Jacksonville Zoo Tour

Jacksonville, FL

Probably. Sometime I could litterally shoot my computer. I was having problems with load time, being slow etc and thought it was my computer , so I defraged it. No change. So I mentioned it to my best friend and her husband knows alot about computers and he checked it out and said it was the DSL,, ironically they now have bellsouth too.

Sometime the weather or pooling water can affect the cables which are generally buried underground. Or at least that's what I've been told.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the info. I think I will turn it off and go to bed. LOL

Jacksonville, FL

Just running thru--it's been one hectic day!! Raining here now which I love! If anyone has any extra pots to spare that they can bring to the zoo tour I would very much appreciate it!!! I will need alot so I can dig up the plants I have in the ground and pot up for the winter so I can overwinter spring. Some I can transplant now next door when I have time but many I want to pot up for now.
Jeremy---Sherre was so delighted with the Cat's whiskers and said to thank you so much!!!
Gotta run back out in the rain! draining pond that I am moving Sunday. And going in 50 different directions!
See everyone sat!!

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Follow me to the new site, ours was getting a little long. : )


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