Trip to Grandmas...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) the group blast is not going to work for this purpose so it'll need to be in a thread. I sent a dmail with the front of the card grandma picked out here is the inside. It reads:
Dear Friends, I want to thank each one of you for helping to get my first grandshild down here. You will never know how much I have enjoyed her visit. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you and God bless each of you.
Thank each of you,
Doris Rousseau

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I needed to fly into Melbourne - since that was the closest airport...and grandma was insisting that she'd wanted to be the one to pick me up - have mercy!!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes...she's still driving...although questionable as to whether she SHOULD be...OMG...
Seriously...doesn't she look like a Maxine look-a-like???? ^_^

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

We did lots and lots of talking...many trips to Walmart - LOL Once she realized Chloe loved Dora the Explorer she just HAD to make her a blanket. Incredibly she still sews...on a regular basis...and does an amazing job to boot

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I "forced" her during one of our Walmart trips to have our portrait done...there were no professional pics ever done of the two of us so she was really excited -despite not wanting to have HER photo taken....

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

After her surprising me the first night with her world famous Meatballs...I told her that you all had been so generous that we could go out to dinner a couple of times. I asked her to pick where...her favorite? Red Lobster!!! Her appetite comes and goes...but let me tell you...between those biscuits and the Salmon and Shrimp (she says she hates fish...but Salmon and Shrimp aren't fish so it's "ok" - as she winks) she ate ALL of it...have mercy!!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

A couple days later we went to lunch at a B-B-Que place she loves...again she cleaned her plate! When she saw the camera out again...she'd stuck her tongue out but I missed it...the woman's got spunk, i tell you!!!

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Nine days came and went quickly...we went out to breakfast and then got to the airport WAY early!!! So we sat and talked some more. She said she needed to leave before she started to cry and I told her we weren't going to do "that" getting mushy on me... A kind gentleman offered to take our pic while waiting....

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I have to tell you...there is simply no value to put on this trip. She is not quick to cry...rarely does...I'm the sentimental one...but she was in tears numerous times saying there was no way to thank you all enough and would I please let you all know what it meant to her. I'm not sure I have the words either...but safe to say my heart and memory bank is quite full now...thanks to each of you. This is the very first time we've ever had like's a very long story that I wont' put in open forum but would be happy to share via dmail. The last time we even had a little extended time (2 days - she and I) was back in give you an idea.
It was simply amazing...I heard stories of her growing up...of her mother...her father...her was like a living history much I never knew. Her mind is so clear - from all those years ago. She'd stop for a moment in between stories...shaking her head...saying...I'm so happy you're here you know HOW happy I am? Please tell those nice folks what this means....

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Course the kids were excited (or maybe not) for me to get home finally...had never been away from them that long...ever. Chloe loved, loved her "Dora" blanket... Gotta get these photos developed and sent to grandma.

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

And need to ask..Chloe's mommy is expecting for those that wonder why I've gone MIA...that would be part of is never dull but I try to remember "in all things to give thanks." Please keep her in your prayers her c-section is scheduled for 10/31/08...oh, the humor in that. I've never liked Halloween...ugh!!!!
Speaking of which (might as well bore everyone with all the updates in one spot) - here's Miss Chloe this past weekend at the Manassas Battlefield...we're entering her into the baby/kid Gap contest...finger's crossed.

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Here's Harts/Diane's baby she blessed us with - Prince Makwa...getting to be quite the big boy, isn't he???

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

And with Chloe...sharin' the love...or something...LOL

Thumbnail by Chantell
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Back to grandma though...she mentioned several times what she does to cut costs and is on a very limited budget...refused repeatedly to take $$ for gas etc. So I did pick up gift cards at her gas station, at Walmart and Dollar these seemed to be the places she frequented most. I hope this was ok with you all.
HUGE hugs to each of you...I would have never been able to have done this without your help. I know all of you are struggling during these difficult times and that makes it even more appreciated...thank you, thank you. Please if my words have failed...know my heart.

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Just brings tears of joy for you and your Grandma! It is just wonderful!

Big big hugs,

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much for the photos of your trip!! Teary here also, the Walmart photo is priceless and obviously one you'll cherish for years :) Through the tears, I'm laughing though..."Maxine look-a-like" - YES!!! LOL

Prince Makwa has grown and what a handsome boy!!! Fingers crossed for Miss Chloe, they're both sweeties :)

Lyndonville, NY

(((((Chantell))))) Welcome home,

Your Grandma sounds so much like my Mom. They are cut from the same mold! Yes, she does remind me of Maxine. LOL

I am so very happy you had such a wonderful time, and wonderful new memories to treasure forever, as I know Grandma will also.

Chloe is growing up so fast, and what a beautiful girl she is! I don't think she is going to like sharing Grandma with a new baby.

Thank you for sharing your Grandma with us, that is such a special love between Grandma and Grandchild. I had it with my Grandma, and my kids had it with my Mom.

Many hugs,

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for sharing your stories. If you and your grandma don't deserve a vacation together, then nobody does!! You are a sweetheart. I bet your company helped her eat better. Go for her, still driving!! (as long as she stays close to home LOL) Still sewing! I wish my mom had kept up more hobbies.
Chloe is to die for- I hope she gets picked and that its a very good experience for all. (could be some bucks in kid modeling, but even better as a life-learning experience)
Good luck to daughter- Its getting pretty close now!
and extra hug for your sweetheart son who's the same age as my knucklehead-er, young prince. I imagine he's taking up a little slack.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I loved all the stories -- thanks for sharing!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


LOVE the picture of the two of you! I swear--you look like you are a teenager! And YOU are a Grandma as well.....such great genes!

I know this will be a silly question, but...........Melbourne???? NOT the one in Australia? I seem to remember you were going to???Florida??? Did the plane get lost? teee...heee...

That areal shot of the beach is awesome!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

What a great trip, a memory for a lifetime not just for you and your Grandma but for your whole family as you share her stories with your children and grandchildren. How wonderful. Holly

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you ALL for your sweet words - Just don't tell grandma that I compared her to Maxine...LOL. Maybe come Feb we can all bombard her with bday pressure...just a thought!!
Ohhh Gita - Australia? Wouldn't that have made for a nice "layover"...LOL!!! Sadly it wasn't in Australia's a smaller (gorgeous - ya'll should see the landscaping - slow paced) airport closer to Cocoa where she lives.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Great pix and greetings from the frozen northern part of Norway - haven't taken any pix yet, been busy nursing the inevitable cold I always get - crossing fingers Chloe's pix is picked - she is a true ham!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh Beck - PLEASE don't let me have got you sick!!!!!!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Aha - so YOU is the culprit! I'll curse you when I go into another sneezing fit! 'Tis ok though, I'll still bring you chocolate & nougat!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG the nougat - drooling on keyboard now!!! I didn't sneeze that much - more in the depths of the chest...go outside and freeze it out!!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh, Chantell I'm so glad you had a great trip. I wish my mom was as spunky as your grandma, wow and still driving!!!. As a side note..... My sis used to live in Melbourne, my other sis lives in Jacksonville and my aunt lives in Vero Beach.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)


What a treasure of memories you have stored up. I hope you are soon feeling 100%. That upper respitory thing is making the rounds. God bless you and Grandma. Pam

Chantell, I am so glad you had a nice visit with your Grandma. Love the pictures - you don't look old enough to me a grandma. Your Grandma looks like a hoot.

Chloe is just as beautiful as ever. Congratulations to your DD. I will keep her in my prayers.


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chantell, it's wonderful to see the photos of you and Grandma Doris. I'm so happy you all had this wonderful visit. I think what you did with the gift cards was a great idea.

Please tell her thank you for the lovely card with all the flowers, guess she knows what we like. LOL

Bec, I hope you're feeling better soon. Have fun on your trip.

Lyndonville, NY

Bec, you can't come on here and throw around words like "chocolate and nougat" and just leave it at that....

Don't you know chocolate has vitamins and heals colds? Yeah, better get some, quick!


Pasadena, CA(Zone 9b)


Thanks for sharing your visit (and homecoming!) with us. Great pics.

I'm glad you had a great time!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I agree on the gift cards- super. And that would be fun to stuff he mailbox next birthday. Just remind us. You can get a lot probably with an even more general request on DG. Neat idea

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Or Grandma cards for Mothers' Day? I haven't had a grandma for years and would be happy to adopt Doris as my substitute grandma.

Chantell, I forgot to mention, please keep us posted on DD. That poor kid is going to have their birthday on Halloween every year. At least is isn't Christmas. Gabrielle's birthday is Dec. 20, which too darned close to Christmas.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, My daughter Jen is due in December. You have seen pictures of my little Lily, this will be her brother or sister. Jen will have her hands full just like your daughter. Lily will be about 21 months old when the new baby arrives.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Congrats, Holly!!!! Does your DD know boy or girl yet? How exciting for you!!
I will keep everyone posted regarding my DD - thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers AND all your wonderful comments regarding grandma...her bday or mother's day...goodness anyone wanting to pop her off a card would thrill me!! She has a few neighbors that are good at checking on her but family is MIA at times, sadly. You all have been amazing though...thank you so very much!!! Sally you're right...I do a post in a few places come Feb - she will be tickled beyond what I can tell you!!
Debbie: "chocolate has vitamins and heals colds" - OMG...maybe that's why it took so long to get out of my system...I actually was low on chocolate....hmmmm....what a way to mend!!!!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

My friend had a baby when her twins were 18 months old. Talk about keeping busy. When she told me she was pregnant I asked her "what were you thinking?" her reply "we weren't" lol

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG - see THAT just gives me goosebumps...and not good ones either...kinda like when you're at your GYNs and you hear them talking about woman my age and older "surprised" - fine if that's what they want but I'm fine with getting a puppy if I feel like being maternal...LOL

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

hee hee..... that's what we're doing next(getting a puppy, that is) I keep telling myself just because I miss that baby stage from 6-9 months that that is no reason to have another baby.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yay jen- puppies ARE easier than babies!

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