Trip to Grandmas...

Lyndonville, NY

Considering what I just went through with two daughters getting married in a 14 month period....stick to puppies!

I love my little niece, who just turned 2 years...but is the size of a 10 month old, very tiny and petite. I love the stage up until they go to school....and then you loose most control on their behaviors with what they pick up from other kids.

Chantel, are you recovered from your trip now? I can't believe how big the new "puppy" has gotten.


New Smyrna Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Chantell thank you for the beautiful pictures and the even more beautiful love story. You are a sweet angel and your Grandmother is a beautiful woman. I am so happy that the two of you had that very special time together.

Thank you for sharing the time you spent with her with us.

And Chloe!!! OMG! Is that beauty or what?? Hope the birth of the new baby goes well. I always wished my birthday had been on Halloween. Just missed it by a few days.


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, No they decided not to find out this time. It had better be a boy though as they still have not come up with a girls name that they both like. BTW, Oct 31st is their wedding anniversary.
Flowerjen, Puppies are wonderful too. Nothing like a little unconditional love.
My house use to be so full with 4 kids and 5 dogs, it's getting pretty empty, just Ric and I with 2 old cats and 1 old dog. Wait did I say empty???? We haven't had a whole day to ourselves since we came home from our trip. LOL

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Holly, that was a house full!!!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, Everything about your trip sounds wonderful. I'm so glad that you got to spend the time together.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Holly!! I can't imagine an empty house...but I could certainly use ONE of the bdrms upstairs for my tropicals... ^_^

You all are so sweet with your words...have to agree with the comments about puppies...yup MUCH easier...give me a puppy and chocolate any day....(Becky - you home yet?)

Lyndonville, NY

Chantell, I need a pic of you and Bec eating the chocolate. I must live vicariously through your taste buds! LOL The hardest thing for me is when Macy's or Barnes & Noble call my name....and I just gotta go in there for something....and there, before Godiva chocolate.

Now, at Barnes & Noble, they have a cafe' in there....and let me tell you, they have Godiva hot chocolate! OMG! Sooooooo good! I feel like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when I get one of their candy bars....I just peel it back, and take one little square...and let it melt in my mouth.

OK, thankfully they are both an hour drive I gotta stop this, and now wipe the drool off my keyboard. LOL

Now, a word of advice....tell DD to keep that baby in...or get it out....before it becomes a scorpio birth sign! LOL I have two DD's that are scorpio...and the hardest to get along with.....Lord Have mercy! LOL


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

!!! Godiva hot chocolate !!! ??????????? OMG - now I need a bib

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Chantell - my friend, my buddy - ya hafta wait for a few more weeks for that nougat and that chocolate...:-) I'll just hafta have some for ya...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

They carry the packets to make your own Godiva hot chocolate at one of the grocery stores here. Debbie, I think you need to get you some.

Lyndonville, NY

Hart, Do they really? The actual godiva packets? OMG! I have to find them. LOL

And Bec...did you really mean WEEKS? Poor Chantell.

I will have to suffer with a Lindts chocolate truffle until I can find the hot chocolate. LOL


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah Debbie - she means it...I was just teasin' when I asked if she was back...knew it would be a bit....but OH so worth the wait!! The chocolate from "over there" is just amazing....still drooling....

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Here you go. If you can't find it locally, they have a $5 flat rate shipping and the samper is only $5. We've gotten it at Martins, which is the same as the Giant grocery stores in Pa. (NOT the same as Giant Food in the DC area.) I've also seen it sometimes at TJ Maxx and Ross Dress for Less.

The Ghirardelli hot chocolate is good too.

I think I might have seen one of these at Walmart Supercenter too. I'll check when we go to the store on Sunday. If you don't find them on the coffee/tea/cocoa aisle, try the seasonal Christmas gifts aisle.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Chantell - you'll just have to work up an appetite for the chocolate :-) Think of how awesome it'll taste in 20 some days when I come home! On that note, I am 6 hrs ahead of y'all - time for bed, yes, me - going to bed early - all this fresh air is killing me :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Nite-nite...sleep tight!! Hugs!

Crozet, VA

Good to hear that you are enjoying your trip Becky. Get well soon Chantell and also glad that you had a wonderful trip too. We were away last week in Atlantic City. I didn't even hit the casinos until the day before we came home. I had shopping to do. ha-ha

There is a little dive of a restaurant that we found there a couple of years ago when we visited. They had the very best cole slaw that I have ever eaten. A few of the days that we were there, they were out of it and were replacing it with with macaroni salad which only had shredded carrots in it. I was so disappointed. I don't do so bad making cole slaw either and need to add cabbage to shopping list and make some to make up for what I missed having there.

You good people take care of yourselves.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahh Ruby - glad you had a good time. Don't you hate it though when your mouth is watering in anticipation of a particular dish and it's not available? So sad!!! :(

Crozet, VA

Yes, yes, yes!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow, Ruby you must have had a really good time you posted 4X. lol

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wantin' that coleslaw x4 more like it!! LOL ((Ruby))

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

hee hee!!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Boy- I have had some great coleslaw, and not great, and would love to know what made the great so great! seems like BBQ places usually do pretty good slaw. We haven't gone out for ribs in months. Anybody got an extra 75 bucks so my family can go out to BBQ? ha ha, not so funny! ugh!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

!? $75 ?! Holy Moly, Sally...what place costs that much for BBQ???? Mercy...better deliver 1/2 a pig for that price

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gosh, dontcha know the teenagers each want full racks now? Doesn't a full rack meal go about 15 bucks? I'm talking baby back ribs here. Course, I can skimp a little and eat everybody's beans and slaw and extra fries and just a few ribs., sigh, and a beer LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG!!! So much for the pulled pork sandwich eh? THAT'S what I like!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, that's always good too.! Have I hijacked enough ?LOL

Crozet, VA

Sorry about computer glitch. I kept hitting send, because it wasn't showing that it was sent. Yum, yum Barbecue and cole slaw. Still too early in the day to dine on those delicacies but they sure are making my mouth water.

John prepared dinner last night. We had eggs, bacon and toast. It was so nice to have him do it. He did a lot of grilling this past summer and that sure was nice too.

I hope that everyone will have a good day. Take care all.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

No such thing as hijacking between friends...except that I was HUNGRY after reading about all that...LOL
Ruby it's ALWAYS nicer when someone else cooks....IMHO

Lyndonville, NY

Two more days til new baby is everyone doing?

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers, how is Grandma feeling, have you heard from her?


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Debbie - always the sweetheart - aren't you?? Well...we've got just about 24 hours now. Forever the procrastinator - I wait till the last min to get - sometime between tonight and noon tomorrow the butterflies will start. DD seems to being doing great..."nesting" has kicked in this she's been organizing and straightening...God love her. If everyone would keep her in their prayers, I'd greatly appreciate it. Would be thankful for NO infection this time.

Lyndonville, NY

Chantell, she had such a hard time with Chloe and then the infection. That poor girl...and why in the world we get that "baby amnesia" after something like that! LOL I did the same with my first who almost did me in....and two years later here came Carrie! LOL Yep, baby amnesia.

Keeping all of you in thoughts and prayers, I can't wait for pictures!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

"baby amnesia" - I LOVE it...must be what happens cuz Lord knows if you remembered completely...well there'd be a lot of only children running around...LOL Promise to be much better at posting pics then I was after visit with grandma...maybe even tomorrow night...gotta find my way back over to Pets...ya think they'll still have me???

Lyndonville, NY

Oh I know they will still have you....with open arms. We have a few new kitties over there that are so cute it hurts your teeth! And Adina is feeding a who passel of pups! Such cute faces on them.

And besides...I sure could use a few "Baby" pictures and Makwa?


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

forgive me for forgetting that big event..Best wishes and prayers tomorrow.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you...thank you

Chantell, I will be keeping your DD and you and your family in my prayers.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Praying for everything to be perfect!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Only popped home for a few min's then headed back down...will try to post pics later tonight.

WE HAVE A GIRL!!! 1:09 PM - 7lbs 11oz - 20" Mariah Alena - Mom and baby both doing well...thank you for the prayers...they mean more then anything!!! Hugs to all.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

YAAAAY! (all the baby clothes can be used) tee hee

Congratulations!! What a beautiful name. Can't wait for pictures - when you have a spare minute.

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