CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Critter I'm going to go ahead and ask for the hot and spicy Basil. I may request some of your peppers too if I find I don't have any left ('08 was a miserable pepper year for me,) but that one I know for sure I'd like to have. I think I'd like to try the perilla too. Have you ever kept it in a pot?

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Just added:
nbgard:salvia lyrata, creeping thyme and lemon balm
artemiss: creeping thyme
Danita: Sweet Hibiscus - royal Blue Veronica
Robynznest - royal Blue Veronica
Cheles_garden -nicotaina peace pipes

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

*please* don't anybody rely on Dmail with me... my box gets so full some days (especially at the moment with trying to figure out the co-op thing) that I am much more likely to lose track of a Dmailed request than of one posted here. As long as your post contains the word "Critter" or "critterologist" I will most likely be able to find it (I've been using the "find" tool for threads like this -- makes it easier).

Lala, I would love to have a bit of both your veronicas (V. 'Red Fox' and V. aus. teucrim 'Royal Blue') if you have enough to go around. And you have to tell me how you managed to get seeds from your creeping thyme! I've got a big patch of an English-type creeping thyme that I originally started from seed, but I can never catch the spent blooms as the right time to get seed from them! I've shared lots of divisions (it layers easily), but never been able to send out any seeds!

Artemiss, got you on the spicy basil and the black pearl pepper. I should eventually have 'Magical Michael' basil to add to my list, but can you believe I am not seeing that plate of seeds anywhere on the table right now? LOL, can't promise it unless I've laid eyes on it.

Starlight, I'd like to try the Chaenarrhinum ‘ Summer Skies’ too, if you have a pinch remaining. I am pretty sure I sowed all that I had last spring, and that marauding mouse nibbled off their tops.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Gemini, thanks for the shout out. Its good to hear from you. I have had another drought here this year, but I think I will still be able to offer something to the swap and I had a blast last year.

Right now I would like any basils from anyone, or any other herbs- culinary or healing. I'll try to catch up asap. Thanks. Ansonfan

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LaLa -- i would love the Purple Knockout Salvia. I see you only have one.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Robyn -- for zone6 White Perennial ... How about some Scabiosa "Blanca" ?

I actually still have a few left blooming.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Does everyone remember want2bee? I would like to invite want2bee to participate here - as someone that needs seeds donated to them. I promised i'd send a little of everything I had once all my seeds were harvested, but I think it would be fun for want2bee to join in the swap and be able to ask for stuff, instead of me just sending stuff that's not needed. : ) Because of losing everything in a flood it would most likely be donations. Is this okay Star?

Speaking of not knowing genders :^)

This message was edited Nov 12, 2008 7:17 PM

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh and I wanted to say I would not mind seeing Saratoga red nicotiana in my envie if someone else hasn't claimed it ;) hint hint : )

(Zone 7a)

Meredith, I've been thinking about Want2bee, too. Have been working on an envie for her for ages...if I send it soon she could use some of that to trade with. I'd love to see her join.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Meredith -- i have no problem with that... i'd just her any seeds she want. I could not imagine losing my yards to a flood. I remember when Iowa got hit.... a friend of mine has family there too ... but they were OK due to sand bagging.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I've dmailed a few people for some things I spotted and also, I added a few things to my haves list :) I'll be adding a lot more, so please keep checking! My list is way up in the posts.

Thank you Heavinscent for Y.giant salvia and nbgard for moon flower and possibly salvia greggi wild thing :)


I also have butternut squash, ....I have to add it to my list

Thumbnail by wind
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Diana -- doenst that Vyonne Salvia look smashing!! I can't wait to grow this.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Salvia lover ears perk up... where is Heavenscent's list? I need to check out Tuink's site also... :-)

Thanks everybody for earmarking those seeds for me! I'll have to go through the thread again and figure out just how many lovelies have been added to my trough... love that image, LOL.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH Jill... if you love salvias... it's Yvonne GIANT Red Salvia. looks awesome.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, figured out I was spelling her DG name wrong... found it!

Heavinscent, if you've still got some, may I please have a few seeds of Yvonne's Giant Salvia and also of your short Burgundy Sunflower? Thanks!

Jeepers, I thought I was going to try to be so restrained... ROFL

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Gemini - can I get some of you columbine seeds, winky blue & clementine pink? Just a pinch will do! Thanks!

hi i have updated my list for today

pam sue

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi Everybody. Wave sat ya all. Just got in. My son onyl got a coupel mroe days of leave and he gone again so been with him this afternoon.

Here the new thread...

Just glanced quickly. If ya want to keep all your haves and wants on yoru first post and edit it from there that fine . Don't bother me. Or you cna keep wants on this thread and transfer to ne wthread what haves ya left now and we can work from off it there.

And just ask for seeds on threads. Whatever easier for you, just try to put in one post an dthen ask for seeds in a second post so it easy at glance to read the haves.

On to thread two it dinn dinn time. Come and ask for em piggies, lot of seed all around !!!!!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

tcs that's perfect for what I need.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)


In the new thread, are we only supposed to make one post?
That one post should include our have and wish lists. And we shouldn't have any chatter or asking on that thread but use d-mail or this thread. Is that right?

Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

Wind, I would very much like to have some butternut squash seed, red okra and garlic chives, thanks.

Ya'll are amazing, wonderful people, and I now have a much clearer image of what juggling cats must be like after watching all the posting and reposting and edit and ...just amazing...I was going to ask where we do what??? I think I must learn to trust the seed fairy! Happy Dance

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Tab, I got you down :)

tcs, I can't wait to grow Y. giant salvia. I had read about her salvia here on DG somewhere and was hoping that was the one :)))

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Danita -- i had to re-read her comment twice... and my take on it is....

"IF" we want to keep all our seeds [have lists & wants list] in one post and just keep editing that one post... she has no problem with that.

So, to keep things from getting confused... I'd jsut keep it here... ya figure, there will be more folks coming in, and they will be adding their Lists ... so again, they will be in every long thread.... BUT if yours is in only one thread, you know where it is, and you can always link back to if.

say if i add any new seeds to my haves list...
i would make a post stating what i've added, then add the link to my post... like this:

hope all others see it this way too....

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

tcs...Good, then I'm doing it right!

Thanks for the help,

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

wind -- i isn't it weird how we can get so excited about plants??
I too can not wait to see how big this can get... and i jsut love the red.

this was my first year with hummingbird [scarlet] sage ... and i loved it... and it's only an annual here... so i saved all the seeds i could gather.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I thought we had figured out before we got underway that we needed a "1 post per person" thread with all the lists only for easy reference. Could we still do this please? That way, we'd have all the availability info together, much easier to check on things.

If some people are keeping track by editing their original posts, and other people are adding updated lists as new posts as we go along, I think the threads are going to get really confusing.

If we don't make a new "lists only" thread, then when people post that they have updated/edited their list, please include a link to your original post (where you are keeping and editing your list) so nobody has to scan through all the threads to find it. (see below for how to link to an individual post)


If we make a new thread just as a place to keep and edit our "master lists," you don't have to redo all the PlantFiles links (for those who added them)... you could instead put in a link to your previous post with the list and active links and say "see this post for PF links."


To add a link to a post, the easy way is to go to the post, right-click on "post #1234567" and choose "open link in new tab." Your post (all by itself) will appear in a new browser tab. Go to the address window at the top of the tab and copy the URL (starting with http://davesgarden), then paste it where you want to put the link to the post.

Akron, PA(Zone 6b)

May I come in.?

..This is too much...I can't resist!
I will post a list tomorrow.

Wind: I do have zinnia "envy" which is a green zinnia...don't know for certain if it comes true, but I most certainly will save you a generous amount

Starlight1153 If you still have delphinium "Dwarf Blue", I'd love it

ngard may I have salvia coccinea "Lady in Red"

LaLa Jane May I have zinnia "Profusion Cherry" and also "Purple Prince"?

My list will hit tomorrow. I have a lot to clean and package. I am new to this. I will dmail my requests too. This is great!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Welome aboard Rather : )

How about puttign yoru request on page two.

Please lets clos ethis page. I can't get it to hardly pull up anymore. Must be all the seeds weighing it down. LOL

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Critter, That's what I thought the new thread was for too at first but I guess not. I suppose I'll just link to my post for updates.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star --- when you get a chance... i do believe there is a CLOSE thread thing to click, and this will show CLOSED

there are a few folks who are on Dial-Up and when these threads get too long, they literally do not open ...

so - can we move on to Piggy Frenzy Thread #2

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