Flowers in the garden #3

Coffs Harbour, Australia

New thread. We came from here.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I'm off to get some pics for you Terri.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread Sue, now you hurry back with your spring gardens for us!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for the new thread Sue. While we are waiting.. here's a few flowers from my garden which is winding down.

A few Dahlias here, the yellow crocosmia in the pot didn't flower, so I'm going to put it in the ground and hope it flowers next year!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Nasturtiums (sp)?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Very nice end of seasons photos. Isn't it funny how all of a sudden the dahlias appear to be everywhere? I guess I am just noticing them more because they are lonely blooms these days.
Those nasturtiums are just as vibrant as they could possibly be.

london England, United Kingdom

Chinese lantern with spider!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Nice, my lanterns are still green as can be!

london England, United Kingdom

I love them when they are green!!! Over the fence, my neighbours fuschia is looking good!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now that is gorgeous! Reminds me I killed one once.

london England, United Kingdom

hahaha! so did I. My neighbour has given me cuttings and small plants several times, they just don't grow on this side of the fence!!!!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

*Huff, puff* Sorry I'm late. Lovely pics Terri. My Grandad used to grow Fuschias, and we used to twirl them by the stem and pretend they were ballerinas.
I went out in the garden and never came back in! Hubby had me working like a dog in the garden today too, but it looks terrific! We have visitors (on his side) next weekend, so we're in clean up and impress mode! Pffftttt!
This is my most vibrant Clivia. There are bunches of them out at the mo, but this one is always the best
Oh my aching back!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

heres what I was told is an Evening Primrose? This is the first year I have had them, and am happy for them to self seed everywhere.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

this is a Hippeastrium (or Amyrallis) my sister gave me a few years ago. It has about 4 bulbs now and a couple of flower stems.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

this is the Native violet that is growing like crazy in all the shadey spots. I like it too.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

A variegated Japanese Iris flower, the first since I planted it 2 years ago! There is a little spider on the right hand top flower.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Your company is gonna be quite impressed! That clivia is wonderful!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Candee. I'm really loving the garden and the weather right now! I'm making the most of it before the heat of summer sets in and sizzles everything, and the bark will soon be peeling off the gums and falling throughout the garden, squashing and breaking plants as it does. But lets not think about that right now. Whats happening with your season at the moment?
Are you going into Autumn/Fall?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yep, fall season here. Temps nice in the 70's and not humid, cool evenings which I really like about in the 50-60 range. Soon the trees will be changing colors and that is always a lovely site especially up at the cabin.
I have most of my tropicals already taken inside, i.e., pineapples, jasmine, caladium, elephant ears, pineapple lily. Still need to bring in the passiflora, vigna caracalla and bromliad. The passiflora and vigna are still blooming.
I also need to pull up all the dahlias and wash and dry the tubers for next year, but they are blooming profusely right now as well.
Also been deadheading the spent zinnias to gather their seed for next year, so mostly just winterizing here.

So that bark off the gums, is it quite heavy? What makes it peel away? Guess I need to look up gum trees.

london England, United Kingdom

Lovely flowers Sue. I'm sure your visitors will love it. How is the new shade house coming along?
I thought evening primrose was yellow? Is the Clivia from a bulb? it looks really special. Love your Iris, well worth the wait!!
There's not much flowering here, it's Autumn for sure and every year I wish I had planted more for late colour!!
I guess it's time to enjoy the foliage and the lovely autumn colours, seed heads and berries.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I looked up the gum trees, had no idea they were eucalyptus, again I learn somethin new every day. Now just wish I could remember some of it LOL!
About the only thing really bloomin here is the black eyed susans and the dahlias but those dahlias are soon to come inside. Oops forgot those couple passiflora and vignas that will have to come in as well. I'll soon be taking pics of my inside garden which is the end of my bedroom and a bit cramped, but serves the purpose for the winter.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

The gum bark varies, as each species ahs different types, i.e stringy, papery and flakey. I don't mind the flakey stuff, but the stringy stuff comes off in pieces up to 3mtres long! Its just messy really. Mostly too big to mow up.
I'm sooo glad I don't have to bring plants in for the change of season. I can't remember how it was when living in a cooler climate, because I wasn't really into plants then anyway.
Yes Terri, I have the yellow one, (evening primrose) but this pink one was given to me with the same name. I should put it in the ID forum and see what it really is. Later! The Clivias are a bit like an Agapanthus in the bulbous root. They grow very well from seed, and form clumps also, which devide easy. They are quite shade and drought tolerant, so perfect for under trees.
I've got alot in flower, but most you have seen already. I got one foxglove self seeded, and it's almost out in bloom.
Here is part of the Bromeliad garden today. Some of the old bromeliad flowers look even better than when they were in full bloom!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Your broms look very satisfied in their setting, what an inviting place to view.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks for the info on the plants Sue. OOOOhhhhhhhh wish I was one of your visitors, really need some warm sunshine! The bromelaid garden looks so exotic and makes me want to be there!
Think I'll be organising a trip from the cafe over to your place sue! I have a London bus to take us through cyber space, hope you don't mind if we crash at your paradise for the weekend? Is the swimming pool warm yet?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

The pool is 24 degrees celcius, or about 80 degrees farenheit. I have been cleaning it all week, adding soda ash, salt and a splash of chlorine, but it looks pretty good and sparkly actually. Took a sample to the pool shop and they said it's perfect! Yahoo!
I'll be swimming tomorrow! Wanted to go in this arvy, but i was dirty from work, and didn't want to dirty the sparkly water!
Everyone come on over! Bring a tent, a caravan or sleep under the starts! theres heaps of room and I'd love to have you all. I'll put on a cheese and dip platter, or fruit platter, plus beer and wine!
See you there!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Gorgeous Iris Sue! they don't do very well in my garden. Infact I dont have any!!!
The pool sounds fabulous, can't wait to get in!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia
Jump on in Terri

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh the pool sounds splendid 80, back here we need that. We have gotten in the hottub a couple times already and just hate to get out, so may pop over the next time we submerge!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I'm just loving this foxglove! I wish there were more of them!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

This is a pretty one Sue, so there is just the one? How did you let that happen?

BTW, how many more blonde moments do you think I will have before I am completely crazed??? I posted my recent flowers in the garden on the last thread? duh!

This message was edited Oct 6, 2008 7:47 AM

london England, United Kingdom

Hahahahaha you're so funny Candee! I'll go and see your flowers in the other thread then!!

Sue, you will have millions of seeds from that foxglove, lots more to look forward to.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I had millions of seeds from last years lot, but I must've mulched too well. I'll have to learn to either sow them in seed trays, or keep a clear patch of ground to get the seeds going in. Doh!
I'll go look at your pics too Candee. I'm also about to go and start the grand opening of the Flowerpot Cafe', so get your frocks on!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sue and Candee,
I jumped into Sue's pool and forgot to come up! I'm Having a lovely time down under.

My garden is looking a complete mess. We had a storm last night which blew down my jasmine arch, can't get down the path at all now!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The view from the other side.....
I haven't got the energy to sort it out!!

Still not feeling good, can't seem to shake of this cough and head cold.
Thanks for the new cafe' thread Sue. I'll be along there soon.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh no, I do wish I could be there to help you pick up the pieces. do you usually cut back the jasmine for the winter, if so that could help the sorting a lot.
Do wish you were getting better instead of lingering with that cold stuff. You likely overdid yourself and just didn't tell us. Now don't worry bout that arbor, there is plenty of time of get it straightened out and will be much easier if you have a clear head and fit body. Take it easy and you will see!

I had to bring in the vigna and passi the other day due to potential frost and what a mess sorting that was as well, the vigna had rooted to the isle and the vines half blooming and half not all intertwined and could not bring in due to space issues unless cut way back. Same with the passi and that had twined and captured everything in its path as well.

Now do get yourself well, try some hot tea with lemon (I know you don't like it, but try it)! Better yet put a drop of rum in it and you shall be amazed how that may clear your head.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Thanks for the well wishes, my cough is still lingering, it's keeping me awake! It's good to have friends to chat to in the middle of the night!!!!!
Are you expecting frost all ready??? seems summer was so short this year.

I haven't done much with the arch yet, just tied it to the Forsythia next to it for now.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Good luck to all of you who have to move your plants indoor for the winter. I tend to be on the lazy side, so I have very few frost tender plants. I did try growing a plumeria once - keep it alive for a few years but it never bloomed. I forgot to move it into the corner of the porch early enough two years ago and it died. So, I stopped trying to grow plants that I cannot leave outside. I applaud all of you for your diligence in taking such good care of your tender plants.

Sue - it is refreshing to see all your new blooms as we are getting into our winter months. Soda ash in your pool - that is something new for me. I am now the new caretaker of our pool so I am learning how to care for it. What does the soda ash do?

Terri - hope you are fully recuperated now.

Here's a photo from last week. This is the end of much of the color in my garden.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
london England, United Kingdom

Your garden still looks colourful, Thanks for showing us.
Thanks Dianne, I'm fine now. I've just had a week off work for half term, been visiting relos!!

Sue eeeeeeeeeeeee! Where's all your gorgeous flowers?? We need to see some, it helps with the winter blues..LOL!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, hey Dianne, I might have got the name wrong, its to raise the alkalinity. It's soda something, or something of soda? Derrr!
Just having to install some programmes to resize my pics. Had a computer glitch today and had to reformat, so bear with me.
All done, Lovely Iris's that just go on and on!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi sue, your Iris is a gorgeous colour, Thanks for sharing! Hope the computer glitch is sorted now?

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