Just stick fresh cut flowers in a vase!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Kinda makes me feel like writing a "Dear John" letter blossom LOL! That is a fancy smancy dumpster they got in there. GLad to hear he is on the mend and hope the bills arent too cumbersome.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks haighr! I would like to toss those bills right into that a-hem dumpster. So far we got one doctor bill....ouch... I have been writing them a Dear John for years!! Not that I do not appreciate their services, we just cannot afford the new bills since are still trying to kill us from last time!

Im going back to the cafe, I hear you posted the KEY LIME SUBLIME there.. sounds yummy.

So plantgeek88 got chickens too?? LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey blossom, don't worry too much things have a way of coming together even in tough times. Go enjoy some pie!

london England, United Kingdom

No loo's pis sorry, pics Blossom..... spoilsport aren't I? !!!!
Love your hen and eggs pic, ohh I didn't know you could do fancy frames and all that jazz. Lovely!
There's a thread for 'cyber arrangements' where other's do fabulous computer altered works of art.
I can only change the colours and contrast, but I am enjoying it!

Here's a vase of roses and tulips to cheer us all up!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

dried tin tin and red roses added ...

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I love yellow, never used to care for it much but now is becoming a favorite of mine.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Candee, The roses are actually orange but they look yellow on the picture!
Funny how certain colours just dont show very well? I guess if there were some yellow flowers in the arrangement the roses would look more orange?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey Terry that is lovely.. I have not found tin tin here.

If you go on ebay you can search for mini digital cameras... they come with the "toy" you need to play with pictures! It crops, plays with color all sorts of cool things.. look for a camera that is about the size of a credit card.. would run about $17 USA but the fun you can have with the programming is awesome. The the digitals are free to put on a memery stick or print from your pc!

We took a hike in the woods today. Saw lots of rabbit tracks, racoon paws, deer track and found 4 muskrat huts down in the bog.

No vases today....just found this awesome freak of nature out in the woods....now how did that tree get to be that way? Almost looks like someone stuck it in the bog roots up! But not!

Lemme turn it orange for ya too!! LOL!

This message was edited Feb 1, 2009 3:20 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, same tree...upsidedown and flame on! Orange is easy!! LOL!

When I turn it blue.. it looks like a deer in a snow storm!

Me thinks I better go hunt for some new vases!! Im having tooo much fun playign with this one!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Terry, where is that thread for art?

Here it is in blue just for you! Is it a tree or a deer? LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

That's one cool tree Blossom, well spotted for a great photo!
It's snowing here now, yippy! Love snow,( we don't get it very often) Looks nice from the window, not sure it will be so nice at the bus stop tomorrow! Brrr
Thanks! You can make your own tin tin if you have bear grass, just wrap it around a broom handle and leave it to dry. It can also be sprayed.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Terry, Its the lighting and the camera....they sure can drive you nuts when you want to show the correct color. I always have trouble with yellows until I enhance them to correct the pictures color! Digital cameras are so much fun! Im telling ya, you will love the software with that minicmaera.. but if you are using another camera that is cool too, you can just use the software from the mini on it as well since the PC is not fussy on what camera it is once you learn how to navagate the software system!

Here is what it looked like before any enhancments and back to rightside up. Kinda drab huh!?

london England, United Kingdom

Gosh, you posted twice while I took so long to type!
They look brilliant, very arty. If you can get to the cut flowers forum you will see the
' cyber arrangements' thread! .

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hmmmm, now why did I not think of that.. here silly me is thinking... tin tin.. natural curly!!!
{{I smack my self in the forehead!!}} We should add that to the Botanicals Cut and dried thread!! Bet cattails woudl work too for that!

I have been pretty busy with the hubby ill this week so have not had time do get the vases out that I have yet in storage. Seems I am behind now more on everything. It dawned on me, I have a really pretty Chinese vaah-se ..just cannot remember where the heck I put it....it would look so elegant with those tulips of yours and some forsythia or redbuds. Must go hunt for it.. I am still searching for the McCoys!

Oh.. the name of that software with that lil camera is called PhotoImpression.. I do not know if you can buy it seperately or not. You might try searching the net for it.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Love that tree. Looks like a nice spot for me to climb up on the branch and just sit and ponder life.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! That silly tree looks like you could put a saddle on it and ride it!!

Well, I have been poking around in my boxes of goodies and today all I came across was floral supplies and no vases.. dang it! I know I have more somewhere. I dusted shelves to put them on and the shelves are still empty! ~~~ where did I put them McCoys!!!~~~~

Off to the hunt again... maybe tomorrow.

If ya see Terri, don't tell her Im staulking her with all my snowballs.. she is torturing me with her snow whilst I try to get rid of ours! Im gonna ......splat! Oh oh, I think she knows it.. she hit me again! drat.. run Blossom run! Hooves, don't fail me now, she is on to me!

london England, United Kingdom

Carnations! these were all closed, with a little manipulation I opened some of the flowers. This takes a long time !!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Awwwwwe, lovely valentine Terri! That must have been a lot of work getting them to open!

Blossom, lovely daffodils. I'm late in the conversation, but hyacinths smell so pretty. . .I love them too. Have anyone smelled hyacinth bean vine? They smell lovely too and down here, they've been blooming since last summer. I have some nice pods too if anyone would like to try some seeds.

Sorry to go off topic, here's my flowers in a vase.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awww man, terri temtped me back in the game here...carnations are my favs!! Thanks for the cease fire onthe snowballs! Sure wish I could say Mother nature here is so kind.. here again we got more snow.. ugh..

And my my, lovely tulips too Karma.

Ok, here is one of my good ones.. but it has a horrible stain from tape that was on it and I have had a hard time removing it.. any suggestions. This vase is so lovely, but soo very badly soiled. I have tried rubbing alcohol to no avail.. and short of steel wool, I do not want to ruin the vase with scrathing its lovely milk soft surface. Help Heloise, I am desperate!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dang Terri you got the whole 9 yards there of posys, cards and candy!
Karma those are fab!
Sorry blossom, not any good at helpful hints, but sure you will a DG response on one of the threads.
We got another dustin of snow yesterday but lots of sunshine today has removed most of it. Took a stroll around but nothing much happening in the garden yet. I did see my first robin of the season yesterday before the snow and that is always a genuine sign that spring is not far around the bend!

london England, United Kingdom

Lovely vase of flowers Karma, Thanks for sharing those! I'm about to experiment with pink and red myself!!
It took ages to open the carnations, but it can be done! Glad you liked the valentine arrangement, Thanks.

Blossom, I would just cover it up LOL! use ribbon, leaves, or make a little collar with vines. What about a bow, use your bowmaker!!

Candee, yes I was surprised!! not complain' though!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

That pretty vase is so lovely without flowers, I must get that stain off. I was telling my hubby about it and you know what he told me.. try some WD40....I shreiked! ON MY BEST GLASS??? eeeeek!

I am off to the garage to find the WD.....I am desperate....you know I cant make bows to save my soul.. I have tried....my hand tieds are horrible!

Ok, simmering down.. its either the WD or the bow machine....

I'll be baaaaaack!

This message was edited Feb 15, 2009 5:41 PM

london England, United Kingdom

How about just a strip of blue ribbon, glued on, simple and dainty NO BOWS!!!!! forget that idea LOL!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well I will be, I tried the WD40 and he was right! I got the majority of it off....must keep rubbing.. Using terry cloth towel and WD40 and its working!

Here is halfway, I am still rubbing and it is still hard getting off, but coming!!

london England, United Kingdom

Oh GOOD! Hubby's great idea is working!!!! lookin' good, keep going!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Wellll, I will be!! The Man rocks! WD and a heck of a lot of elbow grease!! Only trouble was getting the WD off as it made the vase oily!!

Well Dawn dish soap cured that!

All hail to his tool box!!! Thank you DH!! I have been humbled!!

(Now...hint hint.. DUDE.. I need flowers!!! )

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have been trying to clean that for years!!! LOL!!

I have tried the rubbing alcohol, the turpinetine, soaking rubbing buffing.. nothing!!

Glass cleaner...now... WD40!

Active ingredient in WD is fish oil!! GO FIGURE!

WHoooo hoo! Followed by DAWN!!

london England, United Kingdom

Yeah,...... DUDE!!!! she needs flowers LoL!

Well done it looks good as new and really beautiful!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


london England, United Kingdom


nice bow!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Sorry too, the flowers are not fresh....its winter here and nothing blooming

DUDE, the wife needs CHANTILLY!! That derned WD40 stinks!!!
(Works, but stinks!)

This message was edited Feb 15, 2009 7:31 PM

This message was edited Feb 15, 2009 7:50 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)



for better bows

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, everyone! The Queen of Yards here with a post of fresh cut flowers...er uh... in a wreath! I don't have much of anything blooming, but I made do with what I do have and the little plastic thingys (I know they have a name) that hold water. I wish I had more of the rosemary blooms, but alas, I cut all I had. I really need some greenery or a bow or something to hide the green things, but that will have to wait till tomorrow as it is dark out. If I find anything I will post and update. I hope you all are not appalled at my pathetic attempt! Also I always make 2 wreaths, one for each side of the door as it is glass, and otherwise the back would show through. Usually they sort of look like a reflection in the glass of each other.

Inside door

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


I forgot to say, this is forsythia, rosemary and daffodils

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Close up of the lovely daffs


Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

& out

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Lovely yardqueen and what a great idea an opposite appearance on either side of the door. The daffs are realy springy looking such a vibrant yellow. Thanks for the spring pick me up as we are in snow squalls again this morn.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

BEAUTIFUL!! Welcome spring! We will not see that here until at least another month! Its very frosty this morning and still a skiff of snow on the ground.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks ladies! I will be going out in a bit to see if I can find any springlike greenery anywhere to hide those whatchamacallits... what are they called anyway? I can't remember. But they are working like a charm as everything looks as fresh as when I cut them. I will need th fill the whatchamacallits today as they are about half empty!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hehehe.. show full picture of the whatchamacallit so we have a better idear!!! Thanks!

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