fungus/mold growing in the soil?

Jacksonville, FL

I have a houseplant question. Anyone have trouble with fungus/mold growing in the soil? I have never had this problem. I use to have all sorts of houseplants.. I am trying again, I hv switched pots, potting soil and tried adding a bit of hydrogen peroxide to my water.. of course, i cleaned pots real well when changing potting soil. My house doesn't get much sun. Is that it??

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Usually when there's mold around it means there's too much water--have you checked to make sure that you're not keeping your soil a little too wet? Getting some sun will help too (assuming of course that your plants would be OK with some sun), just make sure if you do that you adjust them gradually to a higher light level to avoid burning the leaves.

Jacksonville, FL

I water them about once a week. I will try cutting back on the watering and see what happens. I am in the process of cleaning the pots, changing the soil etc right now. So we will see. Thank you

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