CLOSED: Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

alrighty - "let 'er rip" !!! lolol
This 2008 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap is a regular piggy seed swap, with the hope that Gustav / Ike survivors will allow us to share as many seeds with them as possible in order to help rebuild their gardens. Gustav / Ike survivors will not be required to contribute any seeds, but rather let regular swappers be their Piggy Seed Fairies. So, survivors, please join us and let us know what kind of seeds you would like to have.
Signups will be open for 35 regular participants and all Gustav/Ike storm victims beginning Nov 10, and the swap will run until December 15, with all seeds due in by December 20.
The deadline is Dec 20th for seeds to be into me. There is a 100 pack limit on seeds going back to you, so if a 1 for 1 trade is important to you, send 100 packs or fewer. All participants should tell me how many packs they sent and how many packs they want back.

The swap is divided into 2 parts: 1) Loose seed packs to be shared among the general swap and Ike/Gustav survivors, and (2) seeds in baggies for a specific person (including those Ike/Gustav survivors who let us know what they want).
Regular Participants (Total number of participants will be 35, but we'll vote on anyone wanting to join after that number is reached, as was done in a previous piggy swap.)

Artemiss Received
FrausNow Received
KLStuart Received
Lala_Jane Received
Lynn WeidmanReceived
Maxine Received
Seandor Received
tuinkabouterReceived Two Boxes
twofewanimals Received
Storm Victim Participants (no limit)

Canna GirlReceived
Lynn Weidman Community
Pull Tab Community
Stephivicious's Grandmother

For the loose seed packs, which are packs for the general swap, not for a specific person, I will distribute these based on who I think will like them the best. All seeds will be welcome, and if we have any left over that no regular swapper or storm victim wants, I'm sure folks on this thread will come up with some great ideas for their final home.

*No Delphinium older than 2007
*No Larkspur older than 2007
* Here's a guide to seed viability:

For the packs to a designated player, all you need to do is post your seeds in the Seed List Thread (link is below in post with links) and watch for the responses in the parallel Swap thread. This will be fast and furious, then there will be a lull, then more posting. Please use one post in the Seed List Thread for your seeds available, and try to edit them off as they are taken, (and edit when you add on it as you clean, sort, and sow). You can dmail or post if you want somebody's seeds, but remember, it is up to the sender to get the seeds marked with your name on them, so be sure they see your request.

Grab a box of cheapie snack baggies, sandwich baggies, or ziplocs, and as people sign up, write their name on the baggie or on a slip of paper inside the baggie. If you have seeds for each participant, you might need 30 baggies.

Some seeds are premium seeds because they are rarer and "worth more". As loose packs of seeds come in, I will sort of separate those out and distribute them in a way that makes sense in terms of what people send in (or ask for, as in the case of Ike/Gustav survivors). If you send in a lot of commercial half packs, or the more premium seeds, you will get more of those back in your envie.

The last wrinkle is your wishlist! When you sign up, also post 10 things you'd like to have. These can be specific (Lupine 'White Snow') or vague (anything white for part shade). It is not "anyhting for butterflies and hummers" or "anything for part shade". Note: You will not be considered "in" the swap until this wishlist is posted.

I need to know what you want before your seeds show up! Tell me the kinds of things you want!!!! In a private Dmail to me (with the subject line 2008 Fall Frenzy Piggy Swap) send your list of 10 or more things you'd really like AND a list of 10 things you really don't want. LOL! It would be so helpful to me if you also added things about you and your garden, such as: I have a Moon Garden; I have too much shade; I have a cutting garden; a Cottage Garden; I like bright colors; big & bold plants; pastels; pinks and purples; I am new to seed growing; I have every seed known to man, try to surprise her. Whatever you can tell her about yourself or your garden will help her sort seeds you'll like into your envie.
Foreign DG Members: Yes! You can join! We are currently trying to find a volunteer to whom you can send a dmail with your address and she will send the APHI paperwork to you.

Newbies: New DG Members/New Gardeners/New to Growing from Seed: Yes! Join in. You will receive back many more seeds than you send in, but you will be required to make an effort to send in something. If you have absolutely nothing to send in, you could buy a mega pack of a more unusual seed from a small seed house like Fedco, Gourmet, Territorial (locate through (all for less than $5.00 including delivery) and divide it up into trade sized packages. Or! you could do the same with some inexpensive or bulk seed from the seed houses listed here: . Be sure to check with me first to avoid duplication. If you decide to go this route, be sure to aquire the seed early enough that it won't arrive too late to be available by this swap's deadline of December 20.
1. Your seeds. added: Since I need to send back as many packs as people send in, I need some help counting. LOL! On the baggies that are tagged for certain people, I would like the number of packs you've enclosed for that person written on the slip of paper with their name so that I don't have to go rooting through to count them.
2. Return address label (or piece of paper I can tape) to use on bubble mailer you send to me.
3. Postage to return your mailer to you. If you have 100 packs, use postage for 13 oz. and consider sending me a little box instead of an envie.) added: If you want extra packs back, really, really consider that box! And pay attention to the postage amount you send me as it will cost more than what you sent in. Do not be stingy on this postage.
4. A sheet of paper with your:
1. name,
2. address,
3. email,
4. DG name,
5. Number of seed packs sent, and number of seed packs wanted back
6. Description of your garden, and yourself as a gardener and grower from seed (new, middle, experienced.)
7. 10 things you want (no limit for IKE / GUSTAV folks, though can't guarantee how many will be sent back),
8. 10 things you don't want, and
9. a list of the seeds you are sending of all the loose packs that are not earmarked for another player.
5. Addendum: Due to the sheer volume, these envelopes or boxes will need to be sent back to you with delivery confirmations. Also, since postage & confirmation costs have gone up, and since I may also need a few extra bucks for more postage either for Ike/Gustav survivors or for other participants who may unwittingly not have sent in enough; or for larger envies or boxes than folks send, let's each send in $1.50 in addition to return postage. I will return any extra postage that isn't needed in each person's box or envie. Ike/ Gustav surviors, no postage is needed from you. We hope you enjoy our gift to you and may you once again have a nice garden
Seed List Thread:
Chat Thread:
Grampapa's article on a previous piggy swap:

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Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok, I’ll start things off. Remember that folks will be constantly adding and deleting stuff as we go along. So you have check constantly to see what new goodies somebody has offered up. Ike/Gustuv folks, ask cuz I have more of some stuf f held back just for you if you see something already taken.

Here’s my starting list
moved to list thread

My garden is a hogpodge. It has sections that have the weeds and grass almost knee high for a sancutary butterflies and the hummers. It is filled with lots of weeds because some of the weeds have very pretty flowers that I enjoy looking at. Things are constantly being moved around. In other words when it comes to ground designing, I have no coordination skills. LOL

This message was edited Nov 15, 2008 7:44 AM

Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

What is it you need from peoples that got all Ike smashed and haven't be a DG very long?

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Starlight, I 'd like your Nasturtium ‘Caribbean Cocktail’ and I have Gallardias "Burgundy" and "Tojaker"

I'll post my list tomorrow


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

My HAVES List is located here == >


This message was edited Nov 21, 2008 7:07 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Pulltab .. all you'd need to do is either post what you are looking for, or when you see something you want.... make a post stating what you want and from whom.

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

tcs- I'd like your Scarlet Milkweed Asclepias curassavica. I winter sowed some this spring and I was hoping to collect seed so I could add a clump to a new bed but the frost got to it too soon.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star -- i have some hibiscus seeds. Anything that I had and could not use, i was going to send to you... more to do what you want with them. I may go thru my basket and make a list of the seeds i;ll never use ... mostly they are tropicals [which i really can't use here] or they are just seeds i can not use for one reason or another.... when i make that list... i'll post it all here and it can be picked over... but what is left will come to you.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Is this strictly for flower seeds or are you interested in veggie seed donations?

Can I just mail you an envelope with seeds in it to distribute without listing everything here? I'm not looking for anything in return.

Sorry for the silly questions...I've never seen a posting like this before. Great idea.

I'm in Canada, so it may take a couple of weeks for the seeds to arrive.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

gotcha Mao.

(Zone 7a)

Hi Heather,

This is mainly for flowers, but all kinds of seeds will be welcome - including vegies & herbs.

Since you're not expecting anything back, I think it'll be fine to just send in your seeds. It would be very helpful, though, if you could put the following on each seed packet:

--- name of seeds (Latin name is encouraged, but common name is fine by itself)
--- your DG name (so we can all pelt you with emails for the Latin name - kidding :))

No question is too silly for us piggies - your seeds will be much appreciated.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Pull Tab. Just do somethign like

Starlight I want. this and this.

Tsc. I want this and this....

And everytime you see somebody post somethign you want. Just start a new post and ask away. The folks wil then say usually . PullTab. Got ya. or if somebody out they wil say so and ya hunt for somebody else who may have it or ya just ask in a post.

Don't be afraid to ask. There is no limit on what you can ask for. Gld to see ya came. Hope ya have fun and hope we cna help ya rebuild. : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Got ya Mao.... Thanks tcs.... : )

Ok, off to bed to coutn little piggie sinstead of sheep, have fun everybody. : )

Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

Starlight 1153, and everyone else involved, thank you for this. With having to replace the roof, 100s of feet of fence and the inside repairs of paint and carpet, the garden clean up and repairs just haven't made the radar yet- this is so much hope for the spring.
I would very much like any of the following:
Ratibida columnaris

any size, color, what ever, I could also use
basil- any
shasta daisy
purple passion flower vine
any confederate rose-never had this and I would like to try
Buddleia davidii bicolor got smashed flat, I took some cuttings (ok-broken branches) but it up and died anyway so any butterfly bush replacement. If someone knows a winner...
Thank you all for your help

And while I was looking up all the goofy - important latin names of black-eyed susan and mexican hat, you wrote the post, like a game of go fish:
starlight1153, please give me any of your dianthus you have left, go fish, ok, give me what ever shasta daisy, zinnia or sunflower.
tcs1366, may I have some of your blue flax
mexican hat and blanket flower ;)

This message was edited Nov 10, 2008 11:39 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

One of the hurricane victims sent this message to Star

"I lost this fall's crop of: blackeye susan, mexican hat, cosmo, hummingbird vine I think that is also called cypress vine, coneflowers, mixed lot of sunflowers and zinnia.
My basil got smashed and flooded-I was going to get one more round of pesto and some for the freezer then let it go to seed. I so enjoyed each fall's crop of seed and the hope for next spring. "

I do have many of these seeds I was going to set aside for you .... just drop me a Dmail so i can put your name on them.

I have a lot of BES, Mexican Hats, Cosmos [sensation mix and Cosmic Orange] some of the others requested.
OH and i forgot you asked for Day Lilies ... i have those Stella O'doro ones.


This message was edited Nov 10, 2008 11:32 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

PullTab... I have some Purple Passion Vine and Confederate Rose not listed yet so wil add them to your box. Keep checking everyday cuz your gonan se efolsk as they get their lists up with all kidns of things you didnt even know you wante d til they mentione dthem. Lots of enablers here. LOL

So don't be afraid to ask anybody for anythign specific ya see on their lists. Soembody disconnect me. I need to go to bed and yet want to watch the lists. heheheheh

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

PullTab ...

I have some of the items on your list...

take a peek at my "HAVES list and if there is anything else you'd like... just let me know,

as for ConeFLowers.... i may check out my neighbors flower bed... hopefully she hasn't cleaned them up yet, and i can get more seeds.

**edited to add the link... Uggg, i need sleep too.
plus i'm probably out of edits for the day.

This message was edited Nov 10, 2008 11:37 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star ---

can i have 1 of you 2 Gazania Kiss Mix

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I'm behind already, darn time zones!

Will be away for a while, typing my haves list for you!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Good morning my fellow piggies! I have a partial list ready so let's work with that one first shall we? I am going to list all my freshly harvested seed (just a few more to follow,) then I will make a 2nd listing with what I have left over from last year's seed bag. I have plenty of most of these seeds, but I'll start out saying 6 packs of each as I don't want to clean and store a bunch of seeds that no one needs.

Here's what I've cleaned thus far:


Asclepias curassavica (Scarlet Milkweed)

Castor Bean - Red

Chlorophytum comosum (Spider Plant)

Datura Metal - Lavender

Gaillardia - Razzle Dazzle

Mirabilis j. (4'oclocks) - Broken Colors

Pennisetum glaucum (Pearl Millet) - Purple Majesty

Petunia - Magenta Mix (shades of magenta, purple, and pink)

Petunia - Pink Wave (was labeled pink wave but was a smaller pink petunia with a white eye)

Tagetes (Marigold - French) Yellow

Verbena Mix - Red, Purple, Lavender, Pink

Zinnia - Profusion Apricot GONE

Zinnia - Profusion Cherry

Zinnia - Profusion Coral Pink

Zinnia - Profusion Orange

Zinnia - Purple Prince (Closer to 5' Tall)

Zinnia - Uproar Rose


Echinacea (Coneflower) - Twilight

Echinacea (Coneflower) - Sundown

Echinacea (Coneflower) - Harvest Moon

Rudbeckia (Coneflower) - Green Wizard

There should be one more echie. I can't find the baggie, LOL, but I'm sure it will resurface when I get this mess cleaned up. I also have plenty unharvested Gaillardia (Blanket Flower,) Cleome, and Purple Amaranth should anybody need any of those. I will try to keep an eye on the threads, but it might not be a bad idea to DMail me if see something you'd like.

As far as wishes go I'm about full up on perennials. Of course if something unusal catches my eye I can always sqeeze a few more in here and there, but mostly I'm just looking for annuals this year....specifically ones that can be used in containers. Oh and peppers and herbs!

Starlight I would love to try:
Cineraria ‘Jester Pure Light Yellow’
Pepper ‘Cubanelle’
Pepper ‘Sweet Long Mix’

And from Therese:
A few of your Scarlet Flax? (I don't need many and always feel guilty taking the last pkg. If some one wants to split them I can send you 1/2 the package after the swap.)
I'd also love to have some of your Disco Red and Mars Marigolds.

Thanks All ~ Oink oink!

This message was edited Nov 12, 2008 4:38 PM

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

And they're off! I feel like we need an auctioneer, lol.

Here's my Have List thus far:
Alcea rosea- Hollyhock 'Nigra'- 3 packs(1-LalaJane,1-nbgard)
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata White'- 4 packs (PullTab)
Lathyrus sativus 'Blue Grass Pea'- 5 packs
Tithonia rotundiflora 'Mexican Sunflower'- 3 packs (1-Starlight, Danita)
Leonotis menthifolia 'Lion's Tail'- 4 packs (1-Danita)
Helianthus annuus 'Sunflower, bronze'- 4 packs (PullTab)
Helianthus annuus 'Sunflower, gold branching w/ brown center' -4 packs (PullTab)
Helianthus annuus 'Sunflower, Italian White'- 2 packs (Critter, Danita, PullTab)
Cynoglossum amabile 'Forget-Me-Not, Firmament'- 4 packs (artemiss)
Zinnia 'Profusion Cherry'- 3 packs (Critter, PullTab)
Tagetes erecta 'Marigold, seed saved from Park's Whopper hybrid'- 3 packs (1-LalaJane, PullTab)
Consolida ambigua 'Larkspur, mixed colors'-5 packs
Consolida ambigua 'Larkspur, dark pink'- 5 packs
Periscaria orientalis 'Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate'- 4 packs (nbgard)
Lilium formosum 'Formosa Lily'- 5 packs (mine bloomed the 2nd year from seed) (pamsue, mygypsyrose, ilovejesus99)
Callistephus chinensis-Annual aster 'Ostrich Feather' mix- 10 packs (LeBug, tcs, nbgard, Meredith, maozamom)
Nigella 'Love in a Mist'- blue and white mix- plenty (nbgard)
Shasta Daisy-seed saved from 'Crazy Daisy'- at least 5 packs (PullTab)

Have smaller quantities of these that I can pack up as needed:
Silene dioica 'English Maiden' (Heavenscent, nbgard)
Columbine, collected from 'Winky Blue' (Heavenscent)
Columbine, collected from 'Clementine Pink' (Heavenscent)
Convulvulus- Ensign Morning Glory- Electric Blue
Salvia coccinea 'Coral Nymph' (ilovejesus99, artemiss)
Dianthus barbatus- Sweet William, magenta
Verbascum thapsus 'Mullein'
Balsam 'Touch-Me-Not'-mixed colors
Ipomoea lobata 'Spanish Flag'
Castor Bean, red

Wish List:
Papaver somniferum- 'Flemish Antique'
Papaver somniferum- 'Danish Flag' (mygypsyrose)
Papaver nudicaule- Iceland Poppy
Wildflowers for sun- mixes are fine
Snapdragons- particularly tall varieties
Parsley- curly and flat leaf (curly-LeBug)
Columbine 'Nora Barlowe'
Viola- Johnny Jump Up
Campanula- Canturbury Bells, Peach leaved bell flower, or any other variety (cherry bells-LeBug)
Digitalis- any
Rudbeckia- Prairie Sun
Datura- white and purple
Emilia javanica- Tassel Flower
Bacopa- white and/or other colors
Coreopsis tinctoria- Plains Coreopsis (LeBug)
Siberian Wallflower
Oriental Poppy- pink, white, red (hopefully separated by color, but mixes are fine too)
Cleome- White
Celosia- the ones that look like big, red brains, LOL
Dianthus- perennial forms, and those sold as annuals that reliably return
Cuphea- red batface type (Heavenscent)
Clematis tangutica- Golden Clematis
Hesperis, white- white dame's rocket
Hollyhock, Yellow
Dahlias with red or bronze foliage
Myosotis 'Forget-me-Not'

*Anything in orange, yellow, white, or chartreuse that will tolerate shade/partial shade. Part of my 'Sunrise Garden' that I'm using all "citrus tones" in, is under varying amounts of shade. Always open to other things for the sunny part of that bed too :-)

*Blues, Yellows, and Whites for my 'Sky Garden' (I name the areas for documentation...and fun, lol). Those beds are in varying degrees of sun and partial shade.

*We recently had a lot of backhoe and septic work done, and there is a huge leach field at the bottom of the hill by the drive entrance- full of nice, freshly tilled, a blank canvas, screaming for color! Yes, I've said "no" to grass there, its all gotta be covered in wildflowers, and wildflowery self seeders. Its in sun, and will get no watering other than what nature provides.

*Heirloom and open pollinated veggies and herbs welcomed. Needing to incorporate more food plants to give my garden a more authentic cottage garden feel...and of course,I like eating the rewards too!

This message was edited Nov 12, 2008 5:39 PM

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh my. I'm already having trouble showing restraint. I'm doomed.

Neal I've got you down for the Profusion Zinnias. Can I have a pack of your Whopper Marigolds and one of your Nigra Hollyhocks?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Gotcha covered, La!

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

May I join your piggie swap? I guess I'm considered a newbie here on DG and this is my first year to collect seeds - but I'm loving it! I have joined in on a couple of great co-ops and a couple swaps this fall. This is a lot different though so thought I'd ask to join in first.....then I can post my list. Or should I just post my list and then ask? :-) Wasn't sure if you'all need to vote on me....was a little confused on that part. Thanks!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi 'Chele ...

Newbies are also allowed to join in.... the rules are posted at the top ....

but you can post you Haves list then if you have a Wants list... post that too.

It really does get "fast and furious" ... so make sure you have pen/cil and paper handy for notes.
There are times you will run out of edits for the day.... it's happened to most of us, so just make note of all the folks who want your seeds to you can make that edit.

and HAVE FUN... it's really a fun time. ... oh, and enjoy the ride.


New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi folks, thanks for your patience with me as I tried to start this thing too early! I didn't have a good grasp of how it was to be started. Anyway... here is my little list. As newbie to this site and to seed gathering, I don't have much, but will be glad to share what I have! I haven't read through all of the above posts yet, just wanted to get this out there. Tonya

pavonia rock rose
moonflower vine
obedient plant (purple blooms)
rudbeckia hirta
salvia greggii "wild thing"
salvia coccinea "lady in red"
purple coneflower
aster (new york?)
purple fountain grass
maiden grass
jewels of opar

This message was edited Nov 11, 2008 8:29 AM

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

LaLa Jane- May I have some of your red castor bean?

gemini_sage- I've saved Siberian Wallflower for you

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I'm here I'll add my list when I get it together : )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Tonya, I'd like to try your Pavonia Rock Rose and Moonflower vine.

maozamom, thanks!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

OK! I read what's been listed. Here I go!!!!
May I have these please? ( I guess piggies can be polite, at least at first!)

Cineraria Jester pure blue
Aster opus
Aster pot n patio scarlet
liatris gat feathers
bacopa utopia blue

zinnia profusion apricot and coral pink

hollyhock nigra
kiss me over the garden gate

I don't remember who asked that we d-mail it too, so I'll d-mail to all of you

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Tonya -- as for the Dmailing... when this thing really gets rolling... it's easy to miss a request... so if there is something i really want.. i always make sure i Dmail that person, that way you know they will see/get the request.... PLUS when things start winding down , you dont have to go thru 6 or 8 or 10 pages of the swap posts to find [double check] all the requests ... they are in your Dmail.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Gotcha down Tonya. Will edit later so I don't use 'em up.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Gotcha down gemini.

Also Pulltab, I'll set some of these aside for you: rudbeckia and echinacea

maozamom: may I have some of these? bella lagosi, hint of blue, indian giver and lord chamberlain.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

It's me again!

I haven't put down my list of wants yet, so here it is. I'll d-mail to you also, Star.
desert rose
sweet allysum
mexican bush sage
purple ruffles basil
musical note plant
double daturas
tomato "Abraham Lincoln"
tomato "Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter"
catmint "Walker's Low"
purple velvet plant

This message was edited Nov 11, 2008 8:22 AM

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I've got you both ... Tonya & maozamom :-)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Here is my starter list......all seeds are 2008
2 left Cleome hassleriana, "White Queen", white spider flower
3 Cleome hassleriana, "Cherry Queen", white w/pink tips
4 Cleome hassleriana, Fuschia Pink spider flower
3 Cleome hassleriana, Purple spider flower
2 Linum grandiflorum, Scarlet Flax "Rubrum"
10 Helianthus annuus, "Moulin Rouge" Sunflower
2 Ipomeoea quamoclit, Red Cypress Vine
8 Celosia argentea var. spicata, "flamingo Feather" A fun deep fuschia pink
7 Antirrhinum majus, Dwarf Snapdragon, "Floral Showers Deep Bronze"
0 left Nicotiana, "perfume Lime" Flowering Tobacco - Lime green
-Lala Jane
4 Rudbeckia hirta, "Autumn Colors"
4 Ratibida columifera, Mexican Hats

Also HAVE: Seeds that won't come true
5 trades of 8 seeds - Canna, parent was short, pinkish/orange flower, solid green leaves
7 trades of 8 seeds - Canna, parent was 5-6', red flower, solid green leaves
3 trades Echinacea purpurea, White coneflower

Aquilegia vulgaris "Winky Rose" European Columbine
Bergenia purpurascens Purple Bergenia
Brugmansia, Seeds of any variety
Buddleja davidii, any color except purple
Hippeastrum, any seeds
Ipomoea nil, Japanese Morning Glory
Ismelia carinata, Painted Daisy, "German Flag or Court Jester"
Petunia grandiflora, Trailing petunias
Eccremocarpus scaber, Chilean Glory Flower - Vine
Any RED flower for full sun

This message was edited Nov 11, 2008 2:07 PM

This message was edited Nov 11, 2008 2:12 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey La_

I'd LOVE to have some of those Green ConeFlowers....
Rudbeckia (Coneflower) - Green Wizard


South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I will like to join in too please... I will also have some seed to offer. I will post a list later today.
Thank you!!

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

Cheles I'd like Antirrhinum majus, Dwarf Snapdragon, "Floral Showers Deep Bronze" and Nicotiana, "perfume Lime" Flowering Tobacco


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