Jacksonville Zoo Tour

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Our trip to Charleston was great. Too short though. All the plants survived. Even the cuttings looked great when we got home.
DS loved the Citadel. It might be where he ends up going next year.
Wish I lived closer so I could join you all at the zoo.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)


The Citadel is a great school. My DH graduated from their Engineering program back in '81. His education has served him well. Best wishes to your DS.

Glad you were able to make it to the get-together, and hopefully we will see you again.

Have a great weekend.


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone,

My mind is already thinking about what we can do next. Does UF have a touring garden? Of course we do have the Jacksonville Arboretum and Garden, which has their grand opening, Saturday, November 15th. What do you all think?


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

The Arboretum sounds like a good trip. I'm not sure how crowded it would be for the grand opening, though.

UNF (which is probably the school you meant) has some nature trails. I've not been through them for years.

At some point, we might want to pay a visit to Leslie Pierpont's native plant nursery in the Ortega area. We would probably need to make the arrangements well in advance -- possibly sometime in the spring.

Maggie's Herbs down around St. Augustine on SR 13 is always a good trip. Most culinary herbs do best here in the cool weather early in the year.

Just throwing out some possibilities. Others may know some good field trip spots as well.


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Jeremy, I was thinking University of Florida, I thought they might have an area that is open to visitors. I have not heard of the nursery in Ortega, but I had heard about UNF's walking trails. I would love to go to Maggies, I have heard a lot about it. All right you all, let's come up with some ideas.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I've not heard of anything like that at UF. They have the Butterfly Garden, but a minor one. There is the Kanapaha Bot. Gardens in Gainesville. 60 acres of it, give or take.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

By the way... does the zoo take Visa/Debit bank cards?

Also, do you think I can get a stamp or something to go back into the zoo after we are finished?


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

That is a very nice garden. There is Washington oaks state gardens below Marine land

and Makay state gardens over in Tallahassee but it is at their best when the Camillas are blooming. there is also three extremely nice nurseries over there!!!!!!!!!


Jacksonville, FL

My friend's parents run Kanapaha and I used to live in the caretaker residence on the propety with my friend ( RIP Summer) right when we graduated highschool. Don and Jordan are great and Kanapaha was the best yard I ever had! They started this garden themselves. Don actually lost his arm to Mojo, the resident gator in the pond, several years ago. I haven't spoke to them in ages. It's been kind of hard after Summer's death ( 13 years ago) and I have only made one trip back since her funeral. But they have the most gorgous botanical garden I have ever seen. The victoria lillies in the pond are phenominal. The herb garden is spectacular, as is the Summer Goodman memorial garden and they built Summer House which serves as banquet hall. I think maybe I am ready to go back and visit.
It was kind of tearful when I went there last time as they just had the ground breaking for the Summer house..that was..wow.. like 7 years ago.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

My husband came into the room as I was looking at the gardening gloves yesterday. i was telling him I was getting them for all my friends for Christmas. So he asked me to send him the web site & my size so he can get me some for Christmas!!!! I guess he does occassionally listen to me.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Not only are those gloves on sale, if you by 2 of the same color/size, they are an addition $1 off!!!! 6 of my friends are getting them for Christmas. And I boght some of the worm poop orchid fertilizer!!!!!

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Sounds like some great places. Let's think about times where they will be there best and schedule a visit.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)


When you get back to Jax. Trads in Mandarin sells worm poop. 5lbs. for $7.99

Lake City, FL(Zone 8b)

The Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Gainesville has their annual Fall Plant Sale, the 18th and 19th of this month. Admission is free and they have had in the past lots of great plant vendors. I prefer the fall sale as it is less crowded and more plants instead of crafts.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Speaking of Trads, when my sis was in Hawaii she was trying to find me a Medinilla "Lalique" to have shipped for my birthday (9/26). She couldn't find a retail vendor there, so she went to Big Island Growers and they connected her with Trads to order the Magnifica through the mainland. That was Sept 18th. We are still waiting for Trad's to send it to me. Evidently not a mail order outlet. Spoken to them twice and they are promising to send it. Last conversation, maybe Monday.

Maybe I should have a friend pick it up and bring it or send to me.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Qwilter, glad your hubby is listening. I know you will enjoy them.

Well, bad news, I found out I'm working on the 11th. Hope you all have a great time. I'm so jealous! I'm going to make it to the zoo one of these days. It would have been so nice to have a guided tour though.

Lake City, FL(Zone 8b)

Molly, I'll be in Jacksonville on Friday, do you want me to stop by Trad's and pick it up and get it to you? I used to live in Mandarin and know exactly where it is.

I can either mail it or I'm going to go to Kanapaha on the 19th? Let me know.

I don't mind at all.


Jacksonville, FL

Juga--I was there this week! I always buy their composted potting soil which is excellent for my potted plants! I have been a regular customer for years and they even give me a small discount now!!
Rhonda--I hate that you can't make the trip. I'm sure we will have another one down the road. I am hoping to get the job tomorrow but if I do I may have to work 1/2 a day Sat as well. Will know more after I interview with them again.
Jeremy--I potted up the Muical note as soon as I dug them up and despite watering every day they look wilty--any suggestions???
Wren--how is your Dad doing?? I hope he is improving and that youre doing well! And that Andre is behaving.
Well let me go get productive once again!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I was actually scheduled off, but the person who was suppose to work needed off for a family gathering. Family does win out, even when I wanted to go to the Zoo. Giving a little does make you feel good though.

Jacksonville, FL

Yea I found out I am scheduled to work but I am going to ask for a half day off as I REALLY want to go and and there will be 3 other techs ( which is normal for us everyother week) and we don't start seeing patients will 10am. How long do you think the tour will last? We don't see patients from 12-2 pm and if I make it in before 2pm there shouldn't be a problem.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Judy, Thanks for the offer and I might just take you up on it. Let me call them tomorrow to talk to them about it and I'll d-mail you.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Linda Dad is about the same. And so is the demon child. I just found a cart that I may get for him to pull, that will slow him down!!!!!!!!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi, Judy. I hope you will stop by here on Friday, if you get a chance. I think there was at least one plant you wanted from me, but I've lost track. You will be amazed to see how the Stromanthe sanguinea 'tricolor' http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/59470/ that you sent to me several years ago by way of Molly (if I recall correctly) has grown. It is now about 3 ft high. Also the Ribbon Bush/Tapeworm Plant is doing great and keeps growing taller. (Homalocladium platycladium http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/54262/

If we can get the zoo tour started shortly after 9 AM, it should be over around 11 AM, The plan was then to have lunch in the picnic grounds. Lunch should be over by 2 PM (but those that want to skip lunch and leave early is fine by me and I'm sure with others).

For those that can't make it next Saturday, just give me some advance notice of when you want to go to the zoo and I can take you on a guided tour. I only live 2 miles from the zoo, have a membership this year, and always enjoy going there to see how the gardens are doing.

The University of Florida has several demonstration gardens (including their poinsettia plant trials for new cultivars which go on sale in late November). As a Master Gardener under the auspices of UF, I might be able to coordinate a trip to see some of their greenhouses and gardens. I would have to check with our local Extension Office to see if that is possible.


Lake City, FL(Zone 8b)

Jeremy - I'm coming thru town with mom and sis in tow, we are headed to my son's house at Neptune Beach. My mom loves the beach and everytime she comes down here we try to make it a point to take her there. What we do is park her butt in a comfy chair with a cooler and umbrella and cell phone and let her just enjoy herself :-) and usually about dark, we go drag her back to my son's house. She loves reading and just sitting there soaking it all in.

Jeremy -I'm going to try to get a group together from down here one day in the next couple of months to come up and let you do the tour thing again if you don't mind. :-) It's so nice to see stuff with someone that knows and I'm so sorry I am going to miss the one on Saturday.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sounds great to me, Judy. If you do get a chance to swing by during the Neptune Beach get-away, just give me a call and come by. The zoo tour for your friends would be fun. I do enjoy showing off the zoo, even if I'm not an active participant anymore, other than volunteering occasionally.

I'll check back through my E-mails from the Extension Office to get the time/place for the MG workshop in Nassau County. I think it was mostly dealing with vegetable crops, which I would find interesting. I was worried about not having any training hours this year, but realized that I had studied the manual and passed the Florida Certified Horticulture Professional exam. That should count for something! LOL


This message was edited Oct 6, 2008 11:13 AM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

By the way, I ordered myself a pair of those gloves that Rhonda showed us, along with a platform bird feeder. I've been wanting one of those feeders so I can put larger seed and fruit out for the birds. The one I have is good for up to the size of a cardinal... and occasionally a blue jay. But the blue jay has to know how to eat sideways! The feeder I have is just a cheap thing, but the birds that do come to it seem to like it. I get them all day long at it. It's to the side of the house. I plan to put the new one in the back yard.

I've about got all the plants ready for Sunday. I still have a few to dig and pot. I'm off to the vet with the dog today though. My baby!!


Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Donna, the zoo tour is Saturday at 9am. You listed Sunday on your last post. Whoops. : )

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

For some reason I've had Sunday on the brain. Sorry, my bad!!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Donna let me know how you like the gloves.

Jacksonville, FL

Ok! I guess I dressed for success today and gave them my best sales speech--they hired my and I start tomorrow!!! He told me if we can get caught up by Friday he will let me off for saturday. I don't think that will be a problem since the people working there are on slow speed and I will get in high gear and will get this done!! It's gonna be another real experience working with non-sign people with little experience and teach them and get them better trained.
Hopefully now I can make the zoo tour.

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Congratulations Linda! I'm so happy for you.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

YIPEE!!!!! I know you are relieved. They are lucky to have you. Just make sure you get everything done, so you can join us on Saturday. It won't be the same without you.


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Congrats mistressgardener!!!! Get them motivated and get to the Zoo!!!

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Okay guys and gals,

An update on our Zoo tour.

Date: Saturday, October 11th
Time: 9 am
Place: Jeremy where is the best place for us to meet?

After the tour we are gathering for lunch. It was decided by the majority to just have a bagged lunch. So in otherwords, bring what you want to eat and drink. LOL

A plant trade/swap will also be available for those who are interested.

The weather looks pretty good, could be a little warm in the afternoon, so come prepared.

That is about all I can think of. If anyone has anything else to add, please feel free.

Looking forward to seeing you all!


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Does anyone know if the zoo takes debit bank cards? If not, I will need to make sure I stop and get cash. I don't keep any cash on me.

Also, do we know approximately how many of us will be there now? I know there was a list before, but some have said they couldn't make it, some have come in and said they were coming. Just curious... cause I got a lot of plants to get rid of!!

Another thing... I still intend on video taping the tour... so brush up your vocal chords Jeremy!! I will make a DVD from it. It will take a week or so, depending on how much work I have to do on the video (editing and such), before it will be complete. I intend to provide the people who come on the tour Saturday with a copy, free of charge. If anyone else wants one, folks not there Saturday, there be a nominal cost to cover supplies and postage if necessary. A couple of bucks at most. So when you come Saturday, at some point, be sure to have me write down your name for a copy if you want one. I will get it to you guys some how... either by mail or by seeing you at other events. But that can be worked out.

Hopefully tomorrow I will finish potting up everything I need to bring.


Jacksonville, FL

How very nice of you DonnaA2Z!!! I am coming fro sure with husband and 3 kids in tow. I have the whole day off Saturday. I am really interested in getting cutting etc. I do not have much to offer in way of trades, and I am pretty sure that mostof what I have others already have.
Is there a comprehensive list of what plants are being brought to trade? The only thing I have an over abundance of is wisteria seed pods.. any takers?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I've listed what I intend to bring if you'll scroll up. As far as anyone else, I can't say. There isn't a "master list" of sorts. Jeremy had said that he was going to make a list of what he was bringing if time permitted and he could. I do think he is also bringing a lot, as he indicated he would load up his van.

I was going to bring some white ginger lily, but I think it's the same as you said you were going to bring... so, I decided against it.

Everything I have is for the taking. No trade is necessary or expected. Just one thing I think should be the case.... since Jeremy is going to do the tour, he gets first dibs.

Take care!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

If I can come, still working on it, I will bring some epiphyllum oxypetalum cuttings.

I found my glasses.


Jacksonville, FL

Oh Ok DonnaA2Z. I completely understand that Jeremy gets first dibs. I need to decide what I need to bring with me, I won't have as many butterfly ginger to bring as I am doing a trade with some this week. Have we decided on where we are meeting?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

The zoo does take debit/credit cards for admission, gift shops, and food services. The only thing you need cash for, if I recall correctly, is the merry-go-round, stingray bay, and the train ride, if you purchase them separately. I think the zoo offers all of the above with admission if you pay for the add-ons of your choice at the time you buy your zoo admission ticket.

The best place for us to meet is outside the main entrance of the zoo under the large overhead sign. That will be least confusing for everyone.

If you have plants to give away/trade, try to park in the far end of the southeast corner of the parking lot. That will make it easier for us to get the plants out of vehicles after our brown bag lunch. To get to the SE corner of the parking lot, after you turn off Zoo Parkway/Heckscher Drive and are going along the first part of the zoo entrance road, at the first stop sign, continue straight forward (do not turn right or left). You will then be heading along the east chain link fence of the zoo in a 2 lane (both directions) section of the parking lot. Continue straight forward. When you get as far as you can go without veering to the left to go into the facilities one lane road, you will see a pole with two green signs - one pointing straight ahead for facilities, the other pointing to the right for the picnic area. Turn right and you will see the picnic area on your left within about 50 ft.. If you park in that corner of the parking lot, you will need to take a hike across the diagonal to the northeast corner of the parking lot for the main zoo entrance where we will congregate. By 11 AM, when the tour is over and we walk to the picnic area for our brown bag lunch and plant giveaway, the zoo parking lot will probably be nearly full, so it is best to grab the spots near the picnic area early in the morning to facilitate the plant giveaway.

I will show everyone the butterfly garden at the end of the tour as we head toward the picnic area, rather than at the beginning of the tour as I had mentioned previously. I think it will be easiest if we meet outside the large overhead sign at the zoo main entrance.

Thanks for offering me first dibs on the giveaway plants, but I prefer a more democratic method. Maybe we can all draw numbers and select one plant each time our number comes up in succession until all the plants are gone?

I would like to begin the tour right around 9 AM, so it would be best if everyone could arrive around 8:45 AM. If you get lost or delayed, we will be heading across the zoo train RR tracks, then turn left down the main path of the zoo until we get to Range of the Jaguar, then we will go in that exhibit to see the plants (NOT THE JAGUARS!!! LOL You will need to put your blinders on and ignore the big cats as they pace their cage wishing they could eat you for breakfast), then continue down the main path to Trout River Garden, discuss the new Asia Garden under construction, check in briefly at Play Park for the native plants landscaping, back up the main path to Wild Florida and go through that path to see more wildflowers and native plants, and end up back at the zoo main entrance. Then head to the picnic area, pausing to see the butterfly garden at the Education Center as our last stop.

The videotape should be fun. I may have to brush up on plant names and plan our stops along the path to keep it flowing. In my younger days in NYC, I used to get Screen Actors Guild minimum base pay for TV and video appearances, but I think the union will make an exception for this event. LOL

If anyone wants to join us at the last minute if plans change, you are welcome to, just try to be at the zoo main entrance by around 8:45 AM.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
See you Saturday!


This message was edited Oct 7, 2008 11:42 AM

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