What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 9

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Saw a couple of those today too, while out for a bike ride.

Thumbnail by DonM47
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WONDERFUL pic Don :-) I get such a kick outta the deer when they bed down like that .. first time I saw one do it I thought she was injured .. I started to go towards her and she jumped up .. kicked up her heels and tail .. made this loud .. SHOOSH sound and off she went into the woods LoL ....



If anyone would like -
here's the full set of pics from our renewal of vows:

and Banff:

edited to say - it Does look like a link - but I thought it didn't LOL


This message was edited Oct 17, 2008 6:17 PM

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hi from Mont Tremblant.

We celebrate our 40th anniversary back in August and out kids gave us a certificate to a Fairmont Hotel. We've been to Montebello; so we decided to drive a bit further and visit the resort here at Tremblant. Pretty well all of it has been developed in the last 10 years but it's very picturesque and reminescent of European apline architecture. Supposed to be chilly this weekend, but otherwise good weather; so we are hoping for a good time.


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Lovely shows, Tallulah. Thanks for letting us share your Magical Weekend.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Wow a lot has happened in the week since I've checked this.
Tallulah, blessings to you.
Marilynne, I get tired just thinking about all that you do!. We saw 2 fawns with their mom just down the road this week. I stopped the car, opened the window and they just looked at me. I ended up having to clap my hands to get them to move back into the bush. There's too many cars arouns here for them.
Bettypause I hope you get some great ornaments.
ViolaAnn, have a wonderful weekend.
Ann, hope you and Dd had a wonderful dinner.
Thanks everyone for the support. Our Turkey was half cooked when the power went out over the lower half of vancouver island. Needless to say, it was a late dinner. I almost put it on the bbq but the power came back about 45 minutes later. Our friend that had the brain abscess spent 7 days in a dark and quiet room with antibiotics running. In the wee hours of Thursday this week she was in the OR having the golfball size abscess removed. She's still weak on her left side but has really done well all things considered.
Iit's nice to see the boys are in TBay.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WOW ... Susan .. what amazing photos .. both sets .. Love the McKenzie tartan .. my VERY favourite though is the Buchanan .. just because of the yellow and red in it :-) .. I bought some in Edinburgh the last time I was home (home being Belfast .. but Scotland is always on the trip agenda) I have yet to have someone DO something with it ... you've all seen me post this before .. but TRULY 'procrastination is my middle name' ..

Linda .. what a relief (of sorts) with regards to your friend .. I hope and pray her recovery will be a steady progression to her optimum wellness ..

Mount Tremblant must be 'ablaze' with colour now? Or have the leaves fallen Ann ? I'm sure it wouldn't matter, any of the times I have seen it featured in an article or on TV I have thought it to be quite the spectacular place .. enjoy your time there ..

My day will revolve around "The Gnomes' .. have several places to take them today .. so I really should get a shuffle on .. I say 'shuffle' because after having had Lilly out for her wee morning constitutional, I am a bit chilly .. we got a HEAVY frost last night .. quite cool here at the moment .. but it looks as though it'll be a sunny day .. fingers crossed ..

Everyone enjoy your weekend !!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Hello, rainy day here in Toronto but that's ok..I'm teach a morning workshop on making Iris Folding Christmas cards on Saturday morning and have about 100 to cut out and organize materials...half done so know what I'll be up to tomorrow...

Had so much fun in Frankenmuth, Michigan...largest Christmas store in the world...I believe it..have been there several times and each time I'm overwhelmed...shopped at the Outlets (125 stores) and no didn't do them all..went to the RiverWalk, beautiful bavarian type chalet boutiques so by the time I got home I was exhausted...then yesterday afternoon the lady who feeds the animals and cuts my grass dropped in, suggested with the possible threat of flurries that she'd help me close the gardens...not a chore I was looking forward to but it went without mishap..still have to close the pond...take gazebo cover/screen off..and done..then I'll sing let it snow, let it snow....

I have about 30 kits to get out for the Victorian Santa..there was a pick up notice in my mail box so imagine it was the hair, if so, I can get them all shipped out this week..hate the thoughts of driving in myself every day this week but it's a must..will afford me the opportunity of picking up more material for the costumes...

Ooops time to go home..talk later...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty .. I wish you all the best in your endeavours ... I swear .. were I closer I'd give you a hand .. you're so busy !!!!
Closing the gardens .. uggggggggg .. what can I say .. I cut down then dug up the Cannas today .. good grief .. I have a wheelbarrow full of bulbs !! Tomorrow they go into the cooler at the cemetery (where my bud works) .. or .. if she feels they are not 'clean enough' it'll be next week ..
I left the Mums and Rudbeckia and Obediant plant .. still WAY too pretty to hack down.
We had a 5 minute 'ice pellet' shower this afternoon .. YIKES .. sure brought the thoughts of a full out snowfall to mind .. not a very pleasant thought .. temps here are dropping consistently ...

The GNOMES are gone .. had the BEST time with them .. we went to places that we haven't seen in YEARS !!! Such a great idea .. and I'd do it again in a heart beat :-)

Time to whip up a 'culinary miracle'


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" it rained pretty heavy on our way home, temperature sure has dropped..cool in the house tonight, must go 'up' the furnace...sure would love to have you closer....

The hair/beard for the Victorian Santa dg workshop finally came in so once I put eardrops in (wow my ear aches) have my hot bath might just come downstairs and finish packaging the kits...

I do work better in the early morning..must drive into the city myself the rest of the week so if I got up extra early, just might be able to get it done before leaving...

ice pellets..yuk....oh happy days..guys are moving into their new Toronto location this week..we get our office closer to home in December..each time I pass Dunlop St. in Barrie I get antsy...let's hope Hertz moves out early so we can move in by the end of November...

Best get at it...

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I never thought I'd say it must be great to have a friend in the cemetery! What a great staff perk for you to be able to put your Canna's in a safe cool place!
I have my "chunks" drying on the deck but must remember to bring them in before I go to bed or they will freeze. We did have a -7 the other night and that is just a tad too cold.
My great neighbor allows me to put my Canna's in her cold room in the basement. Not quite as interesting as your special spot but it has worked for 3 years so far.
It just started to cloud over late in the day so tomorrow may bring some "stuff" but they are promising it for the weekend.

Linda , I have cooked a turkey on the BBQ and it was fabulous. I'm glad things all worked out in the end. Don't we rely on things every day that are taken for granted.
All you folks seem so busy I don't know how you have time to type and it makes me think i've got it easy.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

24F here as I type this .. the woodstove is burning and i am hoping we don't get any 'stuff' :-)

Yep .. I must say that that ONE wee perk with regards to the cemetery is a BIGGIE .. but .. stangely enough .. I so enjoy just walking the grounds .. the cemetery is located outside the city in the country .. so it's usually very quiet and very picturesque.
Annabell your neighbour is a sweetheart to let you use her cold room.

Probably breakdown today and cutback the Mums and Rudbeckia .. I sure do NOT want to get caught with them under a foot or more of snow .. their beauty is etched in my memory .. that'll have to do ..

Take care everyone


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" omg left home at 6:30, raining, got abut 5 miles down the road and had snow for about 30 miles, then back to rain...sure wish I could tell you it wasn't so, but think it could head your way...

Sunday a friend dropped in for a visit, when I'm away she comes in to look after the animals, cuts my grass etc. so I had called to say I had a gift for her from my travels...before she leaves she says 'come on, I'll help you close the gardens' last think I wanted to do but did, now I'm so glad that is behind me..Greg brought me the 'Foxy Lady' done in 'shrink' wrap, now sitting pretty next to the tree line for the winter...
he helped me last weekend closing in back deck, he thought it was a little early to do so but NOT!!!

Sat. I teach the 'iris folding' Christmas card technique at my place in the morning and knowing who is coming most likely will be aft. by the time they leave, so Sunday it will be the pond, taking the sunflower door art down and the painted muskoka chair set I have on front lawn...once Halloween is done, the front deck can be done....lots of work when you are on your own...
Amen to the turkey on the b.b.q. - yummy...when I do my turkey in the oven I pour beer from time to time and it keeps it so moist...

Annabelle, if you get snow this early will it likely stay???

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Folks
Snow has been known to stay and the kids have had to trudge through it at Halloween but not always. We also have had no snow till after Christmas and that made skating on the lake very grande as the whole thing was like an icerink and you could see down into the lake like it was out into space.
Yes! my neighbor is a dear, she and I are going for Flu shots and then out to lunch today.
She is my Moms age so I feel that if I am helping her then some one hopefully will be there to help my Mom who is in Calgary. At any rate she is a wonderful friend for our Family.
I REALLY like the pour the beer thing while cooking turkey, I'm thinking pour the wine into me then check the bird. LOL
It's very windy today and quite chilly but the sun is bright so that is all that matters.
Cheers to all

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Snow here anytime of the year but it rarely sticks long in Calgary because of the chinooks - unless it is a huge dump and the temps stay low! We have had 'brown' Xmases (?SP) for several years now.

Car in to OK Tire today - it has been 'whistling' for a week or soon, guys thought it was brake pads but called to say it is rotors so they will fix/replace ( whatever I am not very car savvy) and also replace the brake pads although they say I could get some more mileage out of them I prefer to be safe than sorry. Since it is not month end when the pensions come in it will have to go on the credit line!

Nice day, cool but sunny which is nice - the car place is about a 15 minute walk from me and I take the dogs, walk them home and walk back to get the car whenever.

Should get out and finish cleaning up the front yard. Wanted to bake cookies but missing one ingredient and of course no car!

Foster Shilo is doing nicely= we have several inquiries for him and are getting home visits done mostly this week. Took him for a brief visit with a friend on the weekend who was down for a doggie seminar - she is doing a home visit in Edmonton for us this week.I had to lift him in the car but he jumped out himself and also jumped in again! Progress!

A bit of a commotion yesterday morning in the LR while I was working on the computor, got up and walked over - Shiloh and Fancy stare at me innocently - go away, commotion starts again - get up to see - innocent stares again! Shilo and Fancy were wrestling which is absolutely great - a first! They kept it up for about 15 mins then Bailey decided he wanted to play with Fancy so that excluded Shilo. He kept running in to me as if to say is this OK? Again this morning. Usually Bailey is the tolerant one this time it is Fancy .

I've had to go buy some chew sticks for them as Shilo has decided he needs to chew lots of things - like my slippers and the fringe on the carpet etc.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Gotta love puppies, hopefully Shilo will get a wonderful home. We had our brakes done earlier this month, 450 bucks that wasn't in our budget. Hope it's cheaper for you.

We're having some lovely sunny days and clear cool nights, but the rains will come.

A celebration of life to attend today, then in to see out friend that is recovering amazingly well from her brain abscess. She'll still be in hospital for weeks, but we're seeing her spark come through.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Been watching my FAVE channel off and on today .. of course I am referring to 'The Weather Channel' LoL
Just saw some pics from the Peterborough area .. YIKES .. snow and lots of it ... as well as North Bay and into Quebec as well.
Betty .. your ride into work this morning sounds as though it was NO FUN at all !! I can imagine you can hardly wait for the office to open nearer to you ..

We had cool'ish' temps as the day wore on .. but NO precip in the form of snow or anything else .. I did get the Perennial garden (the big one) fully cleaned .. broke my heart !! I almost made up a bouquet .. but decided it was plain silly as the petals were falling off the flowers as I jostled the stems .. now I have a big mound of dirt with 'sticky uppy' things in it ..

Linda ... what totally awesome news re your friend ....

Carol .. sure hope Shilo is placed soon and to everyones liking .. with regards to the brakes .. uggggggg .. cars .. can't live with'em .. can't live without'em.

Pasta on the go for supper .. best go check the sauce ..



Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" you just reminded me, had spaghetti at the restaurant, hardly ate so took it back to the office, put it on the office cupboard, forgot to put it in the refrigerator and then about 4pm Paul told us to leave, storming out, yep..white stuff..wasn't a nice ride home so forgot my supper...garbage tomorrow ...did the same on the weekend when I started to put all the garden art away, nothing but a few flowers, thought I'd make a bouquet but thought they should stay and add a bit of color..after today, garden season has ended...few more pieces to put away this weekend...

Kids just called checking on their costumes...I purchased the Abominal snowman material today..sewing machine is out, getting ready to sew..must be done by Sunday so they can be delivered to the city....hmmm no rest for the wicked...

Carol, would you like to keep Shilo??? Guess you can't keep every dog you give care to...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

No I dont want to keep Shiloh! I have 2 of my own ( plus 2 cats) and I learnt early on that that is quite enough and no matter how much I might like a foster we all give a sigh of relief when they leave and we are back to normal!

What it has changed for me is what I will consider doing if I lose one or both of my two ( they are 11 1/2 years old now) I had previously thought I would take a young adult but I am 70 next year and one thing to consider is the life of the dog vs ones own age, If I feel under those circumstance that I still want a dog I would adopt an older rescue dog who only has a few years left and is not so easily adoptable as the young ones.

There is a rescue in Washington state called Old Dog Haven ( http://www.olddoghaven.org/) and one of the great things they do is foster older unadoptable dogs until they die. I think I would like to do that.

This message was edited Oct 21, 2008 6:21 PM

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

What a wonderful website!
I can tell you that there are older pets at the SPCA . Nicole and I spent 2.5hrs there adopting a hamster. They had to make sure the family was compatible. We did see a few older dogs on the list and they seemed to be there for a longer time.

Re: your Breaks, Lots of times your rotors are shot and need "turning"at the same time the break pads are. This means they machine a new surface that is free of blemishes and breakpad stuff. Or if you had agressive break pads they can wear your rotor's very quickly and you will need to put new ones in. For what it's worth it's best to change the pads anyway as the hours it takes to take it all apart again can happen sooner than later and this way you don't pay twice.
I am lucky as my DH can do this at home. He doesn't do much in the garden but sure is a big help with the car.

Happy to hear your friend and her brain are doing well!


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yeah Ann thats what I did! $253.00!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I'm thinking $253. isn't too bad for work on brakes? I know I paid WELL over $400. a few years back .. not sure what was done .. but it was 'brakey' :-)

On my Carol .. I think you plan with regards to 'Elder Canine Care' is such a wonderful idea. Lilly will be 2 this coming February, and if all goes well .. we'll have another Westie puppy in perhaps April .. the Mom (Lilly's Mom but different Dad) is to be bred in November. The ramifications of a new puppy are still rattling around in my brain .. kinda scares me as I seem to become the 'primary care giver', at least until 'things' are on track .. but .. using a crate with Lilly made potty training a breeze.

Betty .. whoa .. Abominal Snowman !! Am wishing you luck !! Hope it's not too big a job ..
Also crossing my fingers you have NO SNOW today !!

My Hospice Day today .. I am off and running ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Still sounds like a lot of money though..I have to go out get snowtires..last year car was brand new and they said it wasn't necessary...I've put a lot of miles on since then lol and with snow yesterday thought I'd better get in before the rest of the world books their....

No snow this morning but soooo cold...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Jeepers .. this whole 'snow tire' thing has me in a tizzy .. do I .. or.. don't I ? I have 'All Season' Radials on mine .. but I can see the validity of a REAL snow tire ... my parents used them all the time ..
Can Tire has a deal on right now .. I best NOT procrastinate !!! (again)

LONG day .. mentally exhausted .. so it'll be an early night for me .. my Hospice client again went home for 4 hours and we went through several more boxes ..

Thursday is Grade 12 girls lunch :-) always a 'picker upper' !!!

GREAT weather here .. sunny and cool ..


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Sunny and reasonable warm here today. 14C. Spent the afternoon doing a bed cleanup and adding a soil enhancement. Still hasn't been cold enough for my roses to drop their leaves yet, so I can't wrap my hybrid T's or mulch. Needs to be done before we head south...sigh

Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Its been just great weather here the last week...sunny and warmish... Ive been training which is still in the beginning stages..walking and running...and trying to do a min of 2hrs a day..and boy are my legs sore. I have major shin splits, but my new doggie is very happy to say the least. I have a new rescue black lab again...and so happy about it....5yrs old....Ill try to post some pics soon...my computer and camera dont like each other right now...lol

Anyways been going to this local park here and I didnt know that wild blackberries still grew this time of year. Over the last week Ive come across a huge patch of them that stretches over a mile or so....some still green, others red and not to many left that are black now...as I think Ive found them all..I must have eaten at least one of those small little baskets that you buy at the store today...very yummy!

Just got off duty and off to bed...more running again early AM..wish me luck

This message was edited Oct 23, 2008 12:28 AM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Cooling off here and windy but the sun is still shining - I goofed off yesterday, should have been out finishing the yard clean up. Maybe today .

However I did spend a couple of hours at the Hort society painting flower pots. Volunteer event coming up, special speaker David Tarrant who is now living in Mexico so Volunteer Coord. wanted to have a Mexican theme. Large and small flower pots are for table center pieces with a plant in - she hopes to get little peper plants. and they will be 'door' prizes. Just 3 of us but we had fun!

Last evening did a home evaluation for a couple who want to adopt a rescue sheltie ( hopefully Shilo) We actually have 3 possibilities and maybe another coming in. It will not be an easy decision this time! I took Fancy with me ( not Shilo as he is rather timid and I did not want their first view of him to be crouching on the doorstep afraid to go in!) (Fancy waltzed in, said Hi and lay down and went to sleep! )So they will come to visit him on Saturday. I am also getting a local trainer who I have worked with to come and do an evaluation on the dog with suggestions to pass on to new owner.

I have a light outside my back door that I leave on 24/7 ( except when it burns out and my neighbor across the lane tells me!) lately I have one of the mini florescent bulbs in it. .
Happened to look up at the wall this morning when I was unleashing the dogs and it is 'covered' with dead moths! ( at least I think they are dead) Never saw this before!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Kinda got rained out today, but it was still warm enough for shorts and tshirt...sorry about that for all you Easterners...lol
I still did better than yesterday...and completed a 19.8KM run/walk....whooooo...Im really tired and gonna go to bed here very soon. I also had a chance to clean half my deck..ohhhh and theres just so much more to do...but it looks pretty good otherwise..I tried to attempt it last week I think, but had to walk the doggie...

My Dukey and I are off to bed...hope all of you have sleepy dreams...

This message was edited Oct 23, 2008 6:43 PM

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Carol .. I think the Moths aren't dead. The ones that hang on the wall like that are usually doing that to keep warm and await the night when they start to fly around the light again. Some of those Moths are pretty boring in texture and colour, but some can be magnificent. We get ones on the garage door under our Mercury light that look like a piece of birch bark, or a withered Ash leaf or my favourite in High Summer .. the beautiful Luna Moths ..

Hope you slept well Sydney .. I know I fer sure would have having done all that .. in fact. .. I probably wouldn;t wake up !!!

I actual have a free day today .. time to touch base with some friends and get some cleaning done.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend :-)


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

AKkkkkkkkkkkk .. my 'friend .. who is absolutely NUTSY KOO KOO about CHRISTMAS just called to inform me her plans are set for her BOXING DAY Get together in 2 months time and I should consider myself invited !! I am stunned .. and so NOT even thinking that far ahead .. guess she gave me a REAL wake up call LoL

Sunny off and on here today .. been doing my FAVOURITE thing (ala Julie Andrews) ,, HOUSE CLEANING !!! Gag me ... This Thursday we are being 'INSPECTED' by a fella from our Insurance Company !! I am, of course, am in a tizz. From what I gather the company computer spits out random addresses and we were one of them .. can't win the lottery, but, can be one of the 'selected few' who are being visited. Been with the company for 18+ years and have never had a claim !!
Checked our fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors .. all is good there .. guess we are just a titch worried re the 18yr old woodstove. It was professionally installed and gets cleaned yearly .. but .. have heard some 'horror stories' re how these Insurance company folks can walk in and require it to be removed :-( Guess we'll find out.
Curious as to if any of you have had this pleasure ?

Best get back at it .. hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning was missing in action but now have everything under control, well almost..."M" you make me laugh saying it's 2 months away...it will seems like days before you know it, get at it gal..

Did some shopping in Frankenmuth (World's larges Christmas shop) if a visit there doesn't put you in the mood then nothing will..

Shipped all those packages last week (that was a job in itself) to the DG friends who are doing the Victorian Santa on-line workshop, had a card making class Saturday (was organized but was a lot of work to prep for it) it went extrememly well - 10 in attendance...the Sunday from noon to 2 this morning I did costumes..soooo been busy..need to prepare for 3 more workshops and then I can enjoy the 'jingle bell' season myself...

It would be a tie between me and your girlfriend...I am so crazy over Christmas...rest assured probably Sat. after I take in Halloween things and put away the inside decorations I'll most likely be taking some 'christmas pretties' out..infact..have two out now..one just waiting for the witch to be taken down on the door and the santa wreath holder put up...I took a few years off decorating, with Roger dying on New Years Day and my coming home to Christmas things I just didn't want to see them...gave them all away to the kids so had to start fresh when I decided that death is a part of life and part of me died with not having my 'treasures'..everyone says it's like walking into Santa's house....will take photo's this year to show you all...

Fancyvan, sure hope the couple want to adopt Shilo

Sydney, rain seems to be over all of us..drove into the City in heavy rains, wind and a few flakes...rained all weekend..better than nice weather for me as I didn't have time to look outside..tooo busy...few more things to do before the snow...better get at it this weekend, nothing planned so I'll put it on my 'to do' list..

Photo of some of the cards the girls did Sat. doesn't show the beauty and the glitter of them, but will give you an idea...all but 2 were seniors and they loved it..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

They did 5 each, now watch out there will be hundreds out there travelling through the postal service system..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Braedon wanted to be a 'dead bride groom' OK...enjoyed making it, however he wanted worms and creatures on it...bought fishing realistic bait..YUK and at 1:00am in the morning sticking the sewing needle in them was horrible..hope he appreciated for sacrifice I made...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Now for Caleb, he wanted to be an abominable snowman...specific requirements...costume house 'frightnight' had one...$750.00 so we won't go there..search 3 Toronto costume places for face mask suitable...none...so yesterday I had to be creative...bought a monster mask which had hands with it..purchased 3/4 meter of fur at Fabricland (can you imagine I went to town and had to wait till noon for the stores to open - then they cry because no one shops in the mall) anyway, $34.99 a meter...wow...how many more years before these children outgrow Halloween?????

By the time I finished well lets just say I could have stayed up and come to work without having to make a bed..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Luckily Caleb's costume I made last year fit Noah so that is one costume less to make...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Kyle wants to be a Blackberry or an ipod...so must get creative, only days left..lol

Wonder why I couldn't sleep, nightmares....hmmmm

This message was edited Oct 27, 2008 9:46 AM

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

You certainly are a creative genius Betty. Your grandkids are lucky to have you. Great work!

Victoria Harbour, ON

They are almost at an age that Halloween costumes will no longer be needed...pray that they don't tell their children I know how to sew..lol

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Your snowman costume made me giggle...My kid wanted to be a polar bear a few years ago. Good luck trying to find that in a store. I made it out of white felt from Walmart. The booties are the down slippers from the Jysk store, which slipped over her shoes fine. The nose is a paper cup with the felt glued to it.

It was a fun project. I don't remember how much the felt was though.


Thumbnail by joannabanana
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

So Cute! Good job, Joanne.

This message was edited Oct 27, 2008 9:15 AM

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