here this morning!! BRRRR! Not a whole lot warmer inside! Hopefully I can sell my other trailer soon so I can replace the outside unit and have heat (and air) again soon! AND get my truck fixed. It is supposed to get up in the 60's today so hopefully will get some more done outside. Lots to do! I am keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of the winter is not as cold as it has been. The temps we have been having are unusual for this time of the year.
Everyone have a great day and keep warm!


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Linda- have you looked at the portable thermal heaters? I know Sear's & COSTCO carry them and perhaps WalMart. They use very little electricity, are safe, and you can roll them from room to room. They might fill the void till you get all-around heat.

Or perhaps Sandy will send the dog over to cuddle with you!!!!

Jacksonville, FL

Andre would keep me warm for sure!!! I have 2 Maine Coon Cats and a Abyssinian Calico that jump in bed with me at night but manage to wake me up during the night with whiskers in my face!! LOL! Right now I have a couple of electric heaters that I am using and it helps when they are on but I turn them off at night when I go to bed just for safety purposes. It has warmed up to 58 in the office area now and I am dressed like "Nanook of the North" I am thinking about getting some firewood for the fireplace next week to help with heating.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sorry Andre is MY BED WARMER!!!!!!! It is 39 out side here.


Jacksonville, FL

Won't you share??? LOL!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Well some days I would like to send him away for a few hours!!!!!! LOL

He is way to much help.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

My cat, Tippy, seems to have some idea that I'm not feeling well. He has been coming up and cuddling near my face which is unusual because he usually stays toward the foot of the bed. Last night, he tried to soothe me with cat tonguing and then kneaded my belly for a while with his paws. He probably wants to make sure I stay healthy enough to continue to provide food. LOL

If anyone might be available for an hour or two this coming Saturday or Sunday to help me with the final garden winterizing projects, please let me know. Some of the tasks are not really garden related - like nailing 2 x 4 support beams to 4 x 4 posts and pulling plastic over the frame, so I can probably also get some of my non-gardening friends to assist. Some plants in pots need to go into the ground or the greenhouse. It may be easier just to stuff the greenhouse full and I will plant the ones in pots in the springtime.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I wish I could but mom is not well.

I know you probable not have time to go through your mail but I sent you something so if you did not get it let me know.


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)


I can't come on the weekend, but I am available during the week.


Jacksonville, FL

Linda if you need fire wood I have some for free you can have. I cut down several trees a few weeks ago and they are dried out now. I can bring them by this week if you want.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Just trying to keep us in the loop. Hope everyone is having a great day. Going out to hang some Christmas lights.

Jacksonville, FL

Working on building shelves in the new shed and the barn and moving "stuff" out of the old shed. Just got through covering plants for tonite's freeze. And cooking my belated Thanksgiving Turkey!!!! Back out to play "carpenter"!!

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

You never cease to amaze Ms Linda.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I talked to Yolie this morning. She is back home but on "bed" rest. Going stir crazy. They had to take her off the Coumadin as she had a reaction. She is on oxygen but sounded good. So if anyone has time to give her a call, I thing she would like to have folks to chat with.

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