Question on Pothos & cuttings

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ya know how when you get a basket of flowers, there always seems to be a Pothos in it?
[i think i have 4 different pots/baskets now]

well, i have this one... and it was starting to look really sickly ... so i snipped it back... that was maybe 18 months ago - or less... now the thing has to be over 15' long.

I have it on top of my cabinets in the kitchen, and last year, the leaves hit the counter, so I draped it over a curtain rod, and it hit the counter again.... it is just enormous.

So ... i think i need to do clippings, but i've never done that before.

Do i snip then stick it in soil or water?

also -- i really dont need any more of these... i have another 10 footer in my living room.

I'm thinking I could give these away - or put them in my Haves List.

AND -- say i put them in my haves list.... can i ship them with no root system, or do i need to root them first?

They are actually very pretty.... since snipping them back, the leaves are more colorful and BIGGER, not small like they originally were.

Any tips would be great,


Yonkers, NY(Zone 5b)

I take a length of stem and coil it around on the surface of the soil in a pot. Pin it down with a some hairpins. It will take root & be a nice little plant... until it starts taking over like its mama did.

I had one that was getting out of hand like yours.
I made "mini-coils" in about ten or so 4" pots. When they rooted, I brought the batch of them (as well as some Spider plant babies) down to my church so they could sell them at the "Book Table" during the after service coffee hour. At a dollar or two a pop, they all went fast. Good thing - I didn't want to have to take any back!

I'd better start doing some more. People have been asking when there are going to be more plants.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

oh .... gads... i have a lot of "spiders" too .. just brought home a Variegated one.

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