Just stick fresh cut flowers in a vase!

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Doorway to kitchen and breakfast room

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

another tidbit

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

a basket

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

all lit up

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

grapevine wreath

Thumbnail by yardqueen1948
london England, United Kingdom

Ohhhh Yardqueen! You have been busy, everything looks so beautiful and festive.
Gorgeous basket with the lights, great idea!!! might steal that one hahaha!
Have a wonderful Christmas with the family.

Maybe Father Christmas will bring you a new basket? lol! Be good!!

london England, United Kingdom

Red Carnations and Aspidistra, stuck in a vase!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi ladies, what prettys we have here!

Sorry for being slow to respond... no, my mums were the lst of the fresh cuts and fall flwoers from the garden.

Been doing the silk arangements since.

Does stick it in a boot with silks now count? (You will have to check out the thread on what to do with old cowboy boots to see more and how these came to be!)

In the mean time to everyone, have a very Merry and blessed Christmas!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi BLOSSOMBUDDY, Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you are having a lovely time.
Thank you for the cowboy boots ... Great idea, love it!! Where am I gonna find cowboy boots in South London? LoL!
I'm always on the look out for unusual containers or vases your boots are lovely with the silk flowers.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yardqueen you have been the "decorating queen" - what beautiful displays and blossombuddy that is just adorable. White boots are quite the hit this season of joy! I love the colors you used in them.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Candee! I really enjoy doing it. I have next years tree planned already. That seems to happen when I go to the after Christmas sales and pick up some bargains!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Terriculture...hmmmm, try eBay? you can post an "OLD BOOTS WANTED! Or try Daves Classifieds, or the swap meet here too, maybe someone here has a lovely old pair for you!

You and everyone have a great NEW YEAR! I, for one am sure longing for FRESH flowers to once again stick in a vase!

About the only thing smelling good other than someones good cooking about this time of year is the fresh pine boughs, pine cones or potpouri!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Yardqueen! been bargain hunting already for next year? that is organised !!
The basket case turns into decorating queen LOL! you did a great job this year, Thanks for sharing with us.

Hi Blossombuddy, Thanks for the advice where to get cowboy boots, the older the better I reckon.
My daughter has some punky Doc Martin boots might try stickin some flowers in those!
The supermarket flowers are so disapointing....... no scent at all. I sometimes add some fresh rosemary from the garden to give some perfume! Happy New year to you to!

london England, United Kingdom

Happy New Year Yardqueen!

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Happy New Year to you too, Terri!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy New Year to ALL!

london England, United Kingdom

3 ornamental cabbages!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

YQ, love your fresh bouquets. I imagine your yard to be divine.

TS, what kind of dahlias are these? http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=5818165 The ones I order from my flower supplier are a lot bigger and just doesn't work as well in bouquets. Did you grow them yourself? I love how you paired them with the coleus.

Terri, what's that on the cabbages? Looks like snow. Very pretty winter arrangment.

london England, United Kingdom

TS where have you got to? Happy New Year to you too!

Thanks Karma, it's glitter on the cabbages! You can see it better on this picture.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Pink and white Tulips.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Lovely Tulips, Terri. That is one flower that I don't grow because they don't come back year after year, except for one tiny clump that has lasted 5 years. It doesn't get cold enough here. I now mostly grow perennials, bulbs that naturalizes, and annuals that reseed themselves. But looking at your lovely tulips makes me think twice again and maybe I'll plant some next year.....

london England, United Kingdom

Thank you Dianne. I've given up planting tulips, the squirels dig up the bulbs all the time!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Is it me or is it tulips...I have given them up too. Now I can grow daffodils until the cows come home. They like my poor wet floody soil and bloom really well, but tulips...sheesh, they must hate that getting their feet wet here! I can however do them in containers, but they still come puny in the containers as well.. so it must be me!! LOL!

I am soooo dreaming of daffodil time... this minus 20 we been having is for the penguins that is for sure. Brrrrrrr!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I grow the odd tulips, like the parrot and the fringed tulips and each year I find I have fewer and fewer and it is sad as I think they are very elegant, but so few and far between not that attractive in my gardens anymore.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

haighr, I also have the same issues with hyacinths and Lordy how I love those!

london England, United Kingdom

Lovely Daffs Blossom. Don't you just lurve the smell of Hyacinths!! I have a few, wish they were taller, seems a long way down to get a sniff LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

The hyacinths I got are so potent you only need one in a room to make the whole house smell! They are the giants! Are you thinnking of the little grape hyacinths terriculture?? I just don't understand why mine are so spindly....I don't have too many hyacinths...need to poke in some more...(hint hint to you bulb traders!!! hehehe!!)

Here you go, some more of my daffs from last season.. they are just making me long for spring....I got cabin fever reallly baaaad!

I had only ONE lonely tulip last year....they hate me I swear!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

my lowly tulip...she was a pretty thing while she lasted..but alas and sigh!....no more....

london England, United Kingdom

Nice pics Blossom! I was thinking of the big Hyacinths in the garden! You have to sit on the ground to get the smell! Nice in window boxes.
I agree, when cut and in the house they really fill the room with beautiful perfume.
I think we are all desperate for spring.

How are you Yardqueen? What's happening in your neck of the woods?

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, Terri! Well it has just been cold here. No snow or anything... Just cold. The greenhouse is doing well.

I have not been feeling well the last few days. Just a bit of a sore throat and general feeling bad. I am a little better today, but I actually turned down going to a movie! Maybe tomorrow...

I am trying to get ready for winter sowing. I need to get it out or I will be too late. It will take me at least a couple of days! Got to make sure I get enough flowers! I also am anxious for spring!!! Brown is not a pretty color...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Brown is good, green better...its white here that is a fright!

I have gotten soooo desperate.. I started forcing blooms in the bathroom! Today I actually had a slight glimps of an aussie willow flower!

Sorry terri, I am changing the header of this thread to

"stick it in a bucket and force it to bloom!"

(well, maybe not, but if anyone wants to have a go on a thread called that give me a second on the motion!!)

Next trick is forsythias!! now where is that other bucket!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Yardqueen, Sorry to hear you are not feeling too well, hope that passes very soon.
Do you know how to make fake 'ice', to give branches a frosted look?

Hi Blossom, I'm going to see what I can gather from the garden to give a good beating!!! and try to force flowers or buds even! Thursdays my day off so I will venture out in the garden then.
I'm asking everyone and their Mum how to make fake 'ice' any ideas????

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I know there is a recipe for it, (fake ice) but danged if I can help you there terri! You go girl...beat the snot out of those nonblooming things... tell them "bloom you boogers bloom!" (it's the polar chant!! Be sure to dance around the bucket at three times and wave your fist clenched with hammer in one hand and snippers in the other!!! And bellow --->>>BLoom Blooom BlooOOOOOOooM! (using high pitched whiney voices!! LOL!

If the dancing don't warm ya up... make more cocoa!!

Yardqueen, get well too...sheesh, no time to be getting whoozy or ill. But I can feel your pain for sure!

I cut forsythias, flowering almonds, lilacs, some apples, a few snowballs and some hibiscus....the darned frosty weather got me and I only got one bucket with all that in it...but thats ok, twas al the bathroom watercloset could hold... see ya on the other thread with this!

(Meanwhile back at the ranch, old Blossum is getting the DH's ace/oxy torches and gonna start melting her tundra if spring don't get here quick enough!. you sure you dont want the real thing (ice) terri????...arrrrgh!!!)

london England, United Kingdom

Lovely picture Blossom!

better get back to my polar chant dance ....... Bloom Bloom BlooOOOOOooM!

Hi Yardqueen, are you feeling better?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Terry, your dilusional!! SNOW aint lovely!!! But I will take the compliment on the pic! It is kind of, well sort of.. um, Im thinking.. well, ok if I have ta!!

So are ya doing the two step with that chant or just bouncing around that pail of cuttings??? This inquirying mind wants to know!!

Yardqueen, hope your better. My hubs still icky... going to the doctor tomorrow....again.. ugh. Just hope we can pass the hospital. We have had our fill of that place for this week. Will ya just look at that bowl they are trying to sink my poor flowers in now! YEEEE Gads! All that gold trim, gold rails and porcelan trim! Big enough to sink the farm in thar.

london England, United Kingdom

I'm dilusional!!!!!!!!!!

What's this????? a toilet!!!! container thread me thinks ... LOL!

Hope Hubby is better soon.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Terri!! Thats the throne room at the hospital!! YEEE-Gads I did not know what to do with it when I first saw it, polish it or.........well... maybe we will not go there, but prepare Me the next room for the heart attack when his bill comes! That's real brass in that thar latrine! I am sure they are gonna want me to throw all my flowers in there for sure! It's their idea of container gardening.

But the good news is is he is better and provided they got his paperwork done he can get back to work.. He has to get clearance from the Grand POO-bah of health care next so he can start again and book his next trip. Last thing we need is a roadtrip with a nightmare.

Thanks for popping in on me at home! Send me your street addie so I know where to send you a get well or Christmas card in the future.. and so glad you are better too. Seems there is a bit of a bug lose!

Here ya go! Cheers!!

london England, United Kingdom

Good news Hubby's ok Blossom, lovely cheerful daffs too!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey Terri! YESSS!! WHooohoooo! He is much better!

So wheres the loos pic? I wanna see your arrangement that ...well awww shucks, its not gonna happen huh? {{{egg - egg - egg}}}}

Cant you just imagine those gold handlebars in that fancy throneroom with varigated pothos going on! hehehehe!!

This message was edited Jan 30, 2009 9:47 PM


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