Flowers in the garden #3

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Terri, you will get to see them eventually, but after 2 years and plenty of fertiliser, still no blooms on the heliconia! How about this one instead, a Bromeliad called Portea petropolitana var. Extensa. What a mouthful. Its not to everyones taste, as it's a spikey customer. I think it has its charms. This flower spike hasn't opened yet i think (not sure as its the first flowers)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Not a very good shot, because I chopped the top off, but you can see the whole plant, and why its not for everyone. Lucky I see it with a mothers love! LOL

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Ohhhhh I love it!!! please may I adopt it if you are not too keen? lol
Thanks Sue, dont forget to show us when it opens, I can't wait!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Neat, the leaves remind me of my pineapple this time of year as it is yellowish. I like the weird and wonderful!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

It was a nice sunny day yesterday and I took a stroll through the yard and found the following in bloom. The last gerbera

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

abuliton - this has been blooming since spring

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh thanks for letting me join you on your stroll Dianne, blooms are sure a welcome site here in this sleet!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Candee - how nice to have some company.....and around the corner is a cecil brunner rose

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

pink sasanqua camellia

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Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)


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Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)


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Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

the last alstromeria for the season

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

hedychium gardnerianum -

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

narcissus. We had a unusually warm fall this year - extending the flowering season for the summer blooms and ushering in the fall/winter bloomers early.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dianne you are truly an inspiration. Believe it or not I had a dream last night that I went over to a friends house and walked around her garden (friend recently moved to a nursing home) and there were all sorts of things blooming like lilies and the bulbs were just in a tub of water and a couple roses and a number of other plants I could not identify in my dream. I was amazed that she had so much blooming and here I am with a dormant garden just the other side of town!
Musta been looking at you lovely individual blooms that inspired the dream.
Thanks, it was a great night's sleep, keep them coming. I can't imagine daffs blooming on 12/1!

london England, United Kingdom

Great! you still have many flowers Dianne. Thanks for the stroll around your garden today!
I wonder what you will create with some of those? lol.

sweet dreams Candee!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks Terri and Candee. Terri - creativity is what I am lacking. I need you there to give me ideas on what to do.....

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I feel your pain Dianne, I have learned a lot of tips and tricks from Terri, but they never quite seem to take on the beautiful character of her creations. I am full of ideas but the outcome is often "iffy" at best.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, Candee, you are at least one step ahead of me with the IDeas...... I guess my main advantage is mild weather and being on the constant lookout for plants that bloom at different times of the year. I just purchased about $100 worth of plants, mostly late summer bloomers, and until the first frost bloomers. Now if I can only keep them alive through the winter....

South, TX

Beautiful photos! Just took this today.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You got neat rocks Sally, that is quite attractive in the greenery.

london England, United Kingdom

I'll catch the next flying teapot over to you Dianne! Just let the plant material tell you what to make. LoL!
There are no 'iffy' creations around here Candee, every single one is a learning curve!!
Don't get rusty now!!

Beautiful textures there Sally, you ROCK!!

Sueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you gone walkabout again or what?????

South, TX

Well, I "HOPE" I "Rock!" HA!!!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a) would be so GREAT, Terri, if you really could take the flying teapot and come visit me. You could take all the stuff in my garden and show me what to do with them. I don't speak "plant" talk as well as you.

london England, United Kingdom

sshhhhhh dont tell anyone I speak 'plant' they might take me away!!!!!

Hope you keep rockin' Sally!

Flowers anyone?? nothing here all gone!

london England, United Kingdom

Sue, Have you got any Frangipani in the garden? Love those! need warming up over here, weather warning down to -10 tonight. Brrrr......

South, TX

Lots of flowers here. Just got inside. I have been weeding and trimming in the flower beds. Resting my back now, ha.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
South, TX


Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
South, TX

One more.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Sally, Nice to see your flowers, love that creamy coloured Nasturtium, awwww it's going to be a long time before mine flower again! Never thought I'd say it, but I'd love to be weeding LoL!
Don't over do it, have fun! Thanks for the pics, lovely bright colours!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Those are some perky purple pansies - say that 3 times really fast backwards! Thanks for sharing your warmth, we are in dire need of it right now!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Lovely gardens. I miss this thread. I wish spring would come sooner. Guess this would be a good time to weed and prepare the gardens?

South, TX

I do ALL I can before the heat and humidity come! I love working in the cool winter.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Its rather warm to be gardening here, but I got out in the early morning to snap some pics. Sorry terri, the Frangipani was too shaded.
Sally, Nasturtiums are soooo reliable and easy! Yummy. I also love pansies and violas, so cheerful.
How about some Marigolds grown from seed. I have just started toi deadhead them and spread the seed for next season.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is an Allamanda, a tropical flowering shrub that can also be a climber/trailer. I have it tied to a stake to get this effect.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

And good old kahili ginger, Hedychium gardnerianum. Unfortunately it is on the weeds list, so I'm not sure if I'll keep it. I do the responsible thing and cut the finished flower so there are no seeds, but I still feel guilty for having it!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
South, TX

Very pretty, Weed woman. It is hard to garden in really hot weather. I LOVE our fall, winter and spring, but NOT summer!

I took this the other day. One of my planters in front.

Thumbnail by Sallysblooms
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Lovely flowers, Sue and Sallysbloom.

Sue - my Hedychium garnerianum has never set seeds. I wish you could send your weeds this way - I am still trying to increase my patch. I got about 10 blooms this year, and would love more. And feel free to send the heat this way too.

Karma - you're right, this would be a good time to weed and prepare the garden. I do manage to come up with lots of excuses not to though - either it is too cold to go outside, or if it is nice and warm, I would rather go on some outing to take advantage of the nice weather. But, at some point, the weeds do become pesky and then it is a frantic rush to pull them out before they set seed.

South, TX

We bought lots of new mulch yesterday. I have been weeding and will add mulch soon.

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