What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 9

Victoria Harbour, ON

Adorable Joanne, each year they want to be something a little more challenging..think it's their mothers that say 'Grandma Betty can do better than I, she can make anything...' have to have a talk with them...costly too...lol worth it! they are only young once..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks all,

This year, she wanted to be 1/2 Angel; 1/2 Devil. Told her she didn't really need a costume at all for that. This is what I came up with

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Very creative! I have fond memories of making costumes for my children when they were young. :) Now my grandkids are too far away to be of any help. They do have a Baba on the their end though, that does a great job of helping out. I can only enjoy the photos sent now. I look forward to it.

Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG Joanne, and they think I'm created...think we'd better team up and go into costume making ...lol..how old is she?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

She's 10. She wore it on Saturday to a costume B-Day party and it was a hit with all the other little girls. I don't sew clothing, but enjoy the costume stuff...doesn't need to be perfect. I usually make baby blankets made with 2 receiving blankets for extra thickness. The last set was for our 1st twins in the family. My neighbor has a fancy embroidery machine & I personalized the blankets for them.

Victoria Harbour, ON

I can understand why she'd be a hit...
I have the embroidery machine -Janome but it's wasted on me..into so many other crafts that I rarely use it..just embroidered name/weight/birth on a knitted blanket for my niece..want to do some Christmas pieces and make them into Christmas cards..oh so much to do..

I was so tired yesterday, looked forward to going home and into bed...but my sump pump/back up sump pump had other ideas..thank goodness for wet vac and towels...

So today I'm sitting quietly here at work, will have a mini nap, let's hope I don't start snoring....lol

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Betty, I just don't know how you do it all! Don't overdue it...your health is everything.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Don, my entire family must have been high voltage wired...none of us ever stop..one day we WILL!!!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Yep, everybody's power gets shut off sooner or later. ^_^

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Jeepers .. everyone is so busy bein 'crafty' .. I do NOT sew !! Buttons I can do .. maybe mend a sock .. that's it.

Had a pleasant surprise today .. rec;d a letter from the Attorney General .. now if THAT doesn't make you nervous before even opening the letter I don't know what will !!!! I opened the letter and discovered that I have been nominated for the Attorney General's award for work with Victims Services .. could have knocked me over with a feather !! Happy it's just a nomination .. I think there are others out there far more deserving .. I tend to shy away from the spotlight on things like this .. am hoping there were LOTS of other nominees.

Gorgeous day here .. cool, yes, but ooooooo that SUN !!! :-)

Still preparing for the arrival of the Insurance Inspector on Thursday and have touched base with some folks who have left me with the impression that 'ya get what ya get' .. some of these people are quick and gone, whereas some can be tedious and draw it out .. I hope for the former thanks :-)

Trying a Thai recipe for supper .. I best go squeeze a couple of limes !!


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Congratulations Marilynne. What a honour! You certainly must have been worthy to have received a nomination for such a prestigeous award. ^_^

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - that's a wonderful honour! Great news.

I'm afraid that I've been sort of MIA from here for awhile. Taking the lads sight-seeing in Ottawa yesterday got me behind on various things. Like some of you, I've got crafts on the go. Specifically, 4 pairs of Santa Claus Mitts for the church bazaar. Trouble is, I've got a trip to Germany 3 days before the bazaar. I'm only likely to get 2 pairs finished and might have to make a certificate for 2 more pairs to be finished before the end of November.

I still have the gnomes and will have them until Friday morning when I will send them on their way - to cybercrone, I think. I want to take them to handbell practice on Thursday evening.

I'm still on duty for the Coffee thread this month. Must head over there and start the new thread for tomorrow.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks everyone for your 'congrats' .. I am honoured, but, I truly hope IF I do receive the award that it is NOT made into some HUGE auspicious occasion .. I simply do NOT do that sorta stuff well. The cost of airfare /meals etc could be much more easily donated to the VCARS organization here or one of the units in the north.

Ann .. your pics with the GNOMES are so lovely .. everyone should see Ottawa from your vantage points :-)

Have my Hospice client today .. going to her home again from the Unit to go through pics and papers .. her home has been sold .. no idea when the closing date is, but, I am sure she will be sad.

Got my hair cut yesterday .. I don't know about the rest of the ladies on this site .. but .. HOLY COW !!! What the heck happens to yer hair during the night the day after you have it cut and all 'froofed up' ?? Looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket this morning ~~ guess I'll have to wash it and redo it .. as Frank Sinatra would say .. "I'll do it MY way" LoL

Hope anyone who got snow, got less than expected and that it melts IMMEDIATELY if not sooner .. a cool day here .. no precip in our future .. and we'd sure appreciate it for the septic field !!

Take care


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - I flatly refuse any hair spray or gunk on my hair and it helps, but sometimes it's still sticking up just after I get it cut. It WILL get cut next Tuesday which is a full week early. It should last for 6 weeks, but it's been shaggy for 1 1/2 weeks already. I tend to tip based on how I liked the LAST haircut. No tip this time!

We have 11 + cm of fresh snow. More in some places. Might get a chance to make a snow castle with the lads. But I haven't finished their winter capes! I WILL take them to the Food Cupboard to volunteer today at noon. They are being so well fed on this trip that they need to learn about those who can't afford to buy food to eat.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

The chinook may bring our temp to +20C today. It is really dry & have to water everything.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Very foggy here this morning, now I'm off to take my computer to the shop. I downloaded the windows XP service pack 3, and now when I turn on the computer, i can hear the fan starting, but that's all. Our friend that had the brain abscess... was doing great until she got a leg blood clot. She's doing the 2 steps forward, one step back dance. so still another week or 2 in hospital.

I looked around yesterday for something to make a bit of a lean to type of shelter for my tender plants. I looked at clear corrogated plastic, remember the wavy fiberglass stuff, well I thought it would be great, until I saw 35 dollars each!.

Back to brain storming. Congrats Marilynne you do deserve it, and here's wishes that the snow is gone by now.



ooooops - have to check to see where the Lads are........ guess a new thread was started and I didn't know lol

Marilynne!! congrats on being nominated :-))
I understand where you're coming from, on the $$ to be better spent - lovely of you, and so typical of you to think of others, rather than promoting yourself - you're wonderful!!

It's already 17 here, and yes, Joannabanana - it'll get Nicer :-)

Hope the nice weather holds for when my DD & S-i-L comes to Calgary on the 7th - 11th! It'll be sooooo good to see them.

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" congratulations of your nomination, that in itself is something to be proud of...I'm you you give it your all...are you still working? thought you gave it up about a month or so ago...

Yep, we had snow to drive through on our way to work this morning...lordy not looking forward to it at all..can tell I'm getting older...

Tallulah_B, am sure that it's just teasing and we'll have weeks of sunshine left...but just incase I'll put the pond to bed this weekend...hate to do it....

Linda sure hope your friend doesn't have more set-backs..blood clots are so worrysome...

My sister Sharon will have her back surgery either Tuesday or a week Tuesday...in talking with her today it's the first time in a long time that she wasn't crying...hoping all will be well!

Tired tonight so off to bed I go..
night/night all...

if I missed anyone, I'm waving hello...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks to all of you for your congrats :-) I don't want to sound unappreciative re the honour .. my hospice client feels I am a 'meek soul' .. I tend to agree .. I would prefer to have the monies that would be spent on sending me east to receive an award , spent on someone who is in need of airfare to receive treatment 'wherever' ..

Linda .. your poor bud will be one bruised lady on discharge from Hosp .. BUT .. at least she'll be discharged alive .. always a GREAT thing :-)
Re the corrugated plastic .. hmmmmmmmmm .. can't say if I have ever seen it .. but .. anything 'over and above' PLAIN has got to be pricey ..

We are apparently going to enjoy the Western Chinook tomorrow .. so .. it is going to be the FINAL shutdown of the yard day .. PLUS .. our 'Home Invasion' (Inspection) takes place at 9am .. Lilly goes for her grooming at 10am .. phew .. I better go to BED :-)

Take care


Victoria Harbour, ON

Think we're enjoying the Chinook as well, lovely outside..off to the city to work and I'm sure it will be an enjoyable ride, no worry about road conditions, at least not yet..

Can't remember if I told you all as of December 1st I'll be in a new Barrie office..no longer a 100 miles drive to Toronto every day, I'll be able to leave at 8am get coffee/donuts and be to work on time..oh happy days!

You are a kind soul "M", sometimes one must accept these honors and the fashion that they are given..shows the appreciation of individuals who do the difficult task you all do...know I couldn't...takes a special person...you my dear are that person, so enjoy the glory, if not the award then the knowledge that you've been nominated...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Hokey doodle Betty .. FINALLY you are CLOSE to home .. or .. soon to be .. great news for sure :-)
Hope all with Sharon turns out well .. I think it will :-)

Believe it or else .. TBay reached a HIGH of 21C today .. I actually got a SUN BURN !!! Was feeling rather awful as I took Lilly to be groomed this morning .. BUT .. she was feelin her WHEATIES this afternoon as she ROLLED in the grass !! So much for her sparkling white fur LoL

The Inspection guy arrived (after instructions) at 8:50am .. he was here approx 20 minutes .. very nice Nfldr fella .. not EXTREMELY young :-) We now await the arrival of a letter telling us whats what ..

Off to make supper


Victoria Harbour, ON

Isn't it exciting, the weather is A+ double digits, it's a Friday, all those little gaffers/ gobblins and ghosts will soon arrive...omg..Halloween is no longer inexpensive...yep, 3 cases of 60 bags of chips, 6 cases of pop, chocolate bars, special treats for the special kiddies and I guess I'll not go shopping tomorrow as they'll all be eating my grocery money..lol..(not quite but almost)

So looking forward to it, have the Halloween music blarring, front dec. decorated ever so pretty, fogger going, now I must hurry and dress myself up...old hag...not far off the target am I???? lol...

Do enjoy your evening...

Made your my camera is charged....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

No worries re a charged camera here .. we will be LUCKY to get ONE visitor .. in fact .. I anticipate NONE .. we have a long dark driveway .. and country kids are being taken to town now to do their trick or treating .. or .. they have a party at school and call it good ..
I miss seeing the kidlettes all dressed up .. when we lived in the city it was amazing to watch them grow and mature.

ANOTHER wonderful sunny day here .. a bit chillier than yesterday .. but still very very nice :-)
We apparently broke a temp record yesterday with 22.8C !!

Hope everyone enjoys their evening :-)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

A nice day here - not hugely warm but enough to enjoy being out in the yard, almost finished the fall clean up. Still a few asters in bloom . At least the kids will not have to wear parkas and snowboots this evening. We dont have hardly any kids in our neighborhood although there are more than there were -20 years ago when I moved in and I dont do Halloween!- Turn out the lights and unplug the door bell!

Had a session this afternoon with a local trainer re Shiloh foster who goes to his new home Sunday morning! He has been with me a month and has made great progress but it is always good to have professional advice. She doesnt charge me either which is also pretty nice since normally a private session with her is $75.00 ! I have done obedience and rally training with her and I am going to recommend to Shilohs new family that they take puppy manners classes with her.

Tomorrow afternoon is a special event for the Hort. Society volunteers and David Tarrant is speaking - Those of you who are gardeners will probably recognize the name - he was at UBC for many years and had a great TV program but now retired and living in Mexico. Last week several of us got together and decorated clay pots to give a mexican tone to the tables.

Have a great weekend. Dont eat too much Haloween candy!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Carol .. OH MY .. David Tarrant is just wonderful. I was an avid watcher of his show 'Canadian Gardener' (I think)
Enjoy the presentation and the Mexican clay pots are a wonderful touch :-)

Wishing you all the best with Shiloh and his new family ..


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

New thread started, November 1st


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