What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 9

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hope no one minds, thought I would start a new thread. We were up to 149 posts and over 1200 views. I enjoy reading the updates. A picture from this morning.


Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

And it is a beautiful fall day

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Oh my, Joanne, beautiful photo! Obviously the high winds in Calgary yesterday missed your garden. Doesn't look like Jack has paid a visit either. Very nice.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Jack is coming end of the week - first killing frost and it is October 8!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

That is amazing, isn't it? We have been blessed this year for sure. They are predicting our first frost later this week as well. Well nobody can say we aren't prepared. :)

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

We're supposed to have -5 tomorrow so here's the last look at the Canna's!
We've also had some nasty winds and for once they haven't blown over, I put them in a lower pot this year.

Thumbnail by annabell52
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Aren't they lovely...such a shame. But life and the seasons march on...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Your cannas are gorgeous!

We did get extreme winds and some light frosts....but my garden is magical. It is really protected from winds and there's lots of mature evergreens in the neighboring yards. I'm sure the color will quickly be gone after this weekend.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Lovely garden photos ladies! It has been a wonderful extension to the season, hasn't it...I snipped a few tender roses to bring inside tonight to enjoy. Mmmmm...


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Jack has visited Thunder Bay 4 times so far this October .. my Cannas look as though they have 'leather leaves'
However, the Rudbeckia and the Mums and the Obedient Plant are fine and dandy :-)

The countryside is ablaze in a patchwork of colours, and as the winds increase in intensity, we lose more and more leaves .. some spots are completely bare now.

My friend who is the gardener/landscaper at a local cemetery had a HUGE scare yesterday .. she was heading out onto the property to dig up Canna bulbs and was de barking her tractor when she (luckily)noticed a Timber Wolf sitting watching her, AND, he was agressive enough to plod towards her .. not at all afraid of the noisy tractor. Thie year out little 'Burg' has been visited by record numbers of very well fed wolves .. which is why I think we have only had 3 fawns this year instead ot perhaps 10 or 12 . The Circle of Life is sometimes NOT a nice thing to think about ...

Thanks for moving us Joanne. I always find it curious to see all the 'views' this forum gets :-)

Enjoy your day


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I agree - nice Cannas. We had so much rain here that mine never bloomed at all this past summer. Preparing to have the grandtwins for most of the weekend while their parents go out of town for a memorial service for their great-grandmother who died last June, but the long weekend was the best time to get the family together. Their parents will be back Sunday and we'll celebrate Thanksgiving on Monday.

Have a great day.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

oops, didn't think about the fountain. Crisp -6C this morning.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all, sorry haven't been around of late, not feeling up to par, my younger sister was brought to hospital with difficulties moving...she's on morphine drip, not feeling the best...they are going through all the tests they can, then, this morning got a call that a very good friend of mine had a massive heart-attack and isn't expected to live through the night...soooo tired, down and out I guess one would say...

Shucks I've been also fighting muscle spasm in my neck/shoulder and ear ache...thank goodness long weekend is here and I'll get to enjoy some much needed rest...

DIL decided to have Thanksgiving on Sunday so I wouldn't have to do it..will be nice...

Fall certainly is here, lordy I love travelling the roads and seeing the color...many leaves now decorate the roadside, fallen from the trees...

They are calling for great weather this weekend...
So enjoyed your photo's, thanks for the move...if I don't get back in the next few days do have a "Happy Thanksgiving"

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. so sorry to hear about all your 'life bumps' .. they certainly can take quite the toll emotionally. Best to sit back and let the dust settle ,, then, make your plan ..
Nice your DIL is having the Hilday meal ..

The leaves are totally amazing !! Gosh .. many more windy days like today .. and Thunder Bay will be 'NEKKID' !!!

I am doing TG here on Sunday .. am picking up the 25lb 'ORGANIC' fresh turkey tomorrow ( am hoping it does NOT taste like shoe leather)

Have a majorly 'buzzy butt day' day tomorrow .. supporting a victim who has to testify in court .. sooooooooooo .. I best boodle ..

Take care all ..


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

My goodness you've been given a load to carry, I'm not surprized that your shoulders are revolting against the weight!. What a blessing that your DIL can look after you on the weekend.
Take some time for you even if it's a couple of minutes here and there, M is right , let the dust settle.

M isn't court the most ' hurry up and wait' experience ever.

joannabanana ....thank you.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Yep Annabell .. I have to agree re court bein a 'hurry up and wait' situation .. can't say as I can remember ONCE not having had to wait in excess of 2 hours PAST the time of the session. But .. you never know .. seeing as it's the Friday before a long weekend .. things may mysteriously click along properly .. one can only hope :-)

UGggggggg .. furnace season has started once again .. since my body is experiencing total 'ETERNAL Internal summer' sleeping at night, right through the night, has become elusive. Once the temps start hovering below 30F overnight, the woodstove will be in service .. YAY !!!!!

Want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving .. ENJOY !!


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We are being gifted with wonderful warm weather - perfect for finishing the gardening that needs to be done. I have a lot of bulbs to plant and quite a few Hostas in pots that need to be planted for the winter.

We will have our DGTwins for most of the weekend. Their parents are heading to Espanola - about a 7 hr drive each way. DSIL's grandmother passed away in June but the service and interment of her ashes was delayed until this weekend to that it was easier for all to get there. They decided that the last trip to the cottage (only about 4 hours) was difficult with two 6-yr-olds and this time they will leave them with us. We said fine as long as DSIL's mother agreed.

Will shortly head out to do an aquafit class and then the aquafit group goes out for brunch as we always do on the 2nd Friday of each month. Following brunch, I'll stop in the nearby grocery store and get my turkey. Will be able to store it in a fridge at the local Emergency Food Cupboard which I used to run and for which I still have a key. They close at 11:30; so it will be safe there. We will celebrate on Monday after our daughter and SIL are safely back. (They expect to come back Saturday at night).

Betty - thinking of you with your trials.

Also thinking of the family of RCMP Constable Chris Worden who was shot at this time last year. He was, for several years, one of my violin students. The first anniversary of such a death is always difficult.

Wishing you all a great day.


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Gobble 'till you Wobble time! :D

Thumbnail by DonM47
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Happy Thankgiving to all of you.

Betty you are sure in a tough place, our prayers for you.
I've not been around much lately, our lives seem to be running paralell to Betty's. I was invovled providing hospice nursing care, even though I'm not working because of my own health issues, to a friend that died Sunday, She was just 50. Tuesday our best friends called me to come running to check on one of them. I've never seem her so sick. Called the ambulance. Long story short is that initally is was a tumour but after brain biopsy firm diagnosis of an abscess. She's no better yet in fact has worse pain and Dr's have worries that infection will spread in brain. I had to spend today in bed after pushing myself too much but we're all in for some long days and nights.

We've also had our first frost and everything including my brugs are still out. They are low on my list of priorities

we are thankful that it's not worse news.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Linda ..

How awful can life get before we YELL, or SCREAM , ENOUGH already ..

To die at 50 is devastating .. but .. it was her time to bid goodbye .. and your help throughout was likely tant amount to wonderful and made her 'end of life experience' bearable ..
As for your friend with the abcess (brain) well .. it's safe to say , only time will tell .. hopefully the abcess is NOT located in an 'iffy' place ..

You have to look after YOU first before you can minister to others .. WAY easier said than done I know. My thoughts are with you.

My day 'IN Court' was a lesson (or something) with regards to the Human Experience .. all I can say is 'WHOA .. sometimes life is totally replete with surprises and oddities' .. I, myself, am not a lover of surprises :-)

Take good care


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Taking a wee 'break' here before the MEAT of the day begins to unfold ..

Got the FRESH turkey on Friday as planned .. looks nice (as far as turkeys go) .. I guess we'll find out later today.
Have already cooked one of the vegetable dishes as there will be no room in the oven once the turkey moves in ..

Quite a soggy/humid day here in Thunder Bay .. reports have it that tomorrow we are going to get SUNK in rain .. however .. I'll believe that when i see it .. weather forecasting is definitely an inexact science !!

Hope everyone is taking care and enjoying the weekend ..


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Our Turkey is having a late appearance. Kids can't come till 7:45pm We'll check in on our friend and relieve those that are on the night watch. So far, very little progress, but also no real complications. (meningitis after the biopsy is resolving)

We still have much to be thankful for

Wishing you health and a good day with families or your family of choice.


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
DH is in California this weekend at a race and Nicole and I headed out to Grandma's.
We took the pie and shared a super meal with the rellies.
Now that the eating is done I'm back to the garden before the nasty stuff sets in.
We too have much to be thankfull for!

Linda give Cheryl a hug from me and enjoy the kids. Family counts big time. I'm sorry to hear about your friend 50 is young. It sounds like your other friend is holding her own and I'll send a prayer her way.

Marilynne I know that free range are way jucier! My sister used to grow her own and we had trouble getting them in the oven! It was the best turkey ever and I'm sure its because they weren't stuck in a stuffy barn. They walked about, ate bugs and grain and got veggie scraps, they kept the cats in check but left the dogs alone. She even had one stolen one year and called the RCMP, Ha! they didn't even come out!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning everybody and "Happy Thanksgiving" and do have a lot to be thankful for..it's been a good year...the best having family/friends to treasure....(including you all)...

I can't remember when we've had 3 entire days of high temps, vibrant colors for Thanksgiving..beautiful just to sit outside (hope you have)...I'm busy doing kits for Victorian Santa's that DG friends and I are doing on-line...almost done..will play outside later today..might even bring my sewing machine out on back deck to work on some Halloween costumes....got to get those 4 grandsons thinking of what they want to be a lot sooner than 2 weeks before....

Was so different with Melanie doing Thanksgiving Dinner at her home yesterday...I did do pies, but it was just not the same..should have held it here as always...

I called Sharon yesterday and her problems with her back are ruptured disks..so they will wait till MRI and decide what to do next...

Linda, sorry to hear about your friend..50 is so very young..my boys are nearing 40 and I think of them as young lads and when I think their father passed away at 47 I shudder realising just how young he really was....Thanksgiving..time to reflect on a lot of memories isn't it??? Sending prayers for others in need....

Thank you for your concern..makes the journey we travel that much lighter doesn't it knowing we've such friends...

Do enjoy today...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Morning all .. and an OFFICIAL Happy Thanksgiving !!

Linda, I do so hope your friend has remained stable and that you are holding your own as well.

Weather wise .. I have to admit .. even though it's raining now we had an awesome day (on and off) yesterday, some sun and very nice temps .. did a trail walk while the turkey was cooking .. by the way I am putting my order in for another FRESH turkey for next Thanksgiving .. it turned out very well.

Plan to enjoy the day as the rest of the week I am 'crazy busy'. Hallowe'en decorations are popping up hither, thither and yon out this way .. that particular event has certainly gained in popularity .. mostly with regards to the decorations.
Hope your boys put in their requests soon Betty .. they're lucky to have a Gramma that sews :-)

Am sending along a pic of the back trail .. because there was no sun at the time I took the pic .. the colours aren't that vibrant in the pic .. sure is pretty though :-) Don't know about your areas of the country .. but this year we have had a GREAT upsurge in the Wolf population, so, trail walking is done noisily and always in pairs ..

Enjoy your day


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Happy Thanksgiving to all. The stuffing is almost done - it never gets inside the turkey anymore. I did the pie last week. Will take it out of the freezer soon. My turkey has been stowed in extra fridge space at the Food Bank where I used to work since it closed on Friday. Will go get it soon.

We've been blessed with wonderful weather this weekend which has been a great help in getting some of the fall clean-up gardening done. I hope to get the bulbs which have been sitting in my hall for awhile planted today.

The election campaign is, thankfully, coming to a close. It WILL be interesting watching the results of this one.

I hope that all of you have a great day and feel as blessed as I do.



Happy Thanksgiving, all :-)
The Re-Affirmation went beautifully, and I Looooooooooove Banff!!!
When my DD & DSIL come by Nov 7-11, we Have to go to Banff!!
Here's a pic of us Friday eve @ the Reaffirmation with our piper-in the middle

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B

Here's a pic of two mule deer who came into town to visit the Safeway behind the trees lol

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B

And a pic of the mountains, towering over Banff! It's soooo impressive. I couldn't believe how cosy all those mountains surrounding us felt. We had a great view of the mountains from our room, as well as behind the hotel when we stepped outside.......

Thumbnail by Tallulah_B
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Lovely photos Tallulah. Thanks for sharing your special day with us. I share your enthusiasm for Banff. My Better Half and I were married at Banff springs Hotel, years, and years ago. Beautiful place.


The next time we go to Banff, we'll have to see the Banff Springs hotel - I hear it's beautiful, and a "millionaire" here in Calgary is building a house that is based on the hotel....... not pretentious or anything........... LOL
There's a lot of Banff we didn't get to see, but when my DD comes in November, we promised we'd show it to her (she's never been to Calgary, let alone Banff!)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wow, lovely photo's...lovely couple as well...been south almost from coast to coast and have done eastern Canada but have never gone west...DIL and son were there for a week this spring...I so enjoy looking at their photo's...

"M" no snow yet...lol
Was warm in the house when I left this morning, why I can't learn to leave a thermostat where it is and get through my noggin that it will not come on if it's at the desired temperature but will come on as the evening progresses and it gets cold...so here I am, just got home, had to put a sweater on, of course I love to be warm...

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving dinner....hate to think the next celebration will be Christmas...am doing some Christmas shopping, got 2009 season passes for Paramount Wonderland for everyone..think the dealine for getting discount is tomorrow..

Tomorrow I'm off to Frankenmuth..so excited, going to meet some dg friends that I've never met before..I'm a Christmas nut so being in that town which caters to Christmas all year round will be exciting..been there several times but always nice to go back....

Well better go pack my bags...4:45am comes early...

Hope everyone is healthy, doing well, enjoying the fall, seeing the last of your gardens in bloom...talk tomorrow..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Banff and Lake Louise have such amazing vistas love going there .. Susan .. your pics are lovely :-)

Betty .. believe it or else .. I see the LONG range (that being this Monday) DOES have rain/snow forecast !!!

Have the travelling Gnomes at my place so have been shuffling them about the property for a bit .. Friday or Saturday we will take them on a tour of Thunder Bay :-).

Enjoy Frakenmuth Betty .. sounds like a great place ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Having some cool but sunny days - great for finishing up putting the garden to bed!Supposed to be 17 tomorrow! Pretty much finished the back, now get to work on the front.

My new foster Shiloh is coming along bit by bit although he still sticks close to me in the house. He is learning to take treats and come when called out in the yard - got to start teaching him some basic commands but it is a lot easier to teach ( for me anyway) if they will take a treat as a reward. I think he will be with us for a few weeks as I dont think any of the current families looking will be apropriate for him.

Found this cute draft stopper at the dollar store last week. Bought a pattern for one years ago but never got around to making it.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Love that draft stopper, Carol. Too cute! Gotta check my Dollar Store...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Oh my Carol .. I do believe I have had cats in all those flavours LoL Like Don I'll have to have a boo in one of the Dollar Stores today.
Believe it or else .. TBay seems to have many and varied "Dollar Stores" . We have "Buck or Twos", Dollarama, Dollar Store, .99 cent Store .. doesn't much matter which way ya cut it though .. I tend to go a bit CRAZY when I get into one !! I have, however, stopped buying their food products (ie party crackers) because of the melamine scare in China which is where most of their stuff is made. But the 'nic nac and bric a brac' is fair game :-)

On with VCARS today .. am going to hedge my bets and take a chance at a trip to town with the Gnomes and my bud .. if I get a call I'll have to entrust them to her and leave them all at a TIMMIES !!



Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes we have a lot of different $ stores here too and I dont know which one it was that I purchased the stopper since I dont go there often! They only had the one.
Ive been haunting the dollar stores and liquidation stores looking for glassware to make a bird bath or feeder. (http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/576262/)

This message was edited Oct 17, 2008 7:10 AM

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Ohhh, I like those. Gotta start looking for clear vases and bowls. Saved that thread in my Favorites. Thanks for the "heads up", Carol. Cool idea.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Yumpin Yiminee!! Looked out the kitchen window .. and .. HALLOOOOO .. there was Momma Deer standing in the veg garden munching on what's left of the Kale .. I went out to shew her away .. but took the camera as well .. got 2 nice pics .. she hadn't noticed that I had put CORN out for her .. I couldn't get a 'good pic' of her 2 fawns .. they stayed tucked away in the woods ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Here she is at the DEER FEEDER !!! :-)


Thumbnail by MarilynneS

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