Merino, Australia

Yes, Chrissy, it was getting quite a walk again. Aren't we all windbags, but it's so nice to relax and chat that one does get carried away. I am off to the trash & Treasure today so am sure to bring a car full of stuff home. Hubby has to go to a Fire Brigade thingy so I am going on my OWN.. Ha ha Mischief afoot...
Here is a treat for the day. See you all later when I return laden with plants... Jean.

Apple Frangipani Tart.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Oh Jean have a look at this ...and to all of you who received a piece of Sugar Pink from me ...
Here she is ...isn't she beautiful? she is such a sweet pink ...I love her!

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You be a good girl now ...don't fill that boot!
catch up with you and everyone later!

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Gisborne, New Zealand

Gee do I need a cuppa, I had just walked all the way to the Tea Room and you had moved again, now I'm gasping and Jean has shot off to buy some more plants... Lucky thingy, lol Any way I do like that D/Lily you left behind Jean, tthe ones with the contrasting colours are so neat, I like them all though and it's so hard when you have to buy each one to decide which you like best. 2 of my $2 ones have buds but none of my named ones that I got at the farmers market, guess I will have to wait until next year.
I took a friend for a drive with me yesterday to see if I could find an accessible plant of those ones on the hill. I found only 1 and it was on the edge of the beach. Plenty up the hill though but too hard to get too. Any way it has a flower like cineraria and about as tall and a leaf like a small dandilion. I haven't a photo yet as I forgot my camera so picked 2 sprays of flowers and a leaf and sat them on the back seat. By the time I got home they were rather deflated and in need of rehydration. Today they have perked up a bit so wiil deal with them soon.
Chrissy that is the sort of pink and angel should be, it is so delicate, and what are the volours of your new ones expected to be? Lucky you, there seemed to be a good half a dozen. I have been heaping praise on mine as they seem to be doing rather well and sometimes a little praise goes a long way,:-)) It seems to work with yours as they are thriving. I had a look on trade me the other night just out of curiosity as I don't have a credit card,, for very good reasons ( like being a plantaholic with an I must have that mentality) and was quite surprised, there were only 2 adeniums on offer and 2 frangipani all at $20, not 1 brug. I don't think NZers are into them. I know Mum had a grove of 5 white ones at the end of her section years ago but we weren't allowed near them and the cuttings one of the nursery's here gave me and that place had been here a long time, it used to be the local council nursery. I don't know anyone else that grows them and I sure have been asking- and hoping. Perhaps I could start a new trend!! lol. Between my brugs and my adeniums my patience do runeth over, so to speak, If one would just flower I know I would be Almost satisfied.. We'll have to encourage Dalfyre to become hooked so
I have someone to share with over here or I will have to resort to smuggling, lol. Bouganvillia?? they make such a nice show. My mother-inlaw had a thornless red one that I tried to grow from cuttings so many times but with no luck. Mums had thorns and I had to prune it back for her too many times to ever want to grow it myself yet I always admire it in other gardens. Well 2 cuppas are more than enough for now and I have enjoyed the chat imensely. Bloomin cold outside today so am hibernating on the computor for a change. Have a nice day all and I will call back later.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hello Awchid, beautuful ? orchid. you are so lucky. Have a good day. Lee

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hello all!

I have just been to church.
It's a very nice day today on the Sunshine Coast. My nephew and family will be calling on their way home from holidaying in Noosa . They live in Toowoomba.

Sometime this afternoon I will plant a hanging basket.

Yes Lesley that is a well grown orchid. I must confess I don't know what it is. (I should ...I belong to an orchid society)
Chrissy that is a beautiful coloured Burg.

Does anyone on this forum grow water lilies?
If you do would love some info on what ones to purchase.

Well must dash and check the cupboards to see if there is enough food for the hungery mob.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Woo hoo, I'm here! hello...hello...hello.... Is that an echo....echo....echo?
I guess your all busy in the yard!
Jean, thanks for the Apple tart! yumm, just what one needs when having a rest in the shade. I can't wait to see your bargains from today!
Chrissy, thanks for the snippets! I went to town yesterday and picked them up. Silly me was checking in my home letterbox for a card from the postie. I didn't even think about the post box, but all is ok. I have dealt with the cuttings and saved the seed for later, as I have a bit going on with some annual seeds and vegetables. Is there anything you would like in return? Dmail me about it eh?
Hi lee, hows your hobbly leg! How many orchids do you have?
Awchid, you must have a whole bunch of them, (orchids). I'm interested to know what your plant on the hill turns out to be. Hopefully it will revive long enough for you to take a pic for us.
Hello marleneann. I have a couple of water lillies, but haven't made much of an effort to find out names. I have a pink Nymphaea (?) and a lily with tiny white furry star shaped flowers, and a larger white flowering Lily. Unfortunately, I don't know which is which until they flower, as they all grow in my pond together. I did notice some leaves beginning to sprout roots, so if you want a couple to try, Dmail me your address. I'm not after any plants myself, unless you have anything mentioned in the sticky thread http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/842701/, and if you have none of those, I'm not fussed and am happy to send you bits anyway.
Well, I'm going to take my take away latte and go outdoors for some more of that wonderful sunshine! Ahhhhhhh.
(Chrissy, is this apricot or pink?)

Thumbnail by weed_woman

Yes Sue that is Frosty pink ...I hope you enjoyed your weekend everyone ...too hot here!
Talk tomorrow

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. What a lovely crowd to all come in for a cuppa. I returned home yesterday very disappointed. I got to the Trash & Treasure nice and early but all in vain. The lady I particularly went to see was there but with no names on all her lovely Iris. I only bought 2 as I had an idea of what they were, but I am not buying more noids no matter how pretty. See, I do have will power.
I looked all around the other stalls but although there were plenty of plants, I couldn't see any that took my eye. Mostly just the common sort that I have plenty of. I did buy one more Iris that was named.
I was only over there for about 1 1/2 hours then came home. The weather wasn't nice either. A fine misty rain for most of the morning. It did warm up late in the afternoon .
Hello Marleneanne, nice to see you found us okay. You will have to get in quick for the nibbles as Lesley has a habit of running off with her favorites before anyone can taste them.
Sorry Lesley, just joking. That pink flower on your hill does look pretty. just like our Patterson's Curse here. A weed and triffid in a lot of places but when you see an entire hillside covered with purple plus the yellow of the capeweed , it's magic.
I saw that beautiful orchid and I am very envious of anyone that can grow them like that.
Lesley , the flower I left was my 'Dragon Drums' Iris. What ever have you been getting into behind that kitchen door ?
Not the cooking sherry I hope ?
Hello Lee, hope you are feeling better now Your orchids sound lovely..
Sue, we will have to have an Angel weekend at Chrissys later when she has room after the blue things are gone.
She is so nice to let us share the Angels. I have more coming on now and the buds are getting really large now on the Suavolens that flowered before.
I am going out to take some pics of the iris that have started flowering. I need them for my garden files.
I will leave you with some nice nibbles. Lemon Bars.
Have a happy day. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

here's another garden ornament from the party on Saturday night... it started on the fence but fell off, I thought it looked good on the wood pile:)

Thumbnail by dalfyre

I love anything with lemon in it don't you?
Early this morning Sugar Pink (a noid but so very pretty)
had a red hot date!

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With ...Alphonse Mucha ...giggling, He is a huge handsome fellow and she is a sweet little girly girl Angel ...her tendrils stay up while he tends to droop a little during the day ...wish them luck!
Oh Jean poor thing only two? ha ha ha ...I know what you mean. Never mind maybe next time ...
Love that Bug! I wish they were all like that ...those@#$%^&* lady birds are having a party here and nibbling my Angel leaves ...
happy gardening everyone it's starting to rain gotta go cover the babies up or they might drown.
back later.

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Merino, Australia

Here I am back again. I know it sounds silly but it's cold out there even though the sun is shining. i went out to see what I could take pics of . I love you bug too Dalfyre. i feel the inspiration urge coming on. I could try to make a few for my garden.
Chrissy, you will have to watch those Angels. Their behaviour is not at all angelic. giggle , giggle .. I hope Alphonse is always the gentleman when meeting all you ladies.
He does quite twirl the moustache doesn't he ?
I found a couple of nice bright flowers. to put on. Even the one very hot day we had has made the flowers dry out a lot and the wind doesn't help.
Here's the red Valerian. I love this one and my white too. I got rid of the pink as it was a real triffid. this one is more content to stay in it's place as is the white.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Dwarf kniphofia. Just love this So much tidier than the big ones

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

last one , my snowballs just turning white.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Jean I just adore those plants! ...don't we just love Spring? you should see how my Boges are going off ...camera needs batteries ...recharging them now ...a whole lot of blue boxes are gone now ...and I feel good!!!!!
Won't be long before life starts to settle down a bit now ha ha ha says she with hundreds of seedlings and plants to care for ...yes that Alphonse is quite the lad he has been a bit of a Casanova nudge nudge wink wink ...Hubby reckons I should put my angels out the front instead of out the back ...closer for me to take care of so perhaps ...he reckons if a snake got me or something he would not know. ok that'sit for now gotta go feed the mob ...
see you all later.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hello all, lovely flowers today! I especially like your yellow pokers jean. How dissappointing for you Jean. Its very sad when you go somewhere with expectations (and money) and you can't get that satisfied feeling! I went to Coles to buy potting mix yesterday, and they hadn't any! Pooh! So i came home and moved pots around in the palace.
Chrissy's angels are having some fun hmmmm? I expect we'll be hearing the rattle rattle of little pods soon?
I like dalfyres bugs too. I have an ant in my garden that I adore, and when his head rusted off, I went back to the garden shop and bought another!
Today a customer had a bit of a clean out, and I got some nice thingo's.
My first Anthurium, a half dead (or half alive) cactus, a red cedar log, a bit of driftwood, and a MAD birdhouse!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hers the birdhouse. I bet your all jealous! It has 3 holes/cavities for birds.
One in front, and one either side. I don't know quite where it will go yet, but definitely on a stump/log somewhere in the brom section.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

*Giggle* Sue whats a MAD doghouse ...(I'm trying to picture)

Jean what temps do Valerian like, would subtropical be too hot?

Today Fred (hubby) made me a tripod trellis for one of my climbing plants. I will have to post a pic of it. He has been busy with building me a few things for the garden. Here is a pic of the wishing well he made me.

Ah must go get another cup-o-tea. I am a teaoholic. These cakes in this Tea Room are making me fat.*G*


Sunshine Coast, Australia

ooooppppssss forgot the pic

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Oh sue it's a birdhouse....should put my glasses on.

That is so cute!

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Weed_woman, how industrious you are. The bird house is very good. You are the artiste! Keep it up. Lee

Gisborne, New Zealand

Great bird house Sue, and lovely flowers. Thats what we all need garden friendly bugs not like Chrissy's savage lady bugs. Oh goody another tea-aholic, do you drink yours when it's cold ? I'll drink mine cold hot warm, any old how but not flavoured (contaminated) with anything but milk. I think my tea spends more time in the micro than the teapot, lol. Chrissy what colour is Alphonse or didn't I read things properly. Probably did a double take when I learned what a Lad he is. I'm not the only one I think, Jean what have you put in your teapot. The bird house reminds me of "There was a crooked man and he built a crooked house" or do I mean "The House that Jack built" Darned if I can remember, lol.
Here's another Noid for you. I've had it for years.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

I need a giant snail to scare the living daylights out of mongrel ones that keep attacking my baby brugs, I just killed another 2.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Awchid, I have now become the 'crooked man' But not for long. Must work on proper posture now. Dread the H*** out of PT today. Think of a good excuse for me to use to get out of it. Lee Btw, snails are such odious creatures. Never could I eat one. Yuck. Great daylily pic. And, too, the iris. Lee

Oh that mad birdhouse ...Does Norman (birdy) Bates live there? ...only joking how cute is it huh ...Sue you sure manage to put your hands on some of the strangest and best stuff.
Love the Iris ...love the day lily ...love the wishing well ...love bugs that don't feast on leaves (and love trellises)..what a treat to see all this isn't it Lee?
Alphonse Mucha is a white that turns a clotted cream colour then ...flushes into a pale but lush rockmelon shade ...it is a big velvet bell with long tendrils ...it has pink and apricot parents.

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Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hi Chrissy, it is a treat to see all these things. It keeps my mind off me. your Brug. is lovely. A couple years, I got one that did't take so long to bloom. It was nice but I liked the other ones more.
Take care and keep me informed on your gardening. Lee

Merino, Australia

Good morning all. What a lovely lot of pics to come in and see. I love all those bugs. I really should get out there and try making a few. i'll have to look for some nice silver balls for bodies. Lesley, your noid is very pretty. You should get a few more, Ha ha . Just a few , like my' few'.
Sue that birdhouse is so cute, I want it , but here, the darn sparrows would use it. I have small houses around that I built, and the sparrows take them over. We really don't have any small bird here that would use them anyway. I did them for decoration. Yours is great. Something from the "The Munsters" .You don't live in Mocking Bird Lane do you ??? Ha ha.
Marleneanne, I hope you don't do what I did with my wishing well. I though making one would be a fun thing to do then plant with a small ivy. The small ivy has covered it now .The ivy looks okay but you can't see as much of the well.
I don't know how the Valerian would go up there but mine grows in all weathers. I can send you some seed of the red and the white if you want to try. I'll collect some when they go to seed later on. I started with one and let them seed everywhere, The plants are easily pulled out when small but put down large roots and turn into large plants when mature. mine seem to slow down and sit after seeding so I usually just cut them all back then.
Lesley , I take no blame for what you ladies add to your tea. I only drink green tea with no added sugar, milk or anything else . You shouldn't t have eaten that bit of that wine trifle I left in the fridge. . Can't have ladies falling around in the Tea Room.
One thing i don't have here , Lesley is snails. For some reason they don't climb the hill from town. There are lots down there and they can stay there too. I am going out for my daily review of the 'troops'. The Iris are all getting more buds, the roses are about to bloom and of course , I have to check on all the baby Angels.
Chrissy, the larger Suavolens that had the flower earlier this year , has about 8 buds and has grown so much, I had to pot it into a large pot yesterday. I will be moving the bigger ones outside to stay soon. I have to make room for the new crop. Better get something from the kitchen now for you all when you call in .
Strawberry Lemon Curd Trifle
Sorry but there is no wine trifle left, you will enjoy this one though.
Jean .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

that was really nice,
I missed the wine trifle, probably a good thing, I think I have a reputation as a bit of a party girl-
sent an email survey to my friends (supposed friends)
it is meant to find out how well you know each other with questions like :
what colour are my eyes, what's my middle name,
and what do you think I would bring to a desert island?
Several answered wine or alcohol for me!
Ha - I would bring fishing kit or seedlings to start a vege garden...
and maybe some wine to go with that fish & salad.
I have been sitting on my front door step in the sun enjoying the view of my flame bush & the lovely lime green foliage of my Robinia fresia (at least that's what I think it is)
This morning I have fed the dogs, done poo patrol, watered the garden, sprayed the roses & hung out one load of washing & have another in soaking - all before breakfast.
Now it is relax & enjoy my day off time, until I feel motivated again & can get on with vacuuming, dusting, dishes & walking the dogs.
Oh &at some stage removing the corpse that our evil cat has left on the terrace.
cheers - Dalfyre

Thumbnail by dalfyre

ooooh a corpse on the verandah? nice ...lol ...sprinkling here
and the temp has dropped to only 14C ...up and down ...oh well at least we can get chores done when it's cool.
Love a Robinia but mine had to go as it suckered (thorny ones) for miles ...such a shame because it's very pretty and I love the blooms.
Jean I reckon like me your snails are cleaned up by the Blue Tongues. I am happy your babies are going well for you ...don't forget to sniff at night ...magnificent.
Well like everyone else I have stuff to do so I will catch everyone later ...digging ...potting etc awaits.
see you all later

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Dalfyre, what lovely trees, esp,. the red one. What is it, as I don't think I've ever seen one like it.
Chrissy, this morning the temp. dropped to 5.5C. We, too, are on a roller coaster.
Have a good day all . Lee

Christchurch, New Zealand

The red flowering tree is a Chilean fire bush or flame flower...
it is so pretty, I just want to hug whoever planted it here!
The corpse is that of a small finch type bird - fiendish feline that we house & feed bright it to us as a gift.
The demon dogs have killed their share of birds too - they leap up & snatch them out of the air as they fly over our yard!
Although I am not sure the cat caught this bird - she may have stolen it from the cat next door...

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Oh, Dalfyre, thanks for telling me of the Chilean fire bush. I'm sure it's tropical and wouldn't survive out temps of Winter. yes, I know of the dastardly things the cats do to the birds. It saddens me but what's a fellow to do? It's just their instinct. I don't think I could live without birds, animals and orchids. I guess I'm being a little histrionic but life would be dull without any.
Take care, Lee

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Sue how much per night for your birdhouse?
Hubby made mine some time ago and it's very upmarket. *G*

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

I agree with marleneann, how much for the night? It's a great house. What kind of birds do you think will use it? In Australia, you have so many wonderful birds and other fauna.
Marlenann, it's good to chat a little with you. Don't worry, I'm not a psycho. I just love orchids, birds and talking to my other Ladies of the Souther Sky.
Take care all, Lee
p.s. Marlenann, I'd love to hear about your part of the country when you can spare a moment.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Lee - I don't think the firebush is tropical, it grows as far south as Dunedin going by the pics in plant files.
We get frosts an a bit of snow here... longest it has lasted has been a couple of days so not like many places in the States where it is deep & lasts all winter.
I have no idea what zone we would correlate to.
cheers - Dalfyre

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Dalfyre, I simply must contact Logee's tomorrw and see if they offer them. If I can find room with the ordhids, I'll place it with them. Many thanks, your friend Lee

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Sorry to bother you again but what is the flower in the photo above? it, too, is lovely. Lee

Coffs Harbour, Australia

It is a nice flower isn't it Lee? It looks a bit like an Ixia.
Had to laugh Dalfyre, you do poo patrol too! LOL Its a daily chore here, and 2 and a half acres to traverse!
Loved that trifle jean. Yum, Yum. Yes the birdhouse is a little spooky! Maybe I'll get a 'scare' crow moving in! LOL I reckon it's gotto be at least a one star bird house! After all, it has got three rooms!
We copped a severe thunder storm today, and hail aswell, so angel trumpets littering the fron lawn! Doh. The sun seems to be out again now, so I might go and survey the damage. I hope the palace is ok.
From a distance, that fire bush looks like the Tree waratah.
Have some raisin toast and a Cuppa

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Lee I can help you out by giving you my website address.
If you click on "Home" icon you will get a list of all my pages. Click on the button "Where I Live"
Where do you live Lee?

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