Chicken or Poultry Themed Secret Holiday Swap?

(Zone 7b)

I prefer margarita's they make me sing like somebody steppin on a cats tail LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Somebody please order a margarita for Harmony! And make it a double! We wanna hear the singin' up here in Iowa!

(Zone 7b)

Claire we just got Grow back and she seems a little skitish so ixnay on the ingsay and don't mention the equilatay or she might oltbay and we may evernay eesay erhay again etgay airecay kayoay.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Orrsay ArmonyHay. I'll just go avehay another argaritamay. La la la hay.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

ishshshshssha... ia aswa eepingsa. angoverha.. oweta uchma ookiesca!!

(Zone 7b)

orrysay ranfay will be oremay uietqay

Clarkson, KY

OK youse guys!! Eriouslysay!! Here's my baby bro... Most people don't let me near drugs or alcohol because I don't change and they say it's a waste...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Holy jumpin'! He's HOT! And I am a sucker for male singers. I have stacks of CDs of male soloists, especially a bunch of the Italians. I don't understand a word of it, but their voices make me melt. Kind of like pecans.

Clarkson, KY

I think there are a couple of his songs on there.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Wow, what a voice! He's incredible - you must feel touched by fame vicariously!

Lodi, United States

Do you think there is any hope at all that HE is the CF?

Clarkson, KY

No, but I'll tell him you were wondering!!lol. Sorry -I know I shouldn't have- but my family grew up singing nutty stuff like that Tie Me Kangaroo Down. I went for easy proof of....something, anyway. Shoulda stuck with pee-cans

And btw, Claire, it's pe-cahns and tu-cahns, but pee-cans and tou-cans! The double vowel is key...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Was your brother like the ultimate heart-breaker in high school. I would have been all googly-eyed over him. He probably plays saxophone or something else that makes him even more enviable. Of course, being his sister, you probably think I'm profoundly nuts.

Clarkson, KY

He was the class nerd!! Played clarinet. He sorta grew into Brainiac.
I probably shouldn't've bragged, but dang it...idon'tneedtequila....

(Zone 7b)

Grow it said on his bio he's a native of california do you go and visit him and listen to him sing.

Clarkson, KY

What?! He was born there, that's it. Lives in Berlin.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh of course. All the sexy ones live overseas. Sigh.

(Zone 7b)

Well do you get to go to Berlin to see him?
You said you were from ky. was he born there when as you told me yall was moveing around.
He's very handsome do yall look alike?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

He is very handsome. Reminds me of an ex of mine.

Clarkson, KY

Ummmm...was that a trick question, Har? Yes, except I'm 10" shorter and 30lbs heavier and DON'T look like a model. lol.

Never been to Berlin. He's coming here for the holidays. That's our usual Christmas present -him, us, my parents -his plane tickets.

Clarkson, KY

It gets pretty funny when we go out together in this small town -where nobody knows HIM. We're from the tidewater area of Va, btw. Sire was from Ca but we never went much. Mom was responsible for the southern upbringing. (poor lady, I was SUPPOSED to be a steel magnolia -oooops!)

(Zone 7b)

Must be nice haveing a celeb for a brother when did he start singing?

Lodi, United States

I don't suppose he'd be interested in becoming a CF rep? There is an opening in Germany.

Clarkson, KY

College. He was joking around singing soprano at a school sing and the music teachers got all excited. He's nothing like a celeb here. So few people listen to opera and fewer to male sopranos. He was always in trouble in the family sings because he sang too loud and couldn't fit in -I was the soprano, poor abused kid...once he got to sing the right part there was no stopping him though. His voice is what I find so amazing. It gets hard to think 'kid brother' when he's on stage.

Clarkson, KY

Wonder how he'd take it? It was really funny to hear his German friends trying to understand my girls named Peckrid und Peckmar...

(Zone 7b)

Wow this is so cool to know somebody who is kin to a celeb is that why you speak different languages so you can talk to his friends.
Does he have a berlin accent?

(Zone 7b)

Grow I'm going to show your Brothers site to my DH and son so they can see i got a DG friend with a celeb for a brother.
My DH isn't one for opera more a toby keith kinda person but i'll make him listen to it.
He has and amazing voice!

Well i'm going to bed like i said i was 30 minutes ago. "harmony is out like a light"

Clarkson, KY

Oooh, steppin' on seriously prideful toes there Har... I do the languages; HE does the singing. Don't think he has a Berlin accent, I think Berlin is as close to generic (unaccented) as German gets. He never wanted to do languages, but had to because of his career choice -Do you know how much opera is in English?! Not much.

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

is that why you speak different languages so you can talk to his friends.

yea cuz in germany they all speak fluent pig latin.. LOL

Clarkson, KY

Ye Gods, what horrible things are you thinking up now, Fran! lol!! Einschway Atinlay?? Ichay illway ichtnay TOUCH THAT WITH A 10 FOOT POLE, EH?!

I never did figure how to clip a Japanese Hedgehog...

(Zone 7b)

Fran why did you quote me i only thought grow might want to speak german to speak to her brothers friends she said he had friends........

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

well dahhh

very carefully

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I was just teasing grow.. because she does speak "swine latin" so well

(Zone 7b)

Goodnight nanny nanny poo poo

Clarkson, KY


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

hey anyone need some winter work gloves ?

(Zone 7b)

Yes i need winter gloves i'm always out in the freezin cold trying to keep everything warm and cozy during the winter.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

well, these will only be about $3 each and they last forever! lol!

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Am I too late to join this swap?

Can't type much yet - using the computer still causes alot of pain. Totally EXPECT to be back to norm by December (better be!)

Pretty pppppllllleeeeeeeaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeee (me begging here) with a cute baby chicken on top?

Cheryl ~ Pea

Sorry all, back to not typing much again now..... :-(

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

wow! she even put a cute baby chick on top! teehee!

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