(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Ok SW Luvs reporting in. Small human transported to his learning shelter for the day, rain here and need to unload nutrition for the feathered life forms.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

morning, how goes it?

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

A little better no body came over last night so was very peaceful and GS fell asleep at 5 30 pm and slept all night long. He was tired. He learned to ride his bicycle this weekend and he rode and rode and rode. Just me and him last night.

But today is not over yet, heck it has just began and "WE" have chicken duties to do and how can the other part of "WE" do it with a 19 month old.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


CWBO Wren and undercover doggy back from patrol. We made the 3 mile route in good time. Fuzzy tailed tree squirrel chased out of the birdfeeders. Wild birds singing they don't know that it is fall(???)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

PSC Cookie...standing wide eyed....afraid to much activity....

Congratulations Captain Jordan on your successful mission..

Ready as needed for Commander Moxon...and others as needed...


Clarksburg, MO

Major Williams reporting late for duty as I have been caring for sick child-like life forms. You all have been bus havn't you. Congrats to Moxy on the polish and OEGs all are beautiful. Congrats to Kathy on a successful hach of 6 life forms. And to Moxy on her pip.


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

At ease PSC Cookie. Stand by for next mission.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

CWBO Wren reporting back from laundry duty, and garden duty. Any updates on the missions?

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Queen Mom Fran is a Chick Granny go here to see :

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

CFT BJ reporting, but not for duty today... I'm heading for the sick bay... just popping in to see the progress. Congrats Commander Jordan and Moxon.

Will pop in later when sick bay releases me for duty again.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon finally reporting in. Having significant weather issues here. Torrential rain and strong winds. I am on satellite internet and it doesn't cooperate with weather like that. Finally the clouds have thinned a little and I have signal again, for now. Goat /bantam shelter fell down in the night. Bad. Repairs partially completed and all accounted for. It was a chain link dog run that was temporary housing. The tarp over it filled with water and caused the sides to collapse. Sigh.

Two pipped penedesenca eggs now, but no emerging life forms yet. Keep TWT handy.

Going to do some coffee ups now. Have exercised poorly goat, fed and watered goats, chickens, and pigeons, and now need to feed and "water" self.

I work from home this morning but leave at 12:30 for school and not back until 8:30 pm so there will be a long wait for hatch news...

Moxy over.
p.s. Catscan and Josh - if you would like to develop more interesting titles, please feel free. Catscan, I believe you would be well suited as Senior Intelligence Officer.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Claire we are getting the same storm. 70 mph winds at times here. I really need to rain to go away this afternoon, I need to do chicken duties and then go get moms house ready for her return tonight. It is not dirty or anything, just need to make them dinner and spruce it up a bit.

Lodi, United States


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Would you prefer Junior Intelligence Officer? :-P

I hear you Samurai Warrior Luvs! It is crazy out there. Nearly got myself blown away! I hope the rain moves on for you. It has begun to stop raining here but the wind is still intense.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moxon reporting 3 pipped penedesenca eggs.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Captain Jordan standing by, waiting for orders sir

Lodi, United States

I'll be whatever you think best, dear friend, Moxon.

(Must get Penedesenca eggs..... don't care how low I have to sink)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Condescension is not tolerated in the troops, Chief of Intelligence Gathering Catscan.

Lodi, United States

Chief is nice...I like being a Chief.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Just won 4 turkey eggs on ebay

Lodi, United States

Hurrah for the turkey eggs!

I am sorely tempted by the 2 India Blue (?) Peacock eggs.....

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i was gonna bid on them, but am getting live peafowl soon

Lodi, United States

And bidding on two eggs is pretty dodgey--you might end up with nothing.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

yeah, i have 6 silkie eggs i got in the mail and only 1 is going to hatch. 14 cuckoo maran eggs, maybe 6 will make it. i have a better hatch rate with my own eggs

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

here are some f yesterdays life forms

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

what beautiful life forms. Look like chocolate cream.

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

OH WOW... I really need to come back and help hold them for you... I could be on rocker duty for a while.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

well, ya better hurry bj

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd jump on a plane today if I weren't in sick bay...
Actually, I don't think my chief would give me any leave today... he's got stuff planned for me this afternoon before the cold snap comes in.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i'm on my way to sick bay. feeling real puny today

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Lovin yesterday's life forms Commander Jordan! How many remaining pips?

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)


Did you do the hen, rooster trick?

I mean, Ma'am yes, Ma'am....

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Commander, all life form have hatched this mission. all 8 of them
the rooster, hen test was done. 4 hens 4 roos

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh, I somehow missed that your mission was complete. I am still at 3 pips and no life forms out. I have to go on educational mission now. Will return to hatching mission base approximately 8:30 pm CST. I may receive interim report from co commander if he gets home at a decent hour. I hate leaving pipped eggs by themselves...

Moxy over and out.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Congrat on sucessful mission and emergence of 8 new lifeforms Commander. (awwwwww)

Lodi, United States

NPGC would like to issue a reminder to all Commanders that it is important to summarize your final hatch count at the end of each mission, so that the support team can indulge in appropriate celebratory foods and exotic dancing.

Chief Intelligence Officer Catscan has requested Morris Dancing for the conclusion of her next Mission. Dancers are required to bring their own bells and hankies. Batons will be supplied.

Which see:

This message was edited Oct 22, 2008 2:20 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Uh! Excuse me but I am afraid that these legs of mine would get all tied up in knots if I tried to dance like that, I have enough trouble walking a straight line. Madam---Sir---Madam Permission to cheer form the side lines.

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

CFT BJ submitting request for explanation of the hen, rooster trick?

Lodi, United States

Well, wren, you are excused--but if you will notice, there are less energetic roles played by people dressed up as woodland deities. Would you feel up to that?

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